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Source sparql_query(+Request)[private]
HTTP handler for SPARQL requests. Mounted the http-path sparql(.) (by default /sparql/, see library(http/http_path)).

As part of a SPARQL request the user may specify the following things:

  1. query The contents of the SPARQL query. Exactly one must occur in every SPARQL query request.
  2. default-graph The default graph as specified by the SPARQL dataset structure, against which the query is evaluated. Zero or more default graphs may be specified.
  3. `named-graph' The named graphs as specified by the SPARQL dataset structure, against which the query is evaluated. Zero or more named graphs may be specified.

    There are three ways of posing a SPARQL query:

  4. An HTTP GET request where query, default-graph and named-graph appear in the IRI's search string and are all subject to IRI-encoding. Example: `curl http://localhost:3020/sparql/?query=select%20*%20where%20%7B%20%3Fs%20%3Fp%20%3Fo%20%7D` No Content-Type needs to be specified.
  5. An HTTP POST request where query, default-graph and named-graph appear in the POST body using IRI search string syntax and subject to IRI-encoding. Example: `curl --data "query=select * where { ?s ?p ?o }" http://localhost:3020/sparql/` The Content-Type must be application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
  6. An HTTP POST request where default-graph and named-graph appear in the IRI's search string and are subject to IRI-encoding and where the query appears as-is in the POST body. Example: `curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/sparql-query" -d @query.sparql http://localhost:3020/sparql/` The Content-Type must be application/sparql-query.
Source empty_get_request(+Request) is semidet[private]
True if Request is an HTTP GET request without any parameters.
Source sparql_update(+Request)[private]
HTTP handler for SPARQL update requests. This is the same as query requests, but the takes the query in the update field rather than in the query field.
Source sparql_reply(+Request, +Query, +_Graphs, +ReqFormat, +Entailment)[private]
HTTP handler for SPARQL requests. Mounted the http-path sparql(.) (by default /sparql/, see library(http/http_path)).
Source sparql_decl(+OptionName, -Options)[private]
Default options for specified attribute names. See http_parameters/3.