/* Part of XPCE --- The SWI-Prolog GUI toolkit Author: Jan Wielemaker and Anjo Anjewierden E-mail: jan@swi.psy.uva.nl WWW: http://www.swi.psy.uva.nl/projects/xpce/ Copyright (c) 1995-2013, University of Amsterdam All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- module(pce_expansion, [ pce_term_expansion/2, % +In, -Out pce_compiling/1, % -ClassName pce_compiling/2, % -ClassName, -Path pce_begin_recording/1, % +- source|documentation pce_end_recording/0 ]). :- use_module(pce_boot(pce_principal)). :- require([ pce_error/1 , pce_info/1 , pce_warn/1 , string/1 , atomic_list_concat/2 , expand_goal/2 , flatten/2 , forall/2 , reverse/2 , source_location/2 , string_codes/2 , append/3 , atom_concat/3 , between/3 , maplist/3 , sub_atom/5 , push_operators/1 , pop_operators/0 ]). :- dynamic compiling/2, % -ClassName attribute/3, % ClassName, Attribute, Value verbose/0, recording/2. % items recorded :- if(exists_source(library(quintus))). :- use_module(library(quintus), [genarg/3]). :- endif. /******************************* * OPERATORS * *******************************/ % push_compile_operators. % % Push operator definitions that are specific to XPCE class % definitions. :- module_transparent push_compile_operators/0. push_compile_operators :- context_module(M), push_compile_operators(M). push_compile_operators(M) :- push_operators(M: [ op(1200, xfx, :->) , op(1200, xfx, :<-) , op(910, xfy, ::) % above \+ , op(100, xf, *) , op(125, xf, ?) , op(150, xf, ...) , op(100, xfx, ..) ]). pop_compile_operators :- pop_operators. :- push_compile_operators. %verbose. pce_term_expansion(In, Out) :- pce_pre_expand(In, In0), ( is_list(In0) -> maplist(map_term_expand, In0, In1), flatten(In1, Out0), ( Out0 = [X] -> Out = X ; Out = Out0 ) ; do_term_expand(In0, Out) ). map_term_expand(X, X) :- var(X), !. map_term_expand(X, Y) :- do_term_expand(X, Y), !. map_term_expand(X, X). do_term_expand(end_of_file, _) :- cleanup, !, fail. do_term_expand(In0, Out) :- pce_expandable(In0), ( do_expand(In0, Out0) -> ( pce_post_expand(Out0, Out) -> true ; Out = Out0 ) ; pce_error(expand_failed(In0)), Out = [] ), !. do_term_expand((Head :- Body), _) :- % check for :- instead of :-> or :<- pce_compiling, ( Body = ::(Doc, _Body), % TBD is_string(Doc) ; typed_head(Head) ), pce_error(context_error((Head :- Body), nomethod, clause)), fail. %! is_string(@Doc) is semidet. % % See whether Doc may have originated from "..." is_string(Doc) :- string(Doc), !. is_string(Doc) :- is_list(Doc), catch(string_codes(Doc, _), _, fail). typed_head(T) :- functor(T, _, Arity), Arity > 1, forall(genarg(N, T, A), head_arg(N, A)). head_arg(1, A) :- !, var(A). head_arg(_, A) :- nonvar(A), ( A = (_:TP) -> true ; A = (_:Name=TP), atom(Name) ), ground(TP). %! pce_pre_expand(+In, -Out) % % First step of the XPCE class compiler, calling the supported % hook pce_pre_expansion_hook/2. :- multifile user:pce_pre_expansion_hook/2. :- dynamic user:pce_pre_expansion_hook/2. :- multifile user:pce_post_expansion_hook/2. :- dynamic user:pce_post_expansion_hook/2. pce_pre_expand(X, Y) :- user:pce_pre_expansion_hook(X, X1), !, ( is_list(X1) -> maplist(do_pce_pre_expand, X1, Y) ; do_pce_pre_expand(X1, Y) ). pce_pre_expand(X, Y) :- do_pce_pre_expand(X, Y). do_pce_pre_expand((:- pce_begin_class(Class, Super)), (:- pce_begin_class(Class, Super, @default))). do_pce_pre_expand(variable(Name, Type, Access), variable(Name, Type, Access, @default)) :- pce_compiling. do_pce_pre_expand(class_variable(Name, Type, Default), class_variable(Name, Type, Default, @default)) :- pce_compiling. do_pce_pre_expand(handle(X, Y, Kind), handle(X, Y, Kind, @default)) :- pce_compiling. do_pce_pre_expand((:- ClassDirective), D) :- functor(ClassDirective, send, _), arg(1, ClassDirective, @class), !, D = (:- pce_class_directive(ClassDirective)). do_pce_pre_expand(pce_ifhostproperty(Prop, Clause), TheClause) :- ( pce_host:property(Prop) -> TheClause = Clause ; TheClause = [] ). do_pce_pre_expand(pce_ifhostproperty(Prop, If, Else), Clause) :- ( pce_host:property(Prop) -> Clause = If ; Clause = Else ). do_pce_pre_expand(X, X). %! pce_post_expand(In, Out) pce_post_expand([], []). pce_post_expand([H0|T0], [H|T]) :- user:pce_post_expansion_hook(H0, H), !, pce_post_expand(T0, T). pce_post_expand([H|T0], [H|T]) :- pce_post_expand(T0, T). pce_post_expand(T0, T) :- user:pce_post_expansion_hook(T0, T), !. pce_post_expand(T, T). %! pce_expandable(+Term) % Quick test whether we can expand this. pce_expandable((:- pce_begin_class(_Class, _Super, _Doc))). pce_expandable((:- pce_extend_class(_Class))). pce_expandable((:- pce_end_class)). pce_expandable((:- pce_end_class(_))). pce_expandable((:- use_class_template(_TemplateClass))). pce_expandable((:- pce_group(_))). pce_expandable((:- pce_class_directive(_))). pce_expandable(variable(_Name, _Type, _Access, _Doc)) :- pce_compiling. pce_expandable(class_variable(_Name, _Type, _Default, _Doc)) :- pce_compiling. pce_expandable(delegate_to(_VarName)) :- pce_compiling. pce_expandable(handle(_X, _Y, _Kind, _Name)) :- pce_compiling. pce_expandable(:->(_Head, _Body)). pce_expandable(:<-(_Head, _Body)). %! do_expand(In, Out) % % The XPCE kernel expansion. do_expand((:- pce_begin_class(Spec, Super, Doc)), (:- pce_begin_class_definition(ClassName, MetaClass, Super, Doc))) :- break_class_specification(Spec, ClassName, MetaClass, TermArgs), can_define_class(ClassName, Super), push_class(ClassName), set_attribute(ClassName, super, Super), set_attribute(ClassName, meta, MetaClass), class_summary(ClassName, Doc), class_source(ClassName), term_names(ClassName, TermArgs). do_expand((:- pce_extend_class(ClassName)), []) :- push_class(ClassName), set_attribute(ClassName, extending, true). do_expand((:- pce_end_class(Class)), Expansion) :- ( pce_compiling(ClassName), ( Class == ClassName -> do_expand((:- pce_end_class), Expansion) ; pce_error(end_class_mismatch(Class, ClassName)) ) ; pce_error(no_class_to_end) ). do_expand((:- pce_end_class), [ pce_principal:pce_class(ClassName, MetaClass, Super, Variables, Resources, Directs), RegisterDecl ]) :- pce_compiling(ClassName), !, findall(V, retract(attribute(ClassName, variable, V)), Variables), findall(R, retract(attribute(ClassName, classvar, R)), Resources), findall(D, retract(attribute(ClassName, directive, D)), Directs), ( attribute(ClassName, extending, true) -> MetaClass = (-), Super = (-), expand_term((:- initialization(pce_extended_class(ClassName))), RegisterDecl) ; retract(attribute(ClassName, super, Super)), retract(attribute(ClassName, meta, MetaClass)), expand_term((:- initialization(pce_register_class(ClassName))), RegisterDecl) ), pop_class. do_expand((:- pce_end_class), []) :- pce_error(no_class_to_end). do_expand((:- use_class_template(_)), []) :- current_prolog_flag(xref, true), !. do_expand((:- use_class_template(Template)), []) :- used_class_template(Template), !. do_expand((:- use_class_template(Template)), [ pce_principal:pce_uses_template(ClassName, Template) | LinkClauses ]) :- pce_compiling(ClassName), use_template_class_attributes(Template), use_template_send_methods(Template, SendClauses), use_template_get_methods(Template, GetClauses), append(SendClauses, GetClauses, LinkClauses). do_expand((:- pce_group(Group)), []) :- pce_compiling(ClassName), set_attribute(ClassName, group, Group). do_expand(variable(Name, Type, Access, Doc), []) :- pce_compiling(ClassName), current_group(ClassName, Group), pce_access(Access), var_type(Type, PceType, Initial), pce_summary(Doc, PceDoc), strip_defaults([Initial, Group, PceDoc], Defs), Var =.. [variable, Name, PceType, Access | Defs], add_attribute(ClassName, variable, Var). do_expand(class_variable(Name, Type, Default, Doc), []) :- pce_compiling(ClassName), prolog_load_context(module, M), pce_type(Type, PceType), pce_summary(Doc, PceDoc), add_attribute(ClassName, classvar, M:class_variable(Name, Default, PceType, PceDoc)). do_expand(handle(X, Y, Kind, Name), []) :- pce_compiling(ClassName), add_attribute(ClassName, directive, send(@class, handle, handle(X, Y, Kind, Name))). do_expand(delegate_to(Var), []) :- pce_compiling(ClassName), add_attribute(ClassName, directive, send(@class, delegate, Var)). do_expand((:- pce_class_directive(Goal)), (:- initialization((send(@class, assign, Class), Goal)))) :- pce_compiling(ClassName), realised_class(ClassName), attribute(ClassName, extending, true), !, get(@classes, member, ClassName, Class). do_expand((:- pce_class_directive(Goal)), (:- Goal)) :- pce_compiling(ClassName), realised_class(ClassName), !. do_expand((:- pce_class_directive(Goal)), []) :- pce_compiling(ClassName), prolog_load_context(module, M), add_attribute(ClassName, directive, M:Goal). do_expand(:->(Head, DocBody), [ pce_principal:pce_lazy_send_method(Selector, ClassName, LSM) | Clauses ]) :- extract_documentation(DocBody, Doc, Body), source_location_term(Loc), pce_compiling(ClassName), current_group(ClassName, Group), prolog_head(send, Id, Head, Selector, Types, PlHead), strip_defaults([Group, Loc, Doc], NonDefArgs), LSM =.. [bind_send, Id, Types | NonDefArgs], Clause = (PlHead :- Body), gen_method_id((->), ClassName, Selector, Id), ( attribute(ClassName, super, template) -> template_clause(Clause, Clauses) ; Clauses = [Clause] ), ( realised_class(ClassName) % force a reload (TBD: move to realise) -> send(@class, delete_send_method, Selector) ; true ), feedback(expand_send(ClassName, Selector)). do_expand(:<-(Head, DocBody), [ pce_principal:pce_lazy_get_method(Selector, ClassName, LGM) | Clauses ]) :- extract_documentation(DocBody, Doc, Body), source_location_term(Loc), pce_compiling(ClassName), current_group(ClassName, Group), return_type(Head, RType), prolog_head(get, Id, Head, Selector, Types, PlHead), strip_defaults([Group, Loc, Doc], NonDefArgs), LGM =.. [bind_get, Id, RType, Types | NonDefArgs], Clause = (PlHead :- Body), gen_method_id((<-), ClassName, Selector, Id), ( attribute(ClassName, super, template) -> template_clause(Clause, Clauses) ; Clauses = [Clause] ), ( realised_class(ClassName) % force a reload -> send(@class, delete_get_method, Selector) ; true ), feedback(expand_get(ClassName, Selector)). strip_defaults([@default|T0], T) :- !, strip_defaults(T0, T). strip_defaults(L, LV) :- reverse(L, LV). break_class_specification(Meta:Term, ClassName, Meta, TermArgs) :- !, Term =.. [ClassName|TermArgs]. break_class_specification(Term, ClassName, @default, TermArgs) :- Term =.. [ClassName|TermArgs]. /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - gen_method_id(+SendGet, +Class, +Selector, -Identifier) Generate a unique identifier for the method, used as the first argument of send_implementation/3 or get_implementation/4. The identifier should be an atom or integer. The value is not relevant, as long as it is unique. This suggests simple counting: always unique and integers are considerably cheaper than atoms. Unfortunately, there is a problem with this. If methods appear in pre-compiled files, they cannot be joined. It is hard to see a good and workable solution to this problem. Grant each file a domain? How do we associate a unique domain to each file? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ gen_method_id(SG, Class, Selector, Id) :- attribute(Class, extending, true), !, atomic_list_concat([Class, '$+$', SG, Selector], Id). gen_method_id(SG, Class, Selector, Id) :- atomic_list_concat([Class, SG, Selector], Id). %gen_method_id(_, _, _, Id) :- %% flag(pce_method_id, Id, Id+1). /******************************* * TEMPLATE SUPPORT * *******************************/ /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - When compiling a template, calls to send_class/3 and get_class/4 refer to the template classes. This is not correct. Therefore, we will translate the method implementation into a parameterized real implementation and a normal implementation that calls the parameterized one. On method instantiation, we create additional clauses for the class to which we attach the method. Importing the template (pce_use_class_template/1): + Put binding in bind_lazy by searching the templates. + Expand the directive itself into the wrapper-implementations. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ template_clause((M:send_implementation(Id, Msg, R) :- Body), [ (M:send_implementation(Tid, ClassMsg, R) :- ClassBody), (M:(send_implementation(Id, Msg, R) :- send_implementation(Tid, IClassMsg, R))) ]) :- !, atom_concat('T-', Id, Tid), Msg =.. Args, append(Args, [Class], Args2), ClassMsg =.. Args2, append(Args, [template], Args3), IClassMsg =.. Args3, template_body(Body, template, Class, ClassBody). template_clause((M:get_implementation(Id, Msg, R, V) :- Body), [ (M:get_implementation(Tid, ClassMsg, R, V) :- ClassBody), (M:(get_implementation(Id, Msg, R, V) :- get_implementation(Tid, IClassMsg, R, V))) ]) :- !, atom_concat('T-', Id, Tid), Msg =.. Args, append(Args, [Class], Args2), ClassMsg =.. Args2, append(Args, [template], Args3), IClassMsg =.. Args3, template_body(Body, template, Class, ClassBody). template_clause(Clause, Clause). template_body(G0, T, C, G) :- compound(G0), functor(G0, Name, Arity), functor(M, Name, Arity), meta(M), !, functor(G, Name, Arity), convert_meta(0, Arity, G0, M, T, C, G). template_body(G, T, C, send_class(R, C, Msg)) :- expand_goal(G, send_class(R, T, Msg)), !. template_body(G, T, C, get_class(R, C, Msg, V)) :- expand_goal(G, get_class(R, T, Msg, V)), !. template_body(G, _, _, G). convert_meta(A, A, _, _, _, _, _) :- !. convert_meta(I, Arity, G0, M, T, C, G) :- A is I + 1, arg(A, M, :), !, arg(A, G0, GA0), arg(A, G, GA), template_body(GA0, T, C, GA), convert_meta(A, Arity, G0, M, T, C, G). convert_meta(I, Arity, G0, M, T, C, G) :- A is I + 1, arg(A, G0, GA), arg(A, G, GA), convert_meta(A, Arity, G0, M, T, C, G). meta(','(:, :)). % TBD: synchronise with boot/init.pl meta(;(:, :)). meta(->(:, :)). meta(*->(:, :)). meta(\+(:)). meta(not(:)). meta(call(:)). meta(once(:)). meta(ignore(:)). meta(forall(:, :)). meta(findall(-, :, -)). meta(bagof(-, :, -)). meta(setof(-, :, -)). meta(^(-,:)). %! use_template_class_attributes(+Template) % % Insert variables, class-variables and directives as if they appeared % in the current class definition. use_template_class_attributes(Template) :- pce_class(Template, _, template, Variables, ClassVars, Directs), assert_attributes(Variables, variable), assert_attributes(ClassVars, classvar), assert_attributes(Directs, directive). assert_attributes([], _). assert_attributes([H|T], Att) :- pce_compiling(ClassName), ( H = send(@class, source, _Source) -> true ; add_attribute(ClassName, Att, H) ), assert_attributes(T, Att). use_template_send_methods(Template, Clauses) :- findall(C, use_template_send_method(Template, C), Clauses). use_template_send_method(Template, pce_principal:Clause) :- pce_compiling(ClassName), pce_lazy_send_method(Sel, Template, Binder), Binder =.. [Functor, Id | RestBinder], gen_method_id('$T$->', ClassName, Sel, NewId), ( Clause = pce_lazy_send_method(Sel, ClassName, NewBinder), NewBinder =.. [Functor, NewId | RestBinder] ; Clause = (send_implementation(NewId, Msg, R) :- send_implementation(Tid, IClassMsg, R)), attribute(ClassName, super, SuperClass), % TBD: pce_extend_class/1 arg(2, Binder, Types), type_arity(Types, Arity), functor(Msg, Sel, Arity), Msg =.. Args, append(Args, [SuperClass], Args1), IClassMsg =.. Args1, atom_concat('T-', Id, Tid) ). use_template_get_methods(Template, Clauses) :- findall(C, use_template_get_method(Template, C), Clauses). use_template_get_method(Template, pce_principal:Clause) :- pce_compiling(ClassName), pce_lazy_get_method(Sel, Template, Binder), Binder =.. [Functor, Id | RestBinder], gen_method_id('$T$<-', ClassName, Sel, NewId), ( Clause = pce_lazy_get_method(Sel, ClassName, NewBinder), NewBinder =.. [Functor, NewId | RestBinder] ; Clause = (get_implementation(NewId, Msg, R, V) :- get_implementation(Tid, IClassMsg, R, V)), attribute(ClassName, super, SuperClass), % TBD: pce_extend_class/1 arg(3, Binder, Types), type_arity(Types, Arity), functor(Msg, Sel, Arity), Msg =.. Args, append(Args, [SuperClass], Args1), IClassMsg =.. Args1, atom_concat('T-', Id, Tid) ). type_arity(@default, 0) :- !. type_arity(Atom, 1) :- atom(Atom), !. type_arity(Vector, A) :- functor(Vector, _, A). %! used_class_template(+Template) % % Succeeds if any of my (Prolog-defined) super classes % has imported the named template. used_class_template(Template) :- pce_compiling(Class), isa_prolog_class(Class, Super), Super \== Class, pce_uses_template(Super, Template), !. isa_prolog_class(Class, Class). isa_prolog_class(Class, Super) :- attribute(Class, super, Super0), % Prolog class being loaded !, isa_prolog_class(Super0, Super). isa_prolog_class(Class, Super) :- % Loaded Prolog class pce_class(Class, _, Super0, _, _, _), !, isa_prolog_class(Super0, Super). /******************************* * CHECKING * *******************************/ %! can_define_class(+Name, +Super) % % Check whether we can define Name as a subclass of Super. This % cannot be done of Name is a builtin class or it is already % defined at another location. can_define_class(Name, _Super) :- get(@classes, member, Name, Class), get(Class, creator, built_in), !, throw(error(permission_error(modify, pce(built_in_class), Name), _)). can_define_class(Name, _Super) :- flag('$compilation_level', Level, Level), Level > 0, % SWI: we are running consult pce_class(Name, _Meta, _OldSuper, _Vars, _ClassVars, _Dirs), throw(error(permission_error(modify, pce(class), Name), _)). can_define_class(Name, _Super) :- get(@types, member, Name, Type), \+ get(Type, kind, class), throw(error(permission_error(define, pce(class), Name), context(pce_begin_class/3, 'Already defined as a type'))). can_define_class(_, _). /******************************* * PUSH/POP CLASS STRUCTURE * *******************************/ %! push_class(+ClassName) % Start compiling the argument class. push_class(ClassName) :- compiling(ClassName, _), !, pce_error(recursive_loading_class(ClassName)), fail. push_class(ClassName) :- prolog_load_context(module, M), push_compile_operators(M), ( source_location(Path, _Line) -> true ; Path = [] ), asserta(compiling(ClassName, Path)), ( realised_class(ClassName) -> get(@class, '_value', OldClassVal), asserta(attribute(ClassName, old_class_val, OldClassVal)), get(@classes, member, ClassName, Class), send(@class, assign, Class, global) ; true ). % pop_class % End class compilation. pop_class :- retract(compiling(ClassName, _)), !, ( attribute(ClassName, old_class_val, OldClassVal) -> send(@class, assign, OldClassVal, global) ; true ), retractall(attribute(ClassName, _, _)), pop_compile_operators. pop_class :- pce_error(no_class_to_end), fail. /******************************* * ATTRIBUTES * *******************************/ set_attribute(Class, Name, Value) :- retractall(attribute(Class, Name, _)), asserta(attribute(Class, Name, Value)). add_attribute(Class, Name, Value) :- assert(attribute(Class, Name, Value)). /******************************* * CONTEXT VALUES * *******************************/ source_location_term(source_location(File, Line)) :- pce_recording(source), source_location(File, Line), !. source_location_term(@default). current_group(Class, Group) :- attribute(Class, group, Group), !. current_group(_, @default). class_source(ClassName) :- pce_recording(source), source_location_term(Term), Term \== @default, !, add_attribute(ClassName, directive, send(@class, source, Term)). class_source(_). /******************************* * RECORDING * *******************************/ pce_begin_recording(+Topic) :- asserta(recording(Topic, true)). pce_begin_recording(-Topic) :- asserta(recording(Topic, fail)). pce_end_recording :- retract(recording(_, _)), !. pce_recording(Topic) :- recording(Topic, X), !, X == true. pce_recording(_). % default recording all /******************************* * SUMMARY HANDLING * *******************************/ class_summary(ClassName, Summary) :- pce_summary(Summary, PceSummary), ( PceSummary \== @default -> add_attribute(ClassName, directive, send(@class, summary, PceSummary)) ; true ). pce_summary(@X, @X) :- !. pce_summary(_, @default) :- \+ pce_recording(documentation), !. pce_summary(Atomic, Atomic) :- atomic(Atomic), !. pce_ifhostproperty(string, [ (pce_summary(String, String) :- string(String), !), (pce_summary(List, String) :- string_codes(String, List))]). pce_summary(List, string(List)). /******************************* * TERM DESCRIPTION * *******************************/ term_names(_, []) :- !. term_names(Class, Selectors) :- check_term_selectors(Selectors), VectorTerm =.. [vector|Selectors], add_attribute(Class, directive, send(@class, term_names, new(VectorTerm))). check_term_selectors([]). check_term_selectors([H|T]) :- ( atom(H) -> true ; pce_error(bad_term_argument(H)), fail ), check_term_selectors(T). /******************************* * ACCESS * *******************************/ pce_access(both) :- !. pce_access(get) :- !. pce_access(send) :- !. pce_access(none) :- !. pce_access(X) :- pce_error(invalid_access(X)), fail. /******************************* * TYPES * *******************************/ %! pce_type(+Spec, -PceTypeName) % Convert type specification into legal PCE type-name pce_type(Prolog, Pce) :- to_atom(Prolog, RawPce), canonicalise_type(RawPce, Pce). canonicalise_type(T0, T0) :- sub_atom(T0, _, _, 0, ' ...'), !. canonicalise_type(T0, T) :- atom_concat(T1, '...', T0), !, atom_concat(T1, ' ...', T). canonicalise_type(T, T). to_atom(Atom, Atom) :- atom(Atom), !. to_atom(Term, Atom) :- ground(Term), !, phrase(pce_type_description(Term), Chars), atom_chars(Atom, Chars). to_atom(Term, any) :- pce_error(type_error(to_atom(Term, any), 1, ground, Term)). pce_type_description(Atom, Chars, Tail) :- atomic(Atom), !, name(Atom, C0), append(C0, Tail, Chars). pce_type_description([X]) --> "[", pce_type_description(X), "]". pce_type_description([X|Y]) --> "[", pce_type_description(X), "|", pce_type_description(Y), "]". pce_type_description({}(Words)) --> "{", word_list(Words), "}". pce_type_description(=(Name, Type)) --> pce_type_description(Name), "=", pce_type_description(Type). pce_type_description(*(T)) --> pce_type_description(T), "*". pce_type_description(...(T)) --> pce_type_description(T), " ...". word_list((A,B)) --> !, pce_type_description(A), ",", word_list(B). word_list(A) --> pce_type_description(A). var_type(Type := new(Term), PceType, Initial) :- !, pce_type(Type, PceType), Term =.. L, Initial =.. [create|L]. var_type(Type := Initial, PceType, Initial) :- !, pce_type(Type, PceType). var_type(Type, PceType, @default) :- pce_type(Type, PceType). /******************************* * METHOD SUPPORT * *******************************/ extract_documentation(Body0, Summary, Body) :- ex_documentation(Body0, Summary, Body), !. extract_documentation(Body, @default, Body). ex_documentation(::(DocText, Body), Summary, Body) :- !, pce_summary(DocText, Summary). ex_documentation((::(DocText, A), B), Summary, (A,B)) :- !, pce_summary(DocText, Summary). ex_documentation((A0 ; B), Summary, (A;B)) :- ex_documentation(A0, Summary, A), !. ex_documentation((A0->B), Summary, (A->B)) :- !, ex_documentation(A0, Summary, A), !. ex_documentation((A0*->B), Summary, (A*->B)) :- !, ex_documentation(A0, Summary, A), !. return_type(Term, RType) :- functor(Term, _, Arity), arg(Arity, Term, Last), ( nonvar(Last), Last = _:Type -> pce_type(Type, RType) ; RType = @default ). prolog_head(send, MethodId, Head, Selector, TypeVector, pce_principal:PlHead) :- !, Head =.. [Selector, Receiver | Args], prolog_send_arguments(Args, Types, PlArgs), create_type_vector(Types, TypeVector), CallArgs =.. [Selector | PlArgs], PlHead =.. [send_implementation, MethodId, CallArgs, Receiver]. prolog_head(get, MethodId, Head, Selector, TypeVector, pce_principal:PlHead) :- !, Head =.. [Selector, Receiver | Args], prolog_get_arguments(Args, Types, PlArgs, Rval), create_type_vector(Types, TypeVector), CallArgs =.. [Selector | PlArgs], PlHead =.. [get_implementation, MethodId, CallArgs, Receiver, Rval]. create_type_vector([], @default) :- !. create_type_vector(List, VectorTerm) :- VectorTerm =.. [vector|List]. prolog_send_arguments([], [], []) :- !. prolog_send_arguments([ArgAndType|RA], [T|RT], [Arg|TA]) :- !, head_arg(ArgAndType, Arg, Type), pce_type(Type, T), prolog_send_arguments(RA, RT, TA). prolog_get_arguments([Return], [], [], ReturnVar) :- !, ( var(Return) -> ReturnVar = Return ; Return = ReturnVar:_Type ). prolog_get_arguments([ArgAndType|RA], [T|RT], [Arg|TA], ReturnVar) :- !, head_arg(ArgAndType, Arg, Type), pce_type(Type, T), prolog_get_arguments(RA, RT, TA, ReturnVar). head_arg(Var, Var, any) :- var(Var), !. head_arg(Arg:Type, Arg, Type). head_arg(Arg:Name=Type, Arg, Name=Type). /******************************* * PUBLIC METHODS * *******************************/ %! pce_compiling(-ClassName) % External function to get the current classname pce_compiling(ClassName, Path) :- compiling(X, Y), !, X = ClassName, Y = Path. pce_compiling(ClassName) :- compiling(X, _), !, X = ClassName. pce_compiling :- compiling(_, _), !. /******************************* * CLEANUP * *******************************/ % cleanup % % Cleanup the compilation data. We should probably give a warning % when not under xref and there is data left. cleanup :- source_location(Path, _), forall(retract(compiling(Class, Path)), retractall(attribute(Class, _, _))). /******************************* * CHECKS * *******************************/ % If we are expanding on behalf of cross-referencing tool, never % send messages anywhere! pce_ifhostproperty(qpc, (realised_class(_ClassName) :- fail), (realised_class(ClassName) :- \+ current_prolog_flag(xref, true), get(@classes, member, ClassName, Class), get(Class, realised, @on))). /******************************** * UTILITIES * ********************************/ term_member(El, Term) :- El == Term. term_member(El, Term) :- functor(Term, _, Arity), term_member(Arity, El, Term). term_member(0, _, _) :- !, fail. term_member(N, El, Term) :- arg(N, Term, Sub), term_member(El, Sub). term_member(N, El, Term) :- NN is N - 1, term_member(NN, El, Term). %! feedback(+Term) % Only print if verbose is asserted (basically debugging). feedback(Term) :- ( verbose -> pce_info(Term) ; true ). /******************************** * TERM EXPANSION * ********************************/ :- multifile system:term_expansion/2. :- dynamic system:term_expansion/2. system:term_expansion(A, B) :- pce_term_expansion(A, B). :- pop_compile_operators.