Local view for "http://purl.org/collections/nl/niod/botb-Sachsenhausen"
Predicate | Value (sorted: none) |
rdf:type | |
niod:original |
"'Station Z' (Sachsenhausen), 8: 520"
niod:original |
"Sachsenhausen. I: 439. 449. 533; 4: 62In. 802; 5: 394n• 416. 775n• 808n. 819n. 85In. 882n. 969; 6: 221. 351. 588n. 62In; 7: 233. 726n. 860n. 959n. 975n; 8: °,5• '9. 22. 3 • 37. 50-52. 64. 65. 67-7 • ]3. 76. 80. 85. 86.88. 93.94. 1°4-107. 116. "7. 165. 354. 355. 359. 395. 396• 399. 417. 422• 423. 430. 431• 436. 458.473. 480• 489. 497. 500 • 502. 503. 510• 5'4. 518-520• 529n • 533. 534. 538• 545. 551• 560. 562. 563. 566-569n. 572-575. 584. 641• 652.695.9°5.937.938.945.946; 9:1221; Ioa: 241. 242; Iob: °833. 838-840. 848. 854. 855. 867n-870. 873. 879. 884-887. 899.9°8.911- 913.934. 1202. 1205. 1218n. 1227. 1236-1239. 1248; I2: °72• 107. u9. 120. 126. 168. 175. 460; I4: 286. 542 "
niod:pageRef | |
niod:pageRef | |
niod:quote |
"'Station Z'"
niod:vkId |
niod:vkId |
skos:alternative label | |
skos:alternative label | |
skos:inScheme | |
skos:preferred label |
" (Sachsenhausen)"
skos:preferred label |
All properties reside in the graph http://purl.org/collections/nl/niod/botb.ttl
The resource does not appear as an object