Table for the 96 triples for predicate rdfs:comment with domain owl:ObjectProperty

foaf:account"Indicates an account held by this agent."
foaf:account"Indicates an account held by this agent."
foaf:account service homepage"Indicates a homepage of the service provide for this online account."
ns3:actedOnBehalfOf"An object property to express the accountability of an agent towards another agent. The subordinate agent acted on behalf of the responsible agent in an actual activity. "@en
ns3:asInBundle"prov:asInBundle is used to specify which bundle the general entity of a prov:mentionOf property is described. When :x prov:mentionOf :y and :y is described in Bundle :b, the triple :x prov:asInBundle :b is also asserted to cite the Bundle in which :y was described."@en
ns3:atLocation"The Location of any resource."@en
ns3:atLocation"This property has multiple RDFS domains to suit multiple OWL Profiles. See <a href="#owl-profile">PROV-O OWL Profile</a>."
foaf:based near"A location that something is based near, for some broadly human notion of near."
owl:bottomObjectProperty"The object property that does not relate any two individuals."
ns9:children features"Links to an RDF document containing the descriptions of children features"@en
foaf:current project"A current project this person works on."
foaf:depiction"A depiction of some thing."
foaf:depicts"A thing depicted in this representation."
ns3:describesService"relates a generic provenance query service resource (type prov:ServiceDescription) to a specific query service description (e.g. a prov:DirectQueryService or a sd:Service)."@en
ns9:feature class"The main category of the feature, as defined in geonames taxonomy."@en
ns9:feature code"Type of the feature, as defined in geonames taxonomy."@en
foaf:focus"The underlying or 'focal' entity associated with some SKOS-described concept."
foaf:funded by"An organization funding a project or person."
ns3:hadActivity"The _optional_ Activity of an Influence, which used, generated, invalidated, or was the responsibility of some Entity. This property is _not_ used by ActivityInfluence (use prov:activity instead)."@en
ns3:hadActivity"This property has multiple RDFS domains to suit multiple OWL Profiles. See <a href="#owl-profile">PROV-O OWL Profile</a>."
ns3:hadGeneration"The _optional_ Generation involved in an Entity's Derivation."@en
ns3:hadPlan"The _optional_ Plan adopted by an Agent in Association with some Activity. Plan specifications are out of the scope of this specification."@en
ns3:hadRole"The _optional_ Role that an Entity assumed in the context of an Activity. For example, :baking prov:used :spoon; prov:qualified [ a prov:Usage; prov:entity :spoon; prov:hadRole roles:mixing_implement ]."@en
ns3:hadRole"This property has multiple RDFS domains to suit multiple OWL Profiles. See <a href="#owl-profile">PROV-O OWL Profile</a>."
ns3:hadUsage"The _optional_ Usage involved in an Entity's Derivation."@en
ns3:has_anchor"Indicates anchor URI for a potentially dynamic resource instance."@en
skos:has broader"Broader concepts are typically rendered as parents in a concept hierarchy (tree)."@en
skos:has exact match"skos:exactMatch is disjoint with each of the properties skos:broadMatch and skos:relatedMatch."@en
skos:has member list"For any resource, every item in the list given as the value of the skos:memberList property is also a value of the skos:member property."@en
skos:has narrower"Narrower concepts are typically rendered as children in a concept hierarchy (tree)."@en
ns3:has_provenance"Indicates a provenance-URI for a resource; the resource identified by this property presents a provenance record about its subject or anchor resource."@en
ns3:hasProvenanceService"Indicates a provenance query service that can access provenance related to its subject or anchor resource."@en
skos:has related"skos:related is disjoint with skos:broaderTransitive"@en
foaf:homepage"A homepage for some thing."
foaf:image"An image that can be used to represent some thing (ie. those depictions which are particularly representative of something, eg. one's photo on a homepage)."
ns3:influencer"Subproperties of prov:influencer are used to cite the object of an unqualified PROV-O triple whose predicate is a subproperty of prov:wasInfluencedBy (e.g. prov:used, prov:wasGeneratedBy). prov:influencer is used much like rdf:object is used."@en
foaf:interest"A page about a topic of interest to this person."
skos:is in mapping relation with"These concept mapping relations mirror semantic relations, and the data model defined below is similar (with the exception of skos:exactMatch) to the data model defined for semantic relations. A distinct vocabulary is provided for concept mapping relations, to provide a convenient way to differentiate links within a concept scheme from links between concept schemes. However, this pattern of usage is not a formal requirement of the SKOS data model, and relies on informal definitions of best practice."@en
foaf:knows"A person known by this person (indicating some level of reciprocated interaction between the parties)."
ns9:located in"Indicates that the subject resource is located in the object feature"@en
foaf:logo"A logo representing some thing."
foaf:made"Something that was made by this agent."
foaf:maker"An agent that made this thing."
ns9:map"A geonames map centered on the feature."@en
foaf:member"Indicates a member of a Group"
ns3:mentionOf"prov:mentionOf is used to specialize an entity as described in another bundle. It is to be used in conjuction with prov:asInBundle. prov:asInBundle is used to cite the Bundle in which the generalization was mentioned."@en
ns9:nearby"A feature close to the reference feature"@en
ns9:nearby features"Links to an RDF document containing the descriptions of nearby features"@en
ns9:neighbour"A feature sharing a common boarder with the reference feature"@en
ns9:neighbouring features"Links to an RDF document containing the descriptions of neighbouring features. Applies when the feature has definite boarders."@en
foaf:openid"An OpenID for an Agent."
foaf:page"A page or document about this thing."
ns9:parent feature"A feature parent of the current one, in either administrative or physical subdivision."@en
foaf:past project"A project this person has previously worked on."
foaf:personal mailbox"A personal mailbox, ie. an Internet mailbox associated with exactly one owner, the first owner of this mailbox. This is a 'static inverse functional property', in that there is (across time and change) at most one individual that ever has any particular value for foaf:mbox."
foaf:phone"A phone, specified using fully qualified tel: URI scheme (refs:"
foaf:primary topic"The primary topic of some page or document."
ns3:provenance pingback"Relates a resource to a provenance pingback service that may receive additional provenance links about the resource."@en
foaf:publications"A link to the publications of this person."
ns3:qualifiedAssociation"If this Activity prov:wasAssociatedWith Agent :ag, then it can qualify the Association using prov:qualifiedAssociation [ a prov:Association; prov:agent :ag; :foo :bar ]."@en
ns3:qualifiedAttribution"If this Entity prov:wasAttributedTo Agent :ag, then it can qualify how it was influenced using prov:qualifiedAttribution [ a prov:Attribution; prov:agent :ag; :foo :bar ]."@en
ns3:qualifiedCommunication"If this Activity prov:wasInformedBy Activity :a, then it can qualify how it was influenced using prov:qualifiedCommunication [ a prov:Communication; prov:activity :a; :foo :bar ]."@en
ns3:qualifiedDelegation"If this Agent prov:actedOnBehalfOf Agent :ag, then it can qualify how with prov:qualifiedResponsibility [ a prov:Responsibility; prov:agent :ag; :foo :bar ]."@en
ns3:qualifiedDerivation"If this Entity prov:wasDerivedFrom Entity :e, then it can qualify how it was derived using prov:qualifiedDerivation [ a prov:Derivation; prov:entity :e; :foo :bar ]."@en
ns3:qualifiedEnd"If this Activity prov:wasEndedBy Entity :e1, then it can qualify how it was ended using prov:qualifiedEnd [ a prov:End; prov:entity :e1; :foo :bar ]."@en
ns3:qualifiedGeneration"If this Activity prov:generated Entity :e, then it can qualify how it performed the Generation using prov:qualifiedGeneration [ a prov:Generation; prov:entity :e; :foo :bar ]."@en
ns3:qualifiedInfluence"Because prov:qualifiedInfluence is a broad relation, the more specific relations (qualifiedCommunication, qualifiedDelegation, qualifiedEnd, etc.) should be used when applicable."@en
ns3:qualifiedInvalidation"If this Entity prov:wasInvalidatedBy Activity :a, then it can qualify how it was invalidated using prov:qualifiedInvalidation [ a prov:Invalidation; prov:activity :a; :foo :bar ]."@en
ns3:qualifiedPrimarySource"If this Entity prov:hadPrimarySource Entity :e, then it can qualify how using prov:qualifiedPrimarySource [ a prov:PrimarySource; prov:entity :e; :foo :bar ]."@en
ns3:qualifiedQuotation"If this Entity prov:wasQuotedFrom Entity :e, then it can qualify how using prov:qualifiedQuotation [ a prov:Quotation; prov:entity :e; :foo :bar ]."@en
ns3:qualifiedRevision"If this Entity prov:wasRevisionOf Entity :e, then it can qualify how it was revised using prov:qualifiedRevision [ a prov:Revision; prov:entity :e; :foo :bar ]."@en
ns3:qualifiedStart"If this Activity prov:wasStartedBy Entity :e1, then it can qualify how it was started using prov:qualifiedStart [ a prov:Start; prov:entity :e1; :foo :bar ]."@en
ns3:qualifiedUsage"If this Activity prov:used Entity :e, then it can qualify how it used it using prov:qualifiedUsage [ a prov:Usage; prov:entity :e; :foo :bar ]."@en
foaf:schoolHomepage"A homepage of a school attended by the person."
dcterms:Subject"The topic of the resource."@en-US
foaf:theme"A theme."
foaf:thumbnail"A derived thumbnail image."
foaf:tipjar"A tipjar document for this agent, describing means for payment and reward."
foaf:topic"A topic of some page or document."
foaf:topic_interest"A thing of interest to this person."
owl:topObjectProperty"The object property that relates every two individuals."
ns3:used"A prov:Entity that was used by this prov:Activity. For example, :baking prov:used :spoon, :egg, :oven ."@en
ns3:wasAssociatedWith"An prov:Agent that had some (unspecified) responsibility for the occurrence of this prov:Activity."@en
ns3:wasAttributedTo"Attribution is the ascribing of an entity to an agent."@en
ns3:wasDerivedFrom"The more specific subproperties of prov:wasDerivedFrom (i.e., prov:wasQuotedFrom, prov:wasRevisionOf, prov:hadPrimarySource) should be used when applicable."@en
ns3:wasEndedBy"End is when an activity is deemed to have ended. An end may refer to an entity, known as trigger, that terminated the activity."@en
ns3:wasInfluencedBy"Because prov:wasInfluencedBy is a broad relation, its more specific subproperties (e.g. prov:wasInformedBy, prov:actedOnBehalfOf, prov:wasEndedBy, etc.) should be used when applicable."@en
ns3:wasInfluencedBy"This property has multiple RDFS domains to suit multiple OWL Profiles. See <a href="#owl-profile">PROV-O OWL Profile</a>."
ns3:wasInformedBy"An activity a2 is dependent on or informed by another activity a1, by way of some unspecified entity that is generated by a1 and used by a2."@en
ns3:wasQuotedFrom"An entity is derived from an original entity by copying, or 'quoting', some or all of it."@en
ns3:wasRevisionOf"A revision is a derivation that revises an entity into a revised version."@en
ns3:wasStartedBy"Start is when an activity is deemed to have started. A start may refer to an entity, known as trigger, that initiated the activity."@en
foaf:weblog"A weblog of some thing (whether person, group, company etc.)."
ns9:wikipedia article"A Wikipedia article of which subject is the resource."@en
foaf:work info homepage"A work info homepage of some person; a page about their work for some organization."
foaf:workplace homepage"A workplace homepage of some person; the homepage of an organization they work for."