Linked African Traditional Medicine Triple Store

Welcome to the Web front-end of the ClioPatria triple store hosting the RDF data gathered in the context of the Linked African Traditional Medicine (linkedATM) project at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

African Traditional Medicine (ATM) is widely used in Africa as the first-line of treatment thanks to its accessibility and affordability. However, the lack of formalization of this knowledge can lead to safety issues and malpractice. We investigate a possible contribution of the Semantic Web in realizing the formalization and integration of ATM with data on conventional medicine. As a proof of concept we convert various ATM datasets and link them to conventional medical data. This results in a Linked ATM knowledge graph. A paper describing the proof of concept is currently under review.

Viewing the data

You are now looking at the ClioPatria user interface to the linked ATM data, which allows you to browse the data. One way to start is by browsing the RDF Graphs loaded. By selecting a graph, you can then click through to see basic statistics or download the graphs in multiple formats. You can also use the search field in the top-right corner to search for resources with matching labels. The search field has semantic auto-completion to allow you to select specific search terms.

For more complex queries, we have a number of interfaces to the SPARQL endpoint (Use the Query option in the top-menu. For example the great YASGUI). Machines can use SPARQL API with '/sparql/query='

Example SPARQL Queries

The following SPARQL query matches the use case "How does Malaria treatment differs in two different regions in Madagascar?".

The Sclerocarya birrea tree grows in both Southern and West Africa. However, the treatment purposes differ per country. The following query shows its use in Senegal:


Some of this information was provided by Hôpital Traditionnel de Keur Massar. For more information about the data contact Gossa Lo (gossa_lo at hotmail dot com) or victor de boer (