Table for the 105 triples for predicate ns4:locatiekaart
Subject | Object |
?:Afghanistan | "LocationAfghanistan.svg"@nl |
?:Algerije | "LocationAlgeria.svg"@nl |
?:Andorra | "Europe location ANR.png"@nl |
?:Angola | "LocationAngola.svg"@nl |
?:Aruba | "LocationAruba.png"@nl |
?:Bangladesh | "LocationBangladesh.svg"@nl |
?:Bulgarije | "EU-Bulgaria.svg"@nl |
?:Cambodja | "LocationCambodia.svg"@nl |
?:Canada | "Canada .svg"@nl |
?:Chili | "LocationChile.svg"@nl |
?:Colombia | "LocationColombia.svg"@nl |
?:Congo-Kinshasa | "LocationDRCongo.svg"@nl |
?:Costa Rica | "LocationCostaRica.svg"@nl |
?:Cuba (land) | "LocationCuba.svg"@nl |
?:Cyprus | "Cyprus in its region .svg"@nl |
?:Denemarken | "EU-Denmark.svg"@nl |
?:Duitsland | "EU-Germany.svg"@nl |
?:Ecuador | "LocationEcuador.svg"@nl |
?:Egypte (land) | "LocationEgypt.svg"@nl |
?:Eritrea | "LocationEritrea.svg"@nl |
?:Estland | "EU-Estonia.svg"@nl |
?:Filipijnen | "Philippines .svg"@nl |
?:Finland | "EU-Finland.svg"@nl |
?:Frankrijk | "EU-France.svg"@nl |
?:Frans-Guyana | "LocationFrenchGuiana.svg"@nl |
?:Gambia (land) | "Gambia_in_its_region.svg"@nl |
?:Gibraltar | "LocationGibraltar.png"@nl |
?:Griekenland | "EU-Greece.svg"@nl |
?:Groenland | "LocationGreenland.png"@nl |
?:Guernsey | "LocationGuernsey.png"@nl |
?:Guyana | "Guyana in its region.svg"@nl |
?:Hongarije | "EU-Hungary.svg"@nl |
?:Hongkong | "China Hong Kong.svg"@nl |
?:Ierland (land) | "EU-Ireland.svg"@nl |
?:IJsland | "Europe-Iceland.svg"@nl |
?:India | "India .svg"@nl |
?:Irak | "Iraq in its region.svg"@nl |
?:Iran | "Iran in its region.svg"@nl |
?:Japan | "Japan-location-cia.gif"@nl |
?:Jersey (eiland) | "Uk map jersey.png"@nl |
?:Kameroen | "LocationCameroon.svg"@nl |
?:Kazachstan | "Kazakhstan .svg"@nl |
?:Kenia | "Kenya in its region .svg"@nl |
?:Koninkrijk der Nederlanden | "Kingdom of the Netherlands in its region.svg"@nl |
?:Laos | "LocationLaos.svg"@nl |
?:Letland | "EU-Latvia.svg"@nl |
?:Libanon | "LocationLebanon.svg"@nl |
?:Litouwen | "EU-Lithuania.svg"@nl |
?:Luxemburg (land) | "EU-Luxembourg.svg"@nl |
?:Malta (land) | "EU-Malta.svg"@nl |
?:Man (eiland) | "British Isles Isle of Man.svg"@nl |
?:Marokko | "LocationMorocco.svg"@nl |
?:Marshalleilanden | "LocationMarshallIslands.png"@nl |
?:Mauritius (land) | "LocationMauritius.png"@nl |
?:Mexico (land) | "Mexico .svg"@nl |
?:Monaco | "LocationMonaco.svg"@nl |
?:Montenegro | "LocationMontenegro.svg"@nl |
?:Moskou | "Moscow In Europe.png"@nl |
?:Mozambique | "LocationMozambique.svg"@nl |
?:Myanmar | "LocationMyanmar.svg"@nl |
?:Nederland | "EU-Netherlands.svg"@nl |
?:Nieuw-Zeeland | "LocationNewZealand.png"@nl |
?:Noord-Korea | "LocationNorthKorea.svg"@nl |
?:Noorwegen | "LocationNorway.svg"@nl |
?:Oostenrijk | "EU-Austria.svg"@nl |
?:Oost-Timor | "LocationEastTimor.svg"@nl |
?:Pakistan | "LocationPakistan.svg"@nl |
?:Palau (land) | "LocationPalau.png"@nl |
?:Panama (land) | "LocationPanama.svg"@nl |
?:Papoea-Nieuw-Guinea | "LocationPapuaNewGuinea.svg"@nl |
?:Paraguay | "LocationParaguay.svg"@nl |
?:Peru | "LocationPeru.svg"@nl |
?:Polen | "EU-Poland.svg"@nl |
?:Portugal | "EU-Portugal with islands circled.svg"@nl |
?:Rusland | "Russian Federation .svg"@nl |
?:Salomonseilanden | "LocationSolomonIslands.png"@nl |
?:Samoa | "LocationSamoa.png"@nl |
?:Schellenberg | "Karte Gemeinde Schellenberg.png"@nl |
?:Schotland | "Europe location SCO2.png"@nl |
?:Senegal | "LocationSenegal.svg"@nl |
?:Seychellen | "LocationSeychelles.png"@nl |
?:Singapore | "LocationSingapore.png"@nl |
?:Sint Maarten (land) | "SaintMartinIle.PNG"@nl |
?:Slowakije | "EU-Slovakia.svg"@nl |
?:Soedan | "Sudan in its region .svg"@nl |
?:Spanje | "EU-Spain.svg"@nl |
?:Sri Lanka | "LocationSriLanka.png"@nl |
?:Suriname | "Suriname in its region.svg"@nl |
?:Taiwan | "LocationROC.png"@nl |
?:Thailand | "LocationThailand.svg"@nl |
?:Togo | "LocationTogo.svg"@nl |
?:Turkije | "Turkey .svg"@nl |
?:Uruguay | "LocationUruguay.svg"@nl |
?:Vaticaanstad | "LocationVaticanCity.svg"@nl |
?:Venezuela | "LocationVenezuela.svg"@nl |
?:Verenigde Staten | "United States .svg"@nl |
?:Verenigd Koninkrijk | "EU-United Kingdom.svg"@nl |
?:Vietnam | "VietnamInTheWorld.svg"@nl |
?:Volksrepubliek China | "People's Republic of China .svg"@nl |
?:Wales | "Europe location WAL2.png"@nl |
?:Wit-Rusland | "LocationBelarus.svg"@nl |
?:Zuid-Afrika | "LocationSouthAfrica.svg"@nl |
?:Zuid-Korea | "Locator map of South Korea.svg"@nl |
?:Zweden | "EU-Sweden.svg"@nl |
?:Zwitserland | "LocationSwitzerland.svg"@nl |