1/* Part of SWI-Prolog 2 3 Author: Jan Wielemaker 4 E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl 5 WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org 6 Copyright (c) 2006-2017, University of Amsterdam 7 VU University Amsterdam 8 All rights reserved. 9 10 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 11 modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 12 are met: 13 14 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 15 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 16 17 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 18 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in 19 the documentation and/or other materials provided with the 20 distribution. 21 22 THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS 23 "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT 24 LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS 25 FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE 26 COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, 27 INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, 28 BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; 29 LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER 30 CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT 31 LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN 32 ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE 33 POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 34*/ 35 36:- module(pldoc_wiki, 37 [ wiki_codes_to_dom/3, % +Codes, +Args, -DOM 38 wiki_lines_to_dom/3, % +Lines, +Map, -DOM 39 section_comment_header/3, % +Lines, -Header, -RestLines 40 summary_from_lines/2, % +Lines, -Codes 41 indented_lines/3, % +Text, +PrefixChars, -Lines 42 strip_leading_par/2, % +DOM0, -DOM 43 normalise_white_space/3, % -Text, // 44 autolink_extension/2, % ?Extension, ?Type 45 autolink_file/2 % +FileName, -Type 46 ]). 47:- use_module(library(lists)). 48:- use_module(library(debug)). 49:- use_module(library(error)). 50:- use_module(library(memfile)). 51:- use_module(library(pairs)). 52:- use_module(library(option)). 53:- use_module(library(debug)). 54:- use_module(library(apply)). 55:- use_module(library(dcg/basics)).
69:- multifile 70 prolog:doc_wiki_face//2, % -Out, +VarNames 71 prolog:doc_url_expansion/3, % +Alias(Rest), -HREF, -Label 72 prolog:url_expansion_hook/3, % +Term, -Ref, -Label 73 prolog:doc_autolink_extension/2.% +Extension, -Type 74 75 76 /******************************* 77 * WIKI PARSING * 78 *******************************/
85wiki_lines_to_dom(Lines, Args, HTML) :-
86 tokenize_lines(Lines, Tokens0),
87 normalise_indentation(Tokens0, Tokens),
88 wiki_structure(Tokens, -1, Pars),
89 wiki_faces(Pars, Args, HTML).
98wiki_codes_to_dom(Codes, Args, DOM) :-
99 indented_lines(Codes, [], Lines),
100 wiki_lines_to_dom(Lines, Args, DOM).
110wiki_structure([], _, []) :- !. 111wiki_structure([_-[]|T], BI, Pars) :- % empty lines 112 !, 113 wiki_structure(T, BI, Pars). 114wiki_structure(Lines, _, [\tags(Tags)]) :- 115 tags(Lines, Tags), 116 !. 117wiki_structure(Lines, BI, [P1|PL]) :- 118 take_block(Lines, BI, P1, RestLines), 119 wiki_structure(RestLines, BI, PL).
126take_block([_-[]|Lines], BaseIndent, Block, Rest) :- 127 !, 128 take_block(Lines, BaseIndent, Block, Rest). 129take_block([N-_|_], BaseIndent, _, _) :- 130 N < BaseIndent, 131 !, 132 fail. % less indented 133take_block(Lines, BaseIndent, List, Rest) :- 134 list_item(Lines, Type, Indent, LI, LIT, Rest0), 135 !, 136 Indent > BaseIndent, 137 rest_list(Rest0, Type, Indent, LIT, [], Rest), 138 List0 =.. [Type, LI], 139 ( ul_to_dl(List0, List) 140 -> true 141 ; List0 = dl(Items) 142 -> List = dl(class=wiki, Items) 143 ; List = List0 144 ). 145take_block([N-['|'|RL1]|LT], _, Table, Rest) :- 146 phrase(row(R0), RL1), 147 rest_table(LT, N, RL, Rest), 148 !, 149 Table = table(class=wiki, [tr(R0)|RL]). 150take_block([0-[-,-|More]|LT], _, Block, LT) :- % seperation line 151 maplist(=(-), More), 152 !, 153 Block = hr([]). 154take_block([_-Line|LT], _, Block, LT) :- % seperation line 155 ruler(Line), 156 !, 157 Block = hr([]). 158take_block([_-[@|_]], _, _, _) :- % starts @tags section 159 !, 160 fail. 161take_block(Lines, _BaseIndent, Section, RestLines) :- 162 section_header(Lines, Section, RestLines), 163 !. 164take_block([_-Verb|Lines], _, Verb, Lines) :- 165 verbatim_term(Verb), 166 !. 167take_block([I-L1|LT], BaseIndent, Elem, Rest) :- 168 !, 169 append(L1, PT, Par), 170 rest_par(LT, PT, I, BaseIndent, MaxI, Rest), 171 ( MaxI >= BaseIndent+16 172 -> Elem = center(Par) 173 ; MaxI >= BaseIndent+4 174 -> Elem = blockquote(Par) 175 ; Elem = p(Par) 176 ). 177take_block([Verb|Lines], _, Verb, Lines).
183ruler([C0|Line]) :- 184 rule_char(C0), 185 phrase(ruler(C0, 1), Line). 186 187ruler(C, N) --> [C], !, { N2 is N+1 }, ruler(C, N2). 188ruler(C, N) --> [' '], !, ruler(C, N). 189ruler(_, N) --> { N >= 3 }. 190 191rule_char('-'). 192rule_char('_'). 193rule_char('*').
203list_item([Indent-Line|LT], Type, Indent, Items, ItemT, Rest) :-
204 !,
205 list_item_prefix(Type, Line, L1),
206 ( Type == dl
207 -> split_dt(L1, DT0, DD1),
208 append(DD1, LIT, DD),
209 strip_ws_tokens(DT0, DT),
210 Items = [dt(DT),dd(DD)|ItemT]
211 ; append(L1, LIT, LI0),
212 Items = [li(LI0)|ItemT]
213 ),
214 rest_list_item(LT, Type, Indent, LIT, Rest).
220rest_list_item(Lines, _Type, Indent, RestItem, RestLines) :-
221 take_blocks_at_indent(Lines, Indent, Blocks, RestLines),
222 ( Blocks = [p(Par)|MoreBlocks]
223 -> append(['\n'|Par], MoreBlocks, RestItem)
224 ; RestItem = Blocks
225 ).
231take_blocks_at_indent(Lines, _, [], Lines) :- 232 skip_empty_lines(Lines, Lines1), 233 section_header(Lines1, _, _), 234 !. 235take_blocks_at_indent(Lines, N, [Block|RestBlocks], RestLines) :- 236 take_block(Lines, N, Block, Rest0), 237 !, 238 take_blocks_at_indent(Rest0, N, RestBlocks, RestLines). 239take_blocks_at_indent(Lines, _, [], Lines).
245rest_list(Lines, Type, N, Items, IT, Rest) :- 246 skip_empty_lines(Lines, Lines1), 247 list_item(Lines1, Type, N, Items, IT0, Rest0), 248 !, 249 rest_list(Rest0, Type, N, IT0, IT, Rest). 250rest_list(Rest, _, _, IT, IT, Rest).
254list_item_prefix(ul, [*, ' '|T], T) :- !. 255list_item_prefix(ul, [-, ' '|T], T) :- !. 256list_item_prefix(dl, [$, ' '|T], T) :- 257 split_dt(T, _, _), 258 !. 259list_item_prefix(ol, [w(N), '.', ' '|T], T) :- 260 atom_codes(N, [D]), 261 between(0'0, 0'9, D).
268split_dt(In, DT, []) :- 269 append(DT, [':'], In), 270 !. 271split_dt(In, DT, Rest) :- 272 append(DT, [':'|Rest0], In), 273 ( Rest0 == [] 274 -> Rest = [] 275 ; Rest0 = [' '|Rest] 276 ), 277 !.
287ul_to_dl(ul(Items), Description) :- 288 term_items(Items, DLItems, []), 289 ( terms_to_predicate_includes(DLItems, Preds) 290 -> Description = dl(class(predicates), Preds) 291 ; member(dd(DD), DLItems), DD \== [] 292 -> Description = dl(class(termlist), DLItems) 293 ). 294 295term_items([], T, T). 296term_items([LI|LIs], DLItems, Tail) :- 297 term_item(LI, DLItems, Tail1), 298 term_items(LIs, Tail1, Tail).
\term(Text, Term, Bindings).
307term_item(li(Tokens), 308 [ dt(class=term, \term(Text, Term, Bindings)), 309 dd(Descr) 310 | Tail 311 ], Tail) :- 312 ( ( append(TermTokens, ['\n'|Descr], Tokens) 313 -> true 314 ; TermTokens = Tokens, 315 Descr = [] 316 ) 317 -> setup_call_cleanup( 318 ( new_memory_file(MemFile), 319 open_memory_file(MemFile, write, Out) 320 ), 321 ( forall(member(T, TermTokens), 322 write_token(Out, T)), 323 write(Out, ' .\n') 324 ), 325 close(Out)), 326 catch(setup_call_cleanup( 327 open_memory_file(MemFile, read, In, 328 [ free_on_close(true) 329 ]), 330 ( read_dt_term(In, Term, Bindings), 331 read_dt_term(In, end_of_file, []), 332 memory_file_to_atom(MemFile, Text) 333 ), 334 close(In)), 335 _, fail) 336 ). 337 338write_token(Out, w(X)) :- 339 !, 340 write(Out, X). 341write_token(Out, X) :- 342 write(Out, X). 343 344read_dt_term(In, Term, Bindings) :- 345 read_term(In, Term, 346 [ variable_names(Bindings), 347 module(pldoc_modes) 348 ]). 349 350terms_to_predicate_includes([], []). 351terms_to_predicate_includes([dt(class=term, \term(_, [[PI]], [])), dd([])|T0], 352 [\include(PI, predicate, [])|T]) :- 353 is_pi(PI), 354 terms_to_predicate_includes(T0, T). 355 356is_pi(Name/Arity) :- 357 atom(Name), 358 integer(Arity), 359 between(0, 20, Arity). 360is_pi(Name//Arity) :- 361 atom(Name), 362 integer(Arity), 363 between(0, 20, Arity).
368row([C0|CL]) --> 369 cell(C0), 370 !, 371 row(CL). 372row([]) --> 373 []. 374 375cell(td(C)) --> 376 face_tokens(C0), 377 ['|'], 378 !, 379 { strip_ws_tokens(C0, C) 380 }. 381 382face_tokens([]) --> 383 []. 384face_tokens(Tokens) --> 385 face_token(H), % Deal with embedded *|...|*, etc. 386 token('|'), 387 face_tokens(Face), 388 token('|'), 389 face_token(H), 390 !, 391 { append([[H,'|'], Face, ['|', H], Rest], Tokens) }, 392 face_tokens(Rest). 393face_tokens([H|T]) --> 394 token(H), 395 face_tokens(T). 396 397face_token(=) --> [=]. 398face_token(*) --> [*]. 399face_token('_') --> ['_']. 400 401rest_table([N-Line|LT], N, RL, Rest) :- 402 md_table_structure_line(Line), 403 !, 404 rest_table(LT, N, RL, Rest). 405rest_table([N-['|'|RL1]|LT], N, [tr(R0)|RL], Rest) :- 406 !, 407 phrase(row(R0), RL1), 408 rest_table(LT, N, RL, Rest). 409rest_table(Rest, _, [], Rest).
416md_table_structure_line(Line) :- 417 forall(member(Char, Line), 418 md_table_structure_char(Char)). 419 420md_table_structure_char(' '). 421md_table_structure_char('-'). 422md_table_structure_char('|'). 423md_table_structure_char(':').
433rest_par([], [], BI, MaxI0, MaxI, []) :- 434 !, 435 MaxI is max(BI, MaxI0). 436rest_par([_-[]|Rest], [], _, MaxI, MaxI, Rest) :- !. 437rest_par(Lines, [], _, MaxI, MaxI, Lines) :- 438 Lines = [_-Verb|_], 439 verbatim_term(Verb), 440 !. 441rest_par([I-L|Rest], [], _, MaxI, MaxI, [I-L|Rest]) :- 442 list_item_prefix(_, L, _), 443 !. 444rest_par([I-L1|LT], ['\n'|Par], BI, MaxI0, MaxI, Rest) :- 445 append(L1, PT, Par), 446 MaxI1 is max(I, MaxI0), 447 rest_par(LT, PT, BI, MaxI1, MaxI, Rest).
454section_header([_-L1|LT], Section, LT) :- 455 twiki_section_line(L1, Section), 456 !. 457section_header([0-L1|LT], Section, LT) :- 458 md_section_line(L1, Section), 459 !. 460section_header([_-L1,0-L2|LT], Section, LT) :- 461 md_section_line(L1, L2, Section), 462 !.
470twiki_section_line([-,-,-|Rest], Section) :- 471 plusses(Rest, Section). 472 473plusses([+, ' '|Rest], h1(Attrs, Content)) :- 474 hdr_attributes(Rest, Attrs, Content). 475plusses([+, +, ' '|Rest], h2(Attrs, Content)) :- 476 hdr_attributes(Rest, Attrs, Content). 477plusses([+, +, +, ' '|Rest], h3(Attrs, Content)) :- 478 hdr_attributes(Rest, Attrs, Content). 479plusses([+, +, +, +, ' '|Rest], h4(Attrs, Content)) :- 480 hdr_attributes(Rest, Attrs, Content). 481 482hdr_attributes(List, Attrs, Content) :- 483 strip_leading_ws(List, List2), 484 ( List2 = ['[',w(Name),']'|List3] 485 -> strip_ws_tokens(List3, Content), 486 Attrs = [class(wiki), id(Name)] 487 ; Attrs = class(wiki), 488 strip_ws_tokens(List, Content) 489 ).
495md_section_line([#, ' '|Rest], h1(Attrs, Content)) :- 496 md_section_attributes(Rest, Attrs, Content). 497md_section_line([#, #, ' '|Rest], h2(Attrs, Content)) :- 498 md_section_attributes(Rest, Attrs, Content). 499md_section_line([#, #, #, ' '|Rest], h3(Attrs, Content)) :- 500 md_section_attributes(Rest, Attrs, Content). 501md_section_line([#, #, #, #, ' '|Rest], h4(Attrs, Content)) :- 502 md_section_attributes(Rest, Attrs, Content). 503 504md_section_attributes(List, Attrs, Content) :- 505 phrase((tokens(Content), [' '], section_label(Label)), List), 506 !, 507 Attrs = [class(wiki), id(Label)]. 508md_section_attributes(Content, Attrs, Content) :- 509 Attrs = [class(wiki)]. 510 511section_label(Label) --> 512 [ '{', '#', w(Name) ], 513 label_conts(Cont), ['}'], 514 !, 515 { atomic_list_concat([Name|Cont], Label) }. 516 517label_conts([H|T]) --> label_cont(H), !, label_conts(T). 518label_conts([]) --> []. 519 520label_cont(-) --> [-]. 521label_cont(Name) --> [w(Name)]. 522 523 524md_section_line(Line1, Line2, Header) :- 525 Line1 \== [], 526 section_underline(Line2, Type), 527 phrase(wiki_words(_), Line1), % Should not have structure elements 528 !, 529 ( phrase(labeled_section_line(Title, Attrs), Line1) 530 -> true 531 ; Title = Line1, 532 Attrs = [] 533 ), 534 Header =.. [Type, [class(wiki)|Attrs], Title]. 535 536section_underline([=,=,=|T], h1) :- 537 maplist(=(=), T), 538 !. 539section_underline([-,-,-|T], h2) :- 540 maplist(=(-), T), 541 !. 542 543labeled_section_line(Title, Attrs) --> 544 tokens(Title), [' '], section_label(Label), 545 !, 546 { Attrs = [id(Label)] }.
554strip_ws_tokens([' '|T0], T) :- 555 !, 556 strip_ws_tokens(T0, T). 557strip_ws_tokens(L0, L) :- 558 append(L, [' '], L0), 559 !. 560strip_ws_tokens(L, L).
567strip_leading_ws([' '|T], T) :- !. 568strip_leading_ws(T, T). 569 570 571 /******************************* 572 * TAGS * 573 *******************************/
tag(Name, Value)
580tags(Lines, Tags) :-
581 collect_tags(Lines, Tags0),
582 keysort(Tags0, Tags1),
583 pairs_values(Tags1, Tags2),
584 combine_tags(Tags2, Tags).
for each @tag encountered.
Order is the desired position as defined by tag_order/2.
595collect_tags([], []). 596collect_tags([Indent-[@,String|L0]|Lines], [Order-tag(Tag,Value)|Tags]) :- 597 tag_name(String, Tag, Order), 598 !, 599 strip_leading_ws(L0, L), 600 rest_tag(Lines, Indent, VT, RestLines), 601 normalise_indentation(VT, VT1), 602 wiki_structure([0-L|VT1], -1, Value0), 603 strip_leading_par(Value0, Value), 604 collect_tags(RestLines, Tags).
611tag_name(w(Name), Tag, Order) :- 612 ( renamed_tag(Name, Tag, Level), 613 tag_order(Tag, Order) 614 -> print_message(Level, pldoc(deprecated_tag(Name, Tag))) 615 ; tag_order(Name, Order) 616 -> Tag = Name 617 ; print_message(warning, pldoc(unknown_tag(Name))), 618 fail 619 ). 620 621 622rest_tag([], _, [], []) :- !. 623rest_tag(Lines, Indent, [], Lines) :- 624 Lines = [Indent-[@,Word|_]|_], 625 tag_name(Word, _, _), 626 !. 627rest_tag([L|Lines0], Indent, [L|VT], Lines) :- 628 rest_tag(Lines0, Indent, VT, Lines).
635renamed_tag(exception, throws, warning). 636renamed_tag(param, arg, silent).
645:- multifile 646 pldoc:tag_order/2. 647 648tag_order(Tag, Order) :- 649 pldoc:tag_order(Tag, Order), 650 !. 651tag_order(arg, 100). 652tag_order(error, 200). % same as throw 653tag_order(throws, 300). 654tag_order(author, 400). 655tag_order(version, 500). 656tag_order(see, 600). 657tag_order(deprecated, 700). 658tag_order(compat, 800). % PlDoc extension 659tag_order(copyright, 900). 660tag_order(license, 1000). 661tag_order(bug, 1100). 662tag_order(tbd, 1200).
params(list(param(Name, Descr)))
tag(Name, list(Descr))
Descr is a list of tokens.
673combine_tags([], []). 674combine_tags([tag(arg, V1)|T0], [\args([P1|PL])|Tags]) :- 675 !, 676 arg_tag(V1, P1), 677 arg_tags(T0, PL, T1), 678 combine_tags(T1, Tags). 679combine_tags([tag(Tag,V0)|T0], [\tag(Tag, [V0|Vs])|T]) :- 680 same_tag(Tag, T0, T1, Vs), 681 combine_tags(T1, T). 682 683arg_tag([PT|Descr0], arg(PN, Descr)) :- 684 word_of(PT, PN), 685 strip_leading_ws(Descr0, Descr). 686 687word_of(w(W), W) :- !. % TBD: check non-word arg 688word_of(W, W). 689 [tag(arg, V1)|T0], [P1|PL], T) (:- 691 !, 692 arg_tag(V1, P1), 693 arg_tags(T0, PL, T). 694arg_tags(T, [], T). 695 696same_tag(Tag, [tag(Tag, V)|T0], T, [V|Vs]) :- 697 !, 698 same_tag(Tag, T0, T, Vs). 699same_tag(_, L, L, []). 700 701 702 /******************************* 703 * FACES * 704 *******************************/
711wiki_faces([dt(Class, \term(Text, Term, Bindings)), dd(Descr0)|T0], 712 ArgNames, 713 [dt(Class, \term(Text, Term, Bindings)), dd(Descr)|T]) :- 714 !, 715 varnames(Bindings, VarNames, ArgNames), 716 wiki_faces(Descr0, VarNames, Descr), 717 wiki_faces(T0, ArgNames, T). 718wiki_faces(DOM0, ArgNames, DOM) :- 719 structure_term(DOM0, Functor, Content0), 720 !, 721 wiki_faces_list(Content0, ArgNames, Content), 722 structure_term(DOM, Functor, Content). 723wiki_faces(Verb, _, Verb) :- 724 verbatim_term(Verb), 725 !. 726wiki_faces(Content0, ArgNames, Content) :- 727 assertion(is_list(Content0)), 728 phrase(wiki_faces(Content, ArgNames), Content0), 729 !. 730 731varnames([], List, List). 732varnames([Name=_|T0], [Name|T], List) :- 733 varnames(T0, T, List). 734 735wiki_faces_list([], _, []). 736wiki_faces_list([H0|T0], Args, [H|T]) :- 737 wiki_faces(H0, Args, H), 738 wiki_faces_list(T0, Args, T).
746structure_term(\tags(Tags), tags, [Tags]) :- !. 747structure_term(\args(Params), args, [Params]) :- !. 748structure_term(arg(Name,Descr), arg(Name), [Descr]) :- !. 749structure_term(\tag(Name,Value), tag(Name), [Value]) :- !. 750structure_term(\include(What,Type,Opts), include(What,Type,Opts), []) :- !. 751structure_term(dl(Att, Args), dl(Att), [Args]) :- !. 752structure_term(dt(Att, Args), dt(Att), [Args]) :- !. 753structure_term(table(Att, Args), table(Att), [Args]) :- !. 754structure_term(h1(Att, Args), h1(Att), [Args]) :- !. 755structure_term(h2(Att, Args), h2(Att), [Args]) :- !. 756structure_term(h3(Att, Args), h3(Att), [Args]) :- !. 757structure_term(h4(Att, Args), h4(Att), [Args]) :- !. 758structure_term(hr(Att), hr(Att), []) :- !. 759structure_term(p(Args), p, [Args]) :- !. 760structure_term(Term, Functor, Args) :- 761 structure_term_any(Term, Functor, Args). 762 763structure_term(Term) :- 764 structure_term_any(Term, _Functor, _Args). 765 766structure_term_any(Term, Functor, Args) :- 767 functor(Term, Functor, 1), 768 structure_tag(Functor), 769 !, 770 Term =.. [Functor|Args]. 771 772structure_tag(ul). 773structure_tag(ol). 774structure_tag(dl). 775structure_tag(li). 776structure_tag(dt). 777structure_tag(dd). 778structure_tag(table). 779structure_tag(tr). 780structure_tag(td). 781structure_tag(blockquote). 782structure_tag(center).
789verbatim_term(pre(_,_)). 790verbatim_term(\term(_,_,_)).
797matches(Goal, Input, Last, List, Rest) :- 798 call(Goal, List, Rest), 799 input(List, Rest, Input, Last). 800 801input([H|T0], Rest, Input, Last) :- 802 ( T0 == Rest 803 -> Input = [H], 804 Last = H 805 ; Input = [H|T], 806 input(T0, Rest, T, Last) 807 ).
819wiki_faces(WithFaces, ArgNames, List, Rest) :- 820 default_faces_options(Options), 821 catch(wiki_faces(WithFaces, ArgNames, Options, List, Rest), 822 pldoc(depth_limit), 823 failed_faces(WithFaces, List, Rest)). 824 825default_faces_options(_{depth:5}). 826 827failed_faces(WithFaces) --> 828 { debug(markdown(overflow), 'Depth limit exceeded', []) }, 829 wiki_words(WithFaces). 830 831wiki_faces([EmphTerm|T], ArgNames, Options) --> 832 emphasis_seq(EmphTerm, ArgNames, Options), 833 !, 834 wiki_faces_int(T, ArgNames). 835wiki_faces(Faces, ArgNames, Options) --> 836 wiki_faces_int(Faces, ArgNames, Options). 837 838wiki_faces_int(WithFaces, ArgNames) --> 839 { default_faces_options(Options) 840 }, 841 wiki_faces_int(WithFaces, ArgNames, Options). 842 843wiki_faces_int([], _, _) --> 844 []. 845wiki_faces_int([H|T], ArgNames, Options) --> 846 wiki_face(H, ArgNames, Options), 847 !, 848 wiki_faces(T, ArgNames, Options). 849wiki_faces_int([Before,EmphTerm|T], ArgNames, Options) --> 850 emphasis_before(Before), 851 emphasis_seq(EmphTerm, ArgNames, Options), 852 !, 853 wiki_faces_int(T, ArgNames, Options). 854wiki_faces_int([H|T], ArgNames, Options) --> 855 wiki_face_simple(H, ArgNames, Options), 856 !, 857 wiki_faces_int(T, ArgNames, Options). 858 859next_level(Options0, Options) --> 860 { succ(NewDepth, Options0.depth) 861 -> Options = Options0.put(depth, NewDepth) 862 ; throw(pldoc(depth_limit)) 863 }.
' '
(space), representing white-space.
The Out variable is input for the backends defined in
and doc_html.pl
. Roughly, these are terms similar
to what html//1 from library(http/html_write)
882wiki_face(Out, Args, _) --> 883 prolog:doc_wiki_face(Out, Args), 884 !. 885wiki_face(var(Arg), ArgNames, _) --> 886 [w(Arg)], 887 { memberchk(Arg, ArgNames) 888 }, 889 !. 890wiki_face(b(Bold), ArgNames, Options) --> 891 [*,'|'], string(Tokens), ['|',*], 892 !, 893 { phrase(wiki_faces(Bold, ArgNames, Options), Tokens) }. 894wiki_face(i(Italic), ArgNames, Options) --> 895 ['_','|'], string(Tokens), ['|','_'], 896 !, 897 { phrase(wiki_faces(Italic, ArgNames, Options), Tokens) }. 898wiki_face(code(Code), _, _) --> 899 [=], eq_code_words(Words), [=], 900 !, 901 { atomic_list_concat(Words, Code) }. 902wiki_face(code(Code), _, _) --> 903 [=,'|'], wiki_words(Code), ['|',=], 904 !. 905wiki_face(Code, _, _) --> 906 ['`'], code_words(Words), ['`'], 907 { atomic_list_concat(Words, Text), 908 catch(atom_to_term(Text, Term, Vars), _, fail), 909 !, 910 code_face(Text, Term, Vars, Code) 911 }. 912wiki_face(Face, _, _) --> 913 [ w(Name) ], arg_list(List), 914 { atomic_list_concat([Name|List], Text), 915 catch(atom_to_term(Text, Term, Vars), _, fail), 916 term_face(Text, Term, Vars, Face) 917 }, 918 !. 919wiki_face(br([]), _, _) --> 920 [<,w(br),>,'\n'], !. 921wiki_face(br([]), _, _) --> 922 [<,w(br),/,>,'\n'], !. 923 % Below this, we only do links. 924wiki_face(_, _, Options) --> 925 { Options.get(link) == false, 926 !, 927 fail 928 }. 929wiki_face(\predref(Name/Arity), _, _) --> 930 [ w(Name), '/' ], arity(Arity), 931 { functor_name(Name) 932 }, 933 !. 934wiki_face(\predref(Module:(Name/Arity)), _, _) --> 935 [ w(Module), ':', w(Name), '/' ], arity(Arity), 936 { functor_name(Name) 937 }, 938 !. 939wiki_face(\predref(Name/Arity), _, _) --> 940 prolog_symbol_char(S0), 941 symbol_string(SRest), [ '/' ], arity(Arity), 942 !, 943 { atom_chars(Name, [S0|SRest]) 944 }. 945wiki_face(\predref(Name//Arity), _, _) --> 946 [ w(Name), '/', '/' ], arity(Arity), 947 { functor_name(Name) 948 }, 949 !. 950wiki_face(\predref(Module:(Name//Arity)), _, _) --> 951 [ w(Module), ':', w(Name), '/', '/' ], arity(Arity), 952 { functor_name(Name) 953 }, 954 !. 955wiki_face(\include(Name, Type, Options), _, _) --> 956 ['[','['], file_name(Base, Ext), [']',']'], 957 { autolink_extension(Ext, Type), 958 !, 959 file_name_extension(Base, Ext, Name), 960 resolve_file(Name, Options, []) 961 }, 962 !. 963wiki_face(\include(Name, Type, [caption(Caption)|Options]), _, _) --> 964 ( ['!','['], tokens(100, Caption), [']','('] 965 -> file_name(Base, Ext), [')'], 966 { autolink_extension(Ext, Type), 967 !, 968 file_name_extension(Base, Ext, Name), 969 resolve_file(Name, Options, []) 970 } 971 ), 972 !. 973wiki_face(Link, ArgNames, Options) --> % TWiki: [[Label][Link]] 974 ( ['[','['], wiki_label(Label, ArgNames, Options), [']','['] 975 -> wiki_link(Link, [label(Label), relative(true), end(']')]), 976 [']',']'], ! 977 ). 978wiki_face(Link, ArgNames, Options) --> % Markdown: [Label](Link) 979 ( ['['], wiki_label(Label, ArgNames, Options), [']','('] 980 -> wiki_link(Link, [label(Label), relative(true), end(')')]), 981 [')'], ! 982 ). 983wiki_face(Link, _ArgNames, _) --> 984 wiki_link(Link, []), 985 !. 986 987wiki_label(Label, _ArgNames, _Options) --> 988 image_label(Label). 989wiki_label(Label, ArgNames, Options) --> 990 next_level(Options, NOptions), 991 limit(40, wiki_faces(Label, ArgNames, NOptions.put(link,false))).
997wiki_face_simple(Word, _, _) --> 998 [ w(Word) ], 999 !. 1000wiki_face_simple(SpaceOrPunct, _, _) --> 1001 [ SpaceOrPunct ], 1002 { atomic(SpaceOrPunct) }, 1003 !. 1004wiki_face_simple(FT, ArgNames, _) --> 1005 [Structure], 1006 { wiki_faces(Structure, ArgNames, FT) 1007 }. 1008 1009wiki_words([]) --> []. 1010wiki_words([Word|T]) --> [w(Word)], !, wiki_words(T). 1011wiki_words([Punct|T]) --> [Punct], {atomic(Punct)}, wiki_words(T).
where ``
is mapped to `
.1018code_words([]) --> []. 1019code_words([Word|T]) --> [w(Word)], code_words(T). 1020code_words(CodeL) --> ['`','`'], {CodeL = ['`'|T]}, code_words(T). 1021code_words([Punct|T]) --> [Punct], {atomic(Punct)}, code_words(T).
. This is limited to
, notably dealing with file names and
identifiers in various external languages.1032eq_code_words([Word]) --> 1033 [ w(Word) ]. 1034eq_code_words([Word|T]) --> 1035 [ w(Word) ], eq_code_internals(T, [End]), [w(End)]. 1036 1037eq_code_internals(T, T) --> []. 1038eq_code_internals([H|T], Tail) --> 1039 eq_code_internal(H), 1040 eq_code_internals(T, Tail). 1041 1042eq_code_internal(Word) --> 1043 [w(Word)]. 1044eq_code_internal(Punct) --> 1045 [Punct], 1046 { eq_code_internal_punct(Punct) }. 1047 1048eq_code_internal_punct('.'). 1049eq_code_internal_punct('-'). 1050eq_code_internal_punct(':'). 1051eq_code_internal_punct('/').
`... code ...`
sequences. Text is the matched
text, Term is the parsed Prolog term and Code is the resulting
intermediate code.1060code_face(Text, Var, _, Code) :- 1061 var(Var), 1062 !, 1063 Code = var(Text). 1064code_face(Text, _, _, code(Text)).
1071emphasis_seq(EmphTerm, ArgNames, Options) -->
1072 emphasis_start(C),
1073 next_level(Options, NOptions),
1074 matches(limit(100, wiki_faces(Emph, ArgNames, NOptions)), Input, Last),
1075 emphasis_end(C),
1076 { emph_markdown(Last, Input),
1077 emphasis_term(C, Emph, EmphTerm)
1078 },
1079 !.
1089emphasis_term('_', Term, i(Term)). 1090emphasis_term('*', Term, b(Term)). 1091emphasis_term('__', Term, strong(Term)). 1092emphasis_term('**', Term, strong(Term)). 1093 1094emph_markdown(_, [w(_)]) :- !. 1095emph_markdown(Last, Tokens) :- 1096 \+ emphasis_after_sep(Last), 1097 catch(b_getval(pldoc_object, Obj), _, Obj = '??'), 1098 debug(markdown(emphasis), '~q: additionally emphasis: ~p', 1099 [Obj, Tokens]). 1100 1101emphasis_before(Before) --> 1102 [Before], 1103 { emphasis_start_sep(Before) }. 1104 1105emphasis_start_sep('\n'). 1106emphasis_start_sep(' '). 1107emphasis_start_sep('<'). 1108emphasis_start_sep('{'). 1109emphasis_start_sep('('). 1110emphasis_start_sep('['). 1111emphasis_start_sep(','). 1112emphasis_start_sep(':'). 1113emphasis_start_sep(';'). 1114 1115emphasis_start(Which), [w(Word)] --> 1116 emphasis(Which), 1117 [w(Word)]. 1118 1119emphasis(**) --> [*, *]. 1120emphasis(*) --> [*]. 1121emphasis('__') --> ['_', '_']. 1122emphasis('_') --> ['_']. 1123 1124emphasis_end(Which), [After] --> 1125 emphasis(Which), 1126 [ After ], 1127 !, 1128 { emphasis_close_sep(After) -> true }. 1129emphasis_end(Which) --> 1130 emphasis(Which). 1131 1132% these characters should not be before a closing * or _. 1133 1134emphasis_after_sep('\n'). 1135emphasis_after_sep(' '). 1136emphasis_after_sep('('). 1137emphasis_after_sep('['). 1138emphasis_after_sep('<'). 1139emphasis_after_sep('='). 1140emphasis_after_sep('+'). 1141emphasis_after_sep('\\'). 1142emphasis_after_sep('@'). 1143 1144emphasis_close_sep('\n'). % white 1145emphasis_close_sep(' '). % white 1146emphasis_close_sep(','). % sentence punctuation 1147emphasis_close_sep('.'). 1148emphasis_close_sep('!'). 1149emphasis_close_sep('?'). 1150emphasis_close_sep(':'). 1151emphasis_close_sep(';'). 1152emphasis_close_sep(']'). % [**label**](link) 1153emphasis_close_sep(')'). % ... _italic_) 1154emphasis_close_sep('}'). % ... _italic_} 1155emphasis_close_sep(Token) :- 1156 structure_term(Token).
1167arg_list(['('|T]) --> 1168 ['('], arg_list_close(T, 1). 1169 1170arg_list_close(Tokens, Depth) --> 1171 [')'], 1172 !, 1173 ( { Depth == 1 } 1174 -> { Tokens = [')'] } 1175 ; { Depth > 1 } 1176 -> { Tokens = [')'|More], 1177 NewDepth is Depth - 1 1178 }, 1179 arg_list_close(More, NewDepth) 1180 ). 1181arg_list_close(['('|T], Depth) --> 1182 ['('], { NewDepth is Depth+1 }, 1183 arg_list_close(T, NewDepth). 1184arg_list_close([H|T], Depth) --> 1185 [w(H)], 1186 !, 1187 arg_list_close(T, Depth). 1188arg_list_close([H|T], Depth) --> 1189 [H], 1190 arg_list_close(T, Depth).
1199term_face(_Text, Term, _Vars, \file(Name, FileOptions)) :- 1200 ground(Term), 1201 compound(Term), 1202 compound_name_arguments(Term, Alias, [_]), 1203 user:file_search_path(Alias, _), 1204 existing_file(Term, FileOptions, []), 1205 !, 1206 format(atom(Name), '~q', [Term]). 1207term_face(Text, Term, Vars, Face) :- 1208 code_face(Text, Term, Vars, Face). 1209 1210untag([], []). 1211untag([w(W)|T0], [W|T]) :- 1212 !, 1213 untag(T0, T). 1214untag([H|T0], [H|T]) :- 1215 untag(T0, T).
1221image_label(\include(Name, image, Options)) -->
1222 file_name(Base, Ext),
1223 { autolink_extension(Ext, image),
1224 file_name_extension(Base, Ext, Name),
1225 resolve_file(Name, Options, RestOptions)
1226 },
1227 file_options(RestOptions).
1235file_options(Options) --> 1236 [;], nv_pairs(Options), 1237 !. 1238file_options([]) --> 1239 []. 1240 1241nv_pairs([H|T]) --> 1242 nv_pair(H), 1243 ( [','] 1244 -> nv_pairs(T) 1245 ; {T=[]} 1246 ). 1247 1248nv_pair(Option) --> 1249 [ w(Name), =,'"'], tokens(Tokens), ['"'], 1250 !, 1251 { untag(Tokens, Atoms), 1252 atomic_list_concat(Atoms, Value0), 1253 ( atom_number(Value0, Value) 1254 -> true 1255 ; Value = Value0 1256 ), 1257 Option =.. [Name,Value] 1258 }.
1274:- multifile 1275 user:url_path/2. 1276 1277wiki_link(\file(Name, FileOptions), Options) --> 1278 file_name(Base, Ext), 1279 { file_name_extension(Base, Ext, Name), 1280 ( autolink_file(Name, _) 1281 ; autolink_extension(Ext, _) 1282 ), 1283 !, 1284 resolve_file(Name, FileOptions, Options) 1285 }. 1286wiki_link(\file(Name, FileOptions), Options) --> 1287 [w(Name)], 1288 { autolink_file(Name, _), 1289 !, 1290 resolve_file(Name, FileOptions, Options) 1291 }, 1292 !. 1293wiki_link(a(href(Ref), Label), Options) --> 1294 [ w(Prot),:,/,/], { url_protocol(Prot) }, 1295 { option(end(End), Options, space) 1296 }, 1297 tokens_no_whitespace(Rest), peek_end_url(End), 1298 !, 1299 { atomic_list_concat([Prot, :,/,/ | Rest], Ref), 1300 option(label(Label), Options, Ref) 1301 }. 1302wiki_link(a(href(Ref), Label), _Options) --> 1303 [<, w(Alias), :], 1304 tokens_no_whitespace(Rest), [>], 1305 { Term = (Alias:Rest), 1306 prolog:url_expansion_hook(Term, Ref, Label), ! 1307 }. 1308wiki_link(a(href(Ref), Label), Options) --> 1309 [<, w(Alias), :], 1310 { user:url_path(Alias, _) 1311 }, 1312 tokens_no_whitespace(Rest), [>], 1313 { atomic_list_concat(Rest, Local), 1314 ( Local == '' 1315 -> Term =.. [Alias,'.'] 1316 ; Term =.. [Alias,Local] 1317 ), 1318 catch(expand_url_path(Term, Ref), _, fail), 1319 option(label(Label), Options, Ref) 1320 }. 1321wiki_link(a(href(Ref), Label), Options) --> 1322 [<], 1323 ( { option(relative(true), Options), 1324 Parts = Rest 1325 } 1326 -> tokens_no_whitespace(Rest) 1327 ; { Parts = [Prot, : | Rest] 1328 }, 1329 [w(Prot), :], tokens_no_whitespace(Rest) 1330 ), 1331 [>], 1332 !, 1333 { atomic_list_concat(Parts, Ref), 1334 option(label(Label), Options, Ref) 1335 }.
, where
Term is of the form Alias(Rest). If it succeeds, it must bind
HREF to an atom or string representing the link target and Label
to an html//1 expression for the label.1349file_name(FileBase, Extension) --> 1350 segment(S1), 1351 segments(List), 1352 ['.'], file_extension(Extension), 1353 !, 1354 { atomic_list_concat([S1|List], '/', FileBase) }. 1355 1356segment(..) --> 1357 ['.','.'], 1358 !. 1359segment(Word) --> 1360 [w(Word)]. 1361segment(Dir) --> 1362 [w(Word),'.',w(d)], 1363 { atom_concat(Word, '.d', Dir) }. 1364 1365segments([H|T]) --> 1366 ['/'], 1367 !, 1368 segment(H), 1369 segments(T). 1370segments([]) --> 1371 []. 1372 1373file_extension(Ext) --> 1374 [w(Ext)], 1375 { autolink_extension(Ext, _) 1376 }.
that reflects the current location of the
file.1386resolve_file(Name, Options, Rest) :- 1387 existing_file(Name, Options, Rest), 1388 !. 1389resolve_file(_, Options, Options). 1390 1391 1392existing_file(Name, Options, Rest) :- 1393 catch(existing_file_p(Name, Options, Rest), _, fail). 1394 1395existing_file_p(Name, Options, Rest) :- 1396 nb_current(pldoc_file, RelativeTo), 1397 RelativeTo \== [], 1398 ( compound(Name) 1399 -> Extra = [file_type(prolog)] 1400 ; Extra = [] 1401 ), 1402 absolute_file_name(Name, Path, 1403 [ relative_to(RelativeTo), 1404 access(read), 1405 file_errors(fail) 1406 | Extra 1407 ]), 1408 Options = [ absolute_path(Path) | Rest ].
1417arity(Arity) -->
1418 [ w(Word) ],
1419 { catch(atom_number(Word, Arity), _, fail),
1420 Arity >= 0, Arity < 20
1421 }.
1428symbol_string([]) --> 1429 []. 1430symbol_string([H|T]) --> 1431 [H], 1432 { prolog_symbol_char(H) }, 1433 symbol_string(T). 1434 1435prolog_symbol_char(C) --> 1436 [C], 1437 { prolog_symbol_char(C) }.
1443prolog_symbol_char(#). 1444prolog_symbol_char($). 1445prolog_symbol_char(&). 1446prolog_symbol_char(*). 1447prolog_symbol_char(+). 1448prolog_symbol_char(-). 1449prolog_symbol_char(.). 1450prolog_symbol_char(/). 1451prolog_symbol_char(:). 1452prolog_symbol_char(<). 1453prolog_symbol_char(=). 1454prolog_symbol_char(>). 1455prolog_symbol_char(?). 1456prolog_symbol_char(@). 1457prolog_symbol_char(\). 1458prolog_symbol_char(^). 1459prolog_symbol_char(~). 1460 1461 1462functor_name(String) :- 1463 sub_atom(String, 0, 1, _, Char), 1464 char_type(Char, lower). 1465 1466url_protocol(http). 1467url_protocol(https). 1468url_protocol(ftp). 1469url_protocol(mailto). 1470 1471peek_end_url(space) --> 1472 peek(End), 1473 { space_token(End) }, 1474 !. 1475peek_end_url(space, [], []) :- !. 1476peek_end_url(Token) --> 1477 peek(Token), 1478 !. 1479 1480space_token(' ') :- !. 1481space_token('\r') :- !. 1482space_token('\n') :- !. 1483space_token(T) :- 1484 \+ atom(T), % high level format like p(...) 1485 \+ T = w(_).
1492autolink_extension(Ext, Type) :- 1493 prolog:doc_autolink_extension(Ext, Type), 1494 !. 1495autolink_extension(Ext, prolog) :- 1496 user:prolog_file_type(Ext,prolog), 1497 !. 1498autolink_extension(txt, wiki). 1499autolink_extension(md, wiki). 1500autolink_extension(gif, image). 1501autolink_extension(png, image). 1502autolink_extension(jpg, image). 1503autolink_extension(jpeg, image). 1504autolink_extension(svg, image).
1511autolink_file('README', wiki). 1512autolink_file('TODO', wiki). 1513autolink_file('ChangeLog', wiki). 1514 1515 /******************************* 1516 * SECTIONS * 1517 *******************************/
section(Type, Title)
, where Title is an atom holding the
section title and Type is an atom holding the text between <>.
1530section_comment_header([_-Line|Lines], Header, Lines) :- 1531 phrase(section_line(Header), Line). 1532 1533section_line(\section(Type, Title)) --> 1534 ws, "<", word(Codes), ">", normalise_white_space(TitleCodes), 1535 { atom_codes(Type, Codes), 1536 atom_codes(Title, TitleCodes) 1537 }.
1545normalise_white_space(Text) --> 1546 ws, 1547 normalise_white_space2(Text). 1548 1549normalise_white_space2(Text) --> 1550 non_ws(Text, Tail), 1551 ws, 1552 ( eos 1553 -> { Tail = [] } 1554 ; { Tail = [0'\s|T2] }, 1555 normalise_white_space2(T2) 1556 ). 1557 1558 1559 /******************************* 1560 * TOKENIZER * 1561 *******************************/
1567tokenize_lines(Lines, TokenLines) :- 1568 tokenize_lines(Lines, -1, TokenLines). 1569 1570tokenize_lines([], _, []) :- !. 1571tokenize_lines(Lines, Indent, [Pre|T]) :- 1572 verbatim(Lines, Indent, Pre, RestLines), 1573 !, 1574 tokenize_lines(RestLines, Indent, T). 1575tokenize_lines([I-H0|T0], Indent0, [I-H|T]) :- 1576 phrase(line_tokens(H), H0), 1577 ( H == [] 1578 -> Indent = Indent0 1579 ; Indent = I 1580 ), 1581 tokenize_lines(T0, Indent, T).
denoting a word or an atom
denoting a punctuation character. Underscores (_) appearing
inside an alphanumerical string are considered part of the word.
E.g., "hello_world_" tokenizes into [w(hello_world)
, '_'].1592line_tokens([H|T]) --> 1593 line_token(H), 1594 !, 1595 line_tokens(T). 1596line_tokens([]) --> 1597 []. 1598 1599line_token(T) --> 1600 [C], 1601 ( { code_type(C, space) } 1602 -> ws, 1603 { T = ' ' } 1604 ; { code_type(C, alnum) }, 1605 word(Rest), 1606 { atom_codes(W, [C|Rest]), 1607 T = w(W) 1608 } 1609 ; { char_code(T, C) } 1610 ). 1611 1612word([C0|T]) --> 1613 [C0], { code_type(C0, alnum) }, 1614 !, 1615 word(T). 1616word([0'_, C1|T]) --> 1617 [0'_, C1], { code_type(C1, alnum) }, 1618 !, 1619 word(T). 1620word([]) --> 1621 []. 1622 1623alphas([C0|T]) --> 1624 [C0], { code_type(C0, alpha) }, 1625 !, 1626 alphas(T). 1627alphas([]) --> 1628 [].
pre(Attributes, String)
. The indentation of the leading
fence is substracted from the indentation of the verbatim lines.
Two types of fences are supported: the traditional ==
the Doxygen ~~~
(minimum 3 ~
characters), optionally
followed by {.ext}
to indicate the language.
Verbatim environment is delimited as
..., verbatim(Lines, Pre, Rest) ...,
In addition, a verbatim environment may simply be indented. The restrictions are described in the documentation.
1650verbatim(Lines, _, 1651 Indent-pre([class(code), ext(Ext)],Pre), 1652 RestLines) :- 1653 skip_empty_lines(Lines, [Indent-FenceLine|CodeLines]), 1654 verbatim_fence(FenceLine, Fence, Ext), 1655 verbatim_body(CodeLines, Indent, [10|PreCodes], [], 1656 [Indent-Fence|RestLines]), 1657 !, 1658 atom_codes(Pre, PreCodes). 1659verbatim([_-[],Indent-Line|Lines], EnvIndent, 1660 Indent-pre(class(code),Pre), 1661 RestLines) :- 1662 EnvIndent >= 0, 1663 Indent >= EnvIndent+4, Indent =< EnvIndent+8, 1664 valid_verbatim_opening(Line), 1665 indented_verbatim_body([Indent-Line|Lines], Indent, 1666 CodeLines, RestLines), 1667 !, 1668 lines_code_text(CodeLines, Indent, [10|PreCodes]), 1669 atom_codes(Pre, PreCodes). 1670 1671verbatim_body(Lines, _, PreT, PreT, Lines). 1672verbatim_body([I-L|Lines], Indent, [10|Pre], PreT, RestLines) :- 1673 PreI is I - Indent, 1674 phrase(pre_indent(PreI), Pre, PreT0), 1675 verbatim_line(L, PreT0, PreT1), 1676 verbatim_body(Lines, Indent, PreT1, PreT, RestLines). 1677 1678verbatim_fence(Line, Fence, '') :- 1679 Line == [0'=,0'=], 1680 !, 1681 Fence = Line. 1682verbatim_fence(Line, Fence, Ext) :- 1683 tilde_fence(Line, Fence, 0, Ext). 1684verbatim_fence(Line, Fence, Ext) :- 1685 md_fence(Line, Fence, 0, Ext). 1686 1687tilde_fence([0'~|T0], [0'~|F0], C0, Ext) :- 1688 !, 1689 C1 is C0+1, 1690 tilde_fence(T0, F0, C1, Ext). 1691tilde_fence(List, [], C, Ext) :- 1692 C >= 3, 1693 ( List == [] 1694 -> Ext = '' 1695 ; phrase(tilde_fence_ext(ExtCodes), List) 1696 -> atom_codes(Ext, ExtCodes) 1697 ).
`{.prolog} (Doxygen) or
`{prolog} (GitHub)1703tilde_fence_ext(Ext) --> 1704 "{.", !, alphas(Ext), "}". 1705tilde_fence_ext(Ext) --> 1706 "{", alphas(Ext), "}". 1707 1708md_fence([0'`|T0], [0'`|F0], C0, Ext) :- 1709 !, 1710 C1 is C0+1, 1711 md_fence(T0, F0, C1, Ext). 1712md_fence(List, [], C, Ext) :- 1713 C >= 3, 1714 ( List == [] 1715 -> Ext = '' 1716 ; phrase(md_fence_ext(ExtCodes), List), 1717 atom_codes(Ext, ExtCodes) 1718 ). 1719 1720% Also support Doxygen's curly bracket notation. 1721md_fence_ext(Ext) --> 1722 tilde_fence_ext(Ext), 1723 !. 1724% In Markdown language names appear without brackets. 1725md_fence_ext(Ext) --> 1726 alphas(Ext).
1734indented_verbatim_body([I-L|T0], Indent, [I-L|T], RestLines) :- 1735 L \== [], I >= Indent, 1736 !, 1737 indented_verbatim_body(T0, Indent, T, RestLines). 1738indented_verbatim_body([I0-[],I-L|T0], Indent, [I0-[],I-L|T], RestLines) :- 1739 I >= Indent, 1740 valid_verbatim_opening(L), 1741 indented_verbatim_body(T0, Indent, T, RestLines). 1742indented_verbatim_body(Lines, _, [], Lines).
1748valid_verbatim_opening([0'||_]) :- !, fail. 1749valid_verbatim_opening(Line) :- 1750 Line \== [], 1751 \+ ( phrase(line_tokens(Tokens), Line), 1752 list_item_prefix(_Type, Tokens, _Rest) 1753 ).
1759lines_code_text([], _, []). 1760lines_code_text([_-[]|T0], Indent, [10|T]) :- 1761 !, 1762 lines_code_text(T0, Indent, T). 1763lines_code_text([I-Line|T0], Indent, [10|T]) :- 1764 PreI is I-Indent, 1765 phrase(pre_indent(PreI), T, T1), 1766 verbatim_line(Line, T1, T2), 1767 lines_code_text(T0, Indent, T2).
1775pre_indent(N) --> 1776 { N > 0, 1777 !, 1778 N2 is N - 1 1779 }, " ", 1780 pre_indent(N2). 1781pre_indent(_) --> 1782 "". 1783 1784verbatim_line(Line, Pre, PreT) :- 1785 append(Line, PreT, Pre). 1786 1787 1788 /******************************* 1789 * SUMMARY * 1790 *******************************/
1799summary_from_lines(Lines, Sentence) :- 1800 skip_empty_lines(Lines, Lines1), 1801 summary2(Lines1, Sentence0), 1802 end_sentence(Sentence0, Sentence). 1803 1804summary2(_, Sentence) :- 1805 Sentence == [], 1806 !. % we finished our sentence 1807summary2([], []) :- !. 1808summary2([_-[]|_], []) :- !. % empty line 1809summary2([_-[0'@|_]|_], []) :- !. % keyword line 1810summary2([_-L0|Lines], Sentence) :- 1811 phrase(sentence(Sentence, Tail), L0, _), 1812 summary2(Lines, Tail). 1813 1814sentence([C,End], []) --> 1815 [C,End], 1816 { \+ code_type(C, period), 1817 code_type(End, period) % ., !, ? 1818 }, 1819 space_or_eos, 1820 !. 1821sentence([0' |T0], T) --> 1822 space, 1823 !, 1824 ws, 1825 sentence(T0, T). 1826sentence([H|T0], T) --> 1827 [H], 1828 sentence(T0, T). 1829sentence([0' |T], T) --> % ' 1830 eos. 1831 1832space_or_eos --> 1833 [C], 1834 !, 1835 {code_type(C, space)}. 1836space_or_eos --> 1837 eos.
1844skip_empty_lines([], []). 1845skip_empty_lines([_-[]|Lines0], Lines) :- 1846 !, 1847 skip_empty_lines(Lines0, Lines). 1848skip_empty_lines(Lines, Lines). 1849 1850end_sentence([], []). 1851end_sentence([0'\s], [0'.]) :- !. 1852end_sentence([H|T0], [H|T]) :- 1853 end_sentence(T0, T). 1854 1855 1856 /******************************* 1857 * CREATE LINES * 1858 *******************************/
1867indented_lines(Comment, Prefixes, Lines) :- 1868 must_be(codes, Comment), 1869 phrase(split_lines(Prefixes, Lines), Comment), 1870 !. 1871 1872split_lines(_, []) --> 1873 end_of_comment. 1874split_lines(Prefixes, [Indent-L1|Ls]) --> 1875 take_prefix(Prefixes, 0, Indent0), 1876 white_prefix(Indent0, Indent), 1877 take_line(L1), 1878 split_lines(Prefixes, Ls).
1887end_of_comment --> 1888 eos. 1889end_of_comment --> 1890 ws, stars, "*/". 1891 1892stars --> []. 1893stars --> "*", !, stars.
1901take_prefix(Prefixes, I0, I) --> 1902 { member(Prefix, Prefixes), 1903 string_codes(Prefix, PrefixCodes) 1904 }, 1905 prefix(PrefixCodes), 1906 !, 1907 { string_update_linepos(PrefixCodes, I0, I) }. 1908take_prefix(_, I, I) --> 1909 []. 1910 1911prefix([]) --> []. 1912prefix([H|T]) --> [H], prefix(T). 1913 1914white_prefix(I0, I) --> 1915 [C], 1916 { code_type(C, white), 1917 !, 1918 update_linepos(C, I0, I1) 1919 }, 1920 white_prefix(I1, I). 1921white_prefix(I, I) --> 1922 [].
1928string_update_linepos([], I, I). 1929string_update_linepos([H|T], I0, I) :- 1930 update_linepos(H, I0, I1), 1931 string_update_linepos(T, I1, I).
1939update_linepos(0'\t, I0, I) :- 1940 !, 1941 I is (I0\/7)+1. 1942update_linepos(0'\b, I0, I) :- 1943 !, 1944 I is max(0, I0-1). 1945update_linepos(0'\r, _, 0) :- !. 1946update_linepos(0'\n, _, 0) :- !. 1947update_linepos(_, I0, I) :- 1948 I is I0 + 1.
, nor trailing whitespace.1955take_line([]) --> 1956 "\r\n", 1957 !. % DOS file 1958take_line([]) --> 1959 "\n", 1960 !. % Unix file 1961take_line(Line) --> 1962 [H], { code_type(H, white) }, 1963 !, 1964 take_white(White, WT), 1965 ( nl 1966 -> { Line = [] } 1967 ; { Line = [H|White] }, 1968 take_line(WT) 1969 ). 1970take_line([H|T]) --> 1971 [H], 1972 !, 1973 take_line(T). 1974take_line([]) --> % end of string 1975 []. 1976 1977take_white([H|T0], T) --> 1978 [H], { code_type(H, white) }, 1979 !, 1980 take_white(T0, T). 1981take_white(T, T) --> 1982 [].
1989normalise_indentation(Lines0, Lines) :- 1990 skip_empty_lines(Lines0, Lines1), 1991 Lines1 = [I0-_|Lines2], 1992 !, 1993 smallest_indentation(Lines2, I0, Subtract), 1994 ( Subtract == 0 1995 -> Lines = Lines0 1996 ; maplist(substract_indent(Subtract), Lines0, Lines) 1997 ). 1998normalise_indentation(Lines, Lines). 1999 2000smallest_indentation([], I, I). 2001smallest_indentation([_-[]|T], I0, I) :- 2002 !, 2003 smallest_indentation(T, I0, I). 2004smallest_indentation([X-_|T], I0, I) :- 2005 I1 is min(I0, X), 2006 smallest_indentation(T, I1, I). 2007 2008substract_indent(Subtract, I0-L, I-L) :- 2009 I is max(0,I0-Subtract). 2010 2011 2012 /******************************* 2013 * MISC * 2014 *******************************/
2021strip_leading_par([p(C)|T], L) :- 2022 !, 2023 append(C, T, L). 2024strip_leading_par(L, L). 2025 2026 2027 /******************************* 2028 * DCG BASICS * 2029 *******************************/
2035ws --> 2036 [C], {code_type(C, space)}, 2037 !, 2038 ws. 2039ws --> 2040 []. 2041 2042% space// is det 2043% 2044% True if then next code is layout. 2045 2046space --> 2047 [C], 2048 {code_type(C, space)}.
2055non_ws([H|T0], T) --> 2056 [H], 2057 { \+ code_type(H, space) }, 2058 !, 2059 non_ws(T0, T). 2060non_ws(T, T) --> 2061 [].
2068nl --> 2069 "\r\n", 2070 !. 2071nl --> 2072 "\n".
2078peek(H, L, L) :-
2079 L = [H|_].
2087tokens([]) --> []. 2088tokens([H|T]) --> token(H), tokens(T). 2089 2090tokens(_, []) --> []. 2091tokens(C, [H|T]) --> token(H), {succ(C1, C)}, tokens(C1, T).
2099tokens_no_whitespace([]) --> 2100 []. 2101tokens_no_whitespace([Word|T]) --> 2102 [ w(Word) ], 2103 !, 2104 tokens_no_whitespace(T). 2105tokens_no_whitespace([H|T]) --> 2106 [H], 2107 { \+ space_token(H) }, 2108 tokens_no_whitespace(T). 2109 2110token(Token) --> 2111 [Token], 2112 { token(Token) }. 2113 2114token(w(_)) :- !. 2115token(Token) :- atom(Token).
2121:- meta_predicate limit( , , , ). 2122 2123limit(Count, Rule, Input, Rest) :- 2124 Count > 0, 2125 State = count(0), 2126 call(Rule, Input, Rest), 2127 arg(1, State, N0), 2128 N is N0+1, 2129 ( N =:= Count 2130 -> ! 2131 ; nb_setarg(1, State, N) 2132 ). 2133 2134 2135 /******************************* 2136 * MESSAGES * 2137 *******************************/ 2138 2139:- multifile 2140 prolog:message//1. 2141 2142prologmessage(pldoc(deprecated_tag(Name, Tag))) --> 2143 [ 'PlDoc: Deprecated tag @~w (use @~w)'-[Name, Tag] 2144 ]. 2145prologmessage(pldoc(unknown_tag(Name))) --> 2146 [ 'PlDoc: unknown tag @~w'-[Name] 2147 ]
PlDoc wiki parser
This file defines the PlDoc wiki parser, which parses both comments and wiki text files. The original version of this SWI-Prolog wiki format was largely modeled after Twiki (http://twiki.org/). The current version is extended to take many aspects from markdown, in particular the doxygen refinement thereof.