Time and date data structures
We use the following time representations
- TimeStamp
- A TimeStamp is a floating point number expressing the time in seconds since the Epoch at 1970-1-1.
- date(Y,M,D,H,Mn,S,Off,TZ,DST)
- We call this term a date-time structure. The first 5 fields are
integers expressing the year, month (1..12), day (1..31), hour (0..23)
and minute (0..59). The S field holds the seconds as a
floating point number between 0.0 and 60.0. Off is an integer
representing the offset relative to UTC in seconds, where positive
values are west of Greenwich. If converted from local time (see stamp_date_time/3),
TZ holds the name of the local timezone. If the timezone is
not known, TZ is the atom
. DST is-
if daylight saving time applies to the current time,false
if daylight saving time is relevant but not effective, and
if unknown or the timezone has no daylight saving time.-
- date(Y,M,D)
- Date using the same values as described above. Extracted using date_time_value/3.
- time(H,Mn,S)
- Time using the same values as described above. Extracted using date_time_value/3.