Table for the 10 triples for predicate skos:definition with domain owl:AnnotationProperty

skos:alternative label"An alternative lexical label for a resource."@en
skos:change note"A note about a modification to a concept."@en
skos:definition"A statement or formal explanation of the meaning of a concept."@en
skos:editorial note"A note for an editor, translator or maintainer of the vocabulary."@en
skos:example"An example of the use of a concept."@en
skos:hidden label"A lexical label for a resource that should be hidden when generating visual displays of the resource, but should still be accessible to free text search operations."@en
skos:history note"A note about the past state/use/meaning of a concept."@en
skos:note"A general note, for any purpose."@en
skos:preferred label"The preferred lexical label for a resource, in a given language."@en
skos:scope note"A note that helps to clarify the meaning and/or the use of a concept."@en