Distinct objects for predicate ns4:locatiekaart sorted by frequency with mapping to SKOS

ResourceCountSKOS mapping
"United States .svg"@nl17
"EU-United Kingdom.svg"@nl11
"Russian Federation .svg"@nl9
"India .svg"@nl7
"People's Republic of China .svg"@nl6
"Canada .svg"@nl5
"Europe location SCO2.png"@nl5
"Turkey .svg"@nl4
"EU-Portugal with islands circled.svg"@nl3
"Locator map of South Korea.svg"@nl3
"Philippines .svg"@nl3
"Suriname in its region.svg"@nl3
"Iraq in its region.svg"@nl2
"Kingdom of the Netherlands in its region.svg"@nl2
"Moscow In Europe.png"@nl2
"British Isles Isle of Man.svg"@nl1
"China Hong Kong.svg"@nl1
"Cyprus in its region .svg"@nl1
"Europe location ANR.png"@nl1
"Europe location WAL2.png"@nl1
"Guyana in its region.svg"@nl1
"Iran in its region.svg"@nl1
"Karte Gemeinde Schellenberg.png"@nl1
"Kazakhstan .svg"@nl1
"Kenya in its region .svg"@nl1
"Mexico .svg"@nl1
"Sudan in its region .svg"@nl1
"Uk map jersey.png"@nl1