Distinct objects for predicate ns4:schipVoortstuwing sorted by frequency with mapping to SKOS
Resource | Count | SKOS mapping |
"4.0"^^<http://dbpedia.org/datatype/second> | 3 | |
"151200"^^xsd:integer | 2 | |
"24"^^xsd:integer | 2 | |
"276.0"^^<http://dbpedia.org/datatype/second> | 2 | |
"288.0"^^<http://dbpedia.org/datatype/second> | 2 | |
"3"^^xsd:integer | 2 | |
"drievoudige expansie-stoommachine,"@nl | 2 | |
"enkele schroef, 2500 pk"@nl | 2 | |
"Twee met olie gestookte stoomketels,"@nl | 2 | |
"110000"^^xsd:integer | 1 | |
"12"^^xsd:integer | 1 | |
"163026"^^xsd:integer | 1 | |
"3.0"^^<http://dbpedia.org/datatype/second> | 1 | |
"55400"^^xsd:integer | 1 | |
"8"^^xsd:integer | 1 | |
"Drie 3-bladige schroeven"@nl | 1 | |
"Drie schroeven"@nl | 1 | |
"IHI Sulzer 8RND68 dieselmotor, 9715 kW bij 150 rpm"@nl | 1 | |
"Twee stoomturbines, 17.500 kW, twee schroeven"@nl | 1 |