Instances in graph set2_madagascar.trig sorted by label

?:Abrahamia grandidieri (Engl.) Randrian. & Lowry Randrianarivony2
?:Abrus precatorius subsp. africanus Verdc.L.2
?:Acacia bellula Drake Phillipson2
?:Acacia farnesiana (L.) Wild. Razanatsima2
?:Achyrocalyx decaryi Benoist2
?:Acridocarpus excelsus A. Juss. Randrianarivony2
?:Agave sisalana Prrine ex Engelm.2
?:Alchornea alnifolia (Bojer ex Baill.) Pax & K. Hoffm. Andriamihajarivo . Rakotoarivelo Randrianarivony 2
?:Allophylus cobbe var. "dissectus" Capuron Phillipson2
?:Aloe divaricata A. Berger2
?:Aloe L.2
?:Aloe vaombe Decorse & Poisson2
?:Ammannia pauciramosa S.A. Graham & Gandhi Randrianarivony2
?:Anacolosa pervilleana Baill. Randrianarivony2
?:Antidesma madagascariense Lam. Rakotoarivelo Randrianarivony2
?:Aristolochia albida Duch. Randrianarivony2
?:Asthma In Children2
?:Avoid Vomiting2
?:Avoid Vomiting In Children2
?:Baby'S Care2
?:Brexiella longipes H. Perrier2
?:Bridelia pervilleana Baill. Andriamihajarivo Randrianarivony2
?:Broken Member2
?:Buddleja madagascariensis Lam. Andriamihajarivo2
?:Buddleja sphaerocalyx Baker Rakotoarivelo Randrianarivony2
?:Byttneria voulily Baill. Randrianarivony Razanatsima2
?:Calming Nerves2
?:Capparis spinosa L2
?:Cardiac Problem In Children2
?:Cardiospermum halicacabum L. Randrianarivony2
?:Carica papaya L.2
?:Cedrelopsis grevei Baill. Randrianarivony2
?:Celtis cf. gomphophylla baker Rakotoarivelo2
?:Chenopodium ambrosioides L. Sussman2
?:Children'S Care2
?:Chloris barbata Sw.2
?:Citrus L.2
?:Coffea perrieri Drake ex Jum. & H. Perrier Andriamihajarivo Rakotoarivelo Randrianarivony2
?:Colic And Carminative In Children2
?:Colic And Diarrhea In Children2
?:Colic. Diarrhea2
?:Colic In Babies2
?:Colic In Children2
?:Conjunctivitis In Cattle2
?:Constipation In Babies2
?:Constipation In Baby2
?:Cough. Flu2
?:Cough In Children2
?:Cough. Pulmonary Infection2
?:Crateva greveana Baill. Manjakahery2
?:Crotalaria coursii M. Peltier Rakotoarivelo Randrianarivony2
?:Crotalaria retusa L. Phillipson2
?:Croton louvelii Leandri2
?:Cynanchum luteifluens var. longicoronae Liede Randrianarivony2
?:Cyperus alternifolius L.2
?:Dalbergia bracteolata Baker Rakotoarivelo Randrianarivony2
?:Dental Abscess2
?:Desmodium salicifolium (Poir.) DC. Randrianarivony Razanatsima2
?:Diarrhea In Children2
?:Distephanus polygalifolius (Less.) H. Rob. & B. Kahn2
?:Dizziness During Pregnancy2
?:Echinochloa colona (L.) Link2
?:Elachyptera minimiflora (H. Perrier) N. Hallé Randrianarivony2
?:Emilia humifusa DC. Rakotoarivelo2
?:Ensete aff. perrieri (Claverie) Cheesman2
?:Entada chrysostachys (Benth.) Drake Randrianarivony2
?:Epilepsy In Children2
?:Equisetum ramosissimum Desf. Randrianarivony Razanatsima2
?:Erythroxylum pervillei Baill. Phillipson2
?:Euphorbia alluaudii subsp. oncoclada (Drake) F.2
?:Euphorbia hirta L.2
?:Eye Infection2
?:Eye Stye2
?:Fever In Children2
?:Ficus botryoides Baker Rakotoarivelo Randrianarivony Razanatsima2
?:Ficus sycomorus L. Randrianarivony2
?:Flacourtia ramontchi L'Hér Manjakahery2
?:Flu In Children2
?:Friedmann & Cremers Phillipson2
?:Garcinia pervillei (Planch. & Triana) Vesque Randrianarivony2
?:Gardenia rutenbergiana (Baill. ex Vatke) J.-F. Leroy Rakotoarivelo Randrianarivony2
?:Gastric Pain2
?:Gastric Ulcer2
?:Gonioma malagasy Markgr. & Boiteau Phillipson2
?:Gouania pannigera Tul. Andriamihajarivo2
?:Grewia lavanalensis Baill. Andriamihajarivo Razanatsima2
?:Gymnosporia linearis (L. f.) Loes. Razanatsima2
?:Hazomalania voyronii (Jum.) Capuron2
?:Headache. Fever2
?:Headache. Fever In Children2
?:Head Lice2
?:Healing Uterus2
?:Heal Uterus2
?:Helichrysum faradifani Scott-Elliot Randrianarivony2
?:Henonia scoparia Moq. Randrianarivony2
?:Hibiscus ferrugineus Cav.2
?:Humbertiella decaryi (Hochr.) Dorr Phillipson2
?:Hymenodictyon glabrum (Cavaco) Razafim. & B.2
?:Induce Labor2
?:Infant'S Care2
?:Infected Wound2
?:Intestinal Pain2
?:Intoxication From Meat Eating2
?:Jatropha curcas L. Phillipson2
?:Lantana camara L.2
?:Late And Early Closing In Baby'S Fontanel2
?:Late Closing In Baby'S Fontanel2
?:Leonotis nepetifolia (L.) R. Br. Phillipson2
?:Leptadenia madagascariensis Decne. Randrianasolo2
?:Liver Disorders2
?:Low Back Pain2
?:Low Blood Pressure2
?:Maerua nuda Scott-Elliot Razanatsima2
?:Manihot esculenta Crantz2
?:Margaritaria L. f. Randrianarivony2
?:Marsdenia verrucosa Decne. Randrianarivony2
?:Mascarenhasia lisianthiflora A. DC. Rakotoarivelo Randrianarivony2
?:Measles In Children2
?:Metaporana parvifolia var. obtusa Verdc. Phillipson2
?:Millettia richardiana (Baill.) Du Puy & Labat Randrianarivony2
?:Moringa oleifera Lam.2
?:Neobeguea mahafaliensis J.-F. Leroy Manjakahery2
?:Nerves Swelling2
?:Noronhia buxifolia H. Perrier Andriamihajarivo Rakotoarivelo Randrianarivony2
?:Ocimum gratissimum L. Randrianarivony2
?:Ocimum gratissimum L. var. gratissimum Randrianarivony2
?:Ocotea trichantha Baker Andriamihajarivo Randrianarivony2
?:Orexigenic After Diarrhea2
?:Paederia grandidieri Drake Randrianarivony2
?:Pain And Dizziness During Pregnancy2
?:Painful Menstruation2
?:Panicum maximum Jacq. Randrianarivony2
?:Paracephalis Baill.2
?:Persicaria minor (Huds.) Opiz Randrianarivony2
?:Phyllanthus casticum Willemet Rakotoarivelo Randrianarivony2
?:Piper cf. borbonense (Miq.) C. DC. Andriamihajarivo2
?:Pluchea bojeri (DC.) Humbert Randrianarivony2
?:Post Partum Hemorrhage2
?:Post Partum Recovery2
?:Post Partum Recovery Of Cattle2
?:Prenatal Care2
?:Prenatal Care And Dizziness During Pregnancy2
?:Prenatal Care. Dizziness During Pregnancy2
?:Promote Lactation2
?:Psiadia altissima (DC.) Drake Randriatsivery2
?:Psiadia altissima var. occidentalis Humbert2
?:Psidium guajava L.2
?:Pulmonary Infection2
?:Pulmonary Infection In Children2
?:Remove Rest Of Placenta In Uterus2
?:Rhynchosia minima (L.) DC.2
?:Ricinus communis L. Phillipson2
?:Rinorea aff. greveana Baill. Andriamihajarivo Randrianarivony2
?:Ruellia geayi (Benoist) E. Tripp Andriamihajarivo2
?:Salvadora angustifolia Turrill Randrianarivony2
?:Sclerocarya birrea subsp. caffra (sond.) Kokwaro Rakotoarivelo2
?:Secamone capitata Klack.2
?:Senecio madagascariensis Poir. Rakotoarivelo2
?:Senna occidentalis (L.) Link Randrianarivony2
?:Sexually Transmitted Diseases2
?:Sida aff. cordifolia L. Randrianarivony2
?:Side Stitch2
?:Sprain. Back Pain2
?:Sprain In Cattle2
?:Stereospermum variabile H. Perrier Randrianarivony2
?:Strophanthus boivinii Baill. Andriamihajarivo2
?:Strychnos henningsii Gilg. Randrianarivony2
?:Strychnos madagascariensis Poir. Randrianarivony2
?:Suregada eucleoides Radcl. -Sm.Rakotoarivelo Randrianarivony2
?:Swelling Nerves2
?:Syphilitic Wound2
?:Tamarindus indica L.2
?:Tarenna grevei (Drake) Homolle Rakotoarivelo Randrianarivony2
?:Tetradenia nervosa Codd2
?:Tetrapterocarpon geayi Humbert Phillipson2
?:Toddalia asiatica (L.) Lam. Andriamihajarivo Rakotoarivelo Randrianarivony Randrianasolo2
?:Trema orientalis (L.) Blume Rakotoarivelo2
?:Tricalysia A. Rich. ex DC.2
?:Tridax procumbens L. Phillipson2
?:Twist. Strain2
?:Typha angustifolia L.2
?:Vanilla madagascariensis Rolfe2
?:Vepris unifoliolata (Baill.) Labat. M. Pignal & O. Pascal Andriamihajarivo Randrianarivony2
?:Vernonia poissonii Humbert Randrianarivony2
?:Vitex lanigera Schauer Andriamihajarivo Rakotoarivelo Randrianarivony2
?:Woodfordia fruticosa (L.) Kurz. Andriamihajarivo Randrianarivony2
?:Ximenia perrieri Cavaco & Keraudren Phillipson2
?:Yellow Fever2
?:Zanthoxylum tsihanimposa H. Perrier Randrianarivony Razanatsima2
?:Zea mays L.2
?:Zinziber officinale Rosc.2
?:Ziziphus spina-christi (L.) Desf.2