Distinct subjects for predicate rdfs:label in graph http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1 sorted by frequency

accepted payment methods (0..*)1
Actual product or service instance (DEPRECATED)1
add-on (0..*)1
advance booking requirement (0..1)1
American Express (payment method)1
amount of this good (1..1)1
applies to delivery method (0..*)1
applies to payment method (1..*)1
availability ends (0..1)1
availability starts (0..1)1
available at or from (0..*)1
available delivery methods (0..*)1
billing increment (0..1)1
Business (business entity type)1
Business entity1
Business entity type1
Business function1
Buy (business function, DEPRECATED)1
By bank transfer in advance (payment method)1
By invoice (payment method)1
Cash (payment method)1
category (0..*)1
Check in advance (payment method)1
closes (1..1)1
COD (payment method)1
color (0..1)1
condition (0..1)1
Construction / installation (business function)1
datatype product or service property (0..*)1
Day of week1
Delivery charge specification1
delivery lead time (0..1)1
Delivery method1
Delivery mode direct download (delivery method)1
Delivery mode freight (delivery method)1
Delivery mode mail (delivery method)1
Delivery mode own fleet (delivery method)1
Delivery mode parcel service1
Delivery mode pick up (delivery method)1
depth (0..1)1
description (0..1)1
DHL (delivery method)1
Diners Club (payment method)1
Direct debit (payment method)1
Discover (payment method)1
display position (0..1)1
Dispose (business function)1
duration of warranty in months (0..1)1
eligible customer types (0..*)1
eligible duration (0..1)1
eligible regions (0..*)1
eligible transaction volume (0..1)1
Enduser (business entity type)1
equal (0..*)1
Federal Express (delivery method)1
Friday (day of week)1
Google Checkout (payment method)1
greater (0..*)1
greater or equal (0..*)1
has brand (0..*)1
has business function (1..*)1
has currency (1..1)1
has currency value (0..1)1
has DUNS (0..1)1
has EAN/UCC-13 (0..*)1
has eligible quantity (0..1)1
has Global Location Number (0..1)1
has GTIN-14 (0..*)1
has GTIN-8 (0..*)1
has inventory level (0..1)1
has ISIC v4 (0..*)1
has make and model (0..1)1
has manufacturer (0..1)1
has max currency value (1..1)1
has max value (0..1)1
has max value float (1..1)1
has max value integer (1..1)1
has min currency value (1..1)1
has min value (0..1)1
has min value float (1..1)1
has min value integer (1..1)1
has MPN (0..*)1
has NAICS (0..*)1
has next (0..1)1
has opening hours day of week (1..*)1
has opening hours specification (0..*)1
has POS (0..*)1
has previous (0..1)1
has price specification (0..*)1
has Stock Keeping Unit (0..*)1
has unit of measurement (1..1)1
has value (0..1)1
has value float (0..1)1
has value integer (0..1)1
has warranty promise (0..*)1
has warranty scope (0..1)1
height (0..1)1
includes (0..1)1
includes object (0..*)1
is accessory or spare part for (0..*)1
is consumable for (0..*)1
is list price (DEPRECATED)1
is similar to (0..*)1
is variant of (0..1)1
JCB (payment method)1
Labor / bring-in (warranty scope)1
Lease Out (business function)1
legal name (0..1)1
lesser (0..*)1
lesser or equal (0..*)1
Location of sales or service provisioning (DEPRECATED)1
Maintain (business function)1
MasterCard (payment method)1
Monday (day of week)1
name (0..1)1
N-ary relations (DEPRECATED)1
non equal (0..*)1
offers (0..*)1
Opening hours specification1
opens (1..1)1
owns (0..*)1
Parts and labor / bring-in (warranty scope)1
Parts and labor / pick up (warranty scope)1
Payment charge specification1
Payment method1
Payment method credit card1
PayPal (payment method)1
PaySwarm (payment method)1
predecessor of (0..*)1
Price specification1
price type (0..1)1
Product or service1
Product or service model1
Product or services some instances placeholder (DEPRECATED)1
Provide service (business function)1
Public holidays (day of week)1
Public institution (business entity type)1
qualitative product or service property (0..*)1
Qualitative value1
quantitative product or service property (0..*)1
Quantitative value1
Quantitative value float1
Quantitative value integer1
related Web Service (0..*)1
Repair (business function)1
Reseller (business entity type)1
Saturday (day of week)1
seeks (0..*)1
Sell (business function)1
serial number (0..*)1
Some items1
successor of (0..*)1
Sunday (day of week)1
Tax ID (0..1)1
The GoodRelations Vocabulary for Semantic Web-based E-Commerce1
Thursday (day of week)1
Tuesday (day of week)1
Type and quantity node1
type of good (1..1)1
Unit price specification1
UPS (delivery method)1
valid from (0..1)1
valid through (0..1)1
value added tax included (0..1)1
value reference (0..*)1
VAT ID (0..1)1
VISA (payment method)1
Warranty promise1
Warranty scope1
Wednesday (day of week)1
weight (0..1)1
width (0..1)1