Local view for "http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#hasPriceSpecification"
Predicate | Value (sorted: none) |
rdf:type | |
rdfs:range | |
rdfs:label |
"has price specification (0..*)"@en
rdfs:domain | |
rdfs:comment |
"This links a gr:Offering to a gr:PriceSpecification or specifications. There can be unit price specifications, payment charge specifications, and delivery charge specifications. For each type, multiple specifications for the same gr:Offering are possible, e.g. for different quantity ranges or for different currencies, or for different combinations of gr:DeliveryMethod and target destinations.
Recommended retail prices etc. can be marked by the gr:priceType property of the gr:UnitPriceSpecification."@en
rdfs:isDefinedBy |
All properties reside in the graph http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1
The resource does not appear as an object