All predicatesShow -- Search form and reply

To be done
- Advanced search field
  • Limit to a directory
  • Whole-word search
Source search_form(+Options)//
Create a search input field. The input field points to /search?for=String on the current server. Options:
  • title(Title)
Source search_field(+Options)// is det[private]
Hookable predicate to display the search field. Hookability is provided to experiment with auto-completion outside this package.
Source search_reply(+For, +Options)// is det
Generate a reply searching for For. Options include
If summary (default), produce a summary-table. If long, produce full object descriptions.
Determine which databases to search. One of all, app, man
What part of the object to match. One of name, summary
If false, suppress the header.
Source search_reply(+For, +Options)// is det
Generate a reply searching for For. Options include
If summary (default), produce a summary-table. If long, produce full object descriptions.
Determine which databases to search. One of all, app, man
What part of the object to match. One of name, summary
If false, suppress the header.
Source matching_object_table(+Objects, +Options)// is det
Show a list of matching objects, similar to a result-set from search.
Source matches(+Format, +PerCategory, +Options)// is det[private]
Display search matches according to Format.
PerCategory- List of File-Objects
Source search_doc(+SearchString, -PerType:list, +Options) is det[private]
Return matches of SearchString as Type-PerFile tuples, where PerFile is a list File-ListOfObjects.
Source matching_object(+SearchString, -Object, +Options) is nondet[private]
Object matches SearchString. Options include
One of all, app, man.
One of name, summary
Object- Term of the form File-Item
To be done
- Deal with search syntax
Source optimise_search(+Spec, -Optimised)[private]
Optimise a search specification. Currently only deals with the simple case of first searching for a negation and then a positive term.
Source exec_search(+Spec, -Match, +Options) is nondet[private]
Spec is one of
and(Spec, Spec)
Intersection of the specification
Negation of the specification
Source search_spec(-Search)// is det[private]
Break a search string from the user into a logical expression.
 object_summary(?Object, ?Category, ?Section, ?Summary) is nondet[private]
True if Object is summarised by Summary. This multifile predicate can be extended with other search mechanisms. The returned objects must be handled by object_summaries//2 and objects//2.
Category- Atom describing the source.
Section- Reference to the context of Object.
 doc_category(Name, SortOrder, Description) is nondet[private]
Describe the various categories of search results. Used to create the category headers as well as the advanced search dialog.
SortOrder- Ranges 0..100. Lower values come first
Source apropos_match(+Needle, +Haystick) is semidet[private]
True if Needle can be found as a case-insensitive substring in Haystick.