Table for the 78 triples for predicate skos:note

mdb:able seaman (?)""
mdb:afhouder"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:afloskapitein"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
dcterms:Alternative Title"In current practice, this term is used primarily with literal values; however, there are important uses with non-literal values as well. As of December 2007, the DCMI Usage Board is leaving this range unspecified pending an investigation of options."@en-US
mdb:bediende"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:boekhouder"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:bootsman"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:bootsmansmaat"website, geraadpleegd op 25-04-2013"
mdb:captain"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:Chinesen"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:cook"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:derde machinist"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:donkeyman"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:eerste machinist"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:eerste stoker"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:eerste timmerman"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:first mate"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:galley boy"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
dcterms:Has Format"This term is intended to be used with non-literal values as defined in the DCMI Abstract Model ( As of December 2007, the DCMI Usage Board is seeking a way to express this intention with a formal range declaration."@en-US
dcterms:Has Part"This term is intended to be used with non-literal values as defined in the DCMI Abstract Model ( As of December 2007, the DCMI Usage Board is seeking a way to express this intention with a formal range declaration."@en-US
dcterms:Has Version"This term is intended to be used with non-literal values as defined in the DCMI Abstract Model ( As of December 2007, the DCMI Usage Board is seeking a way to express this intention with a formal range declaration."@en-US
mdb:hofmeester"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
dcterms:Is Format Of"This term is intended to be used with non-literal values as defined in the DCMI Abstract Model ( As of December 2007, the DCMI Usage Board is seeking a way to express this intention with a formal range declaration."@en-US
dcterms:Is Part Of"This term is intended to be used with non-literal values as defined in the DCMI Abstract Model ( As of December 2007, the DCMI Usage Board is seeking a way to express this intention with a formal range declaration."@en-US
dcterms:Is Referenced By"This term is intended to be used with non-literal values as defined in the DCMI Abstract Model ( As of December 2007, the DCMI Usage Board is seeking a way to express this intention with a formal range declaration."@en-US
dcterms:Is Replaced By"This term is intended to be used with non-literal values as defined in the DCMI Abstract Model ( As of December 2007, the DCMI Usage Board is seeking a way to express this intention with a formal range declaration."@en-US
dcterms:Is Required By"This term is intended to be used with non-literal values as defined in the DCMI Abstract Model ( As of December 2007, the DCMI Usage Board is seeking a way to express this intention with a formal range declaration."@en-US
dcterms:Is Version Of"This term is intended to be used with non-literal values as defined in the DCMI Abstract Model ( As of December 2007, the DCMI Usage Board is seeking a way to express this intention with a formal range declaration."@en-US
mdb:kajuitwachter"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:klamphouder"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:kok; koksmaat"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:kwekeling"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:lampenist"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:leerling"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:leerling-machinist"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:lichtmatroos"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:linnenjuffrouw"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:machinist"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:master"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:matroos" , geraadpleegd op 19-04-2013"
mdb:matroos"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:oudste"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:passagier"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:patroon"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:prijsmeester"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:quartermaster"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:reder"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:reepschieter"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
dcterms:References"This term is intended to be used with non-literal values as defined in the DCMI Abstract Model ( As of December 2007, the DCMI Usage Board is seeking a way to express this intention with a formal range declaration."@en-US
dcterms:Relation"This term is intended to be used with non-literal values as defined in the DCMI Abstract Model ( As of December 2007, the DCMI Usage Board is seeking a way to express this intention with a formal range declaration."@en-US
dcterms:Replaces"This term is intended to be used with non-literal values as defined in the DCMI Abstract Model ( As of December 2007, the DCMI Usage Board is seeking a way to express this intention with a formal range declaration."@en-US
dcterms:Requires"This term is intended to be used with non-literal values as defined in the DCMI Abstract Model ( As of December 2007, the DCMI Usage Board is seeking a way to express this intention with a formal range declaration."@en-US
mdb:scheepsmaatje"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:schippersdochter"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:schippersknecht"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:schippersvrouw"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:schipperszoon"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:second mate"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:secretaris"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:ship's boy"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
dcterms:Source"This term is intended to be used with non-literal values as defined in the DCMI Abstract Model ( As of December 2007, the DCMI Usage Board is seeking a way to express this intention with a formal range declaration."@en-US
mdb:stewardess"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:stoker"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:stuurman"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:stuurmansleerling"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
dcterms:Subject"This term is intended to be used with non-literal values as defined in the DCMI Abstract Model ( As of December 2007, the DCMI Usage Board is seeking a way to express this intention with a formal range declaration."@en-US
mdb:supercarga"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:third mate"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:timmerman"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
dcterms:Title"In current practice, this term is used primarily with literal values; however, there are important uses with non-literal values as well. As of December 2007, the DCMI Usage Board is leaving this range unspecified pending an investigation of options."@en-US
mdb:tremmer"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:tweede machinist"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:tweede timmerman"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:vlaggenkapitein"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:vlaggenman"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:vrouw"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:zeeman"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"
mdb:zeilmaker"Van Dale's Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal"