Local view for "http://purl.org/collections/nl/niod/botb-Sowjet-Unie"

PredicateValue (sorted: default)
skos:preferred label
"Sowjet-Unie, I: 13,38, 59, 60, 87, 88, 108-112, 1I4, 1I8, 147, 167, 191, 224, 225, 227, 369, 383, 393, 408, 421, 424, 443, 475-480, 483, 518, 531,699-710,714; 2: 41,49,54,56,146,147, 151,168,299,3°2,3°3; 3: 501; 4:25, 26n, 236, 265, 266, 338, 365, 573, 722, 810, 811, 828, 898, 902, 906-908; 5: 2, 10, 13, 14, 74, 75, 82-92, 97, 106n, 173-180, 621, 633n, 639, 657,861,985, 988; 6: '2, 274, 515-518, 527, 528,535-537,553,604-607,851; 7: 12,56,7°, 323,325,339,400,518,520,540,1026,1I46n, 1I50, 1279-1281, 1285, 1289-1293, 1347; 8: 3, 5, 6, 51, 56, 79, 93, 127, 143, 898, 963, 964; 9: °54, III, 1I2, 163, 197-201, 229, 239, 254, 275, 278, 309, 326, 393, 396n, 509n, 528, 533n, 562, 632, 637, 641-647, 651, 652, 655- 659,662-664,670-677,679-681,686,829, 841, 842, 885, 886, 929, 1086, 1217, 1225, 1349,1484,1496; ioa: 1,2,24,25, 28n-30, 42, 43, 258,73°, 964; tob: '338, 449, 781, 792, 795-817, 942, 948, 1172, 1194, 125°-1263, 1273,1278,1279,1300,1334,1342, I366n; ita: 303, 307, 318, 416, 456, 479, 503, 507-509, 514n, 538n, 610, 621, 680, 684, 687, 699, 7°0,708, 725n; rib: °1,17,18,20-49,57,78, 1°9,113-116,127,129,130,133, 138n, 143, 154, 161,163,478,59°, 831n, 1029-1031; IIC: '103, 142,23°,395,493,5°8, 511,615; I2: °3,5,6, 9,74,120-122,33°,449,721, 790n, 864, 941, 952, 974, 980, 998; I3: 82; I4: 18, 31, 80-82, 84,86,208,247,3°3,33°,348,353,368,369, 407,568,569,606,885,1018,1067. Zie ook: Communistische Partij Nederland; [alta, Moskou, Teheran, conferenties van -; Kom- intern; Rusland; Verenigde Naties"
"Kom- intern"
"[alta, Moskou, Teheran, conferenties van -"

All properties reside in the graph http://purl.org/collections/nl/niod/botb.ttl

The resource appears as object in one triple:

{ niod:botb-Rusland, skos:related, niod:botb-Sowjet-Unie }

Context graph