Instances of class owl:DatatypeProperty sorted by label

?:amount of this good (1..1)6
?:availability ends (0..1)6
?:availability starts (0..1)6
?:billing increment (0..1)6
?:category (0..*)6
?:closes (1..1)6
?:color (0..1)7
?:condition (0..1)6
?:datatype product or service property (0..*)6
?:description (0..1)6
?:duration of warranty in months (0..1)6
?:eligible regions (0..*)6
?:has currency (1..1)6
?:has currency value (0..1)8
?:has DUNS (0..1)6
?:has EAN/UCC-13 (0..*)7
?:has Global Location Number (0..1)6
?:has GTIN-14 (0..*)7
?:has GTIN-8 (0..*)7
?:has ISIC v4 (0..*)6
?:has max currency value (1..1)6
?:has max value (0..1)6
?:has max value float (1..1)7
?:has max value integer (1..1)7
?:has min currency value (1..1)6
?:has min value (0..1)6
?:has min value float (1..1)7
?:has min value integer (1..1)7
?:has MPN (0..*)7
?:has NAICS (0..*)6
?:has Stock Keeping Unit (0..*)7
?:has unit of measurement (1..1)6
?:has value (0..1)8
?:has value float (0..1)8
?:has value integer (0..1)8
?:is list price (DEPRECATED)7
?:legal name (0..1)6
?:name (0..1)6
?:opens (1..1)6
?:price type (0..1)6
?:serial number (0..*)6
?:Tax ID (0..1)6
?:valid from (0..1)6
?:valid through (0..1)6
?:value added tax included (0..1)6
?:VAT ID (0..1)6