Table for the 6,679 triples for predicate ns2:hasPart with domain ns2:OutgoingPF

ns2:outgoing1584-2_:20 stuks eg berkentwijgen
ns2:outgoing1585-10_:12.7 last eg pek
ns2:outgoing1585-10_:16.25 last eg teer
ns2:outgoing1585-10_:68 last eg potas
ns2:outgoing1585-11_:60.6 last eg pek
ns2:outgoing1585-12_:1000 stuks eg taxushout
ns2:outgoing1585-12_:36 last eg pek
ns2:outgoing1585-12_:4.5 last eg vlas
ns2:outgoing1585-12_:8 last eg hennep
ns2:outgoing1585-13_:3 last eg meel
ns2:outgoing1585-14_:4 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1585-15_:2.5 last eg rogge
ns2:outgoing1585-15_:3 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1585-2_:100 stuks eg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1585-2_:100 stuks eg wagenschot
ns2:outgoing1585-2_:100 stuks eg wagenschot
ns2:outgoing1585-2_:4 last eg rogge
ns2:outgoing1585-2_:8 stuks eg eikenhout
ns2:outgoing1585-2_:94 stuks eg planken
ns2:outgoing1585-3_:20 last eg teer
ns2:outgoing1585-3_:30 schippond eg was
ns2:outgoing1585-3_:80 last eg pek
ns2:outgoing1585-4_:3.5 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1585-4_:4.5 last eg rogge
ns2:outgoing1585-5_:7 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1585-6_:27 last eg teer
ns2:outgoing1585-6_:3 ring eg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1585-6_:4 last eg pek
ns2:outgoing1585-6_:4 last eg vlas
ns2:outgoing1585-7_:15 ring eg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1585-7_:50.75 last eg teer
ns2:outgoing1585-8_:16 stuks eg elandshuiden
ns2:outgoing1585-8_:1 last eg vlas
ns2:outgoing1585-8_:52 last eg potas
ns2:outgoing1585-9_:67 last eg pek
ns2:outgoing1585-9_:8 last eg teer
ns2:outgoing1586-1_:44 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-10_:63 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-11_:15 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-11_:16 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-11_:20 stuks hg podabel
ns2:outgoing1586-11_:30 last hg pek
ns2:outgoing1586-11_:6 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1586-11_:8 zak hg hop
ns2:outgoing1586-12_:10 last hg pek
ns2:outgoing1586-12_:16 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-12_:5 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-13_:13 steen hg vlas
ns2:outgoing1586-13_:14 stuks hg podabel
ns2:outgoing1586-13_:70 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-14_:14 zak hg hop
ns2:outgoing1586-14_:15 stuks hg podabel
ns2:outgoing1586-14_:4000 stuks hg spijkers
ns2:outgoing1586-14_:57 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-14_:8 stuks hg planken
ns2:outgoing1586-15_:27.5 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-16_:40 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-16_:5 zak hg hop
ns2:outgoing1586-17_:18 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-17_:4 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1586-18_:200 stuks eg booghout
ns2:outgoing1586-18_:250 stuks eg linnen
ns2:outgoing1586-18_:32 last eg potas
ns2:outgoing1586-18_:3 ring eg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1586-18_:4 last bf pek
ns2:outgoing1586-18_:6 last eg pek
ns2:outgoing1586-18_:6 last eg teer
ns2:outgoing1586-18_:9 vat eg meekrap
ns2:outgoing1586-19_:1 ring hg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1586-19_:24 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-2_:2.5 last bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-2_:3 ring eg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1586-2_:47.5 last eg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-20_:31 last bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-20_:8 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-21_:12 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-21_:30 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-21_:6 last bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-22_:0.5 ring hg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1586-22_:12 ton eg erwten
ns2:outgoing1586-22_:1.5 last eg haver
ns2:outgoing1586-22_:20 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-22_:2 last eg gerst
ns2:outgoing1586-22_:8 stuks bf delen
ns2:outgoing1586-23_:10 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1586-23_:40 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-23_:8 steen hg vlas
ns2:outgoing1586-24_:30 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-24_:8 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1586-25_:20 stuks hg podabel
ns2:outgoing1586-25_:22 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-25_:50 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1586-25_:5 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-26_:2.5 last bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-26_:48.5 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1586-26_:5 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-27_:20 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1586-27_:3 last bf tarwe
ns2:outgoing1586-27_:40 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-28_:24 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1586-28_:2 last bf tarwe
ns2:outgoing1586-29_:32 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1586-3_:35 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-3_:50 stuks hg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1586-30_:18 last eg as
ns2:outgoing1586-30_:1 schock bf spielbrett
ns2:outgoing1586-30_:4 last eg vlas
ns2:outgoing1586-30_:750 steen eg riemen
ns2:outgoing1586-31_:2 last bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-31_:42 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-32_:2.5 last bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-32_:47.5 last eg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-33_:3 last bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-33_:57 last eg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-34_:16 zak eg hop
ns2:outgoing1586-34_:50 last hg koren
ns2:outgoing1586-34_:6 schippond hg ijzer
ns2:outgoing1586-34_:8 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1586-35_:12 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-35_:16 last hg pek
ns2:outgoing1586-35_:2 last bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-36_:14.5 last eg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-36_:14 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1586-36_:1.5 last bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-37_:100 stuks eg booghout
ns2:outgoing1586-37_:4.5 last bf potas
ns2:outgoing1586-37_:74 viertel eg steur
ns2:outgoing1586-37_:77 last eg as
ns2:outgoing1586-38_:26 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-38_:6 schippond hg vlas
ns2:outgoing1586-38_:9 schippond hg hop
ns2:outgoing1586-39_:2 stuks eg nestkisten
ns2:outgoing1586-39_:4 last bf as
ns2:outgoing1586-39_:5 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-39_:61 last eg as
ns2:outgoing1586-39_:9.5 last eg vlas
ns2:outgoing1586-4_:30 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-40_:1.5 last bf as
ns2:outgoing1586-40_:28.5 last hg as
ns2:outgoing1586-41_:100 stuks eg wagenschot
ns2:outgoing1586-41_:10 last eg as
ns2:outgoing1586-41_:11 last eg pek
ns2:outgoing1586-41_:300 stuks bf riemen
ns2:outgoing1586-42_:2 last hg noten
ns2:outgoing1586-42_:2 ring hg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1586-42_:33 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-42_:3 last bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-43_:10 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1586-43_:12.5 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-43_:2.5 last bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-43_:300 stuks hg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1586-44_:27 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-45_:1 last bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-45_:24 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-46_:3 last bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-46_:47 last eg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-46_:5 last eg pek
ns2:outgoing1586-47_:100 steen hg hennep
ns2:outgoing1586-47_:10 stuks hg laken
ns2:outgoing1586-47_:3 ton bf boekweit
ns2:outgoing1586-47_:40 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-47_:54 stuks hg karsaai
ns2:outgoing1586-47_:8.5 steen bf vlas
ns2:outgoing1586-48_:2 last bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-48_:42 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-49_:18 zak eg hop
ns2:outgoing1586-49_:24 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1586-49_:33 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-49_:80 steen hg vlas
ns2:outgoing1586-5_:100 stuks hg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1586-5_:48 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-50_:12 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1586-50_:34 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-50_:3 last bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-50_:7 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1586-51_:3 last bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-51_:50 last eg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-51_:7 last bf tarwe
ns2:outgoing1586-52_:19 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-52_:7.5 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1586-53_:1.5 last bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-53_:26.5 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-54_:20 last hg as
ns2:outgoing1586-54_:9 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1586-55_:1.5 last bf tarwe
ns2:outgoing1586-55_:20 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-55_:4.5 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1586-56_:38 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-56_:3 last bf hennep
ns2:outgoing1586-56_:3 last hg vlas
ns2:outgoing1586-56_:9 zak hg hop
ns2:outgoing1586-57_:2 last hg vlas
ns2:outgoing1586-57_:42 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-58_:10 last hg pek
ns2:outgoing1586-58_:10 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1586-58_:16 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-58_:2 last bf vlas
ns2:outgoing1586-59_:1 ring bf klaphout
ns2:outgoing1586-59_:2 last bf vlas
ns2:outgoing1586-59_:40 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-59_:8 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1586-6_:0.5 ring hg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1586-6_:12 last hg potas
ns2:outgoing1586-6_:13 last hg pek
ns2:outgoing1586-60_:2 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1586-60_:34 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-60_:6 steen hg vlas
ns2:outgoing1586-61_:12 stuks hg podabel
ns2:outgoing1586-61_:1.5 ring hg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1586-61_:16 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1586-61_:16 zak hg hop
ns2:outgoing1586-61_:3 last hg vlas
ns2:outgoing1586-61_:40 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-62_:1000 stuks bf spijkers
ns2:outgoing1586-62_:14 last bf tarwe
ns2:outgoing1586-62_:20 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-63_:1 last bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-63_:37 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-64_:15.25 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-64_:3 stuks hg podabel
ns2:outgoing1586-64_:9 last hg vlas
ns2:outgoing1586-7_:0.5 ring hg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1586-7_:17 last hg pek
ns2:outgoing1586-7_:20 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-8_:30 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1586-8_:4 zak hg hop
ns2:outgoing1586-9_:10 last hg haver
ns2:outgoing1586-9_:34 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1587-1_:1 last bf gerst
ns2:outgoing1587-1_:41 last eg gerst
ns2:outgoing1587-10_:10 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1587-10_:34 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1587-11_:25 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1587-11_:25 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1587-12_:13 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1587-12_:14 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1587-13_:10 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1587-13_:36 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1587-14_:18 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1587-14_:6 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1587-15_:12 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1587-15_:1 ring hg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1587-15_:25 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1587-16_:0.5 ring hg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1587-16_:20 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1587-17_:100 stuks hg planken
ns2:outgoing1587-17_:360 stuks hg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1587-18_:1 last eg vlas
ns2:outgoing1587-18_:2 last bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1587-18_:37 last eg rogge
ns2:outgoing1587-19_:12 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1587-19_:18 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1587-19_:35 rol hg podabel
ns2:outgoing1587-19_:4 ring hg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1587-19_:62 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1587-2_:35 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1587-2_:5 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1587-20_:1 ring bf klaphout
ns2:outgoing1587-20_:20 last eg teer
ns2:outgoing1587-20_:25 last eg pek
ns2:outgoing1587-21_:13 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1587-22_:27 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1587-23_:12 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1587-23_:150 grosshun hg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1587-24_:13 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1587-24_:150 groshund. hg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1587-25_:21 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1587-25_:60 stuks hg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1587-26_:17 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1587-26_:30 last hg pek
ns2:outgoing1587-27_:25 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1587-27_:35 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1587-28_:16 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1587-28_:28 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1587-29_:24 last hg pek
ns2:outgoing1587-3_:13 last hg pek
ns2:outgoing1587-3_:13 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1587-3_:35 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1587-3_:3 last bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1587-3_:50 stuks hg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1587-30_:18 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1587-30_:1 last hg pek
ns2:outgoing1587-31_:0.5 ring hg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1587-31_:16 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1587-31_:4 last hg pek
ns2:outgoing1587-31_:4 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1587-31_:6 last hg as
ns2:outgoing1587-32_:300 steen eg veren
ns2:outgoing1587-32_:3.5 last bf as
ns2:outgoing1587-32_:50 viertel eg steur
ns2:outgoing1587-32_:64.2 last eg as
ns2:outgoing1587-33_:27 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1587-33_:30 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1587-34_:16 stuks hg podabel
ns2:outgoing1587-34_:47 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1587-34_:4 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1587-35_:20 stuks eg spielbrett
ns2:outgoing1587-35_:28 viertel eg steur
ns2:outgoing1587-35_:56 steen eg veren
ns2:outgoing1587-35_:5 last bf as
ns2:outgoing1587-35_:82 last eg as
ns2:outgoing1587-36_:10 last hg teer
ns2:outgoing1587-36_:14 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1587-36_:20 last hg pek
ns2:outgoing1587-36_:6 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1587-37_:11 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1587-37_:400 stuks hg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1587-37_:5 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1587-37_:7 last hg pek
ns2:outgoing1587-38_:45 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1587-39_:10 last eg rogge
ns2:outgoing1587-39_:18 last eg pek
ns2:outgoing1587-39_:200 stuks eg schoppen
ns2:outgoing1587-39_:22 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1587-39_:9 last eg mout
ns2:outgoing1587-4_:23 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1587-4_:2 last bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1587-40_:16 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1587-41_:25 last hg pek
ns2:outgoing1587-41_:2 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1587-42_:15 last eg pek
ns2:outgoing1587-42_:180 stuks eg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1587-42_:2 last bf tarwe
ns2:outgoing1587-43_:12 last eg pek
ns2:outgoing1587-43_:1 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1587-43_:240 stuks eg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1587-44_:120 stuks hg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1587-44_:28 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1587-44_:4 last hg koren
ns2:outgoing1587-45_:240 stuks hg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1587-45_:35 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1587-45_:5 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1587-46_:2 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1587-46_:40 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1587-47_:100 steen eg pruimen
ns2:outgoing1587-47_:28 last eg pek
ns2:outgoing1587-47_:47.5 last eg as
ns2:outgoing1587-47_:4 last bf as
ns2:outgoing1587-47_:4 last eg teer
ns2:outgoing1587-48_:0.5 ring hg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1587-48_:16 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1587-48_:6 last hg pek
ns2:outgoing1587-48_:8 last hg potas
ns2:outgoing1587-49_:44 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1587-5_:1 last bf tarwe
ns2:outgoing1587-5_:30 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1587-50_:22 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1587-50_:60 stuks hg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1587-6_:22 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1587-7_:10 rol hg podabel
ns2:outgoing1587-7_:1 ring hg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1587-7_:26 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1587-7_:4 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1587-8_:10 stuks hg planken
ns2:outgoing1587-8_:1 ring hg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1587-8_:38 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1587-9_:120 stuks hg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1587-9_:1 schock hg planken
ns2:outgoing1587-9_:6 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1587-9_:9 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1594-1_:21 last hg pek
ns2:outgoing1594-1_:2 last bf tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-1_:5.5 last hg ijzer
ns2:outgoing1594-1_:7 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-1_:9 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-10_:10 last hg pek
ns2:outgoing1594-10_:27 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1594-10_:2 last bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1594-10_:3 ring hg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1594-11_:30 last hg pek
ns2:outgoing1594-11_:34 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1594-11_:3 last bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1594-12_:10 ring hg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1594-12_:13 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-12_:26 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1594-12_:2 last hg pek
ns2:outgoing1594-12_:2 schippond hg veren
ns2:outgoing1594-12_:3 last bf tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-12_:4 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-13_:120 stuks hg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1594-13_:1.5 schippond hg veren
ns2:outgoing1594-13_:2 last hg pek
ns2:outgoing1594-13_:37 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1594-13_:3 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-13_:4 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-13_:5 ton eg zeep
ns2:outgoing1594-14_:10 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1594-14_:15 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1594-14_:2 last bf tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-14_:60 stuks hg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1594-14_:7 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-14_:8 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-15_:10 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1594-15_:16 last hg pek
ns2:outgoing1594-16_:24 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-17_:17 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-18_:27 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1594-18_:30 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-18_:3 last bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1594-19_:20 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-19_:2.5 last bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1594-19_:33.5 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1594-2_:10 last hg ijzer
ns2:outgoing1594-2_:25 last hg pek
ns2:outgoing1594-20_:10 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-20_:3 last bf tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-20_:50 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1594-21_:2 last bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1594-21_:42 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1594-22_:120 stuks hg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1594-22_:1.5 last bf tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-22_:25 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1594-22_:4.5 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-23_:10 centner eg buskruit
ns2:outgoing1594-23_:1 schippond hg vlas
ns2:outgoing1594-23_:20 last eg rogge
ns2:outgoing1594-23_:30 rol hg podabel
ns2:outgoing1594-23_:3.5 last bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1594-23_:39.5 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1594-24_:23 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-24_:2 last bf tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-24_:2 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-24_:5 last hg pek
ns2:outgoing1594-24_:60 stuks hg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1594-24_:8 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1594-25_:10 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1594-25_:10 last hg pek
ns2:outgoing1594-25_:1.5 last bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1594-25_:3 ring hg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1594-25_:8.5 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1594-26_:10 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1594-26_:20 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1594-26_:2.5 last bf tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-26_:4 ring hg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1594-26_:6 last hg pek
ns2:outgoing1594-26_:7.5 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-27_:10 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1594-27_:16.5 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-27_:3.5 last bf tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-27_:40 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-28_:3 last bf tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-28_:45 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-28_:60 stuks hg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1594-28_:9 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-29_:1.5 last bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1594-29_:15 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1594-29_:16 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-29_:60 stuks hg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1594-3_:0.5 schock hg vurehout
ns2:outgoing1594-3_:20 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1594-3_:2 last bf tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-3_:4 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-3_:4 last hg teer
ns2:outgoing1594-3_:60 stuks hg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1594-3_:6 last hg pek
ns2:outgoing1594-3_:9 last hg ijzer
ns2:outgoing1594-30_:17 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1594-30_:3 last bf gerst
ns2:outgoing1594-30_:45 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-31_:29 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-31_:2 last bf tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-31_:8 ring hg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1594-32_:17.5 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1594-32_:38 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-32_:3 last bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1594-33_:10 last eg gerst
ns2:outgoing1594-33_:10 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-33_:16 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1594-33_:20 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1594-33_:3 last bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1594-34_:10 last eg gerst
ns2:outgoing1594-34_:120 stuks hg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1594-34_:15 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-34_:17.5 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1594-34_:2.5 last bf gerst
ns2:outgoing1594-35_:10 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-35_:120 stuks hg klaphout
ns2:outgoing1594-35_:12.5 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1594-35_:16 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1594-35_:2.5 last bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1594-35_:2 kist gg linnen
ns2:outgoing1594-35_:8 last eg gerst
ns2:outgoing1594-36_:40 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-37_:2 last bf gerst
ns2:outgoing1594-37_:40 last eg gerst
ns2:outgoing1594-38_:10 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1594-38_:17 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1594-38_:240 steen hg wol
ns2:outgoing1594-38_:39 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-39_:50 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-39_:80 steen hg wol
ns2:outgoing1594-39_:8 last hg pek
ns2:outgoing1594-39_:8 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1594-4_:20 last dg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-4_:39 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1594-4_:3 last bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1594-4_:4 zak ng hop
ns2:outgoing1594-40_:2.5 last bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1594-40_:40 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1594-40_:7.5 last eg rogge
Skipped 5,679 rows
ns2:outgoing1698-1_:42 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-1_:7 steen bf veren
ns2:outgoing1698-10_:100 ton hg weedas
ns2:outgoing1698-10_:175 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-10_:1 last hg boekweit
ns2:outgoing1698-10_:20 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-10_:27 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1698-10_:2 last hg erwten
ns2:outgoing1698-11_:30 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-12_:40 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-12_:40 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-13_:80 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-14_:40 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-14_:50 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1698-14_:60 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-15_:12 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-15_:20 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-15_:25 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-16_:93 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-17_:220 last eg gerst
ns2:outgoing1698-17_:5 steen eg dons
ns2:outgoing1698-17_:5 steen eg veren
ns2:outgoing1698-18_:58 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1698-19_:500 ton eg weedas
ns2:outgoing1698-2_:100 pond bf veren
ns2:outgoing1698-2_:16 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-2_:1 schepel bf erwten
ns2:outgoing1698-2_:25 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1698-2_:2 schepel bf tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-2_:37 steen eg veren
ns2:outgoing1698-20_:20 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-20_:33 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-20_:45 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-21_:19 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-21_:30 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-22_:100 ton hg weedas
ns2:outgoing1698-22_:20 last eg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-22_:220 ton eg as
ns2:outgoing1698-22_:25 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-22_:31 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-22_:62 ton hg weedas
ns2:outgoing1698-23_:20 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-23_:65 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-24_:10 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-24_:55 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-24_:56 ton hg weedas
ns2:outgoing1698-25_:15 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1698-25_:15 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-25_:65 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-26_:20 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1698-27_:0 hg varkensborstels
ns2:outgoing1698-27_:20 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-27_:28 steen hg veren
ns2:outgoing1698-28_:20 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-29_:34 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-3_:4 schepel bf erwten
ns2:outgoing1698-3_:51 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-3_:6 schepel bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-3_:6 schepel bf tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-30_:20 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-31_:30 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-32_:37.5 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-32_:50 pond bf veren
ns2:outgoing1698-33_:10 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-33_:15 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-33_:22 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1698-33_:6 steen bf veren
ns2:outgoing1698-34_:100 pond bf veren
ns2:outgoing1698-34_:53 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-35_:46 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-36_:31 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-37_:120 ton hg weedas
ns2:outgoing1698-37_:300 ton eg weedas
ns2:outgoing1698-38_:20 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1698-39_:120 ton hg weedas
ns2:outgoing1698-39_:20 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-4_:1.5 steen hg veren
ns2:outgoing1698-4_:1 schepel bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-4_:200 pond bf varkensborstels
ns2:outgoing1698-4_:57 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-4_:8 schepel bf tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-40_:28 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-40_:4 zak bf tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-41_:1000 pond hg was
ns2:outgoing1698-41_:30 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1698-41_:30 ton hg weedas
ns2:outgoing1698-41_:90 steen hg veren
ns2:outgoing1698-42_:28 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-42_:3 steen bf veren
ns2:outgoing1698-42_:59 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-43_:15 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1698-43_:16 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-44_:100 ton hg weedas
ns2:outgoing1698-44_:620 ton eg weedas
ns2:outgoing1698-45_:10 last eg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-45_:13 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1698-45_:1 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-45_:1 zak bf tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-45_:21 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-45_:2 zak bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-46_:489 ton eg as
ns2:outgoing1698-47_:110 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-47_:50 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-47_:88 steen hg veren
ns2:outgoing1698-48_:20 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-49_:140 ton hg weedas
ns2:outgoing1698-49_:19 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1698-5_:1 vat hg varkensborstels
ns2:outgoing1698-5_:1 zak bf veren
ns2:outgoing1698-5_:23 steen hg veren
ns2:outgoing1698-5_:2 schepel bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-5_:45 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-5_:4 schepel bf tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-50_:30 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-51_:20 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-51_:30 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1698-52_:120 pond bf veren
ns2:outgoing1698-52_:30 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-52_:40 steen hg veren
ns2:outgoing1698-52_:4 zak bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-52_:50 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1698-53_:16 pond bf veren
ns2:outgoing1698-53_:20 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1698-53_:28 steen hg veren
ns2:outgoing1698-53_:49 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-53_:6 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-53_:9 zak bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-54_:86 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-55_:40 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-56_:0.5 last bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-56_:30 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-56_:33 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1698-56_:4 zak bf erwten
ns2:outgoing1698-57_:50 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1698-58_:1 last hg erwten
ns2:outgoing1698-58_:61 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1698-59_:100 ton hg weedas
ns2:outgoing1698-6_:3 schepel bf erwten
ns2:outgoing1698-6_:44 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-60_:16 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-60_:40 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1698-60_:40 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-61_:20 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-61_:30 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1698-62_:12 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1698-62_:12 zak bf erwten
ns2:outgoing1698-62_:20 last eg gerst
ns2:outgoing1698-62_:30 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-63_:19 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1698-63_:37 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-64_:10 last eg gerst
ns2:outgoing1698-64_:50 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1698-64_:65 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-65_:50 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-66_:30 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-66_:60 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1698-67_:30 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1698-68_:12.5 last eg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-68_:20.5 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1698-68_:22.5 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-69_:27 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-69_:30 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1698-7_:100 pond bf veren
ns2:outgoing1698-7_:10 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-7_:110 steen hg veren
ns2:outgoing1698-7_:20 last eg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-7_:26 ton hg weedas
ns2:outgoing1698-7_:2 last hg erwten
ns2:outgoing1698-7_:2 vaten hg varkensborstels
ns2:outgoing1698-7_:3.5 schippond hg was
ns2:outgoing1698-7_:3 schippond hg was
ns2:outgoing1698-7_:50 steen eg veren
ns2:outgoing1698-7_:80 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-70_:1 last bf tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-70_:93 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-71_:10 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-71_:2 last hg erwten
ns2:outgoing1698-71_:30 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-71_:38 steen hg veren
ns2:outgoing1698-71_:80 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1698-72_:20 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-72_:30 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-73_:95 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-74_:20 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-75_:11 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-75_:30 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-75_:4 last hg erwten
ns2:outgoing1698-75_:85 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1698-75_:89 steen hg veren
ns2:outgoing1698-76_:70 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1698-77_:10 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1698-77_:20 last eg gerst
ns2:outgoing1698-77_:20 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-77_:20 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-77_:4 last hg erwten
ns2:outgoing1698-78_:109 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-78_:10 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-78_:20 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-78_:44 steen hg veren
ns2:outgoing1698-78_:70 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1698-79_:12 last hg erwten
ns2:outgoing1698-79_:26 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1698-79_:55 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-8_:16 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-8_:30 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-80_:120 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-80_:20 last eg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-80_:38 steen hg veren
ns2:outgoing1698-80_:470 pond hg was
ns2:outgoing1698-80_:50 last eg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-80_:60 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-80_:7 last hg erwten
ns2:outgoing1698-81_:15 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1698-81_:25 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-9_:0 hg varkensborstels
ns2:outgoing1698-9_:10 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-9_:115 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1698-9_:20 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1698-9_:24 steen hg veren
ns2:outgoing1699-1_:1.75 last bf gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-1_:18 schepel bf erwten
ns2:outgoing1699-1_:44 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-10_:12 last hg erwten
ns2:outgoing1699-10_:20 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-10_:22 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-10_:3 zak bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-10_:4 steen bf veren
ns2:outgoing1699-11_:119 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-11_:35 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-11_:48 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1699-11_:60 ton hg weedas
ns2:outgoing1699-11_:6 last hg erwten
ns2:outgoing1699-11_:8 zak bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-12_:59 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-13_:40 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-13_:40 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1699-13_:79 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-14_:55 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-15_:30 last eg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-15_:45 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-15_:48 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1699-15_:58 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-16_:10 last eg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-16_:20 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1699-16_:41 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-16_:4 last hg erwten
ns2:outgoing1699-16_:4 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1699-16_:95 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-16_:9 last hg erwten
ns2:outgoing1699-17_:0 hg varkensborst
ns2:outgoing1699-17_:25 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1699-17_:25 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1699-17_:30 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-17_:38 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-17_:44 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-17_:44 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-18_:33 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1699-18_:40 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-18_:65 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-19_:16 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1699-19_:173 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-2_:1.75 last bf gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-2_:18 schepel bf erwten
ns2:outgoing1699-2_:42 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-20_:20 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-20_:60 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-21_:18 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-22_:136 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-22_:20 schepel bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-22_:48 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-23_:12.5 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-23_:12 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1699-23_:13 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1699-23_:3 last hg erwten
ns2:outgoing1699-23_:40 last eg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-23_:40 pond bf veren
ns2:outgoing1699-23_:50 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-24_:50 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1699-24_:6 steen bf vlas
ns2:outgoing1699-25_:60 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-26_:35 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1699-26_:50 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-26_:69 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-27_:30 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-28_:60 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-29_:17 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1699-3_:140 last eg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-3_:60 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1699-30_:15 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-30_:20 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-30_:40 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1699-31_:30 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-31_:30 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1699-32_:53 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-33_:56 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-34_:0 hg varkensborstels
ns2:outgoing1699-34_:27 steen hg veren
ns2:outgoing1699-34_:44 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-35_:15 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-35_:15 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1699-35_:24 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-35_:2 last hg erwten
ns2:outgoing1699-36_:600 ton eg weedas
ns2:outgoing1699-37_:19 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-38_:175 ton hg weedas
ns2:outgoing1699-39_:15 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-39_:23 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-39_:4 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1699-39_:54 steen hg veren
ns2:outgoing1699-4_:50 ton eg weedas
ns2:outgoing1699-40_:55 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-41_:130 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-41_:15 schepel bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-41_:36 steen hg veren
ns2:outgoing1699-42_:44 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-43_:16 schepel bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-43_:20 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-43_:40 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-44_:15 schepel bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-44_:25 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-44_:35 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-44_:4 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1699-45_:20 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-45_:21 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-46_:50 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-47_:70 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-48_:17 steen hg veren
ns2:outgoing1699-48_:20 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1699-48_:51 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-49_:40 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1699-5_:0 hg varkensborstels
ns2:outgoing1699-5_:136 steen hg veren
ns2:outgoing1699-5_:230 eg weedas
ns2:outgoing1699-5_:3 schippond hg was
ns2:outgoing1699-50_:39 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-50_:40 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-50_:5 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1699-51_:50 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-52_:12 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1699-52_:24 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-52_:62 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-53_:15 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1699-53_:23 steen hg veren
ns2:outgoing1699-53_:254 pond bf veren
ns2:outgoing1699-53_:30 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-53_:45 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-54_:30 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-54_:60 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1699-55_:40 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-56_:110 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-56_:20 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1699-56_:30 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-57_:29 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-58_:38 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-59_:105 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-59_:20 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-59_:40 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1699-6_:25 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1699-6_:5 last hg erwten
ns2:outgoing1699-6_:70 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-60_:115 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-61_:100 ton hg weedas
ns2:outgoing1699-61_:68 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-62_:45 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-63_:22 steen hg veren
ns2:outgoing1699-63_:31 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-64_:135 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-65_:126 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1699-65_:24 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-65_:25 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-66_:10 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1699-66_:14 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-66_:20 last eg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-67_:25 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1699-67_:5 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-67_:80 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-68_:40 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-68_:40 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1699-68_:70 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-69_:25 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-69_:45 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-69_:6 last hg erwten
ns2:outgoing1699-69_:70 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-7_:100 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-70_:35 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-71_:0.66 last hg erwten
ns2:outgoing1699-71_:20 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-71_:23 steen hg veren
ns2:outgoing1699-71_:80 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-72_:1 last bf tarwe
ns2:outgoing1699-72_:80 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-73_:10.5 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-73_:16 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-73_:20 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-73_:25 last eg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-73_:5 last eg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-74_:130 last eg gerst
ns2:outgoing1699-75_:80 ton hg weedas
ns2:outgoing1699-8_:97 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1699-9_:15 schepel bf tarwe
ns2:outgoing1699-9_:4 steen bf veren
ns2:outgoing1699-9_:56 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1700-1_:18 steen bf veren
ns2:outgoing1700-1_:1 last bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1700-1_:31 last eg rogge
ns2:outgoing1700-1_:33 last eg gerst
ns2:outgoing1700-1_:35 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1700-10_:30 last eg rogge
ns2:outgoing1700-10_:50 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1700-10_:52 steen hg veren
ns2:outgoing1700-11_:0 eg bokkehoorns
ns2:outgoing1700-11_:10 last eg gerst
ns2:outgoing1700-11_:10 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1700-11_:19 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1700-11_:36 steen hg veren
ns2:outgoing1700-11_:5 last eg rogge
ns2:outgoing1700-11_:6 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1700-12_:10 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1700-12_:13 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1700-12_:15 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1700-12_:5 last eg rogge
ns2:outgoing1700-13_:15 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1700-13_:16 last eg gerst
ns2:outgoing1700-13_:59 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1700-14_:15 last eg rogge
ns2:outgoing1700-14_:1 last bf gerst
ns2:outgoing1700-14_:20 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1700-14_:71 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1700-15_:10 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1700-15_:17 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1700-15_:35 steen hg veren
ns2:outgoing1700-15_:50 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1700-16_:20 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1700-16_:25 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1700-16_:50 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1700-16_:6 schepel bf rogge
ns2:outgoing1700-17_:150 ton eg weedas
ns2:outgoing1700-18_:25 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1700-18_:55 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1700-18_:91 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1700-19_:30 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1700-2_:0 hg varkensborstels
ns2:outgoing1700-2_:16 last eg rogge
ns2:outgoing1700-2_:26 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1700-2_:28 steen hg veren
ns2:outgoing1700-20_:20 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1700-20_:30 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1700-21_:20 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1700-22_:10 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1700-22_:30 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1700-22_:39 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1700-22_:79 steen hg veren
ns2:outgoing1700-22_:88 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1700-23_:20 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1700-24_:20 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1700-24_:30 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1700-25_:45 last eg gerst
ns2:outgoing1700-26_:18 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1700-26_:20 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1700-26_:24 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1700-26_:70 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1700-27_:15 last eg rogge
ns2:outgoing1700-27_:30 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1700-27_:32 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1700-27_:33 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1700-28_:15 last eg gerst
ns2:outgoing1700-28_:16 last eg rogge
ns2:outgoing1700-28_:20 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1700-28_:43 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1700-29_:70 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1700-3_:100 ton eg weedas
ns2:outgoing1700-3_:147 ton hg weedas
ns2:outgoing1700-30_:15 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1700-30_:15 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1700-30_:20 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1700-30_:68 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1700-30_:85 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1700-31_:74 ton hg weedas
ns2:outgoing1700-32_:77.5 last eg gerst
ns2:outgoing1700-32_:77.5 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1700-33_:15 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1700-33_:15 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1700-33_:1 last hg vlas
ns2:outgoing1700-33_:22 last hg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1700-33_:97 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1700-34_:49 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1700-4_:33.5 last eg gerst
ns2:outgoing1700-5_:30 last eg gerst
ns2:outgoing1700-5_:38 last hg gerst
ns2:outgoing1700-5_:50 ton hg as
ns2:outgoing1700-5_:5 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1700-5_:5 steen hg veren
ns2:outgoing1700-6_:0 hg varkensborstels
ns2:outgoing1700-6_:10 last eg rogge
ns2:outgoing1700-6_:20 last eg tarwe
ns2:outgoing1700-6_:220 ton eg weedas
ns2:outgoing1700-6_:23 steen hg veren
ns2:outgoing1700-7_:150 ton hg weedas
ns2:outgoing1700-8_:20 last hg rogge
ns2:outgoing1700-9_:17 last hg rogge