prolog:xref_source_identifier(+Object, -Ref)[multifile, library(pce_prolog_xref)]
The cross-referencer runs faster if the reference is an indexable term. Therefore we strip the XPCE @ from the object.
 prolog:xref_source_identifier(+Object, -Ref)[multifile, library(pce_prolog_xref)]
The cross-referencer runs faster if the reference is an indexable term. Therefore we strip the XPCE @ from the object.
 prolog:xref_source_identifier(+Object, -Ref)[multifile, library(pce_prolog_xref)]
The cross-referencer runs faster if the reference is an indexable term. Therefore we strip the XPCE @ from the object.
 prolog:xref_source_identifier(+Object, -Ref)[multifile, library(pce_prolog_xref)]
The cross-referencer runs faster if the reference is an indexable term. Therefore we strip the XPCE @ from the object.
 prolog:xref_source_identifier(+Object, -Ref)[multifile, library(pce_prolog_xref)]
The cross-referencer runs faster if the reference is an indexable term. Therefore we strip the XPCE @ from the object.
 prolog:xref_source_identifier(+Object, -Ref)[multifile, library(pce_prolog_xref)]
The cross-referencer runs faster if the reference is an indexable term. Therefore we strip the XPCE @ from the object.
 prolog:xref_source_identifier(+Object, -Ref)[multifile, library(pce_prolog_xref)]
The cross-referencer runs faster if the reference is an indexable term. Therefore we strip the XPCE @ from the object.
 prolog:xref_source_identifier(+Object, -Ref)[multifile, library(pce_prolog_xref)]
The cross-referencer runs faster if the reference is an indexable term. Therefore we strip the XPCE @ from the object.
 prolog:xref_source_identifier(+Object, -Ref)[multifile, library(pce_prolog_xref)]
The cross-referencer runs faster if the reference is an indexable term. Therefore we strip the XPCE @ from the object.
 prolog:xref_source_identifier(+Object, -Ref)[multifile, library(pce_prolog_xref)]
The cross-referencer runs faster if the reference is an indexable term. Therefore we strip the XPCE @ from the object.
 prolog:xref_source_identifier(+Object, -Ref)[multifile, library(pce_prolog_xref)]
The cross-referencer runs faster if the reference is an indexable term. Therefore we strip the XPCE @ from the object.
 prolog:xref_source_identifier(+Object, -Ref)[multifile, library(pce_prolog_xref)]
The cross-referencer runs faster if the reference is an indexable term. Therefore we strip the XPCE @ from the object.
 prolog:xref_source_identifier(+Object, -Ref)[multifile, library(pce_prolog_xref)]
The cross-referencer runs faster if the reference is an indexable term. Therefore we strip the XPCE @ from the object.
 prolog:xref_source_identifier(+Object, -Ref)[multifile, library(pce_prolog_xref)]
The cross-referencer runs faster if the reference is an indexable term. Therefore we strip the XPCE @ from the object.
 prolog:xref_source_identifier(+Object, -Ref)[multifile, library(pce_prolog_xref)]
The cross-referencer runs faster if the reference is an indexable term. Therefore we strip the XPCE @ from the object.
 prolog:xref_source_identifier(+Object, -Ref)[multifile, library(pce_prolog_xref)]
The cross-referencer runs faster if the reference is an indexable term. Therefore we strip the XPCE @ from the object.
 prolog:xref_source_identifier(+Object, -Ref)[multifile, library(pce_prolog_xref)]
The cross-referencer runs faster if the reference is an indexable term. Therefore we strip the XPCE @ from the object.
 prolog:xref_source_identifier(+Object, -Ref)[multifile, library(pce_prolog_xref)]
The cross-referencer runs faster if the reference is an indexable term. Therefore we strip the XPCE @ from the object.
 prolog:xref_source_identifier(+Object, -Ref)[multifile, library(pce_prolog_xref)]
The cross-referencer runs faster if the reference is an indexable term. Therefore we strip the XPCE @ from the object.
 prolog:xref_source_identifier(+Object, -Ref)[multifile, library(pce_prolog_xref)]
The cross-referencer runs faster if the reference is an indexable term. Therefore we strip the XPCE @ from the object.
 prolog:xref_source_identifier(+Object, -Ref)[multifile, library(pce_prolog_xref)]
The cross-referencer runs faster if the reference is an indexable term. Therefore we strip the XPCE @ from the object.
 prolog:xref_source_identifier(+Object, -Ref)[multifile, library(pce_prolog_xref)]
The cross-referencer runs faster if the reference is an indexable term. Therefore we strip the XPCE @ from the object.
 prolog:xref_source_identifier(+Object, -Ref)[multifile, library(pce_prolog_xref)]
The cross-referencer runs faster if the reference is an indexable term. Therefore we strip the XPCE @ from the object.
 prolog:xref_source_identifier(+Object, -Ref)[multifile, library(pce_prolog_xref)]
The cross-referencer runs faster if the reference is an indexable term. Therefore we strip the XPCE @ from the object.
 prolog:xref_source_identifier(+Object, -Ref)[multifile, library(pce_prolog_xref)]
The cross-referencer runs faster if the reference is an indexable term. Therefore we strip the XPCE @ from the object.
 prolog:xref_source_identifier(+Object, -Ref)[multifile, library(pce_prolog_xref)]
The cross-referencer runs faster if the reference is an indexable term. Therefore we strip the XPCE @ from the object.
 prolog:xref_source_identifier(+Object, -Ref)[multifile, library(pce_prolog_xref)]
The cross-referencer runs faster if the reference is an indexable term. Therefore we strip the XPCE @ from the object.
 prolog:xref_source_identifier(+Object, -Ref)[multifile, library(pce_prolog_xref)]
The cross-referencer runs faster if the reference is an indexable term. Therefore we strip the XPCE @ from the object.
 prolog:xref_source_identifier(+Object, -Ref)[multifile, library(pce_prolog_xref)]
The cross-referencer runs faster if the reference is an indexable term. Therefore we strip the XPCE @ from the object.
 prolog:xref_source_identifier(+Object, -Ref)[multifile, library(pce_prolog_xref)]
The cross-referencer runs faster if the reference is an indexable term. Therefore we strip the XPCE @ from the object.
 prolog:xref_source_identifier(+Object, -Ref)[multifile, library(pce_prolog_xref)]
The cross-referencer runs faster if the reference is an indexable term. Therefore we strip the XPCE @ from the object.
 prolog:xref_source_identifier(+Object, -Ref)[multifile, library(pce_prolog_xref)]
The cross-referencer runs faster if the reference is an indexable term. Therefore we strip the XPCE @ from the object.
 prolog:xref_source_identifier(+Object, -Ref)[multifile, library(pce_prolog_xref)]
The cross-referencer runs faster if the reference is an indexable term. Therefore we strip the XPCE @ from the object.
 prolog:xref_source_identifier(+Object, -Ref)[multifile, library(pce_prolog_xref)]
The cross-referencer runs faster if the reference is an indexable term. Therefore we strip the XPCE @ from the object.
 prolog:xref_source_identifier(+Object, -Ref)[multifile, library(pce_prolog_xref)]
The cross-referencer runs faster if the reference is an indexable term. Therefore we strip the XPCE @ from the object.
 prolog:xref_source_identifier(+Object, -Ref)[multifile, library(pce_prolog_xref)]
The cross-referencer runs faster if the reference is an indexable term. Therefore we strip the XPCE @ from the object.
 prolog:xref_source_identifier(+Object, -Ref)[multifile, library(pce_prolog_xref)]
The cross-referencer runs faster if the reference is an indexable term. Therefore we strip the XPCE @ from the object.
 prolog:xref_source_identifier(+Object, -Ref)[multifile, library(pce_prolog_xref)]
The cross-referencer runs faster if the reference is an indexable term. Therefore we strip the XPCE @ from the object.
 prolog:xref_source_identifier(+Object, -Ref)[multifile, library(pce_prolog_xref)]
The cross-referencer runs faster if the reference is an indexable term. Therefore we strip the XPCE @ from the object.
 prolog:xref_source_identifier(+Object, -Ref)[multifile, library(pce_prolog_xref)]
The cross-referencer runs faster if the reference is an indexable term. Therefore we strip the XPCE @ from the object.
 prolog:xref_source_identifier(+Object, -Ref)[multifile, library(pce_prolog_xref)]
The cross-referencer runs faster if the reference is an indexable term. Therefore we strip the XPCE @ from the object.
 prolog:xref_source_identifier(+Object, -Ref)[multifile, library(pce_prolog_xref)]
The cross-referencer runs faster if the reference is an indexable term. Therefore we strip the XPCE @ from the object.