35:- module(rdf_ntriples,
36 [ rdf_read_ntriples/3, 37 rdf_read_nquads/3, 38 rdf_process_ntriples/3, 39
40 read_ntriple/2, 41 read_nquad/2, 42 read_ntuple/2 43 ]). 44:- use_module(library(record)). 45:- use_module(library(uri)). 46:- use_module(library(option)). 47:- use_module(library(http/http_open)). 48:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)). 49:- use_foreign_library(foreign(ntriples)).
67:- predicate_options(rdf_read_ntriples/3, 3,
68 [ anon_prefix(any), 69 base_uri(atom),
70 error_count(-integer),
71 on_error(oneof([warning,error]))
72 ]). 73:- predicate_options(rdf_read_nquads/3, 3,
74 [ anon_prefix(any), 75 base_uri(atom),
76 error_count(-integer),
77 on_error(oneof([warning,error])),
78 graph(atom)
79 ]). 80:- predicate_options(rdf_process_ntriples/3, 3,
81 [ graph(atom),
82 pass_to(rdf_read_ntriples/3, 3)
83 ]). 84
85:- meta_predicate
86 rdf_process_ntriples(+,2,+).
122:- record nt_state(anon_prefix,
123 graph,
124 on_error:oneof([warning,error])=warning,
125 format:oneof([ntriples,nquads]),
126 error_count=0).
153rdf_read_ntriples(Input, Triples, Options) :-
154 rdf_read_ntuples(Input, Triples, [format(ntriples)|Options]).
156rdf_read_nquads(Input, Triples, Options) :-
157 rdf_read_ntuples(Input, Triples, [format(nquads)|Options]).
160rdf_read_ntuples(Input, Triples, Options) :-
161 setup_call_cleanup(
162 open_input(Input, Stream, Close),
163 ( init_state(Input, Options, State0),
164 read_ntuples(Stream, Triples, State0, State)
165 ),
166 Close),
167 option(error_count(Count), Options, _),
168 nt_state_error_count(State, Count).
181rdf_process_ntriples(Input, CallBack, Options) :-
182 setup_call_cleanup(
183 open_input(Input, Stream, Close),
184 ( init_state(Input, Options, State0),
185 process_ntriple(Stream, CallBack, State0, State)
186 ),
187 Close),
188 option(error_count(Count), Options, _),
189 nt_state_error_count(State, Count).
194read_ntuples(Stream, Triples, State0, State) :-
195 read_ntuple(Stream, Triple0, State0, State1),
196 ( Triple0 == end_of_file
197 -> Triples = [],
198 State = State1
199 ; map_nodes(Triple0, Triple, State1, State2),
200 Triples = [Triple|More],
201 read_ntuples(Stream, More, State2, State)
202 ).
206process_ntriple(Stream, CallBack, State0, State) :-
207 read_ntuple(Stream, Triple0, State0, State1),
208 ( Triple0 == end_of_file
209 -> State = State1
210 ; map_nodes(Triple0, Triple, State1, State2),
211 nt_state_graph(State2, Graph),
212 call(CallBack, [Triple], Graph),
213 process_ntriple(Stream, CallBack, State2, State)
214 ).
221read_ntuple(Stream, Triple, State0, State) :-
222 nt_state_on_error(State0, error),
223 !,
224 read_ntuple(Stream, Triple, State0),
225 State = State0.
226read_ntuple(Stream, Triple, State0, State) :-
227 catch(read_ntuple(Stream, Triple, State0), E, true),
228 ( var(E)
229 -> State = State0
230 ; print_message(warning, E),
231 nt_state_error_count(State0, EC0),
232 EC is EC0+1,
233 set_error_count_of_nt_state(EC, State0, State1),
234 read_ntuple(Stream, Triple, State1, State)
235 ).
237read_ntuple(Stream, Triple, State0) :-
238 nt_state_format(State0, Format),
239 format_read_ntuple(Format, Stream, Triple, State0).
241format_read_ntuple(ntriples, Stream, Triple, _) :-
242 !,
243 read_ntriple(Stream, Triple).
244format_read_ntuple(nquads, Stream, Quad, State) :-
245 !,
246 read_ntuple(Stream, Tuple),
247 to_quad(Tuple, Quad, State).
249to_quad(Quad, Quad, _) :-
250 functor(Quad, quad, 4),
251 !.
252to_quad(triple(S,P,O), quad(S,P,O,Graph), State) :-
253 nt_state_graph(State, Graph).
254to_quad(end_of_file, end_of_file, _).
257map_nodes(triple(S0,P0,O0), rdf(S,P,O), State0, State) :-
258 map_node(S0, S, State0, State1),
259 map_node(P0, P, State1, State2),
260 map_node(O0, O, State2, State).
261map_nodes(quad(S0,P0,O0,G0), rdf(S,P,O,G), State0, State) :-
262 map_node(S0, S, State0, State1),
263 map_node(P0, P, State1, State2),
264 map_node(O0, O, State2, State3),
265 map_node(G0, G, State3, State).
267map_node(node(NodeId), BNode, State, State) :-
268 nt_state_anon_prefix(State, Prefix),
269 atom(Prefix),
270 !,
271 atom_concat(Prefix, NodeId, BNode).
272map_node(Node, Node, State, State).
281open_input(stream(Stream), Stream, Close) :-
282 !,
283 ( stream_property(Stream, type(binary))
284 -> set_stream(Stream, encoding(utf8)),
285 Close = set_stream(Stream, type(binary))
286 ; stream_property(Stream, encoding(Old)),
287 ( n3_encoding(Old)
288 -> true
289 ; domain_error(ntriples_encoding, Old)
290 ),
291 Close = true
292 ).
293open_input(Stream, Stream, Close) :-
294 is_stream(Stream),
295 !,
296 open_input(stream(Stream), Stream, Close).
297open_input(atom(Atom), Stream, close(Stream)) :-
298 !,
299 atom_to_memory_file(Atom, MF),
300 open_memory_file(MF, read, Stream, [free_on_close(true)]).
301open_input(URL, Stream, close(Stream)) :-
302 ( sub_atom(URL, 0, _, _, 'http://')
303 ; sub_atom(URL, 0, _, _, 'https://')
304 ),
305 !,
306 http_open(URL, Stream, []),
307 set_stream(Stream, encoding(utf8)).
308open_input(URL, Stream, close(Stream)) :-
309 uri_file_name(URL, Path),
310 !,
311 open(Path, read, Stream, [encoding(utf8)]).
312open_input(File, Stream, close(Stream)) :-
313 absolute_file_name(File, Path,
314 [ access(read),
315 extensions(['', nt, ntriples])
316 ]),
317 open(Path, read, Stream, [encoding(utf8)]).
327init_state(In, Options, State) :-
328 ( option(base_uri(BaseURI), Options)
329 -> true
330 ; In = stream(_)
331 -> BaseURI = []
332 ; is_stream(In)
333 -> BaseURI = []
334 ; In = atom(_)
335 -> BaseURI = []
336 ; uri_is_global(In),
337 \+ is_absolute_file_name(In) 338 -> uri_normalized(In, BaseURI)
339 ; uri_file_name(BaseURI, In)
340 ),
341 ( option(anon_prefix(Prefix), Options)
342 -> true
343 ; BaseURI == []
344 -> Prefix = '_:genid'
345 ; atom_concat('_:', BaseURI, Prefix)
346 ),
347 option(on_error(OnError), Options, warning),
348 349 350 option(format(Format), Options, ntriples),
351 rdf_db:graph(Options, Graph),
352 ( var(Graph)
353 -> Graph = user
354 ; true
355 ),
356 make_nt_state([ anon_prefix(Prefix),
357 on_error(OnError),
358 format(Format),
359 graph(Graph)
360 ], State).
363 366
367:- multifile
368 rdf_db:rdf_load_stream/3,
369 rdf_db:rdf_file_type/2.
376rdf_db:rdf_load_stream(ntriples, Stream, _Module:Options) :-
377 rdf_db:graph(Options, Graph),
378 rdf_transaction(( rdf_process_ntriples(Stream, assert_tuples, Options),
379 rdf_set_graph(Graph, modified(false))
380 ),
381 parse(Graph)).
382rdf_db:rdf_load_stream(nquads, Stream, _Module:Options) :-
383 rdf_db:graph(Options, Graph),
384 ( var(Graph)
385 -> Graph = user
386 ; true
387 ),
388 rdf_transaction(( rdf_process_ntriples(Stream, assert_tuples, Options),
389 rdf_set_graph(Graph, modified(false))
390 ),
391 parse(Graph)).
393assert_tuples([], _).
394assert_tuples([H|T], Graph) :-
395 assert_tuple(H, Graph),
396 assert_tuples(T, Graph).
398assert_tuple(rdf(S,P,O), Graph) :-
399 rdf_assert(S,P,O,Graph).
400assert_tuple(rdf(S,P,O,Graph), _) :-
401 rdf_assert(S,P,O,Graph).
409rdf_db:rdf_file_type(nt, ntriples).
410rdf_db:rdf_file_type(ntriples, ntriples).
411rdf_db:rdf_file_type(nq, nquads).
412rdf_db:rdf_file_type(nquads, nquads)
Process files in the RDF N-Triples format
provides a fast reader for the RDF N-Triples and N-Quads format. N-Triples is a simple format, originally used to support the W3C RDF test suites. The current format has been extended and is a subset of the Turtle format (seelibrary(semweb/turtle)
).The API of this library is almost identical to
. This module provides a plugin into rdf_load/2, making this predicate support the formatntriples