Table for the 58 triples for predicate rdfs:label with domain rdf:Property
Subject | Object |
?:audiofile | "audiofile" |
?:canCarryDisease | "canCarryDisease" |
?:com_id | "com_id" |
rdfs:comment | "comment" |
?:com_number | "com_number" |
?:con_com_id | "con_com_id" |
?:contact_address | "contact_address" |
?:contact_fname | "contact_fname" |
?:contact_lname | "contact_lname" |
?:contact_tel | "contact_tel" |
?:currency | "currency" |
rdfs:domain | "domain" |
rdf:first | "first" |
?:has animal | "has animal" |
?:has case | "has case" |
?:has_communique | "has_communique" |
?:has_contact | "has_contact" |
?:has Dutch voicelabel | "has Dutch voicelabel" |
?:has English voicelabel | "has English voicelabel"@en |
?:has French voicelabel | "has French voicelabel"@en |
?:has observed symptom | "has observed symptom" |
?:has_offering | "has_offering" |
?:has voicelabel | "has voicelabel" |
?:id_general_question | "id_general_question" |
?:in_zone | "in_zone" |
rdfs:isDefinedBy | "isDefinedBy" |
?:is diagnosed with disease | "is diagnosed with disease" |
rdfs:label | "label" |
rdfs:member | "member" |
rdf:object | "object" |
rdf:predicate | "predicate" |
?:price | "price" |
?:prod_com_id | "prod_com_id" |
?:prod_name | "prod_name" |
?:quality | "quality" |
?:quantity | "quantity" |
?:question_for_animal | "question_for_animal" |
?:question_for_disease | "question_for_disease" |
?:question_for_symptom | "question_for_symptom" |
?:questionType | "questionType" |
?:QuestionType | "QuestionType" |
rdfs:range | "range" |
rdf:rest | "rest" |
rdfs:seeAlso | "seeAlso" |
?:store_id | "store_id" |
rdfs:subClassOf | "subClassOf" |
rdf:subject | "subject" |
rdfs:subPropertyOf | "subPropertyOf" |
?:symptom_for_disease | "symptom_for_disease" |
?:ts_date_delivered | "ts_date_delivered" |
?:ts_date_entered | "ts_date_entered" |
rdf:type | "type" |
?:unit_measure | "unit_measure" |
?:user_id | "user_id" |
?:use_table | "use_table" |
rdf:value | "value" |
?:village | "village" |
?:zone | "zone" |