1/* Part of SWI-Prolog 2 3 Author: Jan Wielemaker 4 E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl 5 WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org 6 Copyright (c) 2012-2017, VU University Amsterdam 7 All rights reserved. 8 9 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 10 modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 11 are met: 12 13 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 14 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 15 16 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 17 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in 18 the documentation and/or other materials provided with the 19 distribution. 20 21 THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS 22 "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT 23 LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS 24 FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE 25 COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, 26 INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, 27 BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; 28 LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER 29 CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT 30 LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN 31 ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE 32 POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 33*/ 34 35:- module(prolog_pack, 36 [ pack_list_installed/0, 37 pack_info/1, % +Name 38 pack_list/1, % +Keyword 39 pack_search/1, % +Keyword 40 pack_install/1, % +Name 41 pack_install/2, % +Name, +Options 42 pack_upgrade/1, % +Name 43 pack_rebuild/1, % +Name 44 pack_rebuild/0, % All packages 45 pack_remove/1, % +Name 46 pack_property/2, % ?Name, ?Property 47 48 pack_url_file/2 % +URL, -File 49 ]). 50:- use_module(library(apply)). 51:- use_module(library(error)). 52:- use_module(library(process)). 53:- use_module(library(option)). 54:- use_module(library(readutil)). 55:- use_module(library(lists)). 56:- use_module(library(filesex)). 57:- use_module(library(xpath)). 58:- use_module(library(settings)). 59:- use_module(library(uri)). 60:- use_module(library(http/http_open)). 61:- use_module(library(http/json)). 62:- use_module(library(http/http_client), []). % plugin for POST support 63:- if(exists_source(library(archive))). 64:- use_module(library(archive)). 65:- endif.
83:- multifile 84 environment/2. % Name, Value 85 86:- dynamic 87 pack_requires/2, % Pack, Requirement 88 pack_provides_db/2. % Pack, Provided 89 90 91 /******************************* 92 * CONSTANTS * 93 *******************************/ 94 95:- setting(server, atom, 'http://www.swi-prolog.org/pack/', 96 'Server to exchange pack information'). 97 98 99 /******************************* 100 * PACKAGE INFO * 101 *******************************/
107current_pack(Pack) :-
108 '$pack':pack(Pack, _).
118pack_list_installed :- 119 findall(Pack, current_pack(Pack), Packages0), 120 Packages0 \== [], 121 !, 122 sort(Packages0, Packages), 123 length(Packages, Count), 124 format('Installed packages (~D):~n~n', [Count]), 125 maplist(pack_info(list), Packages), 126 validate_dependencies. 127pack_list_installed :- 128 print_message(informational, pack(no_packages_installed)).
134pack_info(Name) :- 135 pack_info(info, Name). 136 137pack_info(Level, Name) :- 138 must_be(atom, Name), 139 findall(Info, pack_info(Name, Level, Info), Infos0), 140 ( Infos0 == [] 141 -> print_message(warning, pack(no_pack_installed(Name))), 142 fail 143 ; true 144 ), 145 update_dependency_db(Name, Infos0), 146 findall(Def, pack_default(Level, Infos, Def), Defs), 147 append(Infos0, Defs, Infos1), 148 sort(Infos1, Infos), 149 show_info(Name, Infos, [info(Level)]). 150 151 152show_info(_Name, _Properties, Options) :- 153 option(silent(true), Options), 154 !. 155show_info(Name, Properties, Options) :- 156 option(info(list), Options), 157 !, 158 memberchk(title(Title), Properties), 159 memberchk(version(Version), Properties), 160 format('i ~w@~w ~28|- ~w~n', [Name, Version, Title]). 161show_info(Name, Properties, _) :- 162 !, 163 print_property_value('Package'-'~w', [Name]), 164 findall(Term, pack_level_info(info, Term, _, _), Terms), 165 maplist(print_property(Properties), Terms). 166 167print_property(_, nl) :- 168 !, 169 format('~n'). 170print_property(Properties, Term) :- 171 findall(Term, member(Term, Properties), Terms), 172 Terms \== [], 173 !, 174 pack_level_info(_, Term, LabelFmt, _Def), 175 ( LabelFmt = Label-FmtElem 176 -> true 177 ; Label = LabelFmt, 178 FmtElem = '~w' 179 ), 180 multi_valued(Terms, FmtElem, FmtList, Values), 181 atomic_list_concat(FmtList, ', ', Fmt), 182 print_property_value(Label-Fmt, Values). 183print_property(_, _). 184 185multi_valued([H], LabelFmt, [LabelFmt], Values) :- 186 !, 187 H =.. [_|Values]. 188multi_valued([H|T], LabelFmt, [LabelFmt|LT], Values) :- 189 H =.. [_|VH], 190 append(VH, MoreValues, Values), 191 multi_valued(T, LabelFmt, LT, MoreValues). 192 193 194pvalue_column(24). 195print_property_value(Prop-Fmt, Values) :- 196 !, 197 pvalue_column(C), 198 atomic_list_concat(['~w:~t~*|', Fmt, '~n'], Format), 199 format(Format, [Prop,C|Values]). 200 201pack_info(Name, Level, Info) :- 202 '$pack':pack(Name, BaseDir), 203 ( Info = directory(BaseDir) 204 ; pack_info_term(BaseDir, Info) 205 ), 206 pack_level_info(Level, Info, _Format, _Default). 207 208:- public pack_level_info/4. % used by web-server 209 210pack_level_info(_, title(_), 'Title', '<no title>'). 211pack_level_info(_, version(_), 'Installed version', '<unknown>'). 212pack_level_info(info, directory(_), 'Installed in directory', -). 213pack_level_info(info, author(_, _), 'Author'-'~w <~w>', -). 214pack_level_info(info, maintainer(_, _), 'Maintainer'-'~w <~w>', -). 215pack_level_info(info, packager(_, _), 'Packager'-'~w <~w>', -). 216pack_level_info(info, home(_), 'Home page', -). 217pack_level_info(info, download(_), 'Download URL', -). 218pack_level_info(_, provides(_), 'Provides', -). 219pack_level_info(_, requires(_), 'Requires', -). 220pack_level_info(_, conflicts(_), 'Conflicts with', -). 221pack_level_info(_, replaces(_), 'Replaces packages', -). 222pack_level_info(info, library(_), 'Provided libraries', -). 223 224pack_default(Level, Infos, Def) :- 225 pack_level_info(Level, ITerm, _Format, Def), 226 Def \== (-), 227 \+ memberchk(ITerm, Infos).
233pack_info_term(BaseDir, Info) :- 234 directory_file_path(BaseDir, 'pack.pl', InfoFile), 235 catch( 236 setup_call_cleanup( 237 open(InfoFile, read, In), 238 term_in_stream(In, Info), 239 close(In)), 240 error(existence_error(source_sink, InfoFile), _), 241 ( print_message(error, pack(no_meta_data(BaseDir))), 242 fail 243 )). 244pack_info_term(BaseDir, library(Lib)) :- 245 atom_concat(BaseDir, '/prolog/', LibDir), 246 atom_concat(LibDir, '*.pl', Pattern), 247 expand_file_name(Pattern, Files), 248 maplist(atom_concat(LibDir), Plain, Files), 249 convlist(base_name, Plain, Libs), 250 member(Lib, Libs). 251 252base_name(File, Base) :- 253 file_name_extension(Base, pl, File). 254 255term_in_stream(In, Term) :- 256 repeat, 257 read_term(In, Term0, []), 258 ( Term0 == end_of_file 259 -> !, fail 260 ; Term = Term0, 261 valid_info_term(Term0) 262 ). 263 264valid_info_term(Term) :- 265 Term =.. [Name|Args], 266 same_length(Args, Types), 267 Decl =.. [Name|Types], 268 ( pack_info_term(Decl) 269 -> maplist(valid_info_arg, Types, Args) 270 ; print_message(warning, pack(invalid_info(Term))), 271 fail 272 ). 273 274valid_info_arg(Type, Arg) :- 275 must_be(Type, Arg).
282pack_info_term(name(atom)). % Synopsis 283pack_info_term(title(atom)). 284pack_info_term(keywords(list(atom))). 285pack_info_term(description(list(atom))). 286pack_info_term(version(version)). 287pack_info_term(author(atom, email_or_url)). % Persons 288pack_info_term(maintainer(atom, email_or_url)). 289pack_info_term(packager(atom, email_or_url)). 290pack_info_term(home(atom)). % Home page 291pack_info_term(download(atom)). % Source 292pack_info_term(provides(atom)). % Dependencies 293pack_info_term(requires(dependency)). 294pack_info_term(conflicts(dependency)). % Conflicts with package 295pack_info_term(replaces(atom)). % Replaces another package 296pack_info_term(autoload(boolean)). % Default installation options 297 298:- multifile 299 error:has_type/2. 300 301errorhas_type(version, Version) :- 302 atom(Version), 303 version_data(Version, _Data). 304errorhas_type(email_or_url, Address) :- 305 atom(Address), 306 ( sub_atom(Address, _, _, _, @) 307 -> true 308 ; uri_is_global(Address) 309 ). 310errorhas_type(dependency, Value) :- 311 is_dependency(Value, _Token, _Version). 312 313version_data(Version, version(Data)) :- 314 atomic_list_concat(Parts, '.', Version), 315 maplist(atom_number, Parts, Data). 316 317is_dependency(Token, Token, *) :- 318 atom(Token). 319is_dependency(Term, Token, VersionCmp) :- 320 Term =.. [Op,Token,Version], 321 cmp(Op, _), 322 version_data(Version, _), 323 VersionCmp =.. [Op,Version]. 324 325cmp(<, @<). 326cmp(=<, @=<). 327cmp(==, ==). 328cmp(>=, @>=). 329cmp(>, @>). 330 331 332 /******************************* 333 * SEARCH * 334 *******************************/
Hint: ?- pack_list('').
lists all packages.
The predicates pack_list/1 and pack_search/1 are synonyms. Both contact the package server at http://www.swi-prolog.org to find available packages.
363pack_list(Query) :- 364 pack_search(Query). 365 366pack_search(Query) :- 367 query_pack_server(search(Query), Result, []), 368 ( Result == false 369 -> ( local_search(Query, Packs), 370 Packs \== [] 371 -> forall(member(pack(Pack, Stat, Title, Version, _), Packs), 372 format('~w ~w@~w ~28|- ~w~n', 373 [Stat, Pack, Version, Title])) 374 ; print_message(warning, pack(search_no_matches(Query))) 375 ) 376 ; Result = true(Hits), 377 local_search(Query, Local), 378 append(Hits, Local, All), 379 sort(All, Sorted), 380 list_hits(Sorted) 381 ). 382 383list_hits([]). 384list_hits([ pack(Pack, i, Title, Version, _), 385 pack(Pack, p, Title, Version, _) 386 | More 387 ]) :- 388 !, 389 format('i ~w@~w ~28|- ~w~n', [Pack, Version, Title]), 390 list_hits(More). 391list_hits([ pack(Pack, i, Title, VersionI, _), 392 pack(Pack, p, _, VersionS, _) 393 | More 394 ]) :- 395 !, 396 version_data(VersionI, VDI), 397 version_data(VersionS, VDS), 398 ( VDI @< VDS 399 -> Tag = ('U') 400 ; Tag = ('A') 401 ), 402 format('~w ~w@~w(~w) ~28|- ~w~n', [Tag, Pack, VersionI, VersionS, Title]), 403 list_hits(More). 404list_hits([ pack(Pack, i, Title, VersionI, _) 405 | More 406 ]) :- 407 !, 408 format('l ~w@~w ~28|- ~w~n', [Pack, VersionI, Title]), 409 list_hits(More). 410list_hits([pack(Pack, Stat, Title, Version, _)|More]) :- 411 format('~w ~w@~w ~28|- ~w~n', [Stat, Pack, Version, Title]), 412 list_hits(More). 413 414 415local_search(Query, Packs) :- 416 findall(Pack, matching_installed_pack(Query, Pack), Packs). 417 418matching_installed_pack(Query, pack(Pack, i, Title, Version, URL)) :- 419 current_pack(Pack), 420 findall(Term, 421 ( pack_info(Pack, _, Term), 422 search_info(Term) 423 ), Info), 424 ( sub_atom_icasechk(Pack, _, Query) 425 -> true 426 ; memberchk(title(Title), Info), 427 sub_atom_icasechk(Title, _, Query) 428 ), 429 option(title(Title), Info, '<no title>'), 430 option(version(Version), Info, '<no version>'), 431 option(download(URL), Info, '<no download url>'). 432 433search_info(title(_)). 434search_info(version(_)). 435search_info(download(_)). 436 437 438 /******************************* 439 * INSTALL * 440 *******************************/
URL.After resolving the type of package, pack_install/2 is used to do the actual installation.
458pack_install(Spec) :-
459 pack_default_options(Spec, Pack, [], Options),
460 pack_install(Pack, [pack(Pack)|Options]).
467pack_default_options(_Spec, Pack, OptsIn, Options) :- 468 option(already_installed(pack(Pack,_Version)), OptsIn), 469 !, 470 Options = OptsIn. 471pack_default_options(_Spec, Pack, OptsIn, Options) :- 472 option(url(URL), OptsIn), 473 !, 474 ( option(git(_), OptsIn) 475 -> Options = OptsIn 476 ; git_url(URL, Pack) 477 -> Options = [git(true)|OptsIn] 478 ; Options = OptsIn 479 ), 480 ( nonvar(Pack) 481 -> true 482 ; option(pack(Pack), Options) 483 -> true 484 ; pack_version_file(Pack, _Version, URL) 485 ). 486pack_default_options(Archive, Pack, _, Options) :- % Install from archive 487 must_be(atom, Archive), 488 expand_file_name(Archive, [File]), 489 exists_file(File), 490 !, 491 pack_version_file(Pack, Version, File), 492 uri_file_name(FileURL, File), 493 Options = [url(FileURL), version(Version)]. 494pack_default_options(URL, Pack, _, Options) :- 495 git_url(URL, Pack), 496 !, 497 Options = [git(true), url(URL)]. 498pack_default_options(FileURL, Pack, _, Options) :- % Install from directory 499 uri_file_name(FileURL, Dir), 500 exists_directory(Dir), 501 pack_info_term(Dir, name(Pack)), 502 !, 503 ( pack_info_term(Dir, version(Version)) 504 -> uri_file_name(DirURL, Dir), 505 Options = [url(DirURL), version(Version)] 506 ; throw(error(existence_error(key, version, Dir),_)) 507 ). 508pack_default_options(URL, Pack, _, Options) :- % Install from URL 509 pack_version_file(Pack, Version, URL), 510 download_url(URL), 511 !, 512 available_download_versions(URL, [URLVersion-LatestURL|_]), 513 Options = [url(LatestURL)|VersionOptions], 514 version_options(Version, URLVersion, VersionOptions). 515pack_default_options(Pack, Pack, OptsIn, Options) :- % Install from name 516 \+ uri_is_global(Pack), % ignore URLs 517 query_pack_server(locate(Pack), Reply, OptsIn), 518 ( Reply = true(Results) 519 -> pack_select_candidate(Pack, Results, OptsIn, Options) 520 ; print_message(warning, pack(no_match(Pack))), 521 fail 522 ). 523 524version_options(Version, Version, [version(Version)]) :- !. 525version_options(Version, _, [version(Version)]) :- 526 Version = version(List), 527 maplist(integer, List), 528 !. 529version_options(_, _, []).
535pack_select_candidate(Pack, [Version-_|_], Options, 536 [already_installed(pack(Pack, Installed))|Options]) :- 537 current_pack(Pack), 538 pack_info(Pack, _, version(InstalledAtom)), 539 atom_version(InstalledAtom, Installed), 540 Installed @>= Version, 541 !. 542pack_select_candidate(Pack, Available, Options, OptsOut) :- 543 option(url(URL), Options), 544 memberchk(_Version-URLs, Available), 545 memberchk(URL, URLs), 546 !, 547 ( git_url(URL, Pack) 548 -> Extra = [git(true)] 549 ; Extra = [] 550 ), 551 OptsOut = [url(URL), inquiry(true) | Extra]. 552pack_select_candidate(Pack, [Version-[URL]|_], Options, 553 [url(URL), git(true), inquiry(true)]) :- 554 git_url(URL, Pack), 555 !, 556 confirm(install_from(Pack, Version, git(URL)), yes, Options). 557pack_select_candidate(Pack, [Version-[URL]|More], Options, 558 [url(URL), inquiry(true)]) :- 559 ( More == [] 560 -> ! 561 ; true 562 ), 563 confirm(install_from(Pack, Version, URL), yes, Options), 564 !. 565pack_select_candidate(Pack, [Version-URLs|_], Options, 566 [url(URL), inquiry(true)|Rest]) :- 567 maplist(url_menu_item, URLs, Tagged), 568 append(Tagged, [cancel=cancel], Menu), 569 Menu = [Default=_|_], 570 menu(pack(select_install_from(Pack, Version)), 571 Menu, Default, Choice, Options), 572 ( Choice == cancel 573 -> fail 574 ; Choice = git(URL) 575 -> Rest = [git(true)] 576 ; Choice = URL, 577 Rest = [] 578 ). 579 URL, git(URL)=install_from(git(URL))) (:- 581 git_url(URL, _), 582 !. 583url_menu_item(URL, URL=install_from(URL)).
(default false), suppress informational progress
(default false
), upgrade package if it is already
(default false
unless URL ends with =.git=),
assume the URL is a GIT repository.
Non-interactive installation can be established using the option
. It is adviced to install from a particular
trusted URL instead of the plain pack name for unattented
614pack_install(Spec, Options) :- 615 pack_default_options(Spec, Pack, Options, DefOptions), 616 ( option(already_installed(Installed), DefOptions) 617 -> print_message(informational, pack(already_installed(Installed))) 618 ; merge_options(Options, DefOptions, PackOptions), 619 update_dependency_db, 620 pack_install_dir(PackDir, PackOptions), 621 pack_install(Pack, PackDir, PackOptions) 622 ). 623 624pack_install_dir(PackDir, Options) :- 625 option(package_directory(PackDir), Options), 626 !. 627pack_install_dir(PackDir, _Options) :- % TBD: global/user? 628 absolute_file_name(pack(.), PackDir, 629 [ file_type(directory), 630 access(write), 631 file_errors(fail) 632 ]), 633 !. 634pack_install_dir(PackDir, Options) :- % TBD: global/user? 635 pack_create_install_dir(PackDir, Options). 636 637pack_create_install_dir(PackDir, Options) :- 638 findall(Candidate = create_dir(Candidate), 639 ( absolute_file_name(pack(.), Candidate, [solutions(all)]), 640 \+ exists_file(Candidate), 641 \+ exists_directory(Candidate), 642 file_directory_name(Candidate, Super), 643 ( exists_directory(Super) 644 -> access_file(Super, write) 645 ; true 646 ) 647 ), 648 Candidates0), 649 list_to_set(Candidates0, Candidates), % keep order 650 pack_create_install_dir(Candidates, PackDir, Options). 651 652pack_create_install_dir(Candidates, PackDir, Options) :- 653 Candidates = [Default=_|_], 654 !, 655 append(Candidates, [cancel=cancel], Menu), 656 menu(pack(create_pack_dir), Menu, Default, Selected, Options), 657 Selected \== cancel, 658 ( catch(make_directory_path(Selected), E, 659 (print_message(warning, E), fail)) 660 -> PackDir = Selected 661 ; delete(Candidates, PackDir=create_dir(PackDir), Remaining), 662 pack_create_install_dir(Remaining, PackDir, Options) 663 ). 664pack_create_install_dir(_, _, _) :- 665 print_message(error, pack(cannot_create_dir(pack(.)))), 666 fail.
, update the
package to the latest version. If Boolean is false
an error and fail.681pack_install(Name, _, Options) :- 682 current_pack(Name), 683 option(upgrade(false), Options, false), 684 print_message(error, pack(already_installed(Name))), 685 pack_info(Name), 686 print_message(information, pack(remove_with(Name))), 687 !, 688 fail. 689pack_install(Name, PackDir, Options) :- 690 option(url(URL), Options), 691 uri_file_name(URL, Source), 692 !, 693 pack_install_from_local(Source, PackDir, Name, Options). 694pack_install(Name, PackDir, Options) :- 695 option(url(URL), Options), 696 uri_components(URL, Components), 697 uri_data(scheme, Components, Scheme), 698 pack_install_from_url(Scheme, URL, PackDir, Name, Options).
707pack_install_from_local(Source, PackTopDir, Name, Options) :- 708 exists_directory(Source), 709 !, 710 directory_file_path(PackTopDir, Name, PackDir), 711 prepare_pack_dir(PackDir, Options), 712 copy_directory(Source, PackDir), 713 pack_post_install(Name, PackDir, Options). 714pack_install_from_local(Source, PackTopDir, Name, Options) :- 715 exists_file(Source), 716 directory_file_path(PackTopDir, Name, PackDir), 717 prepare_pack_dir(PackDir, Options), 718 pack_unpack(Source, PackDir, Name, Options), 719 pack_post_install(Name, PackDir, Options).
726:- if(current_predicate(archive_extract/3)). 727pack_unpack(Source, PackDir, Pack, Options) :- 728 pack_archive_info(Source, Pack, _Info, StripOptions), 729 prepare_pack_dir(PackDir, Options), 730 archive_extract(Source, PackDir, 731 [ exclude(['._*']) % MacOS resource forks 732 | StripOptions 733 ]). 734:- else. 735pack_unpack(_,_,_,_) :- 736 existence_error(library, archive). 737:- endif. 738 739 /******************************* 740 * INFO * 741 *******************************/
in the pack and Strip is the strip-option for
753:- if(current_predicate(archive_open/3)). 754pack_archive_info(Archive, Pack, [archive_size(Bytes)|Info], Strip) :- 755 size_file(Archive, Bytes), 756 setup_call_cleanup( 757 archive_open(Archive, Handle, []), 758 ( repeat, 759 ( archive_next_header(Handle, InfoFile) 760 -> true 761 ; !, fail 762 ) 763 ), 764 archive_close(Handle)), 765 file_base_name(InfoFile, 'pack.pl'), 766 atom_concat(Prefix, 'pack.pl', InfoFile), 767 strip_option(Prefix, Pack, Strip), 768 setup_call_cleanup( 769 archive_open_entry(Handle, Stream), 770 read_stream_to_terms(Stream, Info), 771 close(Stream)), 772 !, 773 must_be(ground, Info), 774 maplist(valid_info_term, Info). 775:- else. 776pack_archive_info(_, _, _, _) :- 777 existence_error(library, archive). 778:- endif. 779pack_archive_info(_, _, _, _) :- 780 existence_error(pack_file, 'pack.pl'). 781 782strip_option('', _, []) :- !. 783strip_option('./', _, []) :- !. 784strip_option(Prefix, Pack, [remove_prefix(Prefix)]) :- 785 atom_concat(PrefixDir, /, Prefix), 786 file_base_name(PrefixDir, Base), 787 ( Base == Pack 788 -> true 789 ; pack_version_file(Pack, _, Base) 790 -> true 791 ; \+ sub_atom(PrefixDir, _, _, _, /) 792 ). 793 794read_stream_to_terms(Stream, Terms) :- 795 read(Stream, Term0), 796 read_stream_to_terms(Term0, Stream, Terms). 797 798read_stream_to_terms(end_of_file, _, []) :- !. 799read_stream_to_terms(Term0, Stream, [Term0|Terms]) :- 800 read(Stream, Term1), 801 read_stream_to_terms(Term1, Stream, Terms).
809pack_git_info(GitDir, Hash, [git(true), installed_size(Bytes)|Info]) :-
810 exists_directory(GitDir),
811 !,
812 git_ls_tree(Entries, [directory(GitDir)]),
813 git_hash(Hash, [directory(GitDir)]),
814 maplist(arg(4), Entries, Sizes),
815 sum_list(Sizes, Bytes),
816 directory_file_path(GitDir, 'pack.pl', InfoFile),
817 read_file_to_terms(InfoFile, Info, [encoding(utf8)]),
818 must_be(ground, Info),
819 maplist(valid_info_term, Info).
825download_file_sanity_check(Archive, Pack, Info) :- 826 info_field(name(Name), Info), 827 info_field(version(VersionAtom), Info), 828 atom_version(VersionAtom, Version), 829 pack_version_file(PackA, VersionA, Archive), 830 must_match([Pack, PackA, Name], name), 831 must_match([Version, VersionA], version). 832 833info_field(Field, Info) :- 834 memberchk(Field, Info), 835 ground(Field), 836 !. 837info_field(Field, _Info) :- 838 functor(Field, FieldName, _), 839 print_message(error, pack(missing(FieldName))), 840 fail. 841 842must_match(Values, _Field) :- 843 sort(Values, [_]), 844 !. 845must_match(Values, Field) :- 846 print_message(error, pack(conflict(Field, Values))), 847 fail. 848 849 850 /******************************* 851 * INSTALLATION * 852 *******************************/
860prepare_pack_dir(Dir, Options) :- 861 exists_directory(Dir), 862 !, 863 ( empty_directory(Dir) 864 -> true 865 ; option(upgrade(true), Options) 866 -> delete_directory_contents(Dir) 867 ; confirm(remove_existing_pack(Dir), yes, Options), 868 delete_directory_contents(Dir) 869 ). 870prepare_pack_dir(Dir, _) :- 871 make_directory(Dir).
877empty_directory(Dir) :- 878 \+ ( directory_files(Dir, Entries), 879 member(Entry, Entries), 880 \+ special(Entry) 881 ). 882 883special(.). 884special(..).
894pack_install_from_url(_, URL, PackTopDir, Pack, Options) :- 895 option(git(true), Options), 896 !, 897 directory_file_path(PackTopDir, Pack, PackDir), 898 prepare_pack_dir(PackDir, Options), 899 run_process(path(git), [clone, URL, PackDir], []), 900 pack_git_info(PackDir, Hash, Info), 901 pack_inquiry(URL, git(Hash), Info, Options), 902 show_info(Pack, Info, Options), 903 confirm(git_post_install(PackDir, Pack), yes, Options), 904 pack_post_install(Pack, PackDir, Options). 905pack_install_from_url(Scheme, URL, PackTopDir, Pack, Options) :- 906 download_scheme(Scheme), 907 directory_file_path(PackTopDir, Pack, PackDir), 908 prepare_pack_dir(PackDir, Options), 909 pack_download_dir(PackTopDir, DownLoadDir), 910 download_file(URL, Pack, DownloadBase, Options), 911 directory_file_path(DownLoadDir, DownloadBase, DownloadFile), 912 setup_call_cleanup( 913 http_open(URL, In, 914 [ cert_verify_hook(ssl_verify) 915 ]), 916 setup_call_cleanup( 917 open(DownloadFile, write, Out, [type(binary)]), 918 copy_stream_data(In, Out), 919 close(Out)), 920 close(In)), 921 pack_archive_info(DownloadFile, Pack, Info, _), 922 download_file_sanity_check(DownloadFile, Pack, Info), 923 pack_inquiry(URL, DownloadFile, Info, Options), 924 show_info(Pack, Info, Options), 925 confirm(install_downloaded(DownloadFile), yes, Options), 926 pack_install_from_local(DownloadFile, PackTopDir, Pack, Options).
930download_file(URL, Pack, File, Options) :- 931 option(version(Version), Options), 932 !, 933 atom_version(VersionA, Version), 934 file_name_extension(_, Ext, URL), 935 format(atom(File), '~w-~w.~w', [Pack, VersionA, Ext]). 936download_file(URL, Pack, File, _) :- 937 file_base_name(URL,Basename), 938 no_int_file_name_extension(Tag,Ext,Basename), 939 tag_version(Tag,Version), 940 !, 941 atom_version(VersionA,Version), 942 format(atom(File0), '~w-~w', [Pack, VersionA]), 943 file_name_extension(File0, Ext, File). 944download_file(URL, _, File, _) :- 945 file_base_name(URL, File).
953pack_url_file(URL, FileID) :- 954 github_release_url(URL, Pack, Version), 955 !, 956 download_file(URL, Pack, FileID, [version(Version)]). 957pack_url_file(URL, FileID) :- 958 file_base_name(URL, FileID). 959 960 961:- public ssl_verify/5.
969ssl_verify(_SSL, 970 _ProblemCertificate, _AllCertificates, _FirstCertificate, 971 _Error). 972 973pack_download_dir(PackTopDir, DownLoadDir) :- 974 directory_file_path(PackTopDir, 'Downloads', DownLoadDir), 975 ( exists_directory(DownLoadDir) 976 -> true 977 ; make_directory(DownLoadDir) 978 ), 979 ( access_file(DownLoadDir, write) 980 -> true 981 ; permission_error(write, directory, DownLoadDir) 982 ).
988download_url(URL) :- 989 atom(URL), 990 uri_components(URL, Components), 991 uri_data(scheme, Components, Scheme), 992 download_scheme(Scheme). 993 994download_scheme(http). 995download_scheme(https) :- 996 catch(use_module(library(http/http_ssl_plugin)), 997 E, (print_message(warning, E), fail)).
1007pack_post_install(Pack, PackDir, Options) :-
1008 post_install_foreign(Pack, PackDir,
1009 [ build_foreign(if_absent)
1010 | Options
1011 ]),
1012 post_install_autoload(PackDir, Options),
1013 '$pack_attach'(PackDir).
1019pack_rebuild(Pack) :- 1020 '$pack':pack(Pack, BaseDir), 1021 !, 1022 catch(pack_make(BaseDir, [distclean], []), E, 1023 print_message(warning, E)), 1024 post_install_foreign(Pack, BaseDir, []). 1025pack_rebuild(Pack) :- 1026 existence_error(pack, Pack).
1032pack_rebuild :-
1033 forall(current_pack(Pack),
1034 ( print_message(informational, pack(rebuild(Pack))),
1035 pack_rebuild(Pack)
1036 )).
1043post_install_foreign(Pack, PackDir, Options) :- 1044 is_foreign_pack(PackDir), 1045 !, 1046 ( option(build_foreign(if_absent), Options), 1047 foreign_present(PackDir) 1048 -> print_message(informational, pack(kept_foreign(Pack))) 1049 ; setup_path, 1050 save_build_environment(PackDir), 1051 configure_foreign(PackDir, Options), 1052 make_foreign(PackDir, Options) 1053 ). 1054post_install_foreign(_, _, _). 1055 1056foreign_present(PackDir) :- 1057 current_prolog_flag(arch, Arch), 1058 atomic_list_concat([PackDir, '/lib'], ForeignBaseDir), 1059 exists_directory(ForeignBaseDir), 1060 !, 1061 atomic_list_concat([PackDir, '/lib/', Arch], ForeignDir), 1062 exists_directory(ForeignDir), 1063 current_prolog_flag(shared_object_extension, Ext), 1064 atomic_list_concat([ForeignDir, '/*.', Ext], Pattern), 1065 expand_file_name(Pattern, Files), 1066 Files \== []. 1067 1068is_foreign_pack(PackDir) :- 1069 foreign_file(File), 1070 directory_file_path(PackDir, File, Path), 1071 exists_file(Path), 1072 !. 1073 1074foreign_file('configure.in'). 1075foreign_file('configure'). 1076foreign_file('Makefile'). 1077foreign_file('makefile').
or configure.in
exists, first run autoheader
and autoconf
1085configure_foreign(PackDir, Options) :- 1086 make_configure(PackDir, Options), 1087 directory_file_path(PackDir, configure, Configure), 1088 exists_file(Configure), 1089 !, 1090 build_environment(BuildEnv), 1091 run_process(path(bash), [Configure], 1092 [ env(BuildEnv), 1093 directory(PackDir) 1094 ]). 1095configure_foreign(_, _). 1096 1097make_configure(PackDir, _Options) :- 1098 directory_file_path(PackDir, 'configure', Configure), 1099 exists_file(Configure), 1100 !. 1101make_configure(PackDir, _Options) :- 1102 autoconf_master(ConfigMaster), 1103 directory_file_path(PackDir, ConfigMaster, ConfigureIn), 1104 exists_file(ConfigureIn), 1105 !, 1106 run_process(path(autoheader), [], [directory(PackDir)]), 1107 run_process(path(autoconf), [], [directory(PackDir)]). 1108make_configure(_, _). 1109 1110autoconf_master('configure.ac'). 1111autoconf_master('configure.in').
1118make_foreign(PackDir, Options) :- 1119 pack_make(PackDir, [all, check, install], Options). 1120 1121pack_make(PackDir, Targets, _Options) :- 1122 directory_file_path(PackDir, 'Makefile', Makefile), 1123 exists_file(Makefile), 1124 !, 1125 build_environment(BuildEnv), 1126 ProcessOptions = [ directory(PackDir), env(BuildEnv) ], 1127 forall(member(Target, Targets), 1128 run_process(path(make), [Target], ProcessOptions)). 1129pack_make(_, _, _).
1136save_build_environment(PackDir) :- 1137 directory_file_path(PackDir, 'buildenv.sh', EnvFile), 1138 build_environment(Env), 1139 setup_call_cleanup( 1140 open(EnvFile, write, Out), 1141 write_env_script(Out, Env), 1142 close(Out)). 1143 1144write_env_script(Out, Env) :- 1145 format(Out, 1146 '# This file contains the environment that can be used to\n\c 1147 # build the foreign pack outside Prolog. This file must\n\c 1148 # be loaded into a bourne-compatible shell using\n\c 1149 #\n\c 1150 # $ source buildenv.sh\n\n', 1151 []), 1152 forall(member(Var=Value, Env), 1153 format(Out, '~w=\'~w\'\n', [Var, Value])), 1154 format(Out, '\nexport ', []), 1155 forall(member(Var=_, Env), 1156 format(Out, ' ~w', [Var])), 1157 format(Out, '\n', []). 1158 1159build_environment(Env) :- 1160 findall(Name=Value, environment(Name, Value), UserEnv), 1161 findall(Name=Value, 1162 ( def_environment(Name, Value), 1163 \+ memberchk(Name=_, UserEnv) 1164 ), 1165 DefEnv), 1166 append(UserEnv, DefEnv, Env).
prolog_pack:environment('USER', User) :- getenv('USER', User).
1193def_environment('PATH', Value) :- 1194 getenv('PATH', PATH), 1195 current_prolog_flag(executable, Exe), 1196 file_directory_name(Exe, ExeDir), 1197 prolog_to_os_filename(ExeDir, OsExeDir), 1198 ( current_prolog_flag(windows, true) 1199 -> Sep = (;) 1200 ; Sep = (:) 1201 ), 1202 atomic_list_concat([OsExeDir, Sep, PATH], Value). 1203def_environment('SWIPL', Value) :- 1204 current_prolog_flag(executable, Value). 1205def_environment('SWIPLVERSION', Value) :- 1206 current_prolog_flag(version, Value). 1207def_environment('SWIHOME', Value) :- 1208 current_prolog_flag(home, Value). 1209def_environment('SWIARCH', Value) :- 1210 current_prolog_flag(arch, Value). 1211def_environment('PACKSODIR', Value) :- 1212 current_prolog_flag(arch, Arch), 1213 atom_concat('lib/', Arch, Value). 1214def_environment('SWISOLIB', Value) :- 1215 current_prolog_flag(c_libplso, Value). 1216def_environment('SWILIB', '-lswipl'). 1217def_environment('CC', Value) :- 1218 ( getenv('CC', value) 1219 -> true 1220 ; current_prolog_flag(c_cc, Value) 1221 ). 1222def_environment('LD', Value) :- 1223 ( getenv('LD', Value) 1224 -> true 1225 ; current_prolog_flag(c_cc, Value) 1226 ). 1227def_environment('CFLAGS', Value) :- 1228 ( getenv('CFLAGS', SystemFlags) 1229 -> Extra = [' ', SystemFlags] 1230 ; Extra = [] 1231 ), 1232 current_prolog_flag(c_cflags, Value0), 1233 current_prolog_flag(home, Home), 1234 atomic_list_concat([Value0, ' -I"', Home, '/include"' | Extra], Value). 1235def_environment('LDSOFLAGS', Value) :- 1236 ( getenv('LDFLAGS', SystemFlags) 1237 -> Extra = [' ', SystemFlags|System] 1238 ; Extra = System 1239 ), 1240 ( current_prolog_flag(windows, true) 1241 -> current_prolog_flag(home, Home), 1242 atomic_list_concat([' -L"', Home, '/bin"'], SystemLib), 1243 System = [SystemLib] 1244 ; current_prolog_flag(shared_object_extension, so) 1245 -> System = [] % ELF systems do not need this 1246 ; current_prolog_flag(home, Home), 1247 current_prolog_flag(arch, Arch), 1248 atomic_list_concat([' -L"', Home, '/lib/', Arch, '"'], SystemLib), 1249 System = [SystemLib] 1250 ), 1251 current_prolog_flag(c_ldflags, LDFlags), 1252 atomic_list_concat([LDFlags, ' -shared' | Extra], Value). 1253def_environment('SOEXT', Value) :- 1254 current_prolog_flag(shared_object_extension, Value). 1255def_environment(Pass, Value) :- 1256 pass_env(Pass), 1257 getenv(Pass, Value). 1258 1259pass_env('TMP'). 1260pass_env('TEMP'). 1261pass_env('USER'). 1262pass_env('HOME'). 1263 1264 /******************************* 1265 * PATHS * 1266 *******************************/ 1267 1268setup_path :- 1269 has_program(path(make), _), 1270 has_program(path(gcc), _), 1271 !. 1272setup_path :- 1273 current_prolog_flag(windows, true), 1274 !, 1275 ( mingw_extend_path 1276 -> true 1277 ; print_message(error, pack(no_mingw)) 1278 ). 1279setup_path. 1280 1281has_program(Program, Path) :- 1282 exe_options(ExeOptions), 1283 absolute_file_name(Program, Path, 1284 [ file_errors(fail) 1285 | ExeOptions 1286 ]). 1287 1288exe_options(Options) :- 1289 current_prolog_flag(windows, true), 1290 !, 1291 Options = [ extensions(['',exe,com]), access(read) ]. 1292exe_options(Options) :- 1293 Options = [ access(execute) ]. 1294 1295mingw_extend_path :- 1296 mingw_root(MinGW), 1297 directory_file_path(MinGW, bin, MinGWBinDir), 1298 atom_concat(MinGW, '/msys/*/bin', Pattern), 1299 expand_file_name(Pattern, MsysDirs), 1300 last(MsysDirs, MSysBinDir), 1301 prolog_to_os_filename(MinGWBinDir, WinDirMinGW), 1302 prolog_to_os_filename(MSysBinDir, WinDirMSYS), 1303 getenv('PATH', Path0), 1304 atomic_list_concat([WinDirMSYS, WinDirMinGW, Path0], ';', Path), 1305 setenv('PATH', Path). 1306 1307mingw_root(MinGwRoot) :- 1308 current_prolog_flag(executable, Exe), 1309 sub_atom(Exe, 1, _, _, :), 1310 sub_atom(Exe, 0, 1, _, PlDrive), 1311 Drives = [PlDrive,c,d], 1312 member(Drive, Drives), 1313 format(atom(MinGwRoot), '~a:/MinGW', [Drive]), 1314 exists_directory(MinGwRoot), 1315 !. 1316 1317 1318 /******************************* 1319 * AUTOLOAD * 1320 *******************************/
1326post_install_autoload(PackDir, Options) :- 1327 option(autoload(true), Options, true), 1328 pack_info_term(PackDir, autoload(true)), 1329 !, 1330 directory_file_path(PackDir, prolog, PrologLibDir), 1331 make_library_index(PrologLibDir). 1332post_install_autoload(_, _). 1333 1334 1335 /******************************* 1336 * UPGRADE * 1337 *******************************/
1345pack_upgrade(Pack) :- 1346 pack_info(Pack, _, directory(Dir)), 1347 directory_file_path(Dir, '.git', GitDir), 1348 exists_directory(GitDir), 1349 !, 1350 print_message(informational, pack(git_fetch(Dir))), 1351 git([fetch], [ directory(Dir) ]), 1352 git_describe(V0, [ directory(Dir) ]), 1353 git_describe(V1, [ directory(Dir), commit('origin/master') ]), 1354 ( V0 == V1 1355 -> print_message(informational, pack(up_to_date(Pack))) 1356 ; confirm(upgrade(Pack, V0, V1), yes, []), 1357 git([merge, 'origin/master'], [ directory(Dir) ]), 1358 pack_rebuild(Pack) 1359 ). 1360pack_upgrade(Pack) :- 1361 once(pack_info(Pack, _, version(VersionAtom))), 1362 atom_version(VersionAtom, Version), 1363 pack_info(Pack, _, download(URL)), 1364 ( wildcard_pattern(URL) 1365 -> true 1366 ; github_url(URL, _User, _Repo) 1367 ), 1368 !, 1369 available_download_versions(URL, [Latest-LatestURL|_Versions]), 1370 ( Latest @> Version 1371 -> confirm(upgrade(Pack, Version, Latest), yes, []), 1372 pack_install(Pack, 1373 [ url(LatestURL), 1374 upgrade(true), 1375 pack(Pack) 1376 ]) 1377 ; print_message(informational, pack(up_to_date(Pack))) 1378 ). 1379pack_upgrade(Pack) :- 1380 print_message(warning, pack(no_upgrade_info(Pack))). 1381 1382 1383 /******************************* 1384 * REMOVE * 1385 *******************************/
1391pack_remove(Pack) :- 1392 update_dependency_db, 1393 ( setof(Dep, pack_depends_on(Dep, Pack), Deps) 1394 -> confirm_remove(Pack, Deps, Delete), 1395 forall(member(P, Delete), pack_remove_forced(P)) 1396 ; pack_remove_forced(Pack) 1397 ). 1398 1399pack_remove_forced(Pack) :- 1400 '$pack_detach'(Pack, BaseDir), 1401 print_message(informational, pack(remove(BaseDir))), 1402 delete_directory_and_contents(BaseDir). 1403 1404confirm_remove(Pack, Deps, Delete) :- 1405 print_message(warning, pack(depends(Pack, Deps))), 1406 menu(pack(resolve_remove), 1407 [ [Pack] = remove_only(Pack), 1408 [Pack|Deps] = remove_deps(Pack, Deps), 1409 [] = cancel 1410 ], [], Delete, []), 1411 Delete \== []. 1412 1413 1414 /******************************* 1415 * PROPERTIES * 1416 *******************************/
file (if present)TODO
file (if present)1439pack_property(Pack, Property) :- 1440 findall(Pack-Property, pack_property_(Pack, Property), List), 1441 member(Pack-Property, List). % make det if applicable 1442 1443pack_property_(Pack, Property) :- 1444 pack_info(Pack, _, Property). 1445pack_property_(Pack, Property) :- 1446 \+ \+ info_file(Property, _), 1447 '$pack':pack(Pack, BaseDir), 1448 access_file(BaseDir, read), 1449 directory_files(BaseDir, Files), 1450 member(File, Files), 1451 info_file(Property, Pattern), 1452 downcase_atom(File, Pattern), 1453 directory_file_path(BaseDir, File, InfoFile), 1454 arg(1, Property, InfoFile). 1455 1456info_file(readme(_), 'readme.txt'). 1457info_file(readme(_), 'readme'). 1458info_file(todo(_), 'todo.txt'). 1459info_file(todo(_), 'todo'). 1460 1461 1462 /******************************* 1463 * GIT * 1464 *******************************/
1470git_url(URL, Pack) :- 1471 uri_components(URL, Components), 1472 uri_data(scheme, Components, Scheme), 1473 uri_data(path, Components, Path), 1474 ( Scheme == git 1475 -> true 1476 ; git_download_scheme(Scheme), 1477 file_name_extension(_, git, Path) 1478 ), 1479 file_base_name(Path, PackExt), 1480 ( file_name_extension(Pack, git, PackExt) 1481 -> true 1482 ; Pack = PackExt 1483 ), 1484 ( safe_pack_name(Pack) 1485 -> true 1486 ; domain_error(pack_name, Pack) 1487 ). 1488 1489git_download_scheme(http). 1490git_download_scheme(https).
1497safe_pack_name(Name) :- 1498 atom_length(Name, Len), 1499 Len >= 3, % demand at least three length 1500 atom_codes(Name, Codes), 1501 maplist(safe_pack_char, Codes), 1502 !. 1503 1504safe_pack_char(C) :- between(0'a, 0'z, C), !. 1505safe_pack_char(C) :- between(0'A, 0'Z, C), !. 1506safe_pack_char(C) :- between(0'0, 0'9, C), !. 1507safe_pack_char(0'_). 1508 1509 1510 /******************************* 1511 * VERSION LOGIC * 1512 *******************************/
.1521pack_version_file(Pack, Version, GitHubRelease) :- 1522 atomic(GitHubRelease), 1523 github_release_url(GitHubRelease, Pack, Version), 1524 !. 1525pack_version_file(Pack, Version, Path) :- 1526 atomic(Path), 1527 file_base_name(Path, File), 1528 no_int_file_name_extension(Base, _Ext, File), 1529 atom_codes(Base, Codes), 1530 ( phrase(pack_version(Pack, Version), Codes), 1531 safe_pack_name(Pack) 1532 -> true 1533 ). 1534 1535no_int_file_name_extension(Base, Ext, File) :- 1536 file_name_extension(Base0, Ext0, File), 1537 \+ atom_number(Ext0, _), 1538 !, 1539 Base = Base0, 1540 Ext = Ext0. 1541no_int_file_name_extension(File, '', File).
1554github_release_url(URL, Pack, Version) :- 1555 uri_components(URL, Components), 1556 uri_data(authority, Components, 'github.com'), 1557 uri_data(scheme, Components, Scheme), 1558 download_scheme(Scheme), 1559 uri_data(path, Components, Path), 1560 atomic_list_concat(['',_Project,Pack,archive,File], /, Path), 1561 file_name_extension(Tag, Ext, File), 1562 github_archive_extension(Ext), 1563 tag_version(Tag, Version), 1564 !. 1565 1566github_archive_extension(tgz). 1567github_archive_extension(zip). 1568 1569tag_version(Tag, Version) :- 1570 version_tag_prefix(Prefix), 1571 atom_concat(Prefix, AtomVersion, Tag), 1572 atom_version(AtomVersion, Version). 1573 1574version_tag_prefix(v). 1575version_tag_prefix('V'). 1576version_tag_prefix(''). 1577 1578 1579:- public 1580 atom_version/2.
1588atom_version(Atom, version(Parts)) :- 1589 ( atom(Atom) 1590 -> atom_codes(Atom, Codes), 1591 phrase(version(Parts), Codes) 1592 ; atomic_list_concat(Parts, '.', Atom) 1593 ). 1594 1595pack_version(Pack, version(Parts)) --> 1596 string(Codes), "-", 1597 version(Parts), 1598 !, 1599 { atom_codes(Pack, Codes) 1600 }. 1601 1602version([_|T]) --> 1603 "*", 1604 !, 1605 ( "." 1606 -> version(T) 1607 ; [] 1608 ). 1609version([H|T]) --> 1610 integer(H), 1611 ( "." 1612 -> version(T) 1613 ; { T = [] } 1614 ). 1615 1616integer(H) --> digit(D0), digits(L), { number_codes(H, [D0|L]) }. 1617digit(D) --> [D], { code_type(D, digit) }. 1618digits([H|T]) --> digit(H), !, digits(T). 1619digits([]) --> []. 1620 1621 1622 /******************************* 1623 * QUERY CENTRAL DB * 1624 *******************************/
1644pack_inquiry(_, _, _, Options) :- 1645 option(inquiry(false), Options), 1646 !. 1647pack_inquiry(URL, DownloadFile, Info, Options) :- 1648 setting(server, ServerBase), 1649 ServerBase \== '', 1650 atom_concat(ServerBase, query, Server), 1651 ( option(inquiry(true), Options) 1652 -> true 1653 ; confirm(inquiry(Server), yes, Options) 1654 ), 1655 !, 1656 ( DownloadFile = git(SHA1) 1657 -> true 1658 ; file_sha1(DownloadFile, SHA1) 1659 ), 1660 query_pack_server(install(URL, SHA1, Info), Reply, Options), 1661 inquiry_result(Reply, URL, Options). 1662pack_inquiry(_, _, _, _).
1670query_pack_server(Query, Result, Options) :- 1671 setting(server, ServerBase), 1672 ServerBase \== '', 1673 atom_concat(ServerBase, query, Server), 1674 format(codes(Data), '~q.~n', Query), 1675 info_level(Informational, Options), 1676 print_message(Informational, pack(contacting_server(Server))), 1677 setup_call_cleanup( 1678 http_open(Server, In, 1679 [ post(codes(application/'x-prolog', Data)), 1680 header(content_type, ContentType) 1681 ]), 1682 read_reply(ContentType, In, Result), 1683 close(In)), 1684 message_severity(Result, Level, Informational), 1685 print_message(Level, pack(server_reply(Result))). 1686 1687read_reply(ContentType, In, Result) :- 1688 sub_atom(ContentType, 0, _, _, 'application/x-prolog'), 1689 !, 1690 set_stream(In, encoding(utf8)), 1691 read(In, Result). 1692read_reply(ContentType, In, _Result) :- 1693 read_string(In, 500, String), 1694 print_message(error, pack(no_prolog_response(ContentType, String))), 1695 fail. 1696 1697info_level(Level, Options) :- 1698 option(silent(true), Options), 1699 !, 1700 Level = silent. 1701info_level(informational, _). 1702 1703message_severity(true(_), Informational, Informational). 1704message_severity(false, warning, _). 1705message_severity(exception(_), error, _).
1713inquiry_result(Reply, File, Options) :- 1714 findall(Eval, eval_inquiry(Reply, File, Eval, Options), Evaluation), 1715 \+ member(cancel, Evaluation), 1716 select_option(git(_), Options, Options1, _), 1717 forall(member(install_dependencies(Resolution), Evaluation), 1718 maplist(install_dependency(Options1), Resolution)). 1719 1720eval_inquiry(true(Reply), URL, Eval, _) :- 1721 include(alt_hash, Reply, Alts), 1722 Alts \== [], 1723 print_message(warning, pack(alt_hashes(URL, Alts))), 1724 ( memberchk(downloads(Count), Reply), 1725 ( git_url(URL, _) 1726 -> Default = yes, 1727 Eval = with_git_commits_in_same_version 1728 ; Default = no, 1729 Eval = with_alt_hashes 1730 ), 1731 confirm(continue_with_alt_hashes(Count, URL), Default, []) 1732 -> true 1733 ; !, % Stop other rules 1734 Eval = cancel 1735 ). 1736eval_inquiry(true(Reply), _, Eval, Options) :- 1737 include(dependency, Reply, Deps), 1738 Deps \== [], 1739 select_dependency_resolution(Deps, Eval, Options), 1740 ( Eval == cancel 1741 -> ! 1742 ; true 1743 ). 1744eval_inquiry(true(Reply), URL, true, Options) :- 1745 file_base_name(URL, File), 1746 info_level(Informational, Options), 1747 print_message(Informational, pack(inquiry_ok(Reply, File))). 1748eval_inquiry(exception(pack(modified_hash(_SHA1-URL, _SHA2-[URL]))), 1749 URL, Eval, Options) :- 1750 ( confirm(continue_with_modified_hash(URL), no, Options) 1751 -> Eval = true 1752 ; Eval = cancel 1753 ). 1754 1755alt_hash(alt_hash(_,_,_)). 1756dependency(dependency(_,_,_,_,_)).
1765select_dependency_resolution(Deps, Eval, Options) :- 1766 resolve_dependencies(Deps, Resolution), 1767 exclude(local_dep, Resolution, ToBeDone), 1768 ( ToBeDone == [] 1769 -> !, Eval = true 1770 ; print_message(warning, pack(install_dependencies(Resolution))), 1771 ( memberchk(_-unresolved, Resolution) 1772 -> Default = cancel 1773 ; Default = install_deps 1774 ), 1775 menu(pack(resolve_deps), 1776 [ install_deps = install_deps, 1777 install_no_deps = install_no_deps, 1778 cancel = cancel 1779 ], Default, Choice, Options), 1780 ( Choice == cancel 1781 -> !, Eval = cancel 1782 ; Choice == install_no_deps 1783 -> !, Eval = install_no_deps 1784 ; !, Eval = install_dependencies(Resolution) 1785 ) 1786 ). 1787 1788local_dep(_-resolved(_)).
1797install_dependency(Options, 1798 _Token-resolve(Pack, VersionAtom, [_URL|_], SubResolve)) :- 1799 atom_version(VersionAtom, Version), 1800 current_pack(Pack), 1801 pack_info(Pack, _, version(InstalledAtom)), 1802 atom_version(InstalledAtom, Installed), 1803 Installed == Version, % already installed 1804 !, 1805 maplist(install_dependency(Options), SubResolve). 1806install_dependency(Options, 1807 _Token-resolve(Pack, VersionAtom, [URL|_], SubResolve)) :- 1808 !, 1809 atom_version(VersionAtom, Version), 1810 merge_options([ url(URL), 1811 version(Version), 1812 interactive(false), 1813 inquiry(false), 1814 info(list), 1815 pack(Pack) 1816 ], Options, InstallOptions), 1817 pack_install(Pack, InstallOptions), 1818 maplist(install_dependency(Options), SubResolve). 1819install_dependency(_, _-_). 1820 1821 1822 /******************************* 1823 * WILDCARD URIs * 1824 *******************************/
1833available_download_versions(URL, Versions) :- 1834 wildcard_pattern(URL), 1835 github_url(URL, User, Repo), 1836 !, 1837 findall(Version-VersionURL, 1838 github_version(User, Repo, Version, VersionURL), 1839 Versions). 1840available_download_versions(URL, Versions) :- 1841 wildcard_pattern(URL), 1842 !, 1843 file_directory_name(URL, DirURL0), 1844 ensure_slash(DirURL0, DirURL), 1845 print_message(informational, pack(query_versions(DirURL))), 1846 setup_call_cleanup( 1847 http_open(DirURL, In, []), 1848 load_html(stream(In), DOM, 1849 [ syntax_errors(quiet) 1850 ]), 1851 close(In)), 1852 findall(MatchingURL, 1853 absolute_matching_href(DOM, URL, MatchingURL), 1854 MatchingURLs), 1855 ( MatchingURLs == [] 1856 -> print_message(warning, pack(no_matching_urls(URL))) 1857 ; true 1858 ), 1859 versioned_urls(MatchingURLs, VersionedURLs), 1860 keysort(VersionedURLs, SortedVersions), 1861 reverse(SortedVersions, Versions), 1862 print_message(informational, pack(found_versions(Versions))). 1863available_download_versions(URL, [Version-URL]) :- 1864 ( pack_version_file(_Pack, Version0, URL) 1865 -> Version = Version0 1866 ; Version = unknown 1867 ).
1873github_url(URL, User, Repo) :-
1874 uri_components(URL, uri_components(https,'github.com',Path,_,_)),
1875 atomic_list_concat(['',User,Repo|_], /, Path).
1883github_version(User, Repo, Version, VersionURI) :- 1884 atomic_list_concat(['',repos,User,Repo,tags], /, Path1), 1885 uri_components(ApiUri, uri_components(https,'api.github.com',Path1,_,_)), 1886 setup_call_cleanup( 1887 http_open(ApiUri, In, 1888 [ request_header('Accept'='application/vnd.github.v3+json') 1889 ]), 1890 json_read_dict(In, Dicts), 1891 close(In)), 1892 member(Dict, Dicts), 1893 atom_string(Tag, Dict.name), 1894 tag_version(Tag, Version), 1895 atom_string(VersionURI, Dict.zipball_url). 1896 1897wildcard_pattern(URL) :- sub_atom(URL, _, _, _, *). 1898wildcard_pattern(URL) :- sub_atom(URL, _, _, _, ?). 1899 1900ensure_slash(Dir, DirS) :- 1901 ( sub_atom(Dir, _, _, 0, /) 1902 -> DirS = Dir 1903 ; atom_concat(Dir, /, DirS) 1904 ). 1905 1906absolute_matching_href(DOM, Pattern, Match) :- 1907 xpath(DOM, //a(@href), HREF), 1908 uri_normalized(HREF, Pattern, Match), 1909 wildcard_match(Pattern, Match). 1910 1911versioned_urls([], []). 1912versioned_urls([H|T0], List) :- 1913 file_base_name(H, File), 1914 ( pack_version_file(_Pack, Version, File) 1915 -> List = [Version-H|T] 1916 ; List = T 1917 ), 1918 versioned_urls(T0, T). 1919 1920 1921 /******************************* 1922 * DEPENDENCIES * 1923 *******************************/
1929update_dependency_db :- 1930 retractall(pack_requires(_,_)), 1931 retractall(pack_provides_db(_,_)), 1932 forall(current_pack(Pack), 1933 ( findall(Info, pack_info(Pack, dependency, Info), Infos), 1934 update_dependency_db(Pack, Infos) 1935 )). 1936 1937update_dependency_db(Name, Info) :- 1938 retractall(pack_requires(Name, _)), 1939 retractall(pack_provides_db(Name, _)), 1940 maplist(assert_dep(Name), Info). 1941 1942assert_dep(Pack, provides(Token)) :- 1943 !, 1944 assertz(pack_provides_db(Pack, Token)). 1945assert_dep(Pack, requires(Token)) :- 1946 !, 1947 assertz(pack_requires(Pack, Token)). 1948assert_dep(_, _).
1954validate_dependencies :- 1955 unsatisfied_dependencies(Unsatisfied), 1956 !, 1957 print_message(warning, pack(unsatisfied(Unsatisfied))). 1958validate_dependencies. 1959 1960 1961unsatisfied_dependencies(Unsatisfied) :- 1962 findall(Req-Pack, pack_requires(Pack, Req), Reqs0), 1963 keysort(Reqs0, Reqs1), 1964 group_pairs_by_key(Reqs1, GroupedReqs), 1965 exclude(satisfied_dependency, GroupedReqs, Unsatisfied), 1966 Unsatisfied \== []. 1967 1968satisfied_dependency(Needed-_By) :- 1969 pack_provides(_, Needed), 1970 !. 1971satisfied_dependency(Needed-_By) :- 1972 compound(Needed), 1973 Needed =.. [Op, Pack, ReqVersion], 1974 ( pack_provides(Pack, Pack) 1975 -> pack_info(Pack, _, version(PackVersion)), 1976 version_data(PackVersion, PackData) 1977 ; Pack == prolog 1978 -> current_prolog_flag(version_data, swi(Major,Minor,Patch,_)), 1979 PackData = [Major,Minor,Patch] 1980 ), 1981 version_data(ReqVersion, ReqData), 1982 cmp(Op, Cmp), 1983 call(Cmp, PackData, ReqData).
1989pack_provides(Pack, Pack) :- 1990 current_pack(Pack). 1991pack_provides(Pack, Token) :- 1992 pack_provides_db(Pack, Token).
1998pack_depends_on(Pack, Dependency) :- 1999 ( atom(Pack) 2000 -> pack_depends_on_fwd(Pack, Dependency, [Pack]) 2001 ; pack_depends_on_bwd(Pack, Dependency, [Dependency]) 2002 ). 2003 2004pack_depends_on_fwd(Pack, Dependency, Visited) :- 2005 pack_depends_on_1(Pack, Dep1), 2006 \+ memberchk(Dep1, Visited), 2007 ( Dependency = Dep1 2008 ; pack_depends_on_fwd(Dep1, Dependency, [Dep1|Visited]) 2009 ). 2010 2011pack_depends_on_bwd(Pack, Dependency, Visited) :- 2012 pack_depends_on_1(Dep1, Dependency), 2013 \+ memberchk(Dep1, Visited), 2014 ( Pack = Dep1 2015 ; pack_depends_on_bwd(Pack, Dep1, [Dep1|Visited]) 2016 ). 2017 2018pack_depends_on_1(Pack, Dependency) :- 2019 atom(Dependency), 2020 !, 2021 pack_provides(Dependency, Token), 2022 pack_requires(Pack, Token). 2023pack_depends_on_1(Pack, Dependency) :- 2024 pack_requires(Pack, Token), 2025 pack_provides(Dependency, Token).
2042resolve_dependencies(Dependencies, Resolution) :- 2043 maplist(dependency_pair, Dependencies, Pairs0), 2044 keysort(Pairs0, Pairs1), 2045 group_pairs_by_key(Pairs1, ByToken), 2046 maplist(resolve_dep, ByToken, Resolution). 2047 2048dependency_pair(dependency(Token, Pack, Version, URLs, SubDeps), 2049 Token-(Pack-pack(Version,URLs, SubDeps))). 2050 2051resolve_dep(Token-Pairs, Token-Resolution) :- 2052 ( resolve_dep2(Token-Pairs, Resolution) 2053 *-> true 2054 ; Resolution = unresolved 2055 ). 2056 2057resolve_dep2(Token-_, resolved(Pack)) :- 2058 pack_provides(Pack, Token). 2059resolve_dep2(_-Pairs, resolve(Pack, VersionAtom, URLs, SubResolves)) :- 2060 keysort(Pairs, Sorted), 2061 group_pairs_by_key(Sorted, ByPack), 2062 member(Pack-Versions, ByPack), 2063 Pack \== (-), 2064 maplist(version_pack, Versions, VersionData), 2065 sort(VersionData, ByVersion), 2066 reverse(ByVersion, ByVersionLatest), 2067 member(pack(Version,URLs,SubDeps), ByVersionLatest), 2068 atom_version(VersionAtom, Version), 2069 include(dependency, SubDeps, Deps), 2070 resolve_dependencies(Deps, SubResolves). 2071 2072version_pack(pack(VersionAtom,URLs,SubDeps), 2073 pack(Version,URLs,SubDeps)) :- 2074 atom_version(VersionAtom, Version). 2075 2076 2077 /******************************* 2078 * RUN PROCESSES * 2079 *******************************/
, but messages are printed at level error
.2096run_process(Executable, Argv, Options) :- 2097 \+ option(output(_), Options), 2098 \+ option(error(_), Options), 2099 current_prolog_flag(unix, true), 2100 current_prolog_flag(threads, true), 2101 !, 2102 process_create_options(Options, Extra), 2103 process_create(Executable, Argv, 2104 [ stdout(pipe(Out)), 2105 stderr(pipe(Error)), 2106 process(PID) 2107 | Extra 2108 ]), 2109 thread_create(relay_output([output-Out, error-Error]), Id, []), 2110 process_wait(PID, Status), 2111 thread_join(Id, _), 2112 ( Status == exit(0) 2113 -> true 2114 ; throw(error(process_error(process(Executable, Argv), Status), _)) 2115 ). 2116run_process(Executable, Argv, Options) :- 2117 process_create_options(Options, Extra), 2118 setup_call_cleanup( 2119 process_create(Executable, Argv, 2120 [ stdout(pipe(Out)), 2121 stderr(pipe(Error)), 2122 process(PID) 2123 | Extra 2124 ]), 2125 ( read_stream_to_codes(Out, OutCodes, []), 2126 read_stream_to_codes(Error, ErrorCodes, []), 2127 process_wait(PID, Status) 2128 ), 2129 ( close(Out), 2130 close(Error) 2131 )), 2132 print_error(ErrorCodes, Options), 2133 print_output(OutCodes, Options), 2134 ( Status == exit(0) 2135 -> true 2136 ; throw(error(process_error(process(Executable, Argv), Status), _)) 2137 ). 2138 2139process_create_options(Options, Extra) :- 2140 option(directory(Dir), Options, .), 2141 ( option(env(Env), Options) 2142 -> Extra = [cwd(Dir), env(Env)] 2143 ; Extra = [cwd(Dir)] 2144 ). 2145 2146relay_output([]) :- !. 2147relay_output(Output) :- 2148 pairs_values(Output, Streams), 2149 wait_for_input(Streams, Ready, infinite), 2150 relay(Ready, Output, NewOutputs), 2151 relay_output(NewOutputs). 2152 2153relay([], Outputs, Outputs). 2154relay([H|T], Outputs0, Outputs) :- 2155 selectchk(Type-H, Outputs0, Outputs1), 2156 ( at_end_of_stream(H) 2157 -> close(H), 2158 relay(T, Outputs1, Outputs) 2159 ; read_pending_codes(H, Codes, []), 2160 relay(Type, Codes), 2161 relay(T, Outputs0, Outputs) 2162 ). 2163 2164relay(error, Codes) :- 2165 set_prolog_flag(thread_message_prefix, false), 2166 print_error(Codes, []). 2167relay(output, Codes) :- 2168 print_output(Codes, []). 2169 2170print_output(OutCodes, Options) :- 2171 option(output(Codes), Options), 2172 !, 2173 Codes = OutCodes. 2174print_output(OutCodes, _) :- 2175 print_message(informational, pack(process_output(OutCodes))). 2176 2177print_error(OutCodes, Options) :- 2178 option(error(Codes), Options), 2179 !, 2180 Codes = OutCodes. 2181print_error(OutCodes, _) :- 2182 phrase(classify_message(Level), OutCodes, _), 2183 print_message(Level, pack(process_output(OutCodes))). 2184 2185classify_message(error) --> 2186 string(_), "fatal:", 2187 !. 2188classify_message(error) --> 2189 string(_), "error:", 2190 !. 2191classify_message(warning) --> 2192 string(_), "warning:", 2193 !. 2194classify_message(informational) --> 2195 []. 2196 2197string([]) --> []. 2198string([H|T]) --> [H], string(T). 2199 2200 2201 /******************************* 2202 * USER INTERACTION * 2203 *******************************/ 2204 2205:- multifile prolog:message//1.
2209menu(_Question, _Alternatives, Default, Selection, Options) :- 2210 option(interactive(false), Options), 2211 !, 2212 Selection = Default. 2213menu(Question, Alternatives, Default, Selection, _) :- 2214 length(Alternatives, N), 2215 between(1, 5, _), 2216 print_message(query, Question), 2217 print_menu(Alternatives, Default, 1), 2218 print_message(query, pack(menu(select))), 2219 read_selection(N, Choice), 2220 !, 2221 ( Choice == default 2222 -> Selection = Default 2223 ; nth1(Choice, Alternatives, Selection=_) 2224 -> true 2225 ). 2226 [], _, _) (. 2228print_menu([Value=Label|T], Default, I) :- 2229 ( Value == Default 2230 -> print_message(query, pack(menu(default_item(I, Label)))) 2231 ; print_message(query, pack(menu(item(I, Label)))) 2232 ), 2233 I2 is I + 1, 2234 print_menu(T, Default, I2). 2235 2236read_selection(Max, Choice) :- 2237 get_single_char(Code), 2238 ( answered_default(Code) 2239 -> Choice = default 2240 ; code_type(Code, digit(Choice)), 2241 between(1, Max, Choice) 2242 -> true 2243 ; print_message(warning, pack(menu(reply(1,Max)))), 2244 fail 2245 ).
2253confirm(_Question, Default, Options) :- 2254 Default \== none, 2255 option(interactive(false), Options, true), 2256 !, 2257 Default == yes. 2258confirm(Question, Default, _) :- 2259 between(1, 5, _), 2260 print_message(query, pack(confirm(Question, Default))), 2261 read_yes_no(YesNo, Default), 2262 !, 2263 format(user_error, '~N', []), 2264 YesNo == yes. 2265 2266read_yes_no(YesNo, Default) :- 2267 get_single_char(Code), 2268 code_yes_no(Code, Default, YesNo), 2269 !. 2270 2271code_yes_no(0'y, _, yes). 2272code_yes_no(0'Y, _, yes). 2273code_yes_no(0'n, _, no). 2274code_yes_no(0'N, _, no). 2275code_yes_no(_, none, _) :- !, fail. 2276code_yes_no(C, Default, Default) :- 2277 answered_default(C). 2278 2279answered_default(0'\r). 2280answered_default(0'\n). 2281answered_default(0'\s). 2282 2283 2284 /******************************* 2285 * MESSAGES * 2286 *******************************/ 2287 2288:- multifile prolog:message//1. 2289 2290prologmessage(pack(Message)) --> 2291 message(Message). 2292 2293:- discontiguous 2294 message//1, 2295 label//1. 2296 2297message(invalid_info(Term)) --> 2298 [ 'Invalid package description: ~q'-[Term] ]. 2299message(directory_exists(Dir)) --> 2300 [ 'Package target directory exists and is not empty:', nl, 2301 '\t~q'-[Dir] 2302 ]. 2303message(already_installed(pack(Pack, Version))) --> 2304 { atom_version(AVersion, Version) }, 2305 [ 'Pack `~w'' is already installed @~w'-[Pack, AVersion] ]. 2306message(already_installed(Pack)) --> 2307 [ 'Pack `~w'' is already installed. Package info:'-[Pack] ]. 2308message(invalid_name(File)) --> 2309 [ '~w: A package archive must be named <pack>-<version>.<ext>'-[File] ], 2310 no_tar_gz(File). 2311 2312no_tar_gz(File) --> 2313 { sub_atom(File, _, _, 0, '.tar.gz') }, 2314 !, 2315 [ nl, 2316 'Package archive files must have a single extension. E.g., \'.tgz\''-[] 2317 ]. 2318no_tar_gz(_) --> []. 2319 2320message(kept_foreign(Pack)) --> 2321 [ 'Found foreign libraries for target platform.'-[], nl, 2322 'Use ?- pack_rebuild(~q). to rebuild from sources'-[Pack] 2323 ]. 2324message(no_pack_installed(Pack)) --> 2325 [ 'No pack ~q installed. Use ?- pack_list(Pattern) to search'-[Pack] ]. 2326message(no_packages_installed) --> 2327 { setting(server, ServerBase) }, 2328 [ 'There are no extra packages installed.', nl, 2329 'Please visit ~wlist.'-[ServerBase] 2330 ]. 2331message(remove_with(Pack)) --> 2332 [ 'The package can be removed using: ?- ~q.'-[pack_remove(Pack)] 2333 ]. 2334message(unsatisfied(Packs)) --> 2335 [ 'The following dependencies are not satisfied:', nl ], 2336 unsatisfied(Packs). 2337message(depends(Pack, Deps)) --> 2338 [ 'The following packages depend on `~w\':'-[Pack], nl ], 2339 pack_list(Deps). 2340message(remove(PackDir)) --> 2341 [ 'Removing ~q and contents'-[PackDir] ]. 2342message(remove_existing_pack(PackDir)) --> 2343 [ 'Remove old installation in ~q'-[PackDir] ]. 2344message(install_from(Pack, Version, git(URL))) --> 2345 [ 'Install ~w@~w from GIT at ~w'-[Pack, Version, URL] ]. 2346message(install_from(Pack, Version, URL)) --> 2347 [ 'Install ~w@~w from ~w'-[Pack, Version, URL] ]. 2348message(select_install_from(Pack, Version)) --> 2349 [ 'Select download location for ~w@~w'-[Pack, Version] ]. 2350message(install_downloaded(File)) --> 2351 { file_base_name(File, Base), 2352 size_file(File, Size) }, 2353 [ 'Install "~w" (~D bytes)'-[Base, Size] ]. 2354message(git_post_install(PackDir, Pack)) --> 2355 ( { is_foreign_pack(PackDir) } 2356 -> [ 'Run post installation scripts for pack "~w"'-[Pack] ] 2357 ; [ 'Activate pack "~w"'-[Pack] ] 2358 ). 2359message(no_meta_data(BaseDir)) --> 2360 [ 'Cannot find pack.pl inside directory ~q. Not a package?'-[BaseDir] ]. 2361message(inquiry(Server)) --> 2362 [ 'Verify package status (anonymously)', nl, 2363 '\tat "~w"'-[Server] 2364 ]. 2365message(search_no_matches(Name)) --> 2366 [ 'Search for "~w", returned no matching packages'-[Name] ]. 2367message(rebuild(Pack)) --> 2368 [ 'Checking pack "~w" for rebuild ...'-[Pack] ]. 2369message(upgrade(Pack, From, To)) --> 2370 [ 'Upgrade "~w" from '-[Pack] ], 2371 msg_version(From), [' to '-[]], msg_version(To). 2372message(up_to_date(Pack)) --> 2373 [ 'Package "~w" is up-to-date'-[Pack] ]. 2374message(query_versions(URL)) --> 2375 [ 'Querying "~w" to find new versions ...'-[URL] ]. 2376message(no_matching_urls(URL)) --> 2377 [ 'Could not find any matching URL: ~q'-[URL] ]. 2378message(found_versions([Latest-_URL|More])) --> 2379 { length(More, Len), 2380 atom_version(VLatest, Latest) 2381 }, 2382 [ ' Latest version: ~w (~D older)'-[VLatest, Len] ]. 2383message(process_output(Codes)) --> 2384 { split_lines(Codes, Lines) }, 2385 process_lines(Lines). 2386message(contacting_server(Server)) --> 2387 [ 'Contacting server at ~w ...'-[Server], flush ]. 2388message(server_reply(true(_))) --> 2389 [ at_same_line, ' ok'-[] ]. 2390message(server_reply(false)) --> 2391 [ at_same_line, ' done'-[] ]. 2392message(server_reply(exception(E))) --> 2393 [ 'Server reported the following error:'-[], nl ], 2394 '$messages':translate_message(E). 2395message(cannot_create_dir(Alias)) --> 2396 { setof(PackDir, 2397 absolute_file_name(Alias, PackDir, [solutions(all)]), 2398 PackDirs) 2399 }, 2400 [ 'Cannot find a place to create a package directory.'-[], 2401 'Considered:'-[] 2402 ], 2403 candidate_dirs(PackDirs). 2404message(no_match(Name)) --> 2405 [ 'No registered pack matches "~w"'-[Name] ]. 2406message(conflict(version, [PackV, FileV])) --> 2407 ['Version mismatch: pack.pl: '-[]], msg_version(PackV), 2408 [', file claims version '-[]], msg_version(FileV). 2409message(conflict(name, [PackInfo, FileInfo])) --> 2410 ['Pack ~w mismatch: pack.pl: ~p'-[PackInfo]], 2411 [', file claims ~w: ~p'-[FileInfo]]. 2412message(no_prolog_response(ContentType, String)) --> 2413 [ 'Expected Prolog response. Got content of type ~p'-[ContentType], nl, 2414 '~s'-[String] 2415 ]. 2416message(pack(no_upgrade_info(Pack))) --> 2417 [ '~w: pack meta-data does not provide an upgradable URL'-[Pack] ]. 2418 2419candidate_dirs([]) --> []. 2420candidate_dirs([H|T]) --> [ nl, ' ~w'-[H] ], candidate_dirs(T). 2421 2422message(no_mingw) --> 2423 [ 'Cannot find MinGW and/or MSYS.'-[] ]. 2424 2425 % Questions 2426message(resolve_remove) --> 2427 [ nl, 'Please select an action:', nl, nl ]. 2428message(create_pack_dir) --> 2429 [ nl, 'Create directory for packages', nl ]. 2430message(menu(item(I, Label))) --> 2431 [ '~t(~d)~6| '-[I] ], 2432 label(Label). 2433message(menu(default_item(I, Label))) --> 2434 [ '~t(~d)~6| * '-[I] ], 2435 label(Label). 2436message(menu(select)) --> 2437 [ nl, 'Your choice? ', flush ]. 2438message(confirm(Question, Default)) --> 2439 message(Question), 2440 confirm_default(Default), 2441 [ flush ]. 2442message(menu(reply(Min,Max))) --> 2443 ( { Max =:= Min+1 } 2444 -> [ 'Please enter ~w or ~w'-[Min,Max] ] 2445 ; [ 'Please enter a number between ~w and ~w'-[Min,Max] ] 2446 ). 2447 2448% Alternate hashes for found for the same file 2449 2450message(alt_hashes(URL, _Alts)) --> 2451 { git_url(URL, _) 2452 }, 2453 !, 2454 [ 'GIT repository was updated without updating version' ]. 2455message(alt_hashes(URL, Alts)) --> 2456 { file_base_name(URL, File) 2457 }, 2458 [ 'Found multiple versions of "~w".'-[File], nl, 2459 'This could indicate a compromised or corrupted file', nl 2460 ], 2461 alt_hashes(Alts). 2462message(continue_with_alt_hashes(Count, URL)) --> 2463 [ 'Continue installation from "~w" (downloaded ~D times)'-[URL, Count] ]. 2464message(continue_with_modified_hash(_URL)) --> 2465 [ 'Pack may be compromised. Continue anyway' 2466 ]. 2467message(modified_hash(_SHA1-URL, _SHA2-[URL])) --> 2468 [ 'Content of ~q has changed.'-[URL] 2469 ]. 2470 2471alt_hashes([]) --> []. 2472alt_hashes([H|T]) --> alt_hash(H), ( {T == []} -> [] ; [nl], alt_hashes(T) ). 2473 2474alt_hash(alt_hash(Count, URLs, Hash)) --> 2475 [ '~t~d~8| ~w'-[Count, Hash] ], 2476 alt_urls(URLs). 2477 2478alt_urls([]) --> []. 2479alt_urls([H|T]) --> 2480 [ nl, ' ~w'-[H] ], 2481 alt_urls(T). 2482 2483% Installation dependencies gathered from inquiry server. 2484 2485message(install_dependencies(Resolution)) --> 2486 [ 'Package depends on the following:' ], 2487 msg_res_tokens(Resolution, 1). 2488 2489msg_res_tokens([], _) --> []. 2490msg_res_tokens([H|T], L) --> msg_res_token(H, L), msg_res_tokens(T, L). 2491 2492msg_res_token(Token-unresolved, L) --> 2493 res_indent(L), 2494 [ '"~w" cannot be satisfied'-[Token] ]. 2495msg_res_token(Token-resolve(Pack, Version, [URL|_], SubResolves), L) --> 2496 !, 2497 res_indent(L), 2498 [ '"~w", provided by ~w@~w from ~w'-[Token, Pack, Version, URL] ], 2499 { L2 is L+1 }, 2500 msg_res_tokens(SubResolves, L2). 2501msg_res_token(Token-resolved(Pack), L) --> 2502 !, 2503 res_indent(L), 2504 [ '"~w", provided by installed pack ~w'-[Token,Pack] ]. 2505 2506res_indent(L) --> 2507 { I is L*2 }, 2508 [ nl, '~*c'-[I,0'\s] ]. 2509 2510message(resolve_deps) --> 2511 [ nl, 'What do you wish to do' ]. 2512label(install_deps) --> 2513 [ 'Install proposed dependencies' ]. 2514label(install_no_deps) --> 2515 [ 'Only install requested package' ]. 2516 2517 2518message(git_fetch(Dir)) --> 2519 [ 'Running "git fetch" in ~q'-[Dir] ]. 2520 2521% inquiry is blank 2522 2523message(inquiry_ok(Reply, File)) --> 2524 { memberchk(downloads(Count), Reply), 2525 memberchk(rating(VoteCount, Rating), Reply), 2526 !, 2527 length(Stars, Rating), 2528 maplist(=(0'*), Stars) 2529 }, 2530 [ '"~w" was downloaded ~D times. Package rated ~s (~D votes)'- 2531 [ File, Count, Stars, VoteCount ] 2532 ]. 2533message(inquiry_ok(Reply, File)) --> 2534 { memberchk(downloads(Count), Reply) 2535 }, 2536 [ '"~w" was downloaded ~D times'-[ File, Count ] ]. 2537 2538 % support predicates 2539unsatisfied([]) --> []. 2540unsatisfied([Needed-[By]|T]) --> 2541 [ '\t`~q\', needed by package `~w\''-[Needed, By] ], 2542 unsatisfied(T). 2543unsatisfied([Needed-By|T]) --> 2544 [ '\t`~q\', needed by packages'-[Needed], nl ], 2545 pack_list(By), 2546 unsatisfied(T). 2547 2548pack_list([]) --> []. 2549pack_list([H|T]) --> 2550 [ '\t\tPackage `~w\''-[H], nl ], 2551 pack_list(T). 2552 2553process_lines([]) --> []. 2554process_lines([H|T]) --> 2555 [ '~s'-[H] ], 2556 ( {T==[]} 2557 -> [] 2558 ; [nl], process_lines(T) 2559 ). 2560 2561split_lines([], []) :- !. 2562split_lines(All, [Line1|More]) :- 2563 append(Line1, [0'\n|Rest], All), 2564 !, 2565 split_lines(Rest, More). 2566split_lines(Line, [Line]). 2567 2568label(remove_only(Pack)) --> 2569 [ 'Only remove package ~w (break dependencies)'-[Pack] ]. 2570label(remove_deps(Pack, Deps)) --> 2571 { length(Deps, Count) }, 2572 [ 'Remove package ~w and ~D dependencies'-[Pack, Count] ]. 2573label(create_dir(Dir)) --> 2574 [ '~w'-[Dir] ]. 2575label(install_from(git(URL))) --> 2576 !, 2577 [ 'GIT repository at ~w'-[URL] ]. 2578label(install_from(URL)) --> 2579 [ '~w'-[URL] ]. 2580label(cancel) --> 2581 [ 'Cancel' ]. 2582 2583confirm_default(yes) --> 2584 [ ' Y/n? ' ]. 2585confirm_default(no) --> 2586 [ ' y/N? ' ]. 2587confirm_default(none) --> 2588 [ ' y/n? ' ]. 2589 2590msg_version(Version) --> 2591 { atom(Version) }, 2592 !, 2593 [ '~w'-[Version] ]. 2594msg_version(VersionData) --> 2595 !, 2596 { atom_version(Atom, VersionData) }, 2597 [ '~w'-[Atom] ]
A package manager for Prolog
provides the SWI-Prolog package manager. This library lets you inspect installed packages, install packages, remove packages, etc. It is complemented by the built-in attach_packs/0 that makes installed packages available as libaries.?- doc_browser.