Resource | Count | SKOS mapping |
"Indicates membership of a class" | 2 |
"A collection of alternatives."@en | 1 |
"A description of the subject resource." | 1 |
"A domain class for a property type" | 1 |
"A domain of the subject property." | 1 |
"A human-readable name for the subject." | 1 |
"a member of a container" | 1 |
"A member of the subject resource." | 1 |
"An ordered collection."@en | 1 |
"An unordered collection."@en | 1 |
"A range class for a property type" | 1 |
"A range of the subject property." | 1 |
"A resource that provides information about the subject resource" | 1 |
"Further information about the subject resource." | 1 |
"Identifies the principal value (usually a string) of a property when the property value is a structured resource" | 1 |
"Indicates specialization of properties" | 1 |
"Indicates the namespace of a resource" | 1 |
"Provides a human-readable version of a resource name." | 1 |
"The class of classes." | 1 |
"The class of container membership properties, rdf:_1, rdf:_2, ...,
all of which are sub-properties of 'member'." | 1 |
"The class of datatypes."@en | 1 |
"The class of literal values, eg. textual strings and integers." | 1 |
"The class of RDF containers." | 1 |
"The class of RDF datatypes." | 1 |
"The class of RDF Lists"@en | 1 |
"The class of RDF statements." | 1 |
"The class of XML literals." | 1 |
"The class resource, everything." | 1 |
"The concept of a property." | 1 |
"The concept of Class" | 1 |
"The container membership properties, rdf:1, rdf:2, ..., all of which are sub-properties of 'member'." | 1 |
"The defininition of the subject resource." | 1 |
"The empty list, with no items in it. If the rest of a list is nil then the list has no more items in it."@en | 1 |
"The first item in an RDF list. Also often called the head."@en | 1 |
"The object of an RDF statement." | 1 |
"the predicate of an RDF statement." | 1 |
"The rest of an RDF list after the first item. Also often called the tail."@en | 1 |
"The subject is a subclass of a class." | 1 |
"The subject is a subproperty of a property." | 1 |
"The subject of an RDF statement." | 1 |
"This represents the set Containers." | 1 |
"This represents the set of atomic values, eg. textual strings." | 1 |
"Use this for descriptions" | 1 |