An example: defining write/1 in C
Figure 7 shows a simplified definition of write/1 to illustrate the described functions. This simplified version does not deal with operators. It is called display/1, because it mimics closely the behaviour of this Edinburgh predicate.
foreign_t pl_display(term_t t) { functor_t functor; int arity, len, n; char *s; switch( PL_term_type(t) ) { case PL_VARIABLE: case PL_ATOM: case PL_INTEGER: case PL_FLOAT: PL_get_chars(t, &s, CVT_ALL); Sprintf("%s", s); break; case PL_STRING: PL_get_string_chars(t, &s, &len); Sprintf("\"%s\"", s); break; case PL_TERM: { term_t a = PL_new_term_ref(); PL_get_name_arity(t, &name, &arity); Sprintf("%s(", PL_atom_chars(name)); for(n=1; n<=arity; n++) { PL_get_arg(n, t, a); if ( n > 1 ) Sprintf(", "); pl_display(a); } Sprintf(")"); break; default: PL_fail; /* should not happen */ } } PL_succeed; }
Figure 7 : A Foreign definition of display/1