36:- module(prolog_pretty_print,
37 [ print_term/2 38 ]). 39:- use_module(library(option)).
58:- predicate_options(print_term/2, 2,
59 [ output(stream),
60 right_margin(integer),
61 left_margin(integer),
62 tab_width(integer),
63 indent_arguments(integer),
64 operators(boolean),
65 write_options(list)
66 ]).
107print_term(Term, Options) :-
108 \+ \+ print_term_2(Term, Options).
110print_term_2(Term, Options0) :-
111 prepare_term(Term, Template, Cycles, Constraints),
112 defaults(Defs),
113 merge_options(Options0, Defs, Options),
114 option(write_options(WrtOpts), Options),
115 option(max_depth(MaxDepth), WrtOpts, infinite),
116 option(left_margin(LeftMargin), Options, 0),
117 Context = ctx(LeftMargin,0,1200,MaxDepth),
118 pp(Template, Context, Options),
119 print_extra(Cycles, Context, 'where', Options),
120 print_extra(Constraints, Context, 'with constraints', Options).
([], _, _, _) :- !.
123print_extra(List, Context, Comment, Options) :-
124 option(output(Out), Options),
125 format(Out, ', % ~w', [Comment]),
126 modify_context(Context, [indent=4], Context1),
127 print_extra_2(List, Context1, Options).
([H|T], Context, Options) :-
130 option(output(Out), Options),
131 context(Context, indent, Indent),
132 indent(Out, Indent, Options),
133 pp(H, Context, Options),
134 ( T == []
135 -> true
136 ; format(Out, ',', []),
137 print_extra_2(T, Context, Options)
138 ).
146prepare_term(Term, Template, Cycles, Constraints) :-
147 term_attvars(Term, []),
148 !,
149 Constraints = [],
150 '$factorize_term'(Term, Template, Factors),
151 bind_non_cycles(Factors, 1, Cycles),
152 numbervars(Template+Cycles+Constraints, 0, _,
153 [singletons(true)]).
154prepare_term(Term, Template, Cycles, Constraints) :-
155 copy_term(Term, Copy, Constraints),
156 !,
157 '$factorize_term'(Copy, Template, Factors),
158 bind_non_cycles(Factors, 1, Cycles),
159 numbervars(Template+Cycles+Constraints, 0, _,
160 [singletons(true)]).
163bind_non_cycles([], _, []).
164bind_non_cycles([V=Term|T], I, L) :-
165 unify_with_occurs_check(V, Term),
166 !,
167 bind_non_cycles(T, I, L).
168bind_non_cycles([H|T0], I, [H|T]) :-
169 H = ('$VAR'(Name)=_),
170 atom_concat('_S', I, Name),
171 I2 is I + 1,
172 bind_non_cycles(T0, I2, T).
175defaults([ output(user_output),
176 right_margin(72),
177 indent_arguments(auto),
178 operators(true),
179 write_options([ quoted(true),
180 numbervars(true),
181 portray(true),
182 attributes(portray)
183 ])
184 ]).
187 190
191context_attribute(indent, 1).
192context_attribute(depth, 2).
193context_attribute(precedence, 3).
194context_attribute(max_depth, 4).
196context(Ctx, Name, Value) :-
197 context_attribute(Name, Arg),
198 arg(Arg, Ctx, Value).
200modify_context(Ctx0, Mapping, Ctx) :-
201 functor(Ctx0, Name, Arity),
202 functor(Ctx, Name, Arity),
203 modify_context(0, Arity, Ctx0, Mapping, Ctx).
205modify_context(Arity, Arity, _, _, _) :- !.
206modify_context(I, Arity, Ctx0, Mapping, Ctx) :-
207 N is I + 1,
208 ( context_attribute(Name, N),
209 memberchk(Name=Value, Mapping)
210 -> true
211 ; arg(N, Ctx0, Value)
212 ),
213 arg(N, Ctx, Value),
214 modify_context(N, Arity, Ctx0, Mapping, Ctx).
217dec_depth(Ctx, Ctx) :-
218 context(Ctx, max_depth, infinite),
219 !.
220dec_depth(ctx(I,D,P,MD0), ctx(I,D,P,MD)) :-
221 MD is MD0 - 1.
224 227
228pp(Primitive, Ctx, Options) :-
229 ( atomic(Primitive)
230 ; var(Primitive)
231 ),
232 !,
233 pprint(Primitive, Ctx, Options).
234pp(Portray, _Ctx, Options) :-
235 option(write_options(WriteOptions), Options),
236 option(portray(true), WriteOptions),
237 option(output(Out), Options),
238 with_output_to(Out, user:portray(Portray)),
239 !.
240pp(List, Ctx, Options) :-
241 List = [_|_],
242 !,
243 context(Ctx, indent, Indent),
244 context(Ctx, depth, Depth),
245 option(output(Out), Options),
246 option(indent_arguments(IndentStyle), Options),
247 ( ( IndentStyle == false
248 -> true
249 ; IndentStyle == auto,
250 print_width(List, Width, Options),
251 option(right_margin(RM), Options),
252 Indent + Width < RM
253 )
254 -> pprint(List, Ctx, Options)
255 ; format(Out, '[ ', []),
256 Nindent is Indent + 2,
257 NDepth is Depth + 1,
258 modify_context(Ctx, [indent=Nindent, depth=NDepth], NCtx),
259 pp_list_elements(List, NCtx, Options),
260 indent(Out, Indent, Options),
261 format(Out, ']', [])
262 ).
263:- if(current_predicate(is_dict/1)). 264pp(Dict, Ctx, Options) :-
265 is_dict(Dict),
266 !,
267 dict_pairs(Dict, Tag, Pairs),
268 option(output(Out), Options),
269 option(indent_arguments(IndentStyle), Options),
270 context(Ctx, indent, Indent),
271 ( IndentStyle == false ; Pairs == []
272 -> pprint(Dict, Ctx, Options)
273 ; IndentStyle == auto,
274 print_width(Dict, Width, Options),
275 option(right_margin(RM), Options),
276 Indent + Width < RM 277 -> pprint(Dict, Ctx, Options)
278 ; format(atom(Buf2), '~q{ ', [Tag]),
279 write(Out, Buf2),
280 atom_length(Buf2, FunctorIndent),
281 ( integer(IndentStyle)
282 -> Nindent is Indent + IndentStyle,
283 ( FunctorIndent > IndentStyle
284 -> indent(Out, Nindent, Options)
285 ; true
286 )
287 ; Nindent is Indent + FunctorIndent
288 ),
289 context(Ctx, depth, Depth),
290 NDepth is Depth + 1,
291 modify_context(Ctx, [indent=Nindent, depth=NDepth], NCtx0),
292 dec_depth(NCtx0, NCtx),
293 pp_dict_args(Pairs, NCtx, Options),
294 BraceIndent is Nindent - 2, 295 indent(Out, BraceIndent, Options),
296 write(Out, '}')
297 ).
298:- endif. 299pp(Term, Ctx, Options) :- 300 functor(Term, Name, Arity),
301 current_op(Prec, Type, Name),
302 match_op(Type, Arity, Kind, Prec, Left, Right),
303 option(operators(true), Options),
304 !,
305 option(output(Out), Options),
306 context(Ctx, indent, Indent),
307 context(Ctx, depth, Depth),
308 context(Ctx, precedence, CPrec),
309 NDepth is Depth + 1,
310 modify_context(Ctx, [depth=NDepth], Ctx1),
311 dec_depth(Ctx1, Ctx2),
312 ( Kind == prefix
313 -> arg(1, Term, Arg),
314 ( CPrec >= Prec
315 -> format(atom(Buf), '~q ', Name),
316 atom_length(Buf, AL),
317 NIndent is Indent + AL,
318 write(Out, Buf),
319 modify_context(Ctx2, [indent=NIndent, precedence=Right], Ctx3),
320 pp(Arg, Ctx3, Options)
321 ; format(atom(Buf), '(~q ', Name),
322 atom_length(Buf, AL),
323 NIndent is Indent + AL,
324 write(Out, Buf),
325 modify_context(Ctx2, [indent=NIndent, precedence=Right], Ctx3),
326 pp(Arg, Ctx3, Options),
327 format(Out, ')', [])
328 )
329 ; Kind == postfix
330 -> arg(1, Term, Arg),
331 ( CPrec >= Prec
332 -> modify_context(Ctx2, [precedence=Left], Ctx3),
333 pp(Arg, Ctx3, Options),
334 format(Out, ' ~q', Name)
335 ; format(Out, '(', []),
336 NIndent is Indent + 1,
337 modify_context(Ctx2, [indent=NIndent, precedence=Left], Ctx3),
338 pp(Arg, Ctx3, Options),
339 format(Out, ' ~q)', [Name])
340 )
341 ; arg(1, Term, Arg1),
342 arg(2, Term, Arg2),
343 ( CPrec >= Prec
344 -> modify_context(Ctx2, [precedence=Left], Ctx3),
345 pp(Arg1, Ctx3, Options),
346 format(Out, ' ~q ', Name),
347 modify_context(Ctx2, [precedence=Right], Ctx4),
348 pp(Arg2, Ctx4, Options)
349 ; format(Out, '(', []),
350 NIndent is Indent + 1,
351 modify_context(Ctx2, [indent=NIndent, precedence=Left], Ctx3),
352 pp(Arg1, Ctx3, Options),
353 format(Out, ' ~q ', Name),
354 modify_context(Ctx2, [precedence=Right], Ctx4),
355 pp(Arg2, Ctx4, Options),
356 format(Out, ')', [])
357 )
358 ).
359pp(Term, Ctx, Options) :- 360 option(output(Out), Options),
361 option(indent_arguments(IndentStyle), Options),
362 context(Ctx, indent, Indent),
363 ( IndentStyle == false
364 -> pprint(Term, Ctx, Options)
365 ; IndentStyle == auto,
366 print_width(Term, Width, Options),
367 option(right_margin(RM), Options),
368 Indent + Width < RM 369 -> pprint(Term, Ctx, Options)
370 ; Term =.. [Name|Args],
371 format(atom(Buf2), '~q(', [Name]),
372 write(Out, Buf2),
373 atom_length(Buf2, FunctorIndent),
374 ( integer(IndentStyle)
375 -> Nindent is Indent + IndentStyle,
376 ( FunctorIndent > IndentStyle
377 -> indent(Out, Nindent, Options)
378 ; true
379 )
380 ; Nindent is Indent + FunctorIndent
381 ),
382 context(Ctx, depth, Depth),
383 NDepth is Depth + 1,
384 modify_context(Ctx, [indent=Nindent, depth=NDepth], NCtx0),
385 dec_depth(NCtx0, NCtx),
386 pp_compound_args(Args, NCtx, Options),
387 write(Out, ')')
388 ).
391pp_list_elements(_, Ctx, Options) :-
392 context(Ctx, max_depth, 0),
393 !,
394 option(output(Out), Options),
395 write(Out, '...').
396pp_list_elements([H|T], Ctx0, Options) :-
397 dec_depth(Ctx0, Ctx),
398 pp(H, Ctx, Options),
399 ( T == []
400 -> true
401 ; nonvar(T),
402 T = [_|_]
403 -> option(output(Out), Options),
404 write(Out, ','),
405 context(Ctx, indent, Indent),
406 indent(Out, Indent, Options),
407 pp_list_elements(T, Ctx, Options)
408 ; option(output(Out), Options),
409 context(Ctx, indent, Indent),
410 indent(Out, Indent-2, Options),
411 write(Out, '| '),
412 pp(T, Ctx, Options)
413 ).
416pp_compound_args([H|T], Ctx, Options) :-
417 pp(H, Ctx, Options),
418 ( T == []
419 -> true
420 ; T = [_|_]
421 -> option(output(Out), Options),
422 write(Out, ','),
423 context(Ctx, indent, Indent),
424 indent(Out, Indent, Options),
425 pp_compound_args(T, Ctx, Options)
426 ; option(output(Out), Options),
427 context(Ctx, indent, Indent),
428 indent(Out, Indent-2, Options),
429 write(Out, '| '),
430 pp(T, Ctx, Options)
431 ).
434:- if(current_predicate(is_dict/1)). 435pp_dict_args([Name-Value|T], Ctx, Options) :-
436 option(output(Out), Options),
437 line_position(Out, Pos0),
438 pp(Name, Ctx, Options),
439 write(Out, ':'),
440 line_position(Out, Pos1),
441 context(Ctx, indent, Indent),
442 Indent2 is Indent + Pos1-Pos0,
443 modify_context(Ctx, [indent=Indent2], Ctx2),
444 pp(Value, Ctx2, Options),
445 ( T == []
446 -> true
447 ; option(output(Out), Options),
448 write(Out, ','),
449 indent(Out, Indent, Options),
450 pp_dict_args(T, Ctx, Options)
451 ).
452:- endif. 453
456match_op(fx, 1, prefix, P, _, R) :- R is P - 1.
457match_op(fy, 1, prefix, P, _, P).
458match_op(xf, 1, postfix, P, _, L) :- L is P - 1.
459match_op(yf, 1, postfix, P, P, _).
460match_op(xfx, 2, infix, P, A, A) :- A is P - 1.
461match_op(xfy, 2, infix, P, L, P) :- L is P - 1.
462match_op(yfx, 2, infix, P, P, R) :- R is P - 1.
471indent(Out, Indent, Options) :-
472 option(tab_width(TW), Options, 8),
473 nl(Out),
474 ( TW =:= 0
475 -> tab(Out, Indent)
476 ; Tabs is Indent // TW,
477 Spaces is Indent mod TW,
478 forall(between(1, Tabs, _), put(Out, 9)),
479 tab(Out, Spaces)
480 ).
486print_width(Term, W, Options) :-
487 option(right_margin(RM), Options),
488 ( write_length(Term, W, [max_length(RM)|Options])
489 -> true
490 ; W = RM
491 ).
497pprint(Term, Ctx, Options) :-
498 option(output(Out), Options),
499 pprint(Out, Term, Ctx, Options).
501pprint(Out, Term, Ctx, Options) :-
502 option(write_options(WriteOptions), Options),
503 context(Ctx, max_depth, MaxDepth),
504 ( MaxDepth == infinite
505 -> write_term(Out, Term, WriteOptions)
506 ; MaxDepth =< 0
507 -> format(Out, '...', [])
508 ; write_term(Out, Term, [max_depth(MaxDepth)|WriteOptions])
509 )
Pretty Print Prolog terms
This module is a first start of what should become a full-featured pretty printer for Prolog terms with many options and parameters. Eventually, it should replace portray_clause/1 and various other special-purpose predicates.