35:- module(c14n2,
36 [ xml_write_canonical/3 37 ]). 38:- use_module(library(error)). 39:- use_module(library(option)). 40:- use_module(library(sgml_write)). 41:- use_module(library(dicts)). 42:- use_module(library(ordsets)). 43:- use_module(library(apply)). 44:- use_module(library(lists)).
64xml_write_canonical(Stream, DOM, Options) :-
65 option(method(Method), Options, 'http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xml-c14n-20010315'),
66 xml_canonical_dom(DOM, CDOM, xml{in_ns:ns{}, out_ns:ns{}, is_root:true, method:Method}),
67 xml_write(Stream, CDOM,
68 [ header(false),
69 layout(false),
70 net(false)
71 ]).
73xml_canonical_dom(Var, _, _) :-
74 var(Var),
75 !,
76 instantiation_error(Var).
77xml_canonical_dom(DOM, CDOM, Options) :-
78 is_list(DOM),
79 !,
80 xml_canonical_list(DOM, CDOM, Options).
81xml_canonical_dom(element( Name, Attrs, Content),
82 element(CName, CAttrs, CContent),
83 Options) :-
84 !,
85 InNS0 = Options.in_ns,
86 OutNS0 = Options.out_ns,
87 Method = Options.method,
88 take_ns(Attrs, Method, Name, Attrs1, InNS0, InNS),
89 partition(has_ns, Attrs1, AttrsWithNS0, AttrsSans0),
90 sort(1, @<, AttrsWithNS0, AttrsWithNS1),
91 sort(1, @<, AttrsSans0, AttrsSans),
92 put_elemns(Name, CName, InNS, OutNS0, OutNS1, KillDefault),
93 put_ns_attrs(AttrsWithNS1, AttrsWithNS, InNS, OutNS1, OutNS),
94 ns_attrs(OutNS0, OutNS, NSAttrs),
95 ( Options.is_root == true ->
96 ( select(xmlns=DefaultNamespace, NSAttrs, NSAttrs0)
97 98 -> findall(xmlns:NS=URI, member(xmlns:NS=URI, Attrs), RootNSAttrs, NSAttrs0),
99 sort(2, @=<, RootNSAttrs, RootNSAttrs0),
100 RootNSAttrs1 = [xmlns=DefaultNamespace|RootNSAttrs0]
101 ; Method == 'http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#'
102 -> RootNSAttrs1 = NSAttrs
103 ; findall(xmlns:NS=URI, member(xmlns:NS=URI, Attrs), RootNSAttrs, NSAttrs),
104 sort(2, @<, RootNSAttrs, RootNSAttrs1)
105 ),
106 append([KillDefault, RootNSAttrs1, AttrsSans, AttrsWithNS], CAttrs)
107 ; append([KillDefault, NSAttrs, AttrsSans, AttrsWithNS], CAttrs)
108 ),
109 must_be(list, Content),
110 xml_canonical_list(Content, CContent,
111 Options.put(_{in_ns:InNS, out_ns:OutNS, is_root:false})).
112xml_canonical_dom(CDATA, CDATA, _) :-
113 atomic(CDATA).
117xml_canonical_list([], [], _).
118xml_canonical_list([H0|T0], [H|T], Options) :-
119 xml_canonical_dom(H0, H, Options),
120 xml_canonical_list(T0, T, Options).
122take_ns([], _, _, [], NSList, NSList).
123take_ns([H|T0], Method, Name, T, NSList0, NSList) :-
124 xml_ns(H, NS, URL),
125 !,
126 ( include_ns(Name, Method, NS, URL)
127 -> take_ns(T0, Method, Name, T, NSList0.put(NS, URL), NSList)
128 ; take_ns(T0, Method, Name, T, NSList0, NSList)
129 ).
130take_ns([H|T0], Method, Name, [H|T], NSList0, NSList) :-
131 take_ns(T0, Method, Name, T, NSList0, NSList).
133include_ns(ns(Prefix, URI):_, 'http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#', Prefix, URI):- !.
134include_ns(_, 'http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xml-c14n-20010315', _, _):- !.
137put_ns_attrs([], [], _, OutNS, OutNS).
138put_ns_attrs([Name=Value|T0], [CName=Value|T], InNS, OutNS0, OutNS) :-
139 put_ns(Name, CName, InNS, OutNS0, OutNS1),
140 put_ns_attrs(T0, T, InNS, OutNS1, OutNS).
142put_elemns(Name, Name, _InNS, OutNS0, OutNS1, [xmlns='']) :-
143 atom(Name),
144 dict_pairs(OutNS0, _, Pairs),
145 memberchk(URL-'', Pairs),
146 !,
147 del_dict(URL, OutNS0, '', OutNS1).
148put_elemns(Name, CName, InNS, OutNS0, OutNS, []) :-
149 put_ns(Name, CName, InNS, OutNS0, OutNS).
151put_ns(ns(NS, URL):Name, CName, _InNS, OutNS, OutNS) :-
152 get_dict(URL, OutNS, NS),
153 !,
154 make_cname(NS:Name, CName).
155put_ns(ns(NS, URL):Name, CName, _InNS, OutNS0, OutNS) :-
156 !,
157 make_cname(NS:Name, CName),
158 OutNS = OutNS0.put(URL, NS).
159put_ns(URL:Name, CName, _InNS, OutNS, OutNS) :-
160 get_dict(URL, OutNS, NS),
161 !,
162 make_cname(NS:Name, CName).
163put_ns(URL:Name, CName, InNS, OutNS0, OutNS) :-
164 dict_pairs(InNS, _, Pairs),
165 memberchk(NS-URL, Pairs),
166 !,
167 make_cname(NS:Name, CName),
168 OutNS = OutNS0.put(URL, NS).
169put_ns(Name, Name, _, OutNS, OutNS).
171ns_attrs(OutNS, OutNS, []) :- !.
172ns_attrs(OutNS0, OutNS, NSAttrs) :-
173 !,
174 dict_keys(OutNS, URLs),
175 dict_keys(OutNS0, URLs0),
176 ord_subtract(URLs, URLs0, NewURLs),
177 maplist(ns_attr(OutNS), NewURLs, NSAttrs0),
178 sort(NSAttrs0, NSAttrs).
180ns_attr(Dict, URL, NSAttr) :-
181 ns_simplify(xmlns:Dict.URL=URL, NSAttr).
183ns_simplify(xmlns:''=URL, xmlns=URL) :- !.
184ns_simplify(xmlns:NS=URL, XMLNS=URL) :-
185 make_cname(xmlns:NS, XMLNS).
187xml_ns(xmlns=URL, '', URL) :- !.
188xml_ns(xmlns:NS=URL, NS, URL) :- !.
189xml_ns(Name=URL, NS, URL) :-
190 atom(Name),
191 atom_concat('xmlns:', NS, Name).
193make_cname('':Name, Name) :- !.
194make_cname(NS:Name, CName) :-
195 atomic_list_concat([NS,Name], :, CName)
C14n2 canonical XML documents
C14n2 specifies a canonical XML document. This library writes such a document from an XML DOM as returned by the XML (or SGML) parser. The process takes two steps: