Table for the 33 triples for predicate rdfs:comment

rdf:Alt"The class of containers of alternatives."
rdf:Bag"The class of unordered containers."
rdfs:Class"The class of classes."
rdfs:comment"A description of the subject resource."
rdfs:Container"The class of RDF containers."
rdfs:ContainerMembershipProperty"The class of container membership properties, rdf:_1, rdf:_2, ..., all of which are sub-properties of 'member'."
rdfs:Datatype"The class of RDF datatypes."
rdfs:domain"A domain of the subject property."
rdf:first"The first item in the subject RDF list."
rdf:HTML"The datatype of RDF literals storing fragments of HTML content"
rdfs:isDefinedBy"The defininition of the subject resource."
rdfs:label"A human-readable name for the subject."
rdf:langString"The datatype of language-tagged string values"
rdf:List"The class of RDF Lists."
rdfs:Literal"The class of literal values, eg. textual strings and integers."
rdfs:member"A member of the subject resource."
rdf:nil"The empty list, with no items in it. If the rest of a list is nil then the list has no more items in it."
rdf:object"The object of the subject RDF statement."
rdf:PlainLiteral"The class of plain (i.e. untyped) literal values, as used in RIF and OWL 2"
rdf:predicate"The predicate of the subject RDF statement."
rdf:Property"The class of RDF properties."
rdfs:range"A range of the subject property."
rdfs:Resource"The class resource, everything."
rdf:rest"The rest of the subject RDF list after the first item."
rdfs:seeAlso"Further information about the subject resource."
rdf:Seq"The class of ordered containers."
rdf:Statement"The class of RDF statements."
rdfs:subClassOf"The subject is a subclass of a class."
rdf:subject"The subject of the subject RDF statement."
rdfs:subPropertyOf"The subject is a subproperty of a property."
rdf:type"The subject is an instance of a class."
rdf:value"Idiomatic property used for structured values."
rdf:XMLLiteral"The datatype of XML literal values."