/* Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (c) 1999-2016, University of Amsterdam VU University Amsterdam All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- module(prolog_statistics, [ statistics/0, statistics/1, % -Stats thread_statistics/2, % ?Thread, -Stats time/1, % :Goal profile/1, % :Goal profile/2, % :Goal, +Options show_profile/1 % +Options ]). :- use_module(library(lists)). :- use_module(library(pairs)). :- use_module(library(option)). :- use_module(library(error)). :- set_prolog_flag(generate_debug_info, false). :- meta_predicate time(0), profile(0), profile(0, +). /** Get information about resource usage This library provides predicates to obtain information about resource usage by your program. The predicates of this library are for human use at the toplevel: information is _printed_. All predicates obtain their information using public low-level primitives. These primitives can be use to obtain selective statistics during execution. */ %! statistics is det. % % Print information about resource usage using print_message/2. % % @see All statistics printed are obtained through statistics/2. statistics :- phrase(collect_stats, Stats), print_message(information, statistics(Stats)). %! statistics(-Stats:dict) is det. % % Stats is a dict representing the same information as % statistics/0. This convience function is primarily intended to % pass statistical information to e.g., a web client. Time % critical code that wishes to collect statistics typically only % need a small subset and should use statistics/2 to obtain % exactly the data they need. statistics(Stats) :- phrase(collect_stats, [CoreStats|StatList]), dict_pairs(CoreStats, _, CorePairs), map_list_to_pairs(dict_key, StatList, ExtraPairs), append(CorePairs, ExtraPairs, Pairs), dict_pairs(Stats, statistics, Pairs). dict_key(Dict, Key) :- gc{type:atom} :< Dict, !, Key = agc. dict_key(Dict, Key) :- gc{type:clause} :< Dict, !, Key = cgc. dict_key(Dict, Key) :- is_dict(Dict, Key). collect_stats --> core_statistics, gc_statistics, agc_statistics, cgc_statistics, shift_statistics, thread_counts, engine_counts. core_statistics --> { statistics(process_cputime, Cputime), statistics(process_epoch, Epoch), statistics(inferences, Inferences), statistics(atoms, Atoms), statistics(functors, Functors), statistics(predicates, Predicates), statistics(modules, Modules), statistics(codes, Codes), thread_self(Me), thread_stack_statistics(Me, Stacks) }, [ core{ time:time{cpu:Cputime, inferences:Inferences, epoch:Epoch}, data:counts{atoms:Atoms, functors:Functors, predicates:Predicates, modules:Modules, vm_codes:Codes}, stacks:Stacks } ]. :- if(\+current_predicate(thread_statistics/3)). thread_statistics(_Thread, Key, Value) :- statistics(Key, Value). :- endif. thread_stack_statistics(Thread, stacks{local:stack{name:local, limit:LocalLimit, allocated:Local, usage:LocalUsed}, global:stack{name:global, limit:GlobalLimit, allocated:Global, usage:GlobalUsed}, trail:stack{name:trail, limit:TrailLimit, allocated:Trail, usage:TrailUsed}, total:stack{name:stacks, limit:StackLimit, allocated:StackAllocated, usage:StackUsed} }) :- thread_statistics(Thread, trail, Trail), thread_statistics(Thread, trailused, TrailUsed), thread_statistics(Thread, local, Local), thread_statistics(Thread, localused, LocalUsed), thread_statistics(Thread, global, Global), thread_statistics(Thread, globalused, GlobalUsed), thread_statistics(Thread, locallimit, LocalLimit), thread_statistics(Thread, globallimit, GlobalLimit), thread_statistics(Thread, traillimit, TrailLimit), StackUsed is LocalUsed+GlobalUsed+TrailUsed, StackAllocated is Local+Global+Trail, StackLimit is LocalLimit+GlobalLimit+TrailLimit. gc_statistics --> { statistics(collections, Collections), Collections > 0, !, statistics(collected, Collected), statistics(gctime, GcTime) }, [ gc{type:stack, unit:byte, count:Collections, time:GcTime, gained:Collected } ]. gc_statistics --> []. agc_statistics --> { catch(statistics(agc, Agc), _, fail), Agc > 0, !, statistics(agc_gained, Gained), statistics(agc_time, Time) }, [ gc{type:atom, unit:atom, count:Agc, time:Time, gained:Gained} ]. agc_statistics --> []. cgc_statistics --> { catch(statistics(cgc, Cgc), _, fail), Cgc > 0, !, statistics(cgc_gained, Gained), statistics(cgc_time, Time) }, [ gc{type:clause, unit:clause, count:Cgc, time:Time, gained:Gained} ]. cgc_statistics --> []. shift_statistics --> { statistics(local_shifts, LS), statistics(global_shifts, GS), statistics(trail_shifts, TS), ( LS > 0 ; GS > 0 ; TS > 0 ), !, statistics(shift_time, Time) }, [ shift{local:LS, global:GS, trail:TS, time:Time} ]. shift_statistics --> []. thread_counts --> { current_prolog_flag(threads, true), statistics(threads, Active), statistics(threads_created, Created), Created > 1, !, statistics(thread_cputime, CpuTime), Finished is Created - Active }, [ thread{count:Active, finished:Finished, time:CpuTime} ]. thread_counts --> []. engine_counts --> { current_prolog_flag(threads, true), statistics(engines, Active), statistics(engines_created, Created), Created > 0, !, Finished is Created - Active }, [ engine{count:Active, finished:Finished} ]. engine_counts --> []. %! thread_statistics(?Thread, -Stats:dict) is nondet. % % Obtain statistical information about a single thread. Fails % silently of the Thread is no longer alive. % % @arg Stats is a dict containing status, time and stack-size % information about Thread. thread_statistics(Thread, Stats) :- thread_property(Thread, status(Status)), human_thread_id(Thread, Id), ( catch(thread_stats(Thread, Stacks, Time), _, fail) -> Stats = thread{id:Id, status:Status, time:Time, stacks:Stacks} ; Stats = thread{id:Thread, status:Status} ). human_thread_id(Thread, Id) :- atom(Thread), !, Id = Thread. human_thread_id(Thread, Id) :- thread_property(Thread, id(Id)). thread_stats(Thread, Stacks, time{cpu:CpuTime, inferences:Inferences, epoch:Epoch }) :- thread_statistics(Thread, cputime, CpuTime), thread_statistics(Thread, inferences, Inferences), thread_statistics(Thread, epoch, Epoch), thread_stack_statistics(Thread, Stacks). %! time(:Goal) is nondet. % % Execute Goal, reporting statistics to the user. If Goal succeeds % non-deterministically, retrying reports the statistics for % providing the next answer. % % Statistics are retrieved using thread_statistics/3 on the % calling thread. Note that not all systems support % thread-specific CPU time. Notable, this is lacking on MacOS X. % % @bug Inference statistics are often a few off. % @see statistics/2 for obtaining statistics in your program and % understanding the reported values. time(Goal) :- time_state(State0), ( call_cleanup(catch(Goal, E, (report(State0,10), throw(E))), Det = true), time_true(State0), ( Det == true -> ! ; true ) ; report(State0, 11), fail ). report(t(OldWall, OldTime, OldInferences), Sub) :- time_state(t(NewWall, NewTime, NewInferences)), UsedTime is NewTime - OldTime, UsedInf is NewInferences - OldInferences - Sub, Wall is NewWall - OldWall, ( UsedTime =:= 0 -> Lips = 'Infinite' ; Lips is integer(UsedInf / UsedTime) ), print_message(information, time(UsedInf, UsedTime, Wall, Lips)). time_state(t(Wall, Time, Inferences)) :- get_time(Wall), statistics(cputime, Time), statistics(inferences, Inferences). time_true(State0) :- report(State0, 12). % leave choice-point time_true(State) :- get_time(Wall), statistics(cputime, Time), statistics(inferences, Inferences0), plus(Inferences0, -3, Inferences), nb_setarg(1, State, Wall), nb_setarg(2, State, Time), nb_setarg(3, State, Inferences), fail. /******************************* * EXECUTION PROFILING * *******************************/ /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This module provides a simple backward compatibility frontend on the new (in version 5.1.10) execution profiler with a hook to the new GUI visualiser for profiling results defined in library('swi/pce_profile'). Later we will add a proper textual report-generator. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ :- multifile prolog:show_profile_hook/1. %! profile(:Goal). %! profile(:Goal, +Options). % % Run Goal under the execution profiler. Defined options are: % % * time(Which) % Profile =cpu= or =wall= time. The default is CPU time. % * top(N) % When generating a textual report, show the top N predicates. % * cumulative(Bool) % If =true= (default =false=), show cumulative output in % a textual report. profile(Goal) :- profile(Goal, []). profile(Goal0, Options) :- option(time(Which), Options, cpu), time_name(Which, How), expand_goal(Goal0, Goal), call_cleanup('$profile'(Goal, How), prolog_statistics:show_profile(Options)). time_name(cpu, cputime) :- !. time_name(wall, walltime) :- !. time_name(cputime, cputime) :- !. time_name(walltime, walltime) :- !. time_name(Time, _) :- must_be(oneof([cpu,wall]), Time). %! show_profile(+Options) % % Display last collected profiling data. Options are % % * top(N) % When generating a textual report, show the top N predicates. % * cumulative(Bool) % If =true= (default =false=), show cumulative output in % a textual report. show_profile(N) :- integer(N), !, show_profile([top(N)]). show_profile(Options) :- profiler(Old, false), show_profile_(Options), profiler(_, Old). show_profile_(Options) :- prolog:show_profile_hook(Options), !. show_profile_(Options) :- prof_statistics(Stat), prof_statistics(time, Stat, Time), sort_on(Options, SortKey), findall(KeyedNode, prof_node(SortKey, KeyedNode), Nodes), sort(1, >=, Nodes, Sorted), format('~`=t~69|~n'), format('Total time: ~3f seconds~n', [Time]), format('~`=t~69|~n'), format('~w~t~w =~45|~t~w~60|~t~w~69|~n', [ 'Predicate', 'Box Entries', 'Calls+Redos', 'Time' ]), format('~`=t~69|~n'), option(top(N), Options, 25), show_plain(Sorted, N, Stat, SortKey). sort_on(Options, ticks_self) :- option(cumulative(false), Options, false), !. sort_on(_, ticks). show_plain([], _, _, _). show_plain(_, 0, _, _) :- !. show_plain([_-H|T], N, Stat, Key) :- show_plain(H, Stat, Key), N2 is N - 1, show_plain(T, N2, Stat, Key). show_plain(Node, Stat, Key) :- value(label, Node, Pred), value(call, Node, Call), value(redo, Node, Redo), value(time(Key, percentage, Stat), Node, Percent), IntPercent is round(Percent*10), Entry is Call + Redo, format('~w~t~D =~45|~t~D+~55|~D ~t~1d%~69|~n', [Pred, Entry, Call, Redo, IntPercent]). /******************************* * DATA GATHERING * *******************************/ %! prof_statistics(-Node) is det. % % Get overall statistics % % @param Node term of the format prof(Ticks, Account, Time, Nodes) prof_statistics(prof(Samples, Ticks, Account, Time, Nodes)) :- '$prof_statistics'(Samples, Ticks, Account, Time, Nodes). prof_statistics(samples, Term, Samples) :- arg(1, Term, Samples). prof_statistics(ticks, Term, Ticks) :- arg(2, Term, Ticks). prof_statistics(accounting, Term, Ticks) :- arg(3, Term, Ticks). prof_statistics(time, Term, Ticks) :- arg(4, Term, Ticks). prof_statistics(nodes, Term, Ticks) :- arg(5, Term, Ticks). %! prof_node(+Field, -Pairs) is nondet. % % Collect data for each of the interesting predicate. % % @param Field specifies the field to use as key in each pair. % @param Pair is a term of the following format: % % == % KeyValue-node(Pred, % TimeSelf, TimeSiblings, % Calls, Redo, Recursive, % Parents) % == % prof_node(KeyOn, Node) :- setup_call_cleanup( ( current_prolog_flag(access_level, Old), set_prolog_flag(access_level, system) ), get_prof_node(KeyOn, Node), set_prolog_flag(access_level, Old)). get_prof_node(KeyOn, Key-Node) :- Node = node(M:H, TicksSelf, TicksSiblings, Call, Redo, Parents, Siblings), current_predicate(_, M:H), \+ predicate_property(M:H, imported_from(_)), '$prof_procedure_data'(M:H, TicksSelf, TicksSiblings, Call, Redo, Parents, Siblings), value(KeyOn, Node, Key). key(predicate, 1). key(ticks_self, 2). key(ticks_siblings, 3). key(call, 4). key(redo, 5). key(callers, 6). key(callees, 7). value(name, Data, Name) :- !, arg(1, Data, Pred), predicate_functor_name(Pred, Name). value(label, Data, Label) :- !, arg(1, Data, Pred), predicate_label(Pred, Label). value(ticks, Data, Ticks) :- !, arg(2, Data, Self), arg(3, Data, Siblings), Ticks is Self + Siblings. value(time(Key, percentage, Stat), Data, Percent) :- !, value(Key, Data, Ticks), prof_statistics(ticks, Stat, Total), prof_statistics(accounting, Stat, Account), ( Total-Account > 0 -> Percent is 100 * (Ticks/(Total-Account)) ; Percent is 0.0 ). value(Name, Data, Value) :- key(Name, Arg), arg(Arg, Data, Value). %! predicate_label(+Head, -Label) % % Create a human-readable label for the given head predicate_label(M:H, Label) :- !, functor(H, Name, Arity), ( hidden_module(M, H) -> atomic_list_concat([Name, /, Arity], Label) ; atomic_list_concat([M, :, Name, /, Arity], Label) ). predicate_label(H, Label) :- !, functor(H, Name, Arity), atomic_list_concat([Name, /, Arity], Label). hidden_module(system, _). hidden_module(user, _). hidden_module(M, H) :- predicate_property(system:H, imported_from(M)). %! predicate_functor_name(+Head, -Name) % % Return the (module-free) name of the predicate for sorting % purposes. predicate_functor_name(_:H, Name) :- !, predicate_functor_name(H, Name). predicate_functor_name(H, Name) :- functor(H, Name, _Arity). /******************************* * MESSAGES * *******************************/ :- multifile prolog:message/3. % NOTE: The code below uses get_dict/3 rather than the functional % notation to make this code work with `swipl --traditional` prolog:message(time(UsedInf, UsedTime, Wall, Lips)) --> [ '~D inferences, ~3f CPU in ~3f seconds (~w% CPU, ~w Lips)'- [UsedInf, UsedTime, Wall, Perc, Lips] ], { Wall > 0 -> Perc is round(100*UsedTime/Wall) ; Perc = ? }. prolog:message(statistics(List)) --> msg_statistics(List). msg_statistics([]) --> []. msg_statistics([H|T]) --> { is_dict(H, Tag) }, msg_statistics(Tag, H), ( { T == [] } -> [] ; [nl], msg_statistics(T) ). msg_statistics(core, S) --> { get_dict(time, S, Time), get_dict(data, S, Data), get_dict(stacks, S, Stacks) }, time_stats(Time), [nl], data_stats(Data), [nl,nl], stacks_stats(Stacks). msg_statistics(gc, S) --> { ( get_dict(type, S, stack) -> Label = '' ; get_dict(type, S, Type), string_concat(Type, " ", Label) ), get_dict(count, S, Count), get_dict(gained, S, Gained), get_dict(unit, S, Unit), get_dict(time, S, Time) }, [ '~D ~wgarbage collections gained ~D ~ws in ~3f seconds.'- [ Count, Label, Gained, Unit, Time] ]. msg_statistics(shift, S) --> { get_dict(local, S, Local), get_dict(global, S, Global), get_dict(trail, S, Trail), get_dict(time, S, Time) }, [ 'Stack shifts: ~D local, ~D global, ~D trail in ~3f seconds'- [ Local, Global, Trail, Time ] ]. msg_statistics(thread, S) --> { get_dict(count, S, Count), get_dict(finished, S, Finished), get_dict(time, S, Time) }, [ '~D threads, ~D finished threads used ~3f seconds'- [Count, Finished, Time] ]. msg_statistics(engine, S) --> { get_dict(count, S, Count), get_dict(finished, S, Finished) }, [ '~D engines, ~D finished engines'- [Count, Finished] ]. time_stats(T) --> { get_dict(epoch, T, Epoch), format_time(string(EpochS), '%+', Epoch), get_dict(cpu, T, CPU), get_dict(inferences, T, Inferences) }, [ 'Started at ~s'-[EpochS], nl, '~3f seconds cpu time for ~D inferences'- [ CPU, Inferences ] ]. data_stats(C) --> { get_dict(atoms, C, Atoms), get_dict(functors, C, Functors), get_dict(predicates, C, Predicates), get_dict(modules, C, Modules), get_dict(vm_codes, C, VMCodes) }, [ '~D atoms, ~D functors, ~D predicates, ~D modules, ~D VM-codes'- [ Atoms, Functors, Predicates, Modules, VMCodes] ]. stacks_stats(S) --> { get_dict(local, S, Local), get_dict(global, S, Global), get_dict(trail, S, Trail) }, [ '~|~tLimit~28+~tAllocated~13+~tIn use~13+'-[], nl ], stack_stats('Local ', Local), [nl], stack_stats('Global', Global), [nl], stack_stats('Trail ', Trail), [nl]. stack_stats(Stack, S) --> { get_dict(limit, S, Limit), get_dict(allocated, S, Allocated), get_dict(usage, S, Usage) }, [ '~|~w stack:~t~D~28+ ~t~D~13+ ~t~D~13+ Bytes'- [Stack, Limit, Allocated, Usage] ]. :- multifile sandbox:safe_primitive/1. sandbox:safe_primitive(prolog_statistics:statistics(_)). sandbox:safe_primitive(prolog_statistics:statistics). sandbox:safe_meta_predicate(prolog_statistics:profile/1). sandbox:safe_meta_predicate(prolog_statistics:profile/2).