- library
- clp
- clpfd.pl -- CLP(FD): Constraint Logic Programming over Finite Domains
- in/2
- ins/2
- indomain/1
- label/1
- labeling/2
- all_different/1
- all_distinct/1
- sum/3
- scalar_product/4
- #>=/2
- #=</2
- #=/2
- #\=/2
- #>/2
- #</2
- #\/1
- #<==>/2
- #==>/2
- #<==/2
- #/\/2
- #\//2
- #\/2
- lex_chain/1
- tuples_in/2
- serialized/2
- element/3
- global_cardinality/2
- global_cardinality/3
- circuit/1
- cumulative/1
- cumulative/2
- disjoint2/1
- automaton/3
- automaton/8
- transpose/2
- zcompare/3
- chain/2
- fd_var/1
- fd_inf/2
- fd_sup/2
- fd_size/2
- fd_dom/2
- clpb.pl -- CLP(B): Constraint Logic Programming over Boolean Variables
- clpfd.pl -- CLP(FD): Constraint Logic Programming over Finite Domains
- clp
- disjoint2(+Rectangles)
- True iff Rectangles are not overlapping. Rectangles is a list of terms of the form F(X_i, W_i, Y_i, H_i), where F is any functor, and the arguments are finite domain variables or integers that denote, respectively, the X coordinate, width, Y coordinate and height of each rectangle.