Local view for "http://purl.org/collections/nl/niod/botb-Burgemeesters_wethouders"

PredicateValue (sorted: default)
skos:preferred label
"Burgemeesters, wethouders"
"Burgemeesters, wethouders, 3: 286, 364; 4: 68, 127, 132, 157, 256-258, 272, 713, 723, 734, 736,737,74°,753,777,839,854; 5: °21, 39n, 101,135, 145n, 166, 230n, 251-263, 461n, 466, 534,544, 545n, 547, 548, 561, 668, 976, 1066; 6: 62-65, 186, 202, 241-244, 287, 289n, 319, 398,399,424-435,469,491,494,495n, 552n, 570,621,622,626-629, 771,775,784,786n, 816, 837, 838, 844, 848n, 852n, 859; 7: 44, 394, 497, 545, 546, 598, 602, 615-617, 637, 642, 660, 663, 667n, 676-680, 1328, 1330- 1337, 1339-1343; 8: Ihn, 193; 9: 434, 1278; loa: 59, 160, 163,188,193,220,221, 231, 271, 318, 319, 536, 547-550, 649-655, 699, 706, 857, 871, 875, 920, 939, 941, 972; lob: °21, 281,314,316,6°3,768,10°3,1014,1015,1019, 1023-1027, 1038-1043, 1045, 1047, 1050, 1067, 1068, II5D-1I55, 1158-1161,1399, 1400, 14°6,1420; IIa: 169,199, 594; IIb: °212,218, 219,227,229, 305, 375, 381; 12: °135,141,143, 156, 157, 170, 198, 199n, 335-337, 339, 344- 346,351-356,366,367,375,480,481,576; 13: 104. Zie ook: K. J. Frederiks; Gemeentebe- sturen; Provinciale en gemeentelijke be- stuursorganen; Regeringscommissarissen; Wetsbesluiten"
"Gemeentebe- sturen"

All properties reside in the graph http://purl.org/collections/nl/niod/botb.ttl

The resource does not appear as an object

Context graph