1/* Part of SWI-Prolog 2 3 Author: Jan Wielemaker 4 E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl 5 WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org 6 Copyright (c) 1998-2015, University of Amsterdam 7 VU University Amsterdam 8 All rights reserved. 9 10 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 11 modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 12 are met: 13 14 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 15 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 16 17 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 18 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in 19 the documentation and/or other materials provided with the 20 distribution. 21 22 THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS 23 "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT 24 LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS 25 FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE 26 COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, 27 INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, 28 BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; 29 LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER 30 CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT 31 LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN 32 ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE 33 POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 34*/ 35 36:- module(prolog_edit, 37 [ edit/1, % +Spec 38 edit/0 39 ]). 40:- use_module(library(lists), [append/3, member/2, nth1/3]). 41:- use_module(library(make), [make/0]). 42:- set_prolog_flag(generate_debug_info, false).
52:- multifile 53 locate/3, % +Partial, -FullSpec, -Location 54 locate/2, % +FullSpec, -Location 55 select_location/3, % +Pairs, +Spec, -Location 56 edit_source/1, % +Location 57 edit_command/2, % +Editor, -Command 58 load/0. % provides load-hooks
64edit(Spec) :- 65 notrace(edit_no_trace(Spec)). 66 67edit_no_trace(Spec) :- 68 var(Spec), 69 !, 70 throw(error(instantiation_error, _)). 71edit_no_trace(Spec) :- 72 load_extensions, 73 findall(Location-FullSpec, 74 locate(Spec, FullSpec, Location), 75 Pairs0), 76 merge_locations(Pairs0, Pairs), 77 do_select_location(Pairs, Spec, Location), 78 do_edit_source(Location).
% swipl [-s] file.pl
89edit :- 90 current_prolog_flag(associated_file, File), 91 !, 92 edit(file(File)). 93edit :- 94 '$cmd_option_val'(script_file, OsFiles), 95 OsFiles = [OsFile], 96 !, 97 prolog_to_os_filename(File, OsFile), 98 edit(file(File)). 99edit :- 100 throw(error(context_error(edit, no_default_file), _)). 101 102 103 /******************************* 104 * LOCATE * 105 *******************************/
109locate(FileSpec:Line, file(Path, line(Line)), [file(Path), line(Line)]) :- 110 integer(Line), Line >= 1, 111 ground(FileSpec), % so specific; do not try alts 112 !, 113 locate(FileSpec, _, [file(Path)]). 114locate(FileSpec:Line:LinePos, 115 file(Path, line(Line), linepos(LinePos)), 116 [file(Path), line(Line), linepos(LinePos)]) :- 117 integer(Line), Line >= 1, 118 integer(LinePos), LinePos >= 1, 119 ground(FileSpec), % so specific; do not try alts 120 !, 121 locate(FileSpec, _, [file(Path)]). 122locate(Path, file(Path), [file(Path)]) :- 123 atom(Path), 124 exists_file(Path), 125 \+ exists_directory(Path). 126locate(Pattern, file(Path), [file(Path)]) :- 127 atom(Pattern), 128 catch(expand_file_name(Pattern, Files), _, fail), 129 member(Path, Files), 130 exists_file(Path), 131 \+ exists_directory(Path). 132locate(FileBase, file(File), [file(File)]) :- 133 atom(FileBase), 134 absolute_file_name(FileBase, 135 [ file_type(prolog), 136 access(read), 137 file_errors(fail) 138 ], 139 File), 140 \+ exists_directory(File). 141locate(FileSpec, file(File), [file(File)]) :- 142 catch(absolute_file_name(FileSpec, 143 [ file_type(prolog), 144 access(read), 145 file_errors(fail) 146 ], 147 File), 148 _, fail). 149locate(FileBase, source_file(Path), [file(Path)]) :- 150 atom(FileBase), 151 source_file(Path), 152 file_base_name(Path, File), 153 ( File == FileBase 154 -> true 155 ; file_name_extension(FileBase, _, File) 156 ). 157locate(FileBase, include_file(Path), [file(Path)]) :- 158 atom(FileBase), 159 setof(Path, include_file(Path), Paths), 160 member(Path, Paths), 161 file_base_name(Path, File), 162 ( File == FileBase 163 -> true 164 ; file_name_extension(FileBase, _, File) 165 ). 166locate(Name, FullSpec, Location) :- 167 atom(Name), 168 locate(Name/_, FullSpec, Location). 169locate(Name/Arity, Module:Name/Arity, Location) :- 170 locate(Module:Name/Arity, Location). 171locate(Name//DCGArity, FullSpec, Location) :- 172 ( integer(DCGArity) 173 -> Arity is DCGArity+2, 174 locate(Name/Arity, FullSpec, Location) 175 ; locate(Name/_, FullSpec, Location) % demand arity >= 2 176 ). 177locate(Name/Arity, library(File), [file(PlPath)]) :- 178 atom(Name), 179 '$in_library'(Name, Arity, Path), 180 ( absolute_file_name(library(.), 181 [ file_type(directory), 182 solutions(all) 183 ], 184 Dir), 185 atom_concat(Dir, File0, Path), 186 atom_concat(/, File, File0) 187 -> absolute_file_name(Path, 188 [ file_type(prolog), 189 access(read), 190 file_errors(fail) 191 ], 192 PlPath) 193 ; fail 194 ). 195locate(Module:Name, Module:Name/Arity, Location) :- 196 locate(Module:Name/Arity, Location). 197locate(Module:Head, Module:Name/Arity, Location) :- 198 callable(Head), 199 \+ ( Head = (PName/_), 200 atom(PName) 201 ), 202 functor(Head, Name, Arity), 203 locate(Module:Name/Arity, Location). 204locate(Spec, module(Spec), Location) :- 205 locate(module(Spec), Location). 206locate(Spec, Spec, Location) :- 207 locate(Spec, Location). 208 209include_file(Path) :- 210 source_file_property(Path, included_in(_,_)).
217locate(file(File, line(Line)), [file(File), line(Line)]). 218locate(file(File), [file(File)]). 219locate(Module:Name/Arity, [file(File), line(Line)]) :- 220 ( atom(Name), integer(Arity) 221 -> functor(Head, Name, Arity) 222 ; Head = _ % leave unbound 223 ), 224 ( ( var(Module) 225 ; var(Name) 226 ) 227 -> NonImport = true 228 ; NonImport = false 229 ), 230 current_predicate(Name, Module:Head), 231 \+ ( NonImport == true, 232 Module \== system, 233 predicate_property(Module:Head, imported_from(_)) 234 ), 235 functor(Head, Name, Arity), % bind arity 236 predicate_property(Module:Head, file(File)), 237 predicate_property(Module:Head, line_count(Line)). 238locate(module(Module), [file(Path)|Rest]) :- 239 atom(Module), 240 module_property(Module, file(Path)), 241 ( module_property(Module, line_count(Line)) 242 -> Rest = [line(Line)] 243 ; Rest = [] 244 ). 245locate(breakpoint(Id), Location) :- 246 integer(Id), 247 breakpoint_property(Id, clause(Ref)), 248 ( breakpoint_property(Id, file(File)), 249 breakpoint_property(Id, line_count(Line)) 250 -> Location = [file(File),line(Line)] 251 ; locate(clause(Ref), Location) 252 ). 253locate(clause(Ref), [file(File), line(Line)]) :- 254 clause_property(Ref, file(File)), 255 clause_property(Ref, line_count(Line)). 256locate(clause(Ref, _PC), [file(File), line(Line)]) :- % TBD: use clause 257 clause_property(Ref, file(File)), 258 clause_property(Ref, line_count(Line)). 259 260 261 /******************************* 262 * EDIT * 263 *******************************/
and may contain line(Line)
. First the
multifile hook edit_source/1 is called. If this fails the system
checks for XPCE and the prolog-flag editor. If the latter is
built_in or pce_emacs, it will start PceEmacs.
Finally, it will get the editor to use from the prolog-flag editor and use edit_command/2 to determine how this editor should be called.
277do_edit_source(Location) :- % hook 278 edit_source(Location), 279 !. 280do_edit_source(Location) :- % PceEmacs 281 current_prolog_flag(editor, Editor), 282 pceemacs(Editor), 283 current_prolog_flag(gui, true), 284 !, 285 memberchk(file(File), Location), 286 ( memberchk(line(Line), Location) 287 -> ( memberchk(linepos(LinePos), Location) 288 -> Pos = (File:Line:LinePos) 289 ; Pos = (File:Line) 290 ) 291 ; Pos = File 292 ), 293 in_pce_thread(emacs(Pos)). 294do_edit_source(Location) :- % External editor 295 external_edit_command(Location, Command), 296 print_message(informational, edit(waiting_for_editor)), 297 ( catch(shell(Command), E, 298 (print_message(warning, E), 299 fail)) 300 -> print_message(informational, edit(make)), 301 make 302 ; print_message(informational, edit(canceled)) 303 ). 304 305external_edit_command(Location, Command) :- 306 memberchk(file(File), Location), 307 memberchk(line(Line), Location), 308 editor(Editor), 309 file_base_name(Editor, EditorFile), 310 file_name_extension(Base, _, EditorFile), 311 edit_command(Base, Cmd), 312 prolog_to_os_filename(File, OsFile), 313 atom_codes(Cmd, S0), 314 substitute('%e', Editor, S0, S1), 315 substitute('%f', OsFile, S1, S2), 316 substitute('%d', Line, S2, S), 317 !, 318 atom_codes(Command, S). 319external_edit_command(Location, Command) :- 320 memberchk(file(File), Location), 321 editor(Editor), 322 file_base_name(Editor, EditorFile), 323 file_name_extension(Base, _, EditorFile), 324 edit_command(Base, Cmd), 325 prolog_to_os_filename(File, OsFile), 326 atom_codes(Cmd, S0), 327 substitute('%e', Editor, S0, S1), 328 substitute('%f', OsFile, S1, S), 329 \+ substitute('%d', 1, S, _), 330 !, 331 atom_codes(Command, S). 332external_edit_command(Location, Command) :- 333 memberchk(file(File), Location), 334 editor(Editor), 335 atomic_list_concat(['"', Editor, '" "', File, '"'], Command). 336 337pceemacs(pce_emacs). 338pceemacs(built_in).
344editor(Editor) :- % $EDITOR 345 current_prolog_flag(editor, Editor), 346 ( sub_atom(Editor, 0, _, _, $) 347 -> sub_atom(Editor, 1, _, 0, Var), 348 catch(getenv(Var, Editor), _, fail), ! 349 ; Editor == default 350 -> catch(getenv('EDITOR', Editor), _, fail), ! 351 ; \+ pceemacs(Editor) 352 -> ! 353 ). 354editor(Editor) :- % User defaults 355 getenv('EDITOR', Editor), 356 !. 357editor(vi) :- % Platform defaults 358 current_prolog_flag(unix, true), 359 !. 360editor(notepad) :- 361 current_prolog_flag(windows, true), 362 !. 363editor(_) :- % No luck 364 throw(error(existence_error(editor), _)).
%e | Path name of the editor |
%f | Path name of the file to be edited |
%d | Line number of the target |
376edit_command(vi, '%e +%d \'%f\''). 377edit_command(vi, '%e \'%f\''). 378edit_command(emacs, '%e +%d \'%f\''). 379edit_command(emacs, '%e \'%f\''). 380edit_command(notepad, '"%e" "%f"'). 381edit_command(wordpad, '"%e" "%f"'). 382edit_command(uedit32, '%e "%f/%d/0"'). % ultraedit (www.ultraedit.com) 383edit_command(jedit, '%e -wait \'%f\' +line:%d'). 384edit_command(jedit, '%e -wait \'%f\''). 385edit_command(edit, '%e %f:%d'). % PceEmacs client script 386edit_command(edit, '%e %f'). 387 388edit_command(emacsclient, Command) :- edit_command(emacs, Command). 389edit_command(vim, Command) :- edit_command(vi, Command). 390 391substitute(FromAtom, ToAtom, Old, New) :- 392 atom_codes(FromAtom, From), 393 ( atom(ToAtom) 394 -> atom_codes(ToAtom, To) 395 ; number_codes(ToAtom, To) 396 ), 397 append(Pre, S0, Old), 398 append(From, Post, S0) -> 399 append(Pre, To, S1), 400 append(S1, Post, New), 401 !. 402substitute(_, _, Old, Old). 403 404 405 /******************************* 406 * SELECT * 407 *******************************/ 408 409merge_locations(Pairs0, Pairs) :- 410 keysort(Pairs0, Pairs1), 411 merge_locations2(Pairs1, Pairs). 412 413merge_locations2([], []). 414merge_locations2([H0|T0], [H|T]) :- 415 remove_same_location(H0, H, T0, T1), 416 merge_locations2(T1, T). 417 418remove_same_location(Pair0, H, [Pair1|T0], L) :- 419 merge_locations(Pair0, Pair1, Pair2), 420 !, 421 remove_same_location(Pair2, H, T0, L). 422remove_same_location(H, H, L, L). 423 424merge_locations(Loc1-Spec1, Loc2-Spec2, Loc-Spec) :- 425 same_location(Loc1, Loc2, Loc), 426 !, 427 ( merge_specs(Spec1, Spec2, Spec) 428 ; merge_specs(Spec2, Spec1, Spec) 429 ; Spec = Spec1 430 ), 431 !. 432merge_locations([file(X)]-_, Loc-Spec, Loc-Spec) :- 433 memberchk(file(X), Loc), 434 memberchk(line(_), Loc). 435 436same_location(L, L, L). 437same_location([file(F1)], [file(F2)], [file(F)]) :- 438 best_same_file(F1, F2, F). 439same_location([file(F1),line(L)], [file(F2)], [file(F),line(L)]) :- 440 best_same_file(F1, F2, F). 441same_location([file(F1)], [file(F2),line(L)], [file(F),line(L)]) :- 442 best_same_file(F1, F2, F). 443 444best_same_file(F1, F2, F) :- 445 catch(same_file(F1, F2), _, fail), 446 !, 447 atom_length(F1, L1), 448 atom_length(F2, L2), 449 ( L1 < L2 450 -> F = F1 451 ; F = F2 452 ). 453 454merge_specs(source_file(Path), _, source_file(Path)).
458do_select_location(Pairs, Spec, Location) :- 459 select_location(Pairs, Spec, Location), % HOOK 460 !, 461 Location \== []. 462do_select_location([], Spec, _) :- 463 !, 464 print_message(warning, edit(not_found(Spec))), 465 fail. 466do_select_location([Location-_Spec], _, Location) :- !. 467do_select_location(Pairs, _, Location) :- 468 print_message(help, edit(select)), 469 list_pairs(Pairs, 0, N), 470 print_message(help, edit(prompt_select)), 471 read_number(N, I), 472 nth1(I, Pairs, Location-_Spec), 473 !. 474 475list_pairs([], N, N). 476list_pairs([H|T], N0, N) :- 477 NN is N0 + 1, 478 list_pair(H, NN), 479 list_pairs(T, NN, N). 480 481list_pair(Pair, N) :- 482 print_message(help, edit(target(Pair, N))). 483 484 485read_number(Max, X) :- 486 Max < 10, 487 !, 488 get_single_char(C), 489 between(0'0, 0'9, C), 490 X is C - 0'0. 491read_number(_, X) :- 492 read_line(Chars), 493 name(X, Chars), 494 integer(X). 495 496read_line(Chars) :- 497 get0(user_input, C0), 498 read_line(C0, Chars). 499 500read_line(10, []) :- !. 501read_line(-1, []) :- !. 502read_line(C, [C|T]) :- 503 get0(user_input, C1), 504 read_line(C1, T). 505 506 507 /******************************* 508 * MESSAGES * 509 *******************************/ 510 511:- multifile 512 prolog:message/3. 513 514prologmessage(edit(not_found(Spec))) --> 515 [ 'Cannot find anything to edit from "~p"'-[Spec] ], 516 ( { atom(Spec) } 517 -> [ nl, ' Use edit(file(~q)) to create a new file'-[Spec] ] 518 ; [] 519 ). 520prologmessage(edit(select)) --> 521 [ 'Please select item to edit:', nl, nl ]. 522prologmessage(edit(prompt_select)) --> 523 [ nl, 'Your choice? ', flush ]. 524prologmessage(edit(target(Location-Spec, N))) --> 525 [ '~t~d~3| '-[N]], 526 edit_specifier(Spec), 527 [ '~t~32|' ], 528 edit_location(Location). 529prologmessage(edit(waiting_for_editor)) --> 530 [ 'Waiting for editor ... ', flush ]. 531prologmessage(edit(make)) --> 532 [ 'Running make to reload modified files' ]. 533prologmessage(edit(canceled)) --> 534 [ 'Editor returned failure; skipped make/0 to reload files' ]. 535 536edit_specifier(Module:Name/Arity) --> 537 !, 538 [ '~w:~w/~w'-[Module, Name, Arity] ]. 539edit_specifier(file(_Path)) --> 540 !, 541 [ '<file>' ]. 542edit_specifier(source_file(_Path)) --> 543 !, 544 [ '<loaded file>' ]. 545edit_specifier(include_file(_Path)) --> 546 !, 547 [ '<included file>' ]. 548edit_specifier(Term) --> 549 [ '~p'-[Term] ]. 550 551edit_location(Location) --> 552 { memberchk(file(File), Location), 553 memberchk(line(Line), Location), 554 short_filename(File, Spec) 555 }, 556 !, 557 [ '~q:~d'-[Spec, Line] ]. 558edit_location(Location) --> 559 { memberchk(file(File), Location), 560 short_filename(File, Spec) 561 }, 562 !, 563 [ '~q'-[Spec] ]. 564 565short_filename(Path, Spec) :- 566 absolute_file_name('', Here), 567 atom_concat(Here, Local0, Path), 568 !, 569 remove_leading_slash(Local0, Spec). 570short_filename(Path, Spec) :- 571 findall(LenAlias, aliased_path(Path, LenAlias), Keyed), 572 keysort(Keyed, [_-Spec|_]). 573short_filename(Path, Path). 574 575aliased_path(Path, Len-Spec) :- 576 setof(Alias, file_alias_path(Alias), Aliases), 577 member(Alias, Aliases), 578 Alias \== autoload, % confusing and covered by something else 579 Term =.. [Alias, '.'], 580 absolute_file_name(Term, 581 [ file_type(directory), 582 file_errors(fail), 583 solutions(all) 584 ], Prefix), 585 atom_concat(Prefix, Local0, Path), 586 remove_leading_slash(Local0, Local), 587 atom_length(Local, Len), 588 Spec =.. [Alias, Local]. 589 590file_alias_path(Alias) :- 591 user:file_search_path(Alias, _). 592 593remove_leading_slash(Path, Local) :- 594 atom_concat(/, Local, Path), 595 !. 596remove_leading_slash(Path, Path). 597 598 599 /******************************* 600 * LOAD EXTENSIONS * 601 *******************************/ 602 603load_extensions :- 604 load, 605 fail. 606load_extensions. 607 608:- load_extensions.
Editor interface
This module implements the generic editor interface. It consists of two extensible parts with little in between. The first part deals with translating the input into source-location, and the second with starting an editor. */