- Documentation
- Reference manual
- The SWI-Prolog library
- library(clpfd): CLP(FD): Constraint Logic Programming over Finite Domains
- Introduction
- Arithmetic constraints
- Declarative integer arithmetic
- Example: Factorial relation
- Combinatorial constraints
- Domains
- Example: Sudoku
- Residual goals
- Core relations and search
- Example: Eight queens puzzle
- Optimisation
- Reification
- Enabling monotonic CLP(FD)
- Custom constraints
- Applications
- Acknowledgments
- CLP(FD) predicate index
- Closing and opening words about CLP(FD)
- library(clpfd): CLP(FD): Constraint Logic Programming over Finite Domains
- The SWI-Prolog library
- Packages
- Reference manual
A.8.12 Reification
The constraints in/2, #=/2, #\=/2, #</2, #>/2, #=</2, and #>=/2 can be reified, which means reflecting their truth values into Boolean values represented by the integers 0 and 1. Let P and Q denote reifiable constraints or Boolean variables, then:
QTrue iff Q is false P #\/
QTrue iff either P or Q P #/\
QTrue iff both P and Q P #\
QTrue iff either P or Q, but not both P #<==>
QTrue iff P and Q are equivalent P #==>
QTrue iff P implies Q P #<==
QTrue iff Q implies P
The constraints of this table are reifiable as well.
When reasoning over Boolean variables, also consider using CLP(B)
constraints as provided by