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    1/*  Part of ClioPatria SeRQL and SPARQL server
    3    Author:        Jan Wielemaker
    4    E-mail:
    5    WWW: 
    6    Copyright (C): 2007-2015, University of Amsterdam,
    7			      VU University Amsterdam
    9    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   10    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
   11    as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
   12    of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   14    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   15    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   17    GNU General Public License for more details.
   19    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
   20    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
   21    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
   23    As a special exception, if you link this library with other files,
   24    compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this
   25    library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered
   26    by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
   27    invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
   28    the GNU General Public License.
   31:- module(rdf_graphviz,
   32	  [ gviz_write_rdf/3		% +Stream, +Triples, +Options
   33	  ]).   34:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)).   35:- use_module(library(semweb/rdfs)).   36:- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)).   37:- use_module(library(http/http_path)).   38:- use_module(library(http/html_write)).   39:- use_module(library(http/url_cache)).   40:- use_module(library(assoc)).   41:- use_module(library(option)).   42:- use_module(library(gensym)).   43:- use_module(library(lists)).   44:- use_module(library(apply)).   45:- use_module(library(ugraphs)).   46:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_label)).   47
   48:- rdf_register_ns(graphviz, '').

Interface to graphviz for RDF graphs

Graphviz is a general purpose graph vizualization library. Its home-page is This module translates an RDF graph represented as a list of rdf(S,P,O) into a .dot file.

- Jan Wielemaker */
 gviz_write_rdf(+Stream, +Graph, +Options) is det
Write the graph Triples to Stream in dot compatible format. Options:
Additional overall graphs attributes for dot. Each attribute is of the format Name(Value) and written as Name="Value". The term size(W,H) is accepted as well.
Truncate labels to Len characters. Default is 25. Use inf to print the full label.
Lang is the language used for the labels. See resource_label/4.
Smash networks connected by one of the given properties. Currently only [owl:sameAs].
How to handle bags. Values are
Show as normal nodes (i.e. handles as normal RDF)
merge(Shape, Max)
Put the members in a dot node using Shape. Only place the first Max members and add a note stating '... showing N of M' to indicate the actual number
If false (default true) do not put href atributes on edges.
If present, URLs of the graph are replaced with the result of call(Goal, URL0, URL)
Called to define the shape of a resource as call(Goal, URI, Shape). Shape is a list of Name(Value) terms. See shape/3.
Called to define the shape parameters for a bag (Table). called as call(Goal, Members, Shape) Shape is a list of Name(Value) terms.
Called to define the label of a resource as call(Goal, URI, Language, MaxLength, Label). Label is an atom.
If present, add target=Target to all attribute lists that have an href attribute.
Display the language of literal nodes, defaults to true.
  123:- meta_predicate gviz_write_rdf(+,+,:).  124:- rdf_meta gviz_write_rdf(+,t,t).  125
  126gviz_write_rdf(Stream, Graph0, Options0) :-
  127	exclude(exclude_triple, Graph0, Graph1),
  128	meta_options(is_meta, Options0, Options),
  129	format(Stream, 'digraph G~n{ ', []),
  130	option(graph_attributes(Attrs), Options, []),
  131	write_graph_attributes(Attrs, Stream),
  132	smash_graph(Graph1, Graph2, Options),
  133	combine_bags(Graph2, Triples, Bags, Options),
  134	gv_write_edges(Triples, Done, Stream, Options),
  135	assoc_to_list(Done, Nodes),
  136	gv_write_nodes(Nodes, Stream, [bag_assoc(Bags)|Options]),
  137	format(Stream, '~n}~n', []).
 write_graph_attributes(+List, +Out)
Write attributes for the graph as a whole
  148write_graph_attributes([], _).
  149write_graph_attributes([H|T], Out) :-
  150	write_graph_attribute(H, Out),
  151	write_graph_attributes(T, Out).
  153write_graph_attribute(size(W,H), Out) :- !,
  154	format(Out, '  size="~w,~w";~n', [W, H]).
  155write_graph_attribute(AttVal, Out) :-
  156	AttVal =.. [Name, Value],
  157	format(Out, '  ~w="~w";~n', [Name, Value]).
 combine_bags(+Graph, -Triples, -Bags, +Options) is det
Seperate the bags from the graph. Triples represent the remaining graph (in which a bag is a single node) and Bags is an assoc BagID-Members storing the members of the bags.
  166combine_bags(Graph, Graph, Bags, Options) :-
  167	option(bags(graph), Options), !,
  168	empty_assoc(Bags).
  169combine_bags(Graph, Triples, Bags, _Options) :-
  170	empty_assoc(Bags0),
  171	find_bags(Graph, Graph1, Bags0, Bags1),
  172	collect_bags(Graph1, Triples, Bags1, Bags).
  174:- rdf_meta find_bags(t, -, +, -).  175
  176find_bags([], [], Bags, Bags).
  177find_bags([rdf(S,rdf:type,rdf:'Bag')|Graph], Triples, Bags0, Bags) :- !,
  178	put_assoc(S, Bags0, [], Bags1),
  179	find_bags(Graph, Triples, Bags1, Bags).
  180find_bags([H|T0], [H|T], Bags0, Bags) :-
  181	find_bags(T0, T, Bags0, Bags).
  183collect_bags([], [], Bags, Bags).
  184collect_bags([rdf(S,P,O)|Graph], Triples, Bags0, Bags) :-
  185	bagid_property(P, _),
  186	get_assoc(S, Bags0, L, Bags1, [O|L]), !,
  187	collect_bags(Graph, Triples, Bags1, Bags).
  188collect_bags([H|T0], [H|T], Bags0, Bags) :-
  189	collect_bags(T0, T, Bags0, Bags).
 bagid_property(+P, -I) is semidet
True if P is of the format _:N, where N is a non-negative integer.
  197bagid_property(P, I) :-
  198	atom(P), !,
  199	string_concat('_:', N, P),
  200	number_string(I, N),
  201	integer(I), I >= 0.
  202bagid_property(P, I) :-
  203	atom_concat('_:', I, P).
 smash_graph(+GraphIn, -GraphOut, +Options)
Smash networks of equivalent properties.
  209smash_graph(GraphIn, GraphOut, Options) :-
  210	option(smash(Props), Options, []), !,
  211	smash_graph_(Props, GraphIn, GraphOut).
  213smash_graph_([], Graph, Graph).
  214smash_graph_([H|T], Graph0, Graph) :-
  215	smash_on_property(H, Graph0, Graph1),
  216	smash_graph_(T, Graph1, Graph).
 smash_on_property(+P, +GraphIn, -GraphOut)
Merge owl:sameAs nodes, replacing the node with a bag.
  222smash_on_property(P, GraphIn, GraphOut) :-
  223	smash_edges(GraphIn, P, Edges, Rest),
  224	vertices_edges_to_ugraph([], Edges, Graph),
  225	partition_ugraph(Graph, VerticeSets),
  226	make_eq_bags(VerticeSets, VerticeBags, MapAssoc),
  227	maplist(smash_triple(MapAssoc), Rest, Mapped),
  228	append(Mapped, VerticeBags, GraphOut).
  230smash_edges([], _, [], []).
  231smash_edges([rdf(S,P,O)|T0], P, [S-O,O-S|T], Rest) :- !,
  232	smash_edges(T0, P, T, Rest).
  233smash_edges([H|T0], P, Edges, [H|T]) :-
  234	smash_edges(T0, P, Edges, T).
  236partition_ugraph([], []) :- !.
  237partition_ugraph(G0, [Vs0|Vs]) :-
  238	G0 = [V-_|_],
  239	reachable(V, G0, Vs0),
  240	del_vertices(G0, Vs0, G1),
  241	partition_ugraph(G1, Vs).
  243make_eq_bags(Vertices, Bags, MapAssoc) :-
  244	make_eq_bags(Vertices, 1, Bags, Mapping),
  245	list_to_assoc(Mapping, MapAssoc).
  247:- rdf_meta make_eq_bags(+, +, t, -).  248
  249make_eq_bags([], _, [], []).
  250make_eq_bags([Vs|T0], I, [rdf(BagId, rdf:type, rdf:'Bag')|Bags], Mapping) :-
  251	atom_concat('_:sameAs', I, BagId),
  252	make_eq_bag(Vs, 1, BagId, Bags, BagsT),
  253	make_mapping(Vs, BagId, Mapping, MappingT),
  254	I2 is I + 1,
  255	make_eq_bags(T0, I2, BagsT, MappingT).
  257make_eq_bag([], _, _, Triples, Triples).
  258make_eq_bag([H|T], I, BagId, [rdf(BagId, P, H)|Triples0], Triples) :-
  259	bagid_property(P, I),
  260	I2 is I + 1,
  261	make_eq_bag(T, I2, BagId, Triples0, Triples).
  263make_mapping([], _, Mapping, Mapping).
  264make_mapping([H|T], BagId, [H-BagId|Mapping0], Mapping) :-
  265	make_mapping(T, BagId, Mapping0, Mapping).
  267smash_triple(Mapping, rdf(S0,P,O0), rdf(S,P,O)) :-
  268	smash(Mapping, S0, S),
  269	smash(Mapping, O0, O).
  271smash(Assoc, R0, R) :-
  272	get_assoc(R0, Assoc, R), !.
  273smash(_, R, R).
 gv_write_edges(+Graph, -Done, +Stream, +Options) is det
Write the edges of an RDF graph in dot format. It invents a dot identifier for each node as it processes the nodes. The mapping from node to dot identifier is returned in the assoc Done.
  283gv_write_edges(Graph, Done, Stream, Options) :-
  284	empty_assoc(Done0),
  285	gv_write_edges(Graph, Done0, Done, Stream, Options).
  287gv_write_edges([], Done, Done, _, _).
  288gv_write_edges([Triple|T], Done0, Done, Stream, Options) :-
  289	write_edge(Triple, Done0, Done1, Stream, Options),
  290	gv_write_edges(T, Done1, Done, Stream, Options).
  292write_edge(rdf(S,P,O), Done0, Done2, Stream, Options) :-
  293	format(Stream, '  ', []),
  294	write_node_id(S, Done0, Done1, Stream),
  295	write(Stream, ' -> '),
  296	write_node_id(O, Done1, Done2, Stream),
  297	resource_label(P, Label, Options),
  298	(   option(edge_links(true), Options, true)
  299	->  wrap_url(P, URL, Options),
  300	    target_option([href(URL), label(Label)], Attrs, Options),
  301	    write_attributes(Attrs, Stream)
  302	;   write_attributes([label(Label)], Stream)
  303	),
  304	nl(Stream).
  306write_node_id(S, Done, Done, Stream) :-
  307	get_assoc(S, Done, Id), !,
  308	write(Stream, Id).
  309write_node_id(S, Done0, Done, Stream) :-
  310	gensym(n, Id),
  311	put_assoc(S, Done0, Id, Done),
  312	write(Stream, Id).
 gv_write_nodes(+Nodes:list(pair), +Stream, +Options)
Write information about the nodes, defining the share and label of the node.
  319gv_write_nodes([], _, _).
  320gv_write_nodes([RDF-ID|T], Stream, Options) :-
  321	format(Stream, '~w ', [ID]),
  322	write_node_attributes(RDF, Stream, Options),
  323	write(Stream, ';\n  '),
  324	gv_write_nodes(T, Stream, Options).
 write_node_attributes(+RDF, +Stream, +Options) is det
Write attributes for an RDF node. The node identifier matching the declared edges is alreadu written to Stream.
  331write_node_attributes(R, Stream, Options) :-
  332	rdf_is_resource(R),
  333	option(bag_assoc(Bags), Options),
  334	get_assoc(R, Bags, Members), !,
  335	Members = [First|_],
  336	shape(First, MemberShape0, Options),
  337	bag_shape(Members, BagShape0, Options),
  338	exclude(no_bag_option, MemberShape0, MemberShape),
  339	option(bags(merge(BagShape1, Max0)), Options,
  340	       merge([ shape(box),
  341		       style('rounded,filled,bold'),
  342		       fillcolor('#ffff80')
  343		     ], 5)),
  344	select_option(max(Max), BagShape0, BagShape2, Max0),
  345	partition(label_option, BagShape2, LabelOptions0, BagShape2a),
  346	merge_options(BagShape1, MemberShape, BagShape3),
  347	merge_options(BagShape2a, BagShape3, BagShape),
  348	merge_options(LabelOptions0, Options, LabelOptions),
  349	bag_label(Members, Max, Label, LabelOptions),
  350	write_attributes([html(Label)|BagShape], Stream).
  351write_node_attributes(R, Stream, Options) :-
  352	rdf_is_resource(R), !,
  353	shape(R, Shape, Options),
  354	wrap_url(R, URL, Options),
  355	resource_label(R, Label, Options),
  356	target_option([href(URL), label(Label)|Shape], Attrs, Options),
  357	(   select(img(IMGOptions), Attrs, RAttrs),
  358	    catch(write_image_node(IMGOptions, RAttrs, Stream, Options),
  359		  error(existence_error(url,URL2),Context),
  360		  ( print_message(warning,
  361				  error(existence_error(url,URL2),Context)),
  362		    fail))
  363	->  true
  364	;   delete(Attrs, img(_), RAttrs),
  365	    write_attributes(RAttrs, Stream)
  366	).
  367write_node_attributes(Lit, Stream, Options) :-
  368	shape(Lit, Shape, Options),
  369	option(max_label_length(MaxLen), Options, 25),
  370	literal_text(Lit, Text),
  371	truncate_atom(Text, MaxLen, Summary0),
  372	(   ( option(display_lang(true), Options, true),
  373	      Lit = literal(lang(Lang, _)))
  374	->  atomic_list_concat([Summary0, '@', Lang], Summary)
  375	;   Summary = Summary0
  376	),
  377	write_attributes([label(Summary)|Shape], Stream).
  379target_option(Attrs0, Attrs, Options) :-
  380	option(target(Target), Options), !,
  381	Attrs = [target(Target)|Attrs0].
  382target_option(Attrs, Attrs, _).
 bag_label(+Members, +Max, -Label, +Options) is det
Create an HTML description for describing a bag of objects.
Max- is the maximum # members to show. If there are more, a text "... showing N of M" is displayed.
Label- is a Prolog packed string with HTML text.
  402bag_label(Members, Max, Label, Options) :-
  403	length(Members, Len),
  404	phrase(html(table([ border(0) ],
  405			  \html_bag_label(Members, 1, Max, Len, Options))),
  406	       Tokens),
  407	with_output_to(string(Label), print_html(Tokens)).
  409html_bag_label([], _, _, _, _) --> !.
  410html_bag_label(_, I, Max, Len, _Options) -->
  411	{ I > Max }, !,
  412	html(tr(td([align(right), cellpadding(5)],
  413		   font(face('Helvetica:style=Italic'), '... showing ~D of ~D'-[Max, Len])))).
  414html_bag_label([H|T], I, Max, Len, Options) -->
  415	{ (   atom(H)
  416	  ->  wrap_url(H, URL, Options),
  417	      target_option([href(URL)], Atts, Options)
  418	  ;   Atts=[]
  419	  )
  420	},
  421	html(tr(td([align(left)|Atts], \html_resource_label(H, Options)))),
  422	{ I2 is I + 1 },
  423	html_bag_label(T, I2, Max, Len, Options).
  425html_resource_label(Resource, Options) -->
  426	{ resource_label(Resource, Label, Options)
  427	},
  428	html(Label).
 write_image_node(+ImgAttrs, +Attrs, +Stream, +Options) is det
Render a node using an image. The image location is either an external URL or a local file specification using the notation icons(File), a term that must resolve in an image file using absolute_file_name/3. In the default setup, this means that the image must be in the directory web/icons of a package.
  438write_image_node(ImgAttrs, Attrs, Stream, _Options) :-
  439	selectchk(src(Src), ImgAttrs, ImgAttrs1),
  440	(   Src = icons(_)
  441	->  absolute_file_name(Src, AbsFile, [access(read)]),
  442	    working_directory(CWD, CWD),
  443	    relative_file_name(AbsFile, CWD, File)
  444	;   url_cache(Src, File, _MimeType)
  445	),
  446	filter_attributes(Attrs, td, TDAttrs, _Attrs1),
  447	html_current_option(dialect(Dialect)),
  448	html_set_options([dialect(xhtml)]),
  449	label_row(Attrs, Extra),
  450	option(border(Border), Attrs),
  451	phrase(html(table(border(Border),
  452			  [ tr(td(TDAttrs, img([src(File)|ImgAttrs1], [])))
  453			  | Extra
  454			  ])),
  455	       Tokens),
  456	html_set_options([dialect(Dialect)]),
  457	with_output_to(string(HTML), print_html(Tokens)),
  458	write_attributes([html(HTML),shape(plaintext)], Stream).
  460label_row(Attrs, Extra) :-
  461	option(label(Label), Attrs), !,
  462	Extra = [tr(td([align(center)], Label))].
  463label_row(_, []).
 resource_label(+Resource, -Label:atom, +Options) is det
Label is the textual label to show for Resource. Process the options
  474resource_label(Resource, Label, Options) :-
  475	option(label_hook(Hook), Options),
  476	option(lang(Lang), Options, _),
  477	option(max_label_length(MaxLen), Options, 25),
  478	call(Hook, Resource, Lang, MaxLen, Label), !.
  479resource_label(Resource, Label, Options) :-
  480	option(lang(Lang), Options, _),
  481	rdf_display_label(Resource, Lang, Text),
  482	option(max_label_length(MaxLen), Options, 25),
  483	truncate_atom(Text, MaxLen, Label).
 write_attributes(+Attributes:list, +Out:stream) is det
Write attribute values. We define some special attributes:
Emit as label=<HTML>
  494write_attributes([], Out) :- !,
  495	format(Out, ' []').
  496write_attributes(List, Out) :- !,
  497	format(Out, ' [', []),
  498	write_attributes_2(List, Out),
  499	format(Out, ']', []).
  501write_attributes_2([], _).
  502write_attributes_2([H|T], Out) :-
  503	(   string_attribute(H)
  504	->  H =.. [Att, Value],
  505	    c_escape(Value, String),
  506	    format(Out, ' ~w="~s"', [Att, String])
  507	;   html_attribute(H, Att)
  508	->  arg(1, H, Value),
  509	    format(Out, ' ~w=<~s>', [Att, Value])
  510	;   H =.. [Name, Value],
  511	    format(Out, ' ~w=~w', [Name, Value])
  512	),
  513	write_attributes_2(T, Out).
  524html_attribute(html(_), label).
  527c_escape(Atom, String) :-
  528	atom_codes(Atom, Codes),
  529	phrase(cstring(Codes), String).
 filter_attributes(+AllAttrs, +Element, -ForElement, -Rest) is det
  534filter_attributes([], _, [], []).
  535filter_attributes([H|T], E, ForE, Rest) :-
  536	(   H =.. [Name,Value],
  537	    gv_attr(Name, E, Type),
  538	    is_of_type(Type, Value)
  539	->  ForE = [H|R],
  540	    filter_attributes(T, E, R, Rest)
  541	;   Rest = [H|R],
  542	    filter_attributes(T, E, ForE, R)
  543	).
 gv_attr(?AttrName, ?Element, ?Type) is nondet
Name and type-declarations for GraphViz attributes. Types are defined my must_be/2.
See also
  552gv_attr(align,	      table, oneof([center,left,right])).
  553gv_attr(bgcolor,      table, atom).
  554gv_attr(border,	      table, atom).
  555gv_attr(cellborder,   table, atom).
  556gv_attr(cellpadding,  table, atom).
  557gv_attr(cellspacing,  table, atom).
  558gv_attr(color,	      table, atom).
  559gv_attr(fixedsize,    table, boolean).
  560gv_attr(height,	      table, atom).
  561gv_attr(href,	      table, atom).
  562gv_attr(port,	      table, atom).
  563gv_attr(target,	      table, atom).
  564gv_attr(title,	      table, atom).
  565gv_attr(tooltip,      table, atom).
  566gv_attr(valign,	      table, oneof([middle,bottom,top])).
  567gv_attr(width,	      table, atom).
  569gv_attr(align,	      td,    oneof([center,left,right,text])).
  570gv_attr(balign,	      td,    oneof([center,left,right])).
  571gv_attr(bgcolor,      td,    atom).
  572gv_attr(border,	      td,    atom).
  573gv_attr(cellpadding,  td,    atom).
  574gv_attr(cellspacing,  td,    atom).
  575gv_attr(color,	      td,    atom).
  576gv_attr(colspan,      td,    integer).
  577gv_attr(fixedsize,    td,    boolean).
  578gv_attr(height,	      td,    atom).
  579gv_attr(href,	      td,    atom).
  580gv_attr(port,	      td,    atom).
  581gv_attr(rowspan,      td,    integer).
  582gv_attr(target,	      td,    atom).
  583gv_attr(title,	      td,    atom).
  584gv_attr(tooltip,      td,    atom).
  585gv_attr(valign,	      td,    oneof([middle,bottom,top])).
  586gv_attr(width,	      td,    atom).
  588gv_attr(color,	      font,  atom).
  589gv_attr(face,	      font,  atom).
  590gv_attr('point-size', font,  integer).
  592gv_attr(align,	      br,    oneof([center,left,right])).
  594gv_attr(scale,	      img,   oneof([false,true,width,height,both])).
  595gv_attr(src,	      img,   atom).
Create a C-string. Normally dot appears to be using UTF-8 encoding. Would there be a safer way to transport non-ascii characters, such as \uXXXX?
  604cstring([]) -->
  605	[].
  606cstring([H|T]) -->
  607	(   cchar(H)
  608	->  []
  609	;   [H]
  610	),
  611	cstring(T).
  613cchar(0'") --> "\\\"".
  614cchar(0'\n) --> "\\n".
  615cchar(0'\t) --> "\\t".
  616cchar(0'\b) --> "\\b".
  618wrap_url(URL0, URL, Options) :-
  619	option(wrap_url(Wrap), Options),
  620	call(Wrap, URL0, URL), !.
  621wrap_url(URL, URL, _).
 bag_shape(+Members, -BagShape, +Options) is det
Compute parameters for a bag of resources.
  628bag_shape(Members, Shape, Options) :-
  629	option(bag_shape_hook(Hook), Options),
  630	call(Hook, Members, Shape), !.
  631bag_shape(_, [], _).
 shape(+Resource, -Attributes, +Options) is det
Shape is the shape of the node to use for Resource. Shapes can be modified in two ways:
  645shape(Resource, Shape, Options) :-
  646	option(shape_hook(Hook), Options),
  647	call(Hook, Resource, Shape), !.
  648shape(Resource, Shape, _Options) :-
  649	findall(Style, gv_style(Resource, Style), Shape),
  650	debug(gv, '~p: shape = ~q', [Resource, Shape]).
  652gv_style(R, Style) :-
  653	rdfs_individual_of(R, Class),
  654	gv_class_style(Class, Style).
  656gv_class_style(Class, Style) :-
  657	rdf_has(Class, graphviz:styleParameter, literal(V), P),
  658	rdf_has(P, rdfs:label, literal(A)),
  659	Style =.. [A,V].
  662		 /*******************************
  663		 *	   IMAGE SERVER		*
  664		 *******************************/
  666% These handlers are relative to the handler of send_graph.  Possibly
  667% it would be better to merge that code.
  669:- http_handler(root('graphviz/cache/url/'), cached_image_in_svg, [prefix]).  670:- http_handler(root('graphviz/'),	     local_image_in_svg,  [prefix]).
HTTP handler to serve an image we have included in an SVG file.
To be done
- Should we restrict files served to files that are part of recently served SVG files?
  679cached_image_in_svg(Request) :-
  680	memberchk(path_info(PathInfo), Request),
  681	atom_concat('cache/url/', PathInfo, File),
  682	url_cached(URL, file(File)),
  683	url_cached(URL, mime_type(MimeType)),
  684	http_reply_file(File,
  685			[ mime_type(MimeType),
  686			  unsafe(true)
  687			],
  688			Request).
  690local_image_in_svg(Request) :-
  691	memberchk(path_info(PathInfo), Request),
  692	file_base_name(PathInfo, ImageFile),
  693	http_reply_file(icons(ImageFile), [], Request).
  697		 /*******************************
  699		 *******************************/
  701:- rdf_meta
  702	exclude_triple(r,r,o).  703
  704exclude_triple(rdf(S,P,O)) :-
  705	exclude_triple(S,P,O).
  707exclude_triple(_,rdf:type,C) :-
  708	rdf_has(C, graphviz:hideType, literal(type(xsd:boolean, true)))