Local view for "http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#BusinessFunction"

No prefix for http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#.
PredicateValue (sorted: default)
"Business function"@en
"The business function specifies the type of activity or access (i.e., the bundle of rights) offered by the gr:BusinessEntity on the gr:ProductOrService through the gr:Offering. Typical are sell, rental or lease, maintenance or repair, manufacture / produce, recycle / dispose, engineering / construction, or installation. Licenses and other proprietary specifications of access rights are also instances of this class. Examples: A particular offering made by Miller Rentals Ltd. says that they (1) sell Volkswagen Golf convertibles, (2) lease out a particular Ford pick-up truck, and (3) dispose car wrecks of any make and model."@en

All properties reside in the graph http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1

The resource appears as object in 27 triples

Class statistics

Business function8

Context graph