Table for the 11 triples for predicate ns4:tagline

?:Akira (anime)"Neo-Tokyo is about to E.X.P.L.O.D.E."@nl
?:Alexander (film)"Fortune favors the bold"@nl
?:Casanova (2005)"A partially true story about lies told, virtue lost and love found."@nl
?:Christine (film)"Hell hath no Christine."@nl
?:Christine (film)"How do you kill something that can't possibly be alive?"@nl
?:EXistenZ"Play it. Live it. Kill for it."@nl
?:Fallen (film)"Don't trust a soul."@nl
?:Madagascar (film)"Ton On The Run"@nl
?:Mitchell (film)"Murder...Cops...and Corruption"@nl
?:W. (film)"A life misunderestimated."@nl
?:Wing Commander (film)"At the edge of our universe, all hell is about to break loose."@nl