Distinct objects for predicate rdfs:label in graph file:///home/vdeboer/src/ClioPatria/ClioPatria/rdf/base/owl.owl sorted by frequency with mapping to SKOS
Resource | Count | SKOS mapping |
"AllDifferent" | 1 | |
"allValuesFrom" | 1 | |
"AnnotationProperty" | 1 | |
"backwardCompatibleWith" | 1 | |
"cardinality" | 1 | |
"Class" | 1 | |
"complementOf" | 1 | |
"DataRange" | 1 | |
"DatatypeProperty" | 1 | |
"DeprecatedClass" | 1 | |
"DeprecatedProperty" | 1 | |
"differentFrom" | 1 | |
"disjointWith" | 1 | |
"distinctMembers" | 1 | |
"equivalentClass" | 1 | |
"equivalentProperty" | 1 | |
"FunctionalProperty" | 1 | |
"hasValue" | 1 | |
"imports" | 1 | |
"incompatibleWith" | 1 | |
"intersectionOf" | 1 | |
"InverseFunctionalProperty" | 1 | |
"inverseOf" | 1 | |
"maxCardinality" | 1 | |
"minCardinality" | 1 | |
"Nothing" | 1 | |
"ObjectProperty" | 1 | |
"oneOf" | 1 | |
"onProperty" | 1 | |
"Ontology" | 1 | |
"OntologyProperty" | 1 | |
"priorVersion" | 1 | |
"Restriction" | 1 | |
"sameAs" | 1 | |
"someValuesFrom" | 1 | |
"SymmetricProperty" | 1 | |
"Thing" | 1 | |
"TransitiveProperty" | 1 | |
"unionOf" | 1 | |
"versionInfo" | 1 |