Table for the 35 triples for predicate rdfs:subPropertyOf

?:color (0..1)?:datatype product or service property (0..*)
?:contact_fname?:name (0..1)
?:contact_lname?:name (0..1)
?:currency?:has currency (1..1)
?:depth (0..1)?:quantitative product or service property (0..*)
?:has_contact?:available at or from (0..*)
?:has currency value (0..1)?:has max currency value (1..1)
?:has currency value (0..1)?:has min currency value (1..1)
?:has Dutch voicelabel?:has voicelabel
?:has EAN/UCC-13 (0..*)?:productID
?:has English voicelabel?:has voicelabel
?:has French voicelabel?:has voicelabel
?:has GTIN-14 (0..*)?:productID
?:has GTIN-8 (0..*)?:productID
?:has max value float (1..1)?:has max value (0..1)
?:has max value integer (1..1)?:has max value (0..1)
?:has min value float (1..1)?:has min value (0..1)
?:has min value integer (1..1)?:has min value (0..1)
?:has MPN (0..*)?:productID
?:has Stock Keeping Unit (0..*)?:productID
?:has value (0..1)?:has max value (0..1)
?:has value (0..1)?:has min value (0..1)
?:has value float (0..1)?:has max value float (1..1)
?:has value float (0..1)?:has min value float (1..1)
?:has value integer (0..1)?:has max value integer (1..1)
?:has value integer (0..1)?:has min value integer (1..1)
?:height (0..1)?:quantitative product or service property (0..*)
?:price?:has currency value (0..1)
?:prod_name?:type of good (1..1)
?:quality?:condition (0..1)
?:quantity?:has inventory level (0..1)
?:ts_date_entered?:valid from (0..1)
?:weight (0..1)?:quantitative product or service property (0..*)
?:width (0..1)?:quantitative product or service property (0..*)