35:- module(pldoc_search,
36 [ search_form//1, 37 search_reply//2, 38 matching_object_table//2 39 ]). 40:- use_module(library(http/html_write)). 41:- use_module(library(http/html_head)). 42:- use_module(library(dcg/basics)). 43:- use_module(library(occurs)). 44:- use_module(library(option)). 45:- use_module(library(pairs)). 46:- use_module(doc_process). 47:- use_module(doc_html). 48:- use_module(doc_index). 49:- use_module(doc_util). 50:- include(hooks).
60:- predicate_options(search_form//1, 1,
61 [ for(atom),
62 search_in(oneof([all,noapp,app,man])),
63 search_match(oneof([name,summary])),
64 search_options(boolean)
65 ]). 66:- predicate_options(search_reply//2, 2,
67 [ resultFormat(oneof([summary,long])),
68 search_in(oneof([all,noapp,app,man])),
69 search_match(oneof([name,summary])),
70 header(boolean),
71 edit(boolean),
72 pass_to(pldoc_index:doc_links//2, 2)
73 ]).
82search_form(Options) -->
83 { ( option(for(Value), Options)
84 -> Extra = [value(Value)]
85 ; Extra = []
86 ),
87 option(search_in(In), Options, all),
88 option(search_match(Match), Options, summary)
89 },
90 html(form([ id('search-form'),
91 action(location_by_id(pldoc_search))
92 ],
93 [ div([ \search_field([ name(for),
94 id(for)
95 | Extra
96 ])
97 ]),
98 \search_options(In, Match, Options)
99 ])).
101search_options(In, Match, Options) -->
102 { option(search_options(false), Options) },
103 !,
104 hidden(in, In),
105 hidden(match, Match).
106search_options(In, Match, _Options) -->
107 html(div(class('search-options'),
108 [ span(class('search-in'),
109 [ \radio(in, all, 'All', In),
110 \radio(in, app, 'Application', In),
111 \radio(in, man, 'Manual', In)
112 ]),
113 span(class('search-match'),
114 [ \radio(match, name, 'Name', Match),
115 \radio(match, summary, 'Summary', Match)
116 ]),
117 span(class('search-help'),
118 [ a(href(location_by_id(pldoc_package)+'pldoc.html#sec:browser'),
119 'Help')
120 ])
121 ])).
130search_field(Options) -->
131 prolog:doc_search_field(Options),
132 !.
133search_field(Options) -->
134 html([ input(Options, []),
135 input([ id('submit-for'),
136 type(submit),
137 value('Search')
138 ])
139 ]).
141radio(Radio, Field, Label, In) -->
142 { Field == In
143 -> Extra = [checked]
144 ; Extra = []
145 },
146 html([ input([ type(radio),
147 name(Radio),
148 value(Field)
149 | Extra
150 ]),
151 Label
152 ]).
154hidden(Name, Value) -->
155 html(input([type(hidden), name(Name), value(Value)])).
176:- html_meta
177 search_header(+, html, +, ?, ?). 178
179search_reply(For, Options) -->
180 { var(For) ; For == '' },
181 !,
182 search_header('', 'Using PlDoc search', Options),
183 html([ ul( class('search-help'),
184 [ li([ 'If you pause typing, the search box will display ',
185 'an auto completion list. Selecting an object jumps ',
186 'immediately to the corresponding documentation.'
187 ]),
188 li([ 'Searching for ', i('Name/Arity'), ', ',
189 i('Name//Arity'), ', ', i('Name'), ' or ',
190 i('C-function()'), ' ensures that ',
191 'matching definitions appear first in the search ',
192 'results'
193 ]),
194 li([ 'Other searches search through the name and summary ',
195 'descriptions in the manual.'
196 ])
197 ])
198 ]).
199search_reply(For, Options) -->
200 { search_doc(For, PerCategory, Options),
201 PerCategory \== [],
202 option(resultFormat(Format), Options, summary)
203 },
204 !,
205 search_header(For, [ 'Search results for ',
206 span(class(for), ['"', For, '"'])
207 ],
208 Options),
209 indexed_matches(Format, PerCategory, Options).
210search_reply(For, Options) -->
211 search_header(For, 'No matches', Options).
(_For, _Title, Options) -->
215 { option(header(false), Options) },
216 !,
217 html_requires(pldoc).
218search_header(For, Title, Options) -->
219 html_requires(pldoc),
220 doc_links('', [for(For)|Options]),
221 html(h1(class('search-results'), Title)).
228matching_object_table(Objects, Options) -->
229 { maplist(obj_cat_sec, Objects, Pairs),
230 group_hits(Pairs, Organized),
231 option(format(Format), Options, summary)
232 },
233 indexed_matches(Format, Organized, Options).
235obj_cat_sec(Object, Cat-(Section-Object)) :-
236 prolog:doc_object_summary(Object, Cat, Section, _Summary).
239indexed_matches(Format, PerCategory, Options) -->
240 { count_matches(PerCategory, Matches)
241 },
242 html([ div(class('search-counts'),
243 [ Matches, ' matches; ',
244 \count_by_category(PerCategory)
245 ])
246 | \matches(Format, PerCategory, Options)
247 ]).
249count_by_category([]) -->
250 [].
251count_by_category([Cat-PerFile|T]) -->
252 { count_category(PerFile, Count),
253 atom_concat(#, Cat, HREF)
254 },
255 html([ a(href(HREF), \category_title(Cat)),
256 ': ',
257 Count
258 ]),
259 ( {T == []}
260 -> []
261 ; html(', '),
262 count_by_category(T)
263 ).
265count_matches([], 0).
266count_matches([_-Cat|T], Count) :-
267 count_matches(T, Count0),
268 count_category(Cat, N),
269 Count is Count0 + N.
271count_category([], 0).
272count_category([_-Objs|T], Count) :-
273 count_category(T, Count0),
274 length(Objs, N),
275 Count is Count0 + N.
283matches(long, PerCategory, Options) -->
284 long_matches_by_type(PerCategory, Options).
285matches(summary, PerCategory, Options) -->
286 html(table(class(summary),
287 \short_matches_by_type(PerCategory, 1, Options))).
290long_matches_by_type([], _) -->
291 [].
292long_matches_by_type([Category-PerFile|T], Options) -->
293 category_header(Category, Options),
294 long_matches(PerFile, Options),
295 long_matches_by_type(T, Options).
298long_matches([], _) -->
299 [].
300long_matches([File-Objs|T], Options) -->
301 file_header(File, Options),
302 objects(Objs, Options),
303 long_matches(T, Options).
(Category, _Options) -->
306 html(h1(class(category), \category_title(Category))).
308short_matches_by_type([], _, _) -->
309 [].
310short_matches_by_type([Category-PerFile|T], Nth, Options) -->
311 category_index_header(Category, Nth, Options),
312 short_matches(PerFile, Options),
313 { succ(Nth, Nth1) },
314 short_matches_by_type(T, Nth1, Options).
316short_matches([], _) -->
317 [].
318short_matches([File-Objs|T], Options) -->
319 file_index_header(File, Options),
320 object_summaries(Objs, File, Options),
321 short_matches(T, Options).
(Category, Nth, _Options) -->
325 ( { Nth > 1 }
326 -> category_sep('category-top-sep')
327 ; []
328 ),
329 html(tr(th([class(category), colspan(3)],
330 a(name(Category), \category_title(Category))))),
331 category_sep('category-bottom-sep').
333category_sep(Which) -->
334 html(tr(th([class(Which), colspan(3)],
335 &(nbsp)))).
338category_title(Category) -->
339 { prolog:doc_category(Category, _Order, Title)
340 -> true
341 ; Title = Category
342 },
343 html(Title).
350search_doc(Search, PerType, Options) :-
351 findall(Tuples, matching_object(Search, Tuples, Options), Tuples0),
352 sort(Tuples0, Tuples),
353 group_hits(Tuples, PerType).
355group_hits(Tuples, PerType) :-
356 group_pairs_by_key(Tuples, PerCat0),
357 key_sort_order(PerCat0, PerCat1),
358 keysort(PerCat1, PerCat2),
359 pairs_values(PerCat2, PerCat),
360 group_by_file(PerCat, PerType).
362key_sort_order([], []).
363key_sort_order([Cat-ByCat|T0], [Order-(Cat-ByCat)|T]) :-
364 ( prolog:doc_category(Cat, Order, _Title)
365 -> true
366 ; Order = 99
367 ),
368 key_sort_order(T0, T).
371group_by_file([], []).
372group_by_file([Type-Tuples0|T0], [Type-ByFile|T]) :-
373 keysort(Tuples0, Tuples),
374 group_pairs_by_key(Tuples, ByFile),
375 group_by_file(T0, T).
391matching_object(Search, Type-(Section-Obj), Options) :-
392 atom_concat(Function, '()', Search),
393 Obj = c(Function),
394 option(search_in(In), Options, all),
395 prolog:doc_object_summary(Obj, Type, Section, _),
396 matching_category(In, Type).
397matching_object(Search, Type-(Section-Obj), Options) :-
398 ( atom_pi(Search, Obj0),
399 qualify(Obj0, Obj)
400 ; catch(atom_to_term(Search, Obj, _), _, fail)
401 ),
402 nonvar(Obj),
403 option(search_in(In), Options, all),
404 prolog:doc_object_summary(Obj, Type, Section, _),
405 matching_category(In, Type).
406matching_object(Search, Match, Options) :-
407 atom_length(Search, Len), Len > 1,
408 atom_codes(Search, Codes),
409 phrase(search_spec(For0), Codes),
410 ( For0 = not(_)
411 -> throw(error(bad_search(only_not), _))
412 ; optimise_search(For0, For),
413 exec_search(For, Match, Options)
414 ).
416qualify(Obj0, Obj) :-
417 Obj0 = _:_,
418 !,
419 Obj = Obj0.
420qualify(Obj, _:Obj).
429optimise_search(and(not(A0), B0), and(B, not(A))) :-
430 !,
431 optimise_search(A0, A),
432 optimise_search(B0, B).
433optimise_search(A, A).
446exec_search(and(A, B), Match, Options) :-
447 !,
448 exec_search(A, Match, Options),
449 exec_search(B, Match, Options).
450exec_search(Search, Type-(Section-Obj), Options) :-
451 option(search_in(In), Options, all),
452 option(search_match(Match), Options, summary),
453 prolog:doc_object_summary(Obj, Type, Section, Summary),
454 matching_category(In, Type),
455 ( Search = not(For)
456 -> \+ ( Match == summary,
457 apropos_match(For, Summary)
458 -> true
459 ; sub_term(S, Obj),
460 atom(S),
461 apropos_match(For, S)
462 )
463 ; ( Match == summary,
464 apropos_match(Search, Summary)
465 -> true
466 ; sub_term(S, Obj),
467 atom(S),
468 apropos_match(Search, S)
469 )
470 ).
473matching_category(all, _).
474matching_category(noapp, Category) :-
475 !,
476 Category \== application.
477matching_category(app, application).
478matching_category(man, manual).
484search_spec(Spec) -->
485 blanks,
486 prim_search_spec(A),
487 blanks,
488 ( eos
489 -> { Spec = A }
490 ; search_spec(B)
491 -> { Spec = and(A,B) }
492 ).
494prim_search_spec(Quoted) -->
495 "\"", string(Codes), "\"",
496 !,
497 { atom_codes(Quoted, Codes)
498 }.
499prim_search_spec(Spec) -->
500 nonblanks(Codes),
501 { Codes = [0'-,C0|Rest],
502 code_type(C0, csym)
503 -> atom_codes(Word, [C0|Rest]),
504 Spec = not(Word)
505 ; Codes \== [],
506 atom_codes(Spec, Codes)
507 }.
520prolog:doc_object_summary(Obj, Category, File, Summary) :-
521 once(prolog_object(Obj)),
522 current_prolog_flag(home, SWI),
523 doc_comment(Obj0, File:_Line, Summary, _Comment),
524 ( is_list(Obj0)
525 -> member(Obj, Obj0)
526 ; Obj = Obj0
527 ),
528 Obj \= _:module(_Title), 529 ( sub_atom(File, 0, _, _, SWI)
530 -> Category = library
531 ; Category = application
532 ).
534prolog_object(Var) :- var(Var), !.
550prolog:doc_category(application, 20, 'Application').
551prolog:doc_category(library, 80, 'System Libraries').
563apropos_match(Needle, Haystack) :-
564 sub_atom_icasechk(Haystack, _, Needle)
Search form and reply