Table for the 30 triples with object Day of week sorted by label

?:Business entityowl:disjointWith
?:Business entity typeowl:disjointWith
?:Business functionowl:disjointWith
?:Delivery methodowl:disjointWith
?:Friday (day of week)rdf:type
?:has next (0..1)rdfs:range
?:has next (0..1)rdfs:domain
?:has opening hours day of week (1..*)rdfs:range
?:has previous (0..1)rdfs:range
?:has previous (0..1)rdfs:domain
?:Monday (day of week)rdf:type
?:Opening hours specificationowl:disjointWith
?:Payment methodowl:disjointWith
?:Price specificationowl:disjointWith
?:Product or serviceowl:disjointWith
?:Public holidays (day of week)rdf:type
?:Quantitative valueowl:disjointWith
?:Saturday (day of week)rdf:type
?:Sunday (day of week)rdf:type
?:Thursday (day of week)rdf:type
?:Tuesday (day of week)rdf:type
?:Type and quantity nodeowl:disjointWith
?:Warranty promiseowl:disjointWith
?:Warranty scopeowl:disjointWith
?:Wednesday (day of week)rdf:type