Local view for "http://purl.org/collections/nl/niod/botb-Veen_G_J_van_der"

PredicateValue (sorted: default)
skos:preferred label
"Veen, G. J. van der"
"Veen, G. J. van der, 5: 453,454,761,762,771, 772, 783, 784, 787, 788; 6: II, 38, 102-107, 164, '9', '92, 592, 7'2-7,6, 7,8-720, 722, 723, 727, 728, 734, 736; 7: 674, 679, 7'5- 729, 739n, 740n, 77', 798, 851, 959n, 960, 982-986, 989, 990, 1009, 1060n, 1062, 1I36n, 1I8m, 1I90-1I93, 1214n; 8: [83, 284, 359, 503, 603n; 9: 964; loa: 83, 94, 95; lob: 454, 455; IJ: IlO; 14: 439-441, 5'9, 557"

All properties reside in the graph http://purl.org/collections/nl/niod/botb.ttl

The resource does not appear as an object

Context graph