Table for the 50 triples for predicate rdfs:comment with domain owl:ObjectProperty

?:accepted payment methods (0..*)"The gr:PaymentMethod or methods accepted by the gr:BusinessEntity for the given gr:Offering."@en
?:add-on (0..*)"This property points from a gr:Offering to additional offerings that can only be obtained in combination with the first offering. This can be used to model supplements and extensions that are available for a surcharge. Any gr:PriceSpecification attached to the secondary offering is to be understood as an additional charge."@en
?:advance booking requirement (0..1)"The minimal and maximal amount of time that is required between accepting the gr:Offering and the actual usage of the resource or service. This is mostly relevant for offers regarding hotel rooms, the rental of objects, or the provisioning of services. The duration is specified relatively to the beginning of the usage of the contracted object. It is represented by attaching an instance of the class gr:QuantitativeValueInteger. The lower and upper boundaries are specified using the properties gr:hasMinValueInteger and gr:hasMaxValueInteger to that instance. The unit of measurement is specified using the property gr:hasUnitOfMeasurement with a string holding a UN/CEFACT code suitable for durations, e.g. MON (months), DAY (days), HUR (hours), or MIN (minutes). The difference to the gr:validFrom and gr:validThrough properties is that those specify the interval during which the gr:Offering is valid, while gr:advanceBookingRequirement specifies the acceptable relative amount of time between accepting the offer and the fulfilment or usage."@en
?:applies to delivery method (0..*)"This property specifies the gr:DeliveryMethod to which the gr:DeliveryChargeSpecification applies."@en
?:applies to payment method (1..*)"This property specifies the gr:PaymentMethod to which the gr:PaymentChargeSpecification applies."@en
?:available at or from (0..*)"This states that a particular gr:Offering is available at or from the given gr:Location (e.g. shop or branch)."@en
?:available delivery methods (0..*)"This specifies the gr:DeliveryMethod or methods available for a given gr:Offering."@en
?:delivery lead time (0..1)"This property can be used to indicate the promised delay between the receipt of the order and the goods leaving the warehouse. The duration is specified by attaching an instance of gr:QuantitativeValueInteger. The lower and upper boundaries are specified using the properties gr:hasMinValueInteger and gr:hasMaxValueInteger to that instance. A point value can be modeled with the gr:hasValueInteger property. The unit of measurement is specified using the property gr:hasUnitOfMeasurement with a string holding a UN/CEFACT code suitable for durations, e.g. MON (months), DAY (days), HUR (hours), or MIN (minutes)."@en
?:depth (0..1)"The depth of the product. Typical unit code(s): CMT for centimeters, INH for inches"@en
?:eligible customer types (0..*)"The types of customers (gr:BusinessEntityType) for which the given gr:Offering is valid."@en
?:eligible duration (0..1)"The minimal and maximal duration for which the given gr:Offering or gr:License is valid. This is mostly used for offers regarding accommodation, the rental of objects, or software licenses. The duration is specified by attaching an instance of gr:QuantitativeValue. The lower and upper boundaries are specified using the properties gr:hasMinValue and gr:hasMaxValue to that instance. If they are the same, use the gr:hasValue property. The unit of measurement is specified using the property gr:hasUnitOfMeasurement with a string holding a UN/CEFACT code suitable for durations, e.g. MON (months), DAY (days), HUR (hours), or MIN (minutes). The difference to the gr:validFrom and gr:validThrough properties is that those specify the absiolute interval during which the gr:Offering or gr:License is valid, while gr:eligibleDuration specifies the acceptable duration of the contract or usage."@en
?:eligible transaction volume (0..1)"This property can be used to indicate the transaction volume, in a monetary unit, for which the gr:Offering or gr:PriceSpecification is valid. This is mostly used to specify a minimal purchasing volume, to express free shipping above a certain order volume, or to limit the acceptance of credit cards to purchases above a certain amount. The object is a gr:PriceSpecification that uses the properties gr:hasMaxCurrencyValue and gr:hasMinCurrencyValue to indicate the lower and upper boundaries and gr:hasCurrency to indicate the currency using the ISO 4217 standard (3 characters)."@en
?:equal (0..*)"This ordering relation for qualitative values indicates that the subject is equal to the object."@en
?:greater (0..*)"This ordering relation for qualitative values indicates that the subject is greater than the object."@en
?:greater or equal (0..*)"This ordering relation for qualitative values indicates that the subject is greater than or equal to the object."@en
?:has brand (0..*)"This specifies the brand or brands (gr:Brand) associated with a gr:ProductOrService, or the brand or brands maintained by a gr:BusinessEntity."@en
?:has business function (1..*)"This specifies the business function of the gr:Offering, i.e. whether the gr:BusinessEntity is offering to sell, to lease, or to repair the particular type of product. In the case of bundles, it is also possible to attach individual business functions to each gr:TypeAndQuantityNode. The business function of the main gr:Offering determines the business function for all included objects or services, unless a business function attached to a gr:TypeAndQuantityNode overrides it. Note: While it is possible that an entity is offering multiple types of business functions for the same set of objects (e.g. rental and sales), this should usually not be stated by attaching multiple business functions to the same gr:Offering, since the gr:UnitPriceSpecification for the varying business functions will typically be very different."@en
?:has eligible quantity (0..1)"This specifies the interval and unit of measurement of ordering quantities for which the gr:Offering or gr:PriceSpecification is valid. This allows e.g. specifying that a certain freight charge is valid only for a certain quantity. Note that if an offering is a bundle, i.e. it consists of more than one unit of a single type of good, or if the unit of measurement for the good is different from unit (Common Code C62), then gr:hasEligibleQuantity refers to units of this bundle. In other words, "C62" for "Units or pieces" is usually the appropriate unit of measurement."@en
?:has inventory level (0..1)"This property specifies the current approximate inventory level for gr:SomeItems. The unit of measurement and the point value or interval are indicated using the attached gr:QuantitativeValueFloat instance. This property can also be attached to a gr:Offering in cases where the included products are not modeled in more detail."@en
?:has make and model (0..1)"This states that an actual product instance (gr:Individual) or a placeholder instance for multiple, unidentified such instances (gr:SomeItems) is one occurence of a particular gr:ProductOrServiceModel. Example: myFordT hasMakeAndModel FordT."@en
?:has manufacturer (0..1)"This object property links a gr:ProductOrService to the gr:BusinessEntity that produces it. Mostly used with gr:ProductOrServiceModel."@en
?:has next (0..1)"This ordering relation for gr:DayOfWeek indicates that the subject is directly followed by the object. Example: Monday hasNext Tuesday Since days of the week are a cycle, this property is not transitive."@en
?:has opening hours day of week (1..*)"This specifies the gr:DayOfWeek to which the gr:OpeningHoursSpecification is related. Note: Use multiple instances of gr:OpeningHoursSpecification for specifying the opening hours for multiple days if the opening hours differ."@en
?:has opening hours specification (0..*)"This property links a gr:Location to a gr:OpeningHoursSpecification."@en
?:has POS (0..*)"This property states that the respective gr:Location is a point of sale for the respective gr:BusinessEntity. It allows linking those two types of entities without the need for a particular gr:Offering."@en
?:has previous (0..1)"This ordering relation for gr:DayOfWeek indicates that the subject is directly preceeded by the object. Example: Tuesday hasPrevious Monday Since days of the week are a cycle, this property is not transitive."@en
?:has price specification (0..*)"This links a gr:Offering to a gr:PriceSpecification or specifications. There can be unit price specifications, payment charge specifications, and delivery charge specifications. For each type, multiple specifications for the same gr:Offering are possible, e.g. for different quantity ranges or for different currencies, or for different combinations of gr:DeliveryMethod and target destinations. Recommended retail prices etc. can be marked by the gr:priceType property of the gr:UnitPriceSpecification."@en
?:has warranty promise (0..*)"This specifies the gr:WarrantyPromise made by the gr:BusinessEntity for the given gr:Offering."@en
?:has warranty scope (0..1)"This states the gr:WarrantyScope of a given gr:WarrantyPromise."@en
?:height (0..1)"The height of the product. Typical unit code(s): CMT for centimeters, INH for inches"@en
?:includes (0..1)"This object property is a shortcut for the original gr:includesObject property for the common case of having exactly one single gr:ProductOrService instance included in an Offering. When linking to an instance of gr:SomeItems or gr:Individual, it is equivalent to using a gr:TypeAndQuantityNode with gr:hasUnitOfMeasurement="C62"^^xsd:string and gr:amountOfThisGood="1.0"^^xsd:float for that good. When linking to a gr:ProductOrServiceModel, it is equivalent to 1. defining an blank node for a gr:SomeItems 2. linking that blank node via gr:hasMakeAndModel to the gr:ProductOrServiceModel, and 3. linking from the gr:Offering to that blank node using another blank node of type gr:TypeAndQuantityNode with gr:hasUnitOfMeasurement="C62"^^xsd:string and gr:amountOfThisGood="1.0"^^xsd:float for that good."@en
?:includes object (0..*)"This object property links a gr:Offering to one or multiple gr:TypeAndQuantityNode or nodes that specify the components that are included in the respective offer."@en
?:is accessory or spare part for (0..*)"This states that a particular gr:ProductOrService is an accessory or spare part for another product or service."@en
?:is consumable for (0..*)"This states that a particular gr:ProductOrService is a consumable for another product or service."@en
?:is similar to (0..*)"This states that a given gr:ProductOrService is similar to another product or service. Of course, this is a subjective statement; when interpreting it, the trust in the origin of the statement should be taken into account."@en
?:is variant of (0..1)"This states that a particular gr:ProductOrServiceModel is a variant of another product or service model. It is pretty safe to infer that the variant inherits all gr:quantitativeProductOrServiceProperty, gr:qualitativeProductOrServiceProperty, and gr:datatypeProductOrServiceProperty values that are defined for the first gr:ProductOrServiceModel. Example: foo:Red_Ford_T_Model gr:isVariantOf foo:Ford_T_Model"@en
?:lesser (0..*)"This ordering relation for gr:QualitativeValue pairs indicates that the subject is lesser than the object."@en
?:lesser or equal (0..*)"This ordering relation for gr:QualitativeValue pairs indicates that the subject is lesser than or equal to the object."@en
?:non equal (0..*)"This ordering relation for gr:QualitativeValue pairs indicates that the subject is not equal to the object."@en
?:offers (0..*)"This links a gr:BusinessEntity to the offers (gr:Offering) it makes. If you want to express interest in receiving offers, use gr:seeks instead."@en
?:owns (0..*)"This property indicates that a particular person or business owns a particular product. It can be used to expose the products in one's posession in order to empower recommender systems to suggest matching offers. Note that the product must be an instance of the class gr:Individual. This property can also be safely applied to foaf:Agent instances."@en
?:predecessor of (0..*)"This property indicates that the subject is a previous, often discontinued variant of the gr:ProductOrServiceModel used as the object. Example: Golf III predecessorOf Golf IV This relation is transitive."@en
?:qualitative product or service property (0..*)"This is the super property of all qualitative properties for products and services. All properties in product or service ontologies for which gr:QualitativeValue instances are specified are subproperties of this property."@en
?:quantitative product or service property (0..*)"This is the super property of all quantitative properties for products and services. All properties in product or service ontologies that specify quantitative characteristics, for which an interval is at least theoretically an appropriate value, are subproperties of this property."@en
?:seeks (0..*)"This links a gr:BusinessEntity to gr:Offering nodes that describe what the business entity is interested in (i.e., the buy side). If you want to express interest in offering something, use gr:offers instead. Note that this substitutes the former gr:BusinessFunction gr:Buy, which is now deprecated."@en
?:successor of (0..*)"This property indicates that the subject is a newer, often updated or improved variant of the gr:ProductOrServiceModel used as the object. Example: Golf III successorOf Golf II This relation is transitive."@en
?:type of good (1..1)"This specifies the gr:ProductOrService that the gr:TypeAndQuantityNode is referring to."@en
?:value reference (0..*)"The superclass of properties that link a gr:QuantitativeValue or a gr:QualitativeValue to a second gr:QuantitativeValue or a gr:QualitativeValue that provides additional information on the original value. A good modeling practice is to define specializations of this property (e.g. foo:referenceTemperature) for your particular domain."@en
?:weight (0..1)"The weight of the gr:ProductOrService. Typical unit code(s): GRM for gram, KGM for kilogram, LBR for pound"@en
?:width (0..1)"The width of the gr:ProductOrService. Typical unit code(s): CMT for centimeters, INH for inches"@en