- prolog
- lib
- swi_ide.pl -- SWI-Prolog IDE controller
- pce.pl
- swi_compatibility.pl -- XPCE Compatibility layer
- pce_dispatch.pl -- Run XPCE in a separate thread
- swi_hooks.pl -- Hook XPCE based graphics tools into IDE
- pce_debug.pl
- pce_meta.pl -- Reflection support for XPCE
- pce_util.pl
- swi_help.pl -- XPCE-based graphical frontend for online help
- persistent_frame.pl -- Save/restore layout of XPCE windows
- pce_config.pl -- XPCE congifuration database
- swi_preferences.pl -- Edit preferences files
- pce_tick_box.pl
- pce_emacs.pl -- PceEmacs toplevel
- pce_manual.pl -- Start XPCE manual
- portray_object.pl -- Create Human readable XPCE object descriptions
- pce_help_file.pl
- gui_tracer.pl -- Graphical debugger utilities
- toolbar.pl
- help_message.pl
- imageops.pl
- pce_report.pl
- tabular.pl
- prolog_predicate.pl
- pce_arm.pl
- pce_template.pl
- tabbed_window.pl
- hyper.pl
- pce_image.pl
- pce_xref.pl -- Cross-referencer front-end
- pce_toc.pl
- pce_unclip.pl
- pce_tagged_connection.pl
- dragdrop.pl
- pce_prolog_xref.pl
- print_graphics.pl
- pce_shell.pl
- autowin.pl
- pce_main.pl
- lib
- get_chain(+Object, +Selector, -List:list) is semidet
- List is a Prolog list constructed from the PCE chain returned by <-Selector on Object. get_chain/3 returns a list of object names,