/* Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (c) 2011-2013, VU University Amsterdam All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- module(uid, [ getuid/1, % -UID getgid/1, % -GID geteuid/1, % -UID getegid/1, % -GID getgroups/1, % -GIDs user_info/2, % +User, -UserInfo group_info/2, % +Group, -GroupInfo user_data/3, % +Field, +UserInfo, -Value group_data/3, % +Field, +GroupInfo, -Value setuid/1, % +UID setgid/1, % +GID seteuid/1, % +UID setegid/1, % +GID set_user_and_group/1, % +User set_user_and_group/2 % +User, +Group ]). :- use_foreign_library(foreign(uid)). :- if(predicate_property(initgroups(_,_), defined)). :- export(initgroups/2). :- else. initgroups(_,_). :- endif. :- if(predicate_property(setgroups(_), defined)). :- export(setgroups/1). :- endif. /** User and group management on Unix systems This module provides and interface to user and group information on Posix systems. In addition, it allows for changing user and group ids. When changing user and group settings for the calling process, bear in mind that: - Changing user and groups of the calling process requires permission. - The functions setgroups() and initgroups() are not part of the POSIX standard and therefore the derived predicates may not be present. @see Please check the documentation of your OS for details on the semantics of this predicates. */ %! getuid(-UID) is det. % % UID is the real user ID of the calling process. %! getgid(-GID) is det. % % GID is the real group ID of the calling process. %! geteuid(-UID) is det. % % UID is the effective user ID of the calling process. %! getegid(-GID) is det. % % GID is the effective group ID of the calling process. %! getgroups(-GroupsIDs:list(integer)) is det. % % GroupsIDs is the set of supplementary group IDs of the calling % process. Note that these are numeric identifiers. Use % group_info/2 to obtain details on the returned group % identifiers. %! user_info(+User, -UserData) is det. % % UserData represent the passwd information for User. User is % either a numeric UID or a user name. The predicate user_data/3 % can be used to extract information from UserData. %! user_data(?Field, ?UserData, ?Value) % % Value is the value for Field in UserData. Defined fields are: % % * name % Name of the user % * password % Password hash of the user (or =x= if this is not accessible) % * uid % Numeric user id of the user % * gid % Numeric primary group id of the user % * comment % The _gecos_ field % * home % Home directory of the user % * shell % Default (login) shell of the user. user_data(name, user_info(Nam, _, _, _, _, _, _), Nam). user_data(password, user_info(_, PWD, _, _, _, _, _), PWD). user_data(uid, user_info(_, _, UID, _, _, _, _), UID). user_data(gid, user_info(_, _, _, GID, _, _, _), GID). user_data(comment, user_info(_, _, _, _, GEC, _, _), GEC). user_data(home, user_info(_, _, _, _, _, HOM, _), HOM). user_data(shell, user_info(_, _, _, _, _, _, SHE), SHE). %! group_info(+Group, -GroupData) is det. % % GroupData represent the group information for Group. Group is % either a numeric GID or a group name. The predicate group_data/3 % can be used to extract information from GroupData. %! group_data(?Field, ?GroupData, ?Value) % % Value is the value for Field GroupData. Defined fields are: % % * name % Name of the user % * password % Password hash of the user (or =x= if this is not accessible) % * gid % Numeric group id of the group % * members % List of user-names that are member of this group. group_data(name, group_info(Nam, _, _, _), Nam). group_data(password, group_info(_, PWD, _, _), PWD). group_data(gid, group_info(_, _, GID, _), GID). group_data(members, group_info(_, _, _, MBR), MBR). /******************************* * SETTING * *******************************/ %! setuid(+UID) % % Set the user id of the calling process. %! seteuid(+UID) % % Set the effective user id of the calling process. %! setgid(+GID) % % Set the group id of the calling process. %! setegid(+GID) % % Set the effective group id of the calling process. %! initgroups(+User, +Group) is det. % % Initialise the group access list of the calling process to the % registered groups for User and the group Group. This predicate % is only available if the underlying OS provides it. %! setgroups(+Groups:list(integer)) is det. % % Set the group access list of the caling process to the indicated % groups. This predicate is only available if the underlying OS % provides it. %! set_user_and_group(+User) is det. %! set_user_and_group(+User, +Group) is det. % % Set the UID and GID to the User. User is either a UID or a user % name. If Group is not specified, the primary group of User is % used. If initgroups/2 is available, the resulting group access % list of the calling process consists of the registered groups % for User and the specified Group. set_user_and_group(User) :- user_info(User, Data), user_data(uid, Data, UID), user_data(gid, Data, GID), initgroups(User, GID), setgid(GID), setuid(UID). set_user_and_group(User, Group) :- user_info(User, Data), group_info(Group, GData), user_data(uid, Data, UID), user_data(gid, Data, UGID), group_data(gid, GData, GID), initgroups(User, UGID), setgid(GID), setuid(UID).