Local view for "http://purl.org/collections/nl/niod/botb-Tempel_J_van_den"

PredicateValue (sorted: default)
skos:preferred label
"Tempel, J. van den"
"Tempel, J. van den, I: 486n, 672, 673n, 675, 678,680,682,691,692; 2: 158,189,200,237, 238n, 4°7,4°8,421,434; 3: 39,4°,46,285, 286, 289-292, 460, 465; 4: 208, 209; 5: 98, 850; 8: 901, 957, 970; 9: 3, 4, 6, 50, 54, 55, 67,70,73,75n, 76n, 78,79,9°,93,96,100, 101,105-107,120,138,142,144,152-154,158, 159,161,169, 183n, 197, 201, 203, 204, 206- 208, 216, 219-224, 260, 278, 283, 296, 299, 300, 316, 326, 337, 357, 374, 382, 392, 403, 418, 427, 432, 468, 478, 525, 544, 545, 549, 551n, 561n, 644, 667, 668, 670, 674n, 679, 797,806,8°7,8°9,810,815,820,822,892, 952,974, 1l07, I109, 1l29n, I178, I187, 1277, 1296,1316-1324,133°,134°,1341,1347-1349, 1357, 1361, 1369, 1374, 1386-1391, 1393, 1398, 1404, 1409, 1415-1418, 1422, 1424, 1428, 1429,1431,1433,1437,1443-1445,1449,1453, 1454n, 1455, 1460, 1461, 1463-1465, 1473, 1474; roa: 18n, 133-135, 139, 159, 160, 162, 179, 470, 6°5, 640, 641n, 643, 647, 666, 724,725,858,861,862,867,871,872,877n, 882,883,887, 888n, 889, 892n, 893,9°1,9°2, 904-906,910,930,933,944,952,956,965- 968, 984, 993, 996, 1000n, 1006, 1007, 10°9,1012,1016,1017,1020,1022,1027; tob: °909, 930n, 931, 95In, 9520, 1055; IIa: 790, 910; IIe: 90, 91, 93, 337n, 685; I2: 112, 315, 317; I3: 43; I4: 105, 171, 205, 251, 546, 568, 575, 687"

All properties reside in the graph http://purl.org/collections/nl/niod/botb.ttl

The resource does not appear as an object

Context graph