Local view for "http://purl.org/collections/nl/niod/botb-Rauter_H_A"

PredicateValue (sorted: default)
skos:preferred label
"Rauter, H. A."
"Rauter, H. A., 4: 40--42, 50, 59, 64, 66n, 67, 74, 76-83, 87n, 88, 99, 104, 108, 109, Il9, '50, 225, 281, 282, 288-29°, 292, 293, 301, 3°7,343,433, 445n, 446, 560, 579, 580, 582, 583, 585, 588, 591, 707n, 729, 730, 734-736, 749, 8°5, 815n, 823, 839, 843, 877, 881, 884, 888, 890, 895, 919, 920, 923-925, 93'; 5: .29-31, 50, 65n, 67-69n, 100, 119, 121-123, 149n, 164, 181-186, 190, 192, '98, 214, 219, 222-231, 258n, 277, 341, 4'3, 426, 456, 458- 473,476,533,534> 537, 54', 545, 547, 548, 551, 552, 561, 562, 565, 567, 568, 590, 598-600, 668, 675, 7,8, 743, 801, 802, 820--822, 921, 961, 976, 989, 1008, 1016-1020, 1024-1028, 1030, 1°3', 1033, 1034, 1042, 1043, 1068- RAVEN - RECHTERLIJKE MACHT 1071,1081,1085,1095,1100,1101, 1I06, 1I07; 6: °13, 15, 33, 53, 67-69, 72, 74, 75, 79, 80, 123, 172, 210, 236, 240, 243, 244, 248, 271- 274, 283, 291-293, 296, 297, 3°6-3°9, 314, 320, 321, 332, 362, 370, 371, 376, 379, 394, 395, 399, 408, 410-415, 423n, 446n-448, 461n,466,482-484,486,487,547,548,554, 555,557-560, 564n, 565n-566, 614, 615n-617, 619-621, 634, 645, 710, 723, 737, 738, 756- 760, 766, 767, 793, 794, 797, 803-806, 812-815,83°,838-843, 846, 848, 853. 859; 7: °58, 68n, 82, 153-154n, 162, 163, 219, 223, 225.231.232. 278n, 283, 285. 286. 289n, 294, 297. 298. 301. 309. 329, 331-333. 335-338• 364.365.4°0-4°3. 405. 406. 410• 4Il, 413, 415,445,524-688,7°2. 707n• 727, 751, 752, 757,802. 803. 913n, 1023, 1051, 1222,1227- 1233.1235,1237.1246-1251,1253.1256-1277, 1342,135°,1354,1355; 8: "r, zn, 38, 47, 48n, 58n. 86n, 174, 175, 180, 183, 185. 194. 220, ns. 336• 338-342• 359, 360. 586• 590. 638, 639,647,649.65°,656,657,667,686-689. 692-694.704,705n,727, 728,892.913,914, 927. 930, 936; 9: 988, 995, 997n. 1000, ron n, lO12n, 1013n. 1043. 1050. 1068. 1069. 1291,1396; toa: °10,12.53,55.56,67.69-73. 107, 180. 181. 186-189, 197, 198, 201, 208, 279-282,351,352. 427n; tob: °2, 4, 5. 18. 19, 32, 37. 42. 53. 54, 58, 67, 74, 92, 93, 96, 105-107. 1I3, 1I4, 123. 124. 13In. 268. 303, 305. 308-3Il, 316, 327, 32 8, 329n, 340-344. 352, 362, 383, 384, 386. 389-392, 394, 396, 432• 438-447, 474. 48w, 52 2, 523, 534, 569, 689n, 717, 726, 727,1°46.1047, Il5In, Il98• 1361; I2: °42• 367, 371. 387, 388, 440, 444, 546,566.567,57°-573,617,621,640; I3: 48; I4: XIX, 153, 253. 306, 409, 488. 6°7, 677. 710. 714. 1082. Zie ook: Ausnahmezustand ; Berechting (bezet gebied); Berechting. stopzetting van - illegale werkers; Dolle Dinsdag-periode; Niedermachungsbejeh]; Politie, Duitse; Putten; Rechtspraak, Duit- se, in Nederland; Woeste Hoeve"
"Berechting. stopzetting van - illegale werkers"
"Rechtspraak, Duit- se, in Nederland"

All properties reside in the graph http://purl.org/collections/nl/niod/botb.ttl

The resource does not appear as an object

Context graph