35:- module(prolog_explain,
36 [ explain/1,
37 explain/2
38 ]). 39:- use_module(library(helpidx)). 40:- use_module(library(lists)). 41:- use_module(library(apply)). 42
68explain(Item) :-
69 explain(Item, Explanation),
70 writeln(Explanation),
71 fail.
74 77
82explain(Var, Explanation) :-
83 var(Var),
84 !,
85 utter(Explanation, '"~w" is an unbound variable', [Var]).
86explain(I, Explanation) :-
87 integer(I),
88 !,
89 utter(Explanation, '"~w" is an integer', [I]).
90explain(F, Explanation) :-
91 float(F),
92 !,
93 utter(Explanation, '"~w" is a floating point number', [F]).
94explain(S, Explanation) :-
95 string(S),
96 !,
97 utter(Explanation, '"~w" is a string', S).
98explain([], Explanation) :-
99 !,
100 utter(Explanation, '"[]" is a special constant denoting an empty list', []).
101explain(A, Explanation) :-
102 atom(A),
103 utter(Explanation, '"~w" is an atom', [A]).
104explain(A, Explanation) :-
105 atom(A),
106 current_op(Pri, F, A),
107 op_type(F, Type),
108 utter(Explanation, '"~w" is a ~w (~w) operator of priority ~d',
109 [A, Type, F, Pri]).
110explain(A, Explanation) :-
111 atom(A),
112 !,
113 explain_atom(A, Explanation).
114explain([H|T], Explanation) :-
115 is_list(T),
116 !,
117 List = [H|T],
118 length(List, L),
119 ( utter(Explanation, '"~p" is a proper list with ~d elements',
120 [List, L])
121 ; maplist(printable, List),
122 utter(Explanation, '~t~8|Text is "~s"', [List])
123 ).
124explain([H|T], Explanation) :-
125 !,
126 length([H|T], L),
127 !,
128 utter(Explanation, '"~p" is a not-closed list with ~d elements',
129 [[H|T], L]).
130explain(Name/Arity, Explanation) :-
131 atom(Name),
132 integer(Arity),
133 !,
134 functor(Head, Name, Arity),
135 known_predicate(Module:Head),
136 ( Module == system
137 -> true
138 ; \+ predicate_property(Module:Head, imported_from(_))
139 ),
140 explain_predicate(Module:Head, Explanation).
141explain(Module:Name/Arity, Explanation) :-
142 atom(Module), atom(Name), integer(Arity),
143 !,
144 functor(Head, Name, Arity),
145 explain_predicate(Module:Head, Explanation).
146explain(Module:Head, Explanation) :-
147 callable(Head),
148 !,
149 explain_predicate(Module:Head, Explanation).
150explain(Term, Explanation) :-
151 numbervars(Term, 0, _, [singletons(true)]),
152 utter(Explanation, '"~W" is a compound term',
153 [Term, [quoted(true), numbervars(true)]]).
154explain(Term, Explanation) :-
155 explain_functor(Term, Explanation).
163known_predicate(Pred) :-
164 current_predicate(_, Pred),
165 !.
166known_predicate(Pred) :-
167 predicate_property(Pred, undefined).
168known_predicate(_:Head) :-
169 functor(Head, Name, Arity),
170 '$in_library'(Name, Arity, _Path).
172op_type(X, prefix) :-
173 atom_chars(X, [f, _]).
174op_type(X, infix) :-
175 atom_chars(X, [_, f, _]).
176op_type(X, postfix) :-
177 atom_chars(X, [_, f]).
179printable(C) :-
180 integer(C),
181 between(32, 126, C).
183 186
187explain_atom(A, Explanation) :-
188 referenced(A, Explanation).
189explain_atom(A, Explanation) :-
190 current_predicate(A, Module:Head),
191 ( Module == system
192 -> true
193 ; \+ predicate_property(Module:Head, imported_from(_))
194 ),
195 explain_predicate(Module:Head, Explanation).
196explain_atom(A, Explanation) :-
197 predicate_property(Module:Head, undefined),
198 functor(Head, A, _),
199 explain_predicate(Module:Head, Explanation).
202 205
206explain_functor(Head, Explanation) :-
207 referenced(Head, Explanation).
208explain_functor(Head, Explanation) :-
209 current_predicate(_, Module:Head),
210 \+ predicate_property(Module:Head, imported_from(_)),
211 explain_predicate(Module:Head, Explanation).
212explain_functor(Head, Explanation) :-
213 predicate_property(M:Head, undefined),
214 ( functor(Head, N, A),
215 utter(Explanation,
216 '~w:~w/~d is an undefined predicate', [M,N,A])
217 ; referenced(M:Head, Explanation)
218 ).
221 224
225lproperty(built_in, ' built-in', []).
226lproperty(dynamic, ' dynamic', []).
227lproperty(multifile, ' multifile', []).
228lproperty(transparent, ' meta', []).
230tproperty(imported_from(Module), ' imported from module ~w', [Module]).
231tproperty(file(File), ' defined in~n~t~8|~w', [File]).
232tproperty(line_count(Number), ':~d', [Number]).
233tproperty(autoload, ' that can be autoloaded', []).
235combine_utterances(Pairs, Explanation) :-
236 maplist(first, Pairs, Fmts),
237 atomic_list_concat(Fmts, Format),
238 maplist(second, Pairs, ArgList),
239 flatten(ArgList, Args),
240 utter(Explanation, Format, Args).
242first(A-_B, A).
243second(_A-B, B).
247explain_predicate(Pred, Explanation) :-
248 Pred = Module:Head,
249 functor(Head, Name, Arity),
251 ( predicate_property(Pred, undefined)
252 -> utter(Explanation,
253 '~w:~w/~d is an undefined predicate', [Module,Name,Arity])
254 ; ( var(Module)
255 -> U0 = '~w/~d is a' - [Name, Arity]
256 ; U0 = '~w:~w/~d is a' - [Module, Name, Arity]
257 ),
258 findall(Fmt-Arg, (lproperty(Prop, Fmt, Arg),
259 predicate_property(Pred, Prop)),
260 U1),
261 U2 = ' predicate' - [],
262 findall(Fmt-Arg, (tproperty(Prop, Fmt, Arg),
263 predicate_property(Pred, Prop)),
264 U3),
265 flatten([U0, U1, U2, U3], Utters),
266 combine_utterances(Utters, Explanation)
267 ).
268explain_predicate(Pred, Explanation) :-
269 predicate_property(Pred, built_in),
270 Pred = _Module:Head,
271 functor(Head, Name, Arity),
272 predicate(Name, Arity, Summary, _, _),
273 utter(Explanation, '~t~8|Summary: ``~w''''', [Summary]).
274explain_predicate(Pred, Explanation) :-
275 referenced(Pred, Explanation).
277 280
281referenced(Term, Explanation) :-
282 current_predicate(_, Module:Head),
283 ( predicate_property(Module:Head, built_in)
284 -> current_prolog_flag(access_level, system)
285 ; true
286 ),
287 \+ predicate_property(Module:Head, imported_from(_)),
288 Module:Head \= help_index:predicate(_,_,_,_,_),
289 nth_clause(Module:Head, N, Ref),
290 '$xr_member'(Ref, Term),
291 utter_referenced(Module:Head, N, Ref,
292 'Referenced', Explanation).
293referenced(_:Head, Explanation) :-
294 current_predicate(_, Module:Head),
295 ( predicate_property(Module:Head, built_in)
296 -> current_prolog_flag(access_level, system)
297 ; true
298 ),
299 \+ predicate_property(Module:Head, imported_from(_)),
300 nth_clause(Module:Head, N, Ref),
301 '$xr_member'(Ref, Head),
302 utter_referenced(Module:Head, N, Ref,
303 'Possibly referenced', Explanation).
305utter_referenced(_Module:class(_,_,_,_,_,_), _, _, _, _) :-
306 current_prolog_flag(xpce, true),
307 !,
308 fail.
309utter_referenced(_Module:lazy_send_method(_,_,_), _, _, _, _) :-
310 current_prolog_flag(xpce, true),
311 !,
312 fail.
313utter_referenced(_Module:lazy_get_method(_,_,_), _, _, _, _) :-
314 current_prolog_flag(xpce, true),
315 !,
316 fail.
317utter_referenced(pce_xref:exported(_,_), _, _, _, _) :-
318 !,
319 fail.
320utter_referenced(pce_xref:defined(_,_,_), _, _, _, _) :-
321 !,
322 fail.
323utter_referenced(pce_xref:called(_,_,_), _, _, _, _) :-
324 !,
325 fail.
326utter_referenced(pce_principal:send_implementation(_, _, _),
327 _, Ref, Text, Explanation) :-
328 current_prolog_flag(xpce, true),
329 !,
330 xpce_method_id(Ref, Id),
331 utter(Explanation, '~t~8|~w from ~w', [Text, Id]).
332utter_referenced(pce_principal:get_implementation(Id, _, _, _),
333 _, Ref, Text, Explanation) :-
334 current_prolog_flag(xpce, true),
335 !,
336 xpce_method_id(Ref, Id),
337 utter(Explanation, '~t~8|~w from ~w', [Text, Id]).
338utter_referenced(Module:Head, N, _Ref, Text, Explanation) :-
339 functor(Head, Name, Arity),
340 utter(Explanation,
341 '~t~8|~w from ~d-th clause of ~w:~w/~d',
342 [Text, N, Module, Name, Arity]).
344xpce_method_id(Ref, Id) :-
345 clause(Head, _Body, Ref),
346 strip_module(Head, _, H),
347 arg(1, H, Id).
351 354
355utter(Explanation, Fmt, Args) :-
356 format(string(Explanation), Fmt, Args)