Local view for "http://purl.org/collections/nl/niod/botb-Duitsland"

PredicateValue (sorted: default)
skos:alternative label
skos:preferred label
"Duitsland, I: °17, 38, 39, 41, 46, 60-61, 67, 89, 94, 117-118, 123, 145-149, 151, 154, 160-161, 165-17°, 215, 270, 308, 330, 366, 369, 383, 384, 409, 422, 440-465, 473-481, 484, 487, 489-492, 494, 495, 497, 512, 533, 535, 546, 547,551-553,555-560,573> 574, 578, 584, 585, 588, 600, 602, 610, 619, 620, 628, 699-704, 7°6,712-714,721-723; 2:1,2,9,49,144-153, 166-168, 305, 309, 367, 371; 4: °53, 44, 64, 71-75, 79, 95-97, 102, 103, 111, 165-168, 176n, 201, 202, 214, 262, 263, 265, 330, 342, 360, 363-366, 375-388, 392, 425, 447, 481, 607,608,742-744,746,767,807-813,828, 853, 906-908; 5: °61-63, 81,180, 233n, 271, 337,344, 382, 491, 492, 624-626, 654-657, 665, 666, 995-1001, 1024, 1050, 1052, 1065, 1085n; 6: °5, 37n, 52, 53, 126, 267, 268, 272-275, 282, 283, 290, 291, 522-524, 540, 541, 607, 610,795, 835; 7: °12, 15, 20, 43, 51, 146, 180, 203, 218, 282, 285, 286, 327, 365, 4°0,401,492-497,596,1145-1156, 1I69n; 9: °660-669, 829, 949, 950, 1086, 1101, 1104, 1117, 1136, 1143, 1155, 1173, 1216, 1219, 1229, 1241,1298,1327,1342,1359,1366,1388-1392; toa: 1,2,45,47,50,51,65,195,208,246,249, 250, 260, 270, 277, 364, 447, 736, 738, 739, 741, 742, 862, 1003; tob: °14, 24, 25, 31, 33, 39,45,75,77,86,95,280,281,321,780,781, 799-802, 812, 813, 818, 820, 823, 834, 835, 1081-1°9°,1101-11°3,117°,1174,1175,1259- 1261, 1384, 1387; Ha: °60, 260, 456-462, 477, 478, 508, 509, 523, 529, 535, 538, 552, 561, 568, 684, 685, 687, 688, 699, 718; itb: "Sn, 9, 12, 12n, 17, 18, 25, 26, 44-51, 56, 157-160, [87-189, 361, 362. Zie ook: Anti- Kominrernverdrag: Antisemitisme; Blokka- de; Capirulariets): [alra, Moskou, Confe- renties van -; Controleraad; Driemogend- hedenverdrag; Herbewapening; A. Hider; Internering; Joden, in Duitsland; Neurrali- reitsbeleid: NSDAP; Propaganda, Duitse; Reichskristallnacht; Wehmlacht, Deutsche; Weimar-RepubLik"
"A. Hider"
"Anti- Kominrernverdrag: Antisemitisme"
"Blokka- de"
"Capirulariets): [alra, Moskou, Confe- renties van -"
"Driemogend- hedenverdrag"
"Joden, in Duitsland"
"Neurrali- reitsbeleid: NSDAP"
"Wehmlacht, Deutsche"

All properties reside in the graph http://purl.org/collections/nl/niod/botb.ttl

The resource appears as object in one triple:

{ niod:botb-Capirulariefs_van_Duitsland, skos:related, niod:botb-Duitsland }

Context graph