Table for the 50 triples for predicate rdfs:label with domain owl:ObjectProperty

?:accepted payment methods (0..*)"accepted payment methods (0..*)"@en
?:add-on (0..*)"add-on (0..*)"@en
?:advance booking requirement (0..1)"advance booking requirement (0..1)"@en
?:applies to delivery method (0..*)"applies to delivery method (0..*)"@en
?:applies to payment method (1..*)"applies to payment method (1..*)"@en
?:available at or from (0..*)"available at or from (0..*)"@en
?:available delivery methods (0..*)"available delivery methods (0..*)"@en
?:delivery lead time (0..1)"delivery lead time (0..1)"@en
?:depth (0..1)"depth (0..1)"@en
?:eligible customer types (0..*)"eligible customer types (0..*)"@en
?:eligible duration (0..1)"eligible duration (0..1)"@en
?:eligible transaction volume (0..1)"eligible transaction volume (0..1)"@en
?:equal (0..*)"equal (0..*)"@en
?:greater (0..*)"greater (0..*)"@en
?:greater or equal (0..*)"greater or equal (0..*)"@en
?:has brand (0..*)"has brand (0..*)"@en
?:has business function (1..*)"has business function (1..*)"@en
?:has eligible quantity (0..1)"has eligible quantity (0..1)"@en
?:has inventory level (0..1)"has inventory level (0..1)"@en
?:has make and model (0..1)"has make and model (0..1)"@en
?:has manufacturer (0..1)"has manufacturer (0..1)"@en
?:has next (0..1)"has next (0..1)"@en
?:has opening hours day of week (1..*)"has opening hours day of week (1..*)"@en
?:has opening hours specification (0..*)"has opening hours specification (0..*)"@en
?:has POS (0..*)"has POS (0..*)"@en
?:has previous (0..1)"has previous (0..1)"@en
?:has price specification (0..*)"has price specification (0..*)"@en
?:has warranty promise (0..*)"has warranty promise (0..*)"@en
?:has warranty scope (0..1)"has warranty scope (0..1)"@en
?:height (0..1)"height (0..1)"@en
?:includes (0..1)"includes (0..1)"@en
?:includes object (0..*)"includes object (0..*)"@en
?:is accessory or spare part for (0..*)"is accessory or spare part for (0..*)"@en
?:is consumable for (0..*)"is consumable for (0..*)"@en
?:is similar to (0..*)"is similar to (0..*)"@en
?:is variant of (0..1)"is variant of (0..1)"@en
?:lesser (0..*)"lesser (0..*)"@en
?:lesser or equal (0..*)"lesser or equal (0..*)"@en
?:non equal (0..*)"non equal (0..*)"@en
?:offers (0..*)"offers (0..*)"@en
?:owns (0..*)"owns (0..*)"@en
?:predecessor of (0..*)"predecessor of (0..*)"@en
?:qualitative product or service property (0..*)"qualitative product or service property (0..*)"@en
?:quantitative product or service property (0..*)"quantitative product or service property (0..*)"@en
?:seeks (0..*)"seeks (0..*)"@en
?:successor of (0..*)"successor of (0..*)"@en
?:type of good (1..1)"type of good (1..1)"@en
?:value reference (0..*)"value reference (0..*)"@en
?:weight (0..1)"weight (0..1)"@en
?:width (0..1)"width (0..1)"@en