/* Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (c) 2007-2017, University of Amsterdam VU University Amsterdam All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- module(http_dispatch, [ http_dispatch/1, % +Request http_handler/3, % +Path, +Predicate, +Options http_delete_handler/1, % +Path http_reply_file/3, % +File, +Options, +Request http_redirect/3, % +How, +Path, +Request http_404/2, % +Options, +Request http_switch_protocol/2, % :Goal, +Options http_current_handler/2, % ?Path, ?Pred http_current_handler/3, % ?Path, ?Pred, -Options http_location_by_id/2, % +ID, -Location http_link_to_id/3, % +ID, +Parameters, -HREF http_reload_with_parameters/3, % +Request, +Parameters, -HREF http_safe_file/2 % +Spec, +Options ]). :- use_module(library(option)). :- use_module(library(lists)). :- use_module(library(time)). :- use_module(library(error)). :- use_module(library(settings)). :- use_module(library(uri)). :- use_module(library(apply)). :- use_module(library(http/mimetype)). :- use_module(library(http/http_path)). :- use_module(library(http/http_header)). :- use_module(library(http/thread_httpd)). :- predicate_options(http_404/2, 1, [index(any)]). :- predicate_options(http_reply_file/3, 2, [ cache(boolean), mime_type(any), static_gzip(boolean), pass_to(http_safe_file/2, 2), headers(list) ]). :- predicate_options(http_safe_file/2, 2, [unsafe(boolean)]). :- predicate_options(http_switch_protocol/2, 2, []). /** Dispatch requests in the HTTP server This module can be placed between http_wrapper.pl and the application code to associate HTTP _locations_ to predicates that serve the pages. In addition, it associates parameters with locations that deal with timeout handling and user authentication. The typical setup is: == server(Port, Options) :- http_server(http_dispatch, [ port(Port) | Options ]). :- http_handler('/index.html', write_index, []). write_index(Request) :- ... == */ :- setting(http:time_limit, nonneg, 300, 'Time limit handling a single query (0=infinite)'). %! http_handler(+Path, :Closure, +Options) is det. % % Register Closure as a handler for HTTP requests. Path is a % specification as provided by http_path.pl. If an HTTP % request arrives at the server that matches Path, Closure % is called with one extra argument: the parsed HTTP request. % Options is a list containing the following options: % % * authentication(+Type) % Demand authentication. Authentication methods are % pluggable. The library http_authenticate.pl provides % a plugin for user/password based =Basic= HTTP % authentication. % % * chunked % Use =|Transfer-encoding: chunked|= if the client % allows for it. % % * condition(:Goal) % If present, the handler is ignored if Goal does not succeed. % % * content_type(+Term) % Specifies the content-type of the reply. This value is % currently not used by this library. It enhances the % reflexive capabilities of this library through % http_current_handler/3. % % * id(+Term) % Identifier of the handler. The default identifier is % the predicate name. Used by http_location_by_id/2. % % * hide_children(+Bool) % If =true= on a prefix-handler (see prefix), possible % children are masked. This can be used to (temporary) % overrule part of the tree. % % * method(+Method) % Declare that the handler processes Method. This is % equivalent to methods([Method]). Using method(*) % allows for all methods. % % * methods(+ListOfMethods) % Declare that the handler processes all of the given % methods. If this option appears multiple times, the % methods are combined. % % * prefix % Call Pred on any location that is a specialisation of % Path. If multiple handlers match, the one with the % longest path is used. Options defined with a prefix % handler are the default options for paths that start % with this prefix. Note that the handler acts as a % fallback handler for the tree below it: % % == % :- http_handler(/, http_404([index('index.html')]), % [spawn(my_pool),prefix]). % == % % * priority(+Integer) % If two handlers handle the same path, the one with the % highest priority is used. If equal, the last registered % is used. Please be aware that the order of clauses in % multifile predicates can change due to reloading files. % The default priority is 0 (zero). % % * spawn(+SpawnOptions) % Run the handler in a seperate thread. If SpawnOptions % is an atom, it is interpreted as a thread pool name % (see create_thread_pool/3). Otherwise the options % are passed to http_spawn/2 and from there to % thread_create/3. These options are typically used to % set the stack limits. % % * time_limit(+Spec) % One of =infinite=, =default= or a positive number % (seconds). If =default=, the value from the setting % =http:time_limit= is taken. The default of this % setting is 300 (5 minutes). See setting/2. % % Note that http_handler/3 is normally invoked as a directive and % processed using term-expansion. Using term-expansion ensures % proper update through make/0 when the specification is modified. % We do not expand when the cross-referencer is running to ensure % proper handling of the meta-call. % % @error existence_error(http_location, Location) % @see http_reply_file/3 and http_redirect/3 are generic % handlers to serve files and achieve redirects. :- dynamic handler/4. % Path, Action, IsPrefix, Options :- multifile handler/4. :- dynamic generation/1. :- meta_predicate http_handler(+, :, +), http_current_handler(?, :), http_current_handler(?, :, ?), http_switch_protocol(2, +). http_handler(Path, Pred, Options) :- compile_handler(Path, Pred, Options, Clause), next_generation, assert(Clause). :- multifile system:term_expansion/2. system:term_expansion((:- http_handler(Path, Pred, Options)), Clause) :- \+ current_prolog_flag(xref, true), prolog_load_context(module, M), compile_handler(Path, M:Pred, Options, Clause), next_generation. %! http_delete_handler(+Spec) is det. % % Delete handler for Spec. Typically, this should only be used for % handlers that are registered dynamically. Spec is one of: % % * id(Id) % Delete a handler with the given id. The default id is the % handler-predicate-name. % % * path(Path) % Delete handler that serves the given path. http_delete_handler(id(Id)) :- !, clause(handler(_Path, _:Pred, _, Options), true, Ref), functor(Pred, DefID, _), option(id(Id0), Options, DefID), Id == Id0, erase(Ref), next_generation. http_delete_handler(path(Path)) :- !, retractall(handler(Path, _Pred, _, _Options)), next_generation. http_delete_handler(Path) :- http_delete_handler(path(Path)). %! next_generation is det. %! current_generation(-G) is det. % % Increment the generation count. next_generation :- retractall(id_location_cache(_,_)), with_mutex(http_dispatch, next_generation_unlocked). next_generation_unlocked :- retract(generation(G0)), !, G is G0 + 1, assert(generation(G)). next_generation_unlocked :- assert(generation(1)). current_generation(G) :- with_mutex(http_dispatch, generation(G)), !. current_generation(0). %! compile_handler(+Path, :Pred, +Options) is det. % % Compile a handler specification. For now we this is a no-op, but % in the feature can make this more efficiently, especially in the % presence of one or multiple prefix declarations. We can also use % this to detect conflicts. compile_handler(Path, Pred, Options0, http_dispatch:handler(Path1, Pred, IsPrefix, Options)) :- check_path(Path, Path1), ( select(prefix, Options0, Options1) -> IsPrefix = true ; IsPrefix = false, Options1 = Options0 ), Pred = M:_, maplist(qualify_option(M), Options1, Options2), combine_methods(Options2, Options). qualify_option(M, condition(Pred), condition(M:Pred)) :- Pred \= _:_, !. qualify_option(_, Option, Option). %! combine_methods(+OptionsIn, -Options) is det. % % Combine method(M) and methods(MList) options into a single % methods(MList) option. combine_methods(Options0, Options) :- collect_methods(Options0, Options1, Methods), ( Methods == [] -> Options = Options0 ; append(Methods, Flat), sort(Flat, Unique), ( memberchk('*', Unique) -> Final = '*' ; Final = Unique ), Options = [methods(Final)|Options1] ). collect_methods([], [], []). collect_methods([method(M)|T0], T, [[M]|TM]) :- !, ( M == '*' -> true ; must_be_method(M) ), collect_methods(T0, T, TM). collect_methods([methods(M)|T0], T, [M|TM]) :- !, must_be(list, M), maplist(must_be_method, M), collect_methods(T0, T, TM). collect_methods([H|T0], [H|T], TM) :- !, collect_methods(T0, T, TM). must_be_method(M) :- must_be(atom, M), ( method(M) -> true ; domain_error(http_method, M) ). method(get). method(put). method(head). method(post). method(delete). method(patch). method(options). method(trace). %! check_path(+PathSpecIn, -PathSpecOut) is det. % % Validate the given path specification. We want one of % % * AbsoluteLocation % * Alias(Relative) % % Similar to absolute_file_name/3, Relative can be a term % _|Component/Component/...|_ % % @error domain_error, type_error % @see http_absolute_location/3 check_path(Path, Path) :- atom(Path), !, ( sub_atom(Path, 0, _, _, /) -> true ; domain_error(absolute_http_location, Path) ). check_path(Alias, AliasOut) :- compound(Alias), Alias =.. [Name, Relative], !, to_atom(Relative, Local), ( sub_atom(Local, 0, _, _, /) -> domain_error(relative_location, Relative) ; AliasOut =.. [Name, Local] ). check_path(PathSpec, _) :- type_error(path_or_alias, PathSpec). to_atom(Atom, Atom) :- atom(Atom), !. to_atom(Path, Atom) :- phrase(path_to_list(Path), Components), !, atomic_list_concat(Components, '/', Atom). to_atom(Path, _) :- ground(Path), !, type_error(relative_location, Path). to_atom(Path, _) :- instantiation_error(Path). path_to_list(Var) --> { var(Var), !, fail }. path_to_list(A/B) --> path_to_list(A), path_to_list(B). path_to_list(Atom) --> { atom(Atom) }, [Atom]. %! http_dispatch(Request) is det. % % Dispatch a Request using http_handler/3 registrations. http_dispatch(Request) :- memberchk(path(Path), Request), find_handler(Path, Pred, Options), supports_method(Request, Options), authentication(Options, Request, Fields), append(Fields, Request, AuthRequest), action(Pred, AuthRequest, Options). %! http_current_handler(+Location, :Closure) is semidet. %! http_current_handler(-Location, :Closure) is nondet. % % True if Location is handled by Closure. http_current_handler(Path, Closure) :- atom(Path), !, path_tree(Tree), find_handler(Tree, Path, Closure, _). http_current_handler(Path, M:C) :- handler(Spec, M:C, _, _), http_absolute_location(Spec, Path, []). %! http_current_handler(+Location, :Closure, -Options) is semidet. %! http_current_handler(?Location, :Closure, ?Options) is nondet. % % Resolve the current handler and options to execute it. http_current_handler(Path, Closure, Options) :- atom(Path), !, path_tree(Tree), find_handler(Tree, Path, Closure, Options). http_current_handler(Path, M:C, Options) :- handler(Spec, M:C, _, _), http_absolute_location(Spec, Path, []), path_tree(Tree), find_handler(Tree, Path, _, Options). %! http_location_by_id(+ID, -Location) is det. % % Find the HTTP Location of handler with ID. If the setting (see % setting/2) http:prefix is active, Location is the handler % location prefixed with the prefix setting. Handler IDs can be % specified in two ways: % % * id(ID) % If this appears in the option list of the handler, this % it is used and takes preference over using the predicate. % * M:PredName % The module-qualified name of the predicate. % * PredName % The unqualified name of the predicate. % % @error existence_error(http_handler_id, Id). % @deprecated The predicate http_link_to_id/3 provides the same % functionality with the option to add query parameters or a % path parameter. :- dynamic id_location_cache/2. http_location_by_id(ID, Location) :- must_be(ground, ID), id_location_cache(ID, L0), !, Location = L0. http_location_by_id(ID, Location) :- findall(P-L, location_by_id(ID, L, P), List), keysort(List, RevSorted), reverse(RevSorted, Sorted), ( Sorted = [_-One] -> assert(id_location_cache(ID, One)), Location = One ; List == [] -> existence_error(http_handler_id, ID) ; List = [P0-Best,P1-_|_] -> ( P0 == P1 -> print_message(warning, http_dispatch(ambiguous_id(ID, Sorted, Best))) ; true ), assert(id_location_cache(ID, Best)), Location = Best ). location_by_id(ID, Location, Priority) :- location_by_id_raw(ID, L0, Priority), to_path(L0, Location). to_path(prefix(Path0), Path) :- % old style prefix notation !, add_prefix(Path0, Path). to_path(Path0, Path) :- atomic(Path0), % old style notation !, add_prefix(Path0, Path). to_path(Spec, Path) :- % new style notation http_absolute_location(Spec, Path, []). add_prefix(P0, P) :- ( catch(setting(http:prefix, Prefix), _, fail), Prefix \== '' -> atom_concat(Prefix, P0, P) ; P = P0 ). location_by_id_raw(ID, Location, Priority) :- handler(Location, _, _, Options), option(id(ID), Options), option(priority(P0), Options, 0), Priority is P0+1000. % id(ID) takes preference over predicate location_by_id_raw(ID, Location, Priority) :- handler(Location, M:C, _, Options), option(priority(Priority), Options, 0), functor(C, PN, _), ( ID = M:PN ; ID = PN ), !. %! http_link_to_id(+HandleID, +Parameters, -HREF) % % HREF is a link on the local server to a handler with given ID, % passing the given Parameters. This predicate is typically used % to formulate a HREF that resolves to a handler implementing a % particular predicate. The code below provides a typical example. % The predicate user_details/1 returns a page with details about a % user from a given id. This predicate is registered as a handler. % The DCG user_link//1 renders a link to a user, displaying the % name and calling user_details/1 when clicked. Note that the % location (root(user_details)) is irrelevant in this equation and % HTTP locations can thus be moved freely without breaking this % code fragment. % % == % :- http_handler(root(user_details), user_details, []). % % user_details(Request) :- % http_parameters(Request, % [ user_id(ID) % ]), % ... % % user_link(ID) --> % { user_name(ID, Name), % http_link_to_id(user_details, [id(ID)], HREF) % }, % html(a([class(user), href(HREF)], Name)). % == % % @arg Parameters is one of % % - path_postfix(File) to pass a single value as the last % segment of the HTTP location (path). This way of % passing a parameter is commonly used in REST APIs. % - A list of search parameters for a =GET= request. % % @see http_location_by_id/2 and http_handler/3 for defining and % specifying handler IDs. http_link_to_id(HandleID, path_postfix(File), HREF) :- !, http_location_by_id(HandleID, HandlerLocation), uri_encoded(path, File, EncFile), directory_file_path(HandlerLocation, EncFile, Location), uri_data(path, Components, Location), uri_components(HREF, Components). http_link_to_id(HandleID, Parameters, HREF) :- must_be(list, Parameters), http_location_by_id(HandleID, Location), uri_data(path, Components, Location), uri_query_components(String, Parameters), uri_data(search, Components, String), uri_components(HREF, Components). %! http_reload_with_parameters(+Request, +Parameters, -HREF) is det. % % Create a request on the current handler with replaced search % parameters. http_reload_with_parameters(Request, NewParams, HREF) :- memberchk(path(Path), Request), ( memberchk(search(Params), Request) -> true ; Params = [] ), merge_options(NewParams, Params, AllParams), uri_query_components(Search, AllParams), uri_data(path, Data, Path), uri_data(search, Data, Search), uri_components(HREF, Data). % hook into html_write:attribute_value//1. :- multifile html_write:expand_attribute_value//1. html_write:expand_attribute_value(location_by_id(ID)) --> { http_location_by_id(ID, Location) }, html_write:html_quoted_attribute(Location). %! authentication(+Options, +Request, -Fields) is det. % % Verify authentication information. If authentication is % requested through Options, demand it. The actual verification is % done by the multifile predicate http:authenticate/3. The library % http_authenticate.pl provides an implementation thereof. % % @error permission_error(access, http_location, Location) :- multifile http:authenticate/3. authentication([], _, []). authentication([authentication(Type)|Options], Request, Fields) :- !, ( http:authenticate(Type, Request, XFields) -> append(XFields, More, Fields), authentication(Options, Request, More) ; memberchk(path(Path), Request), permission_error(access, http_location, Path) ). authentication([_|Options], Request, Fields) :- authentication(Options, Request, Fields). %! find_handler(+Path, -Action, -Options) is det. % % Find the handler to call from Path. Rules: % % * If there is a matching handler, use this. % * If there are multiple prefix(Path) handlers, use the % longest. % % If there is a handler for =|/dir/|= and the requested path is % =|/dir|=, find_handler/3 throws a http_reply exception, causing % the wrapper to generate a 301 (Moved Permanently) reply. % % @error existence_error(http_location, Location) % @throw http_reply(moved(Dir)) % @tbd Introduce automatic redirection to indexes here? find_handler(Path, Action, Options) :- path_tree(Tree), ( find_handler(Tree, Path, Action, Options), eval_condition(Options) -> true ; \+ sub_atom(Path, _, _, 0, /), atom_concat(Path, /, Dir), find_handler(Tree, Dir, Action, Options) -> throw(http_reply(moved(Dir))) ; throw(error(existence_error(http_location, Path), _)) ). find_handler([node(prefix(Prefix), PAction, POptions, Children)|_], Path, Action, Options) :- sub_atom(Path, 0, _, After, Prefix), !, ( option(hide_children(false), POptions, false), find_handler(Children, Path, Action, Options) -> true ; Action = PAction, path_info(After, Path, POptions, Options) ). find_handler([node(Path, Action, Options, _)|_], Path, Action, Options) :- !. find_handler([_|Tree], Path, Action, Options) :- find_handler(Tree, Path, Action, Options). path_info(0, _, Options, [prefix(true)|Options]) :- !. path_info(After, Path, Options, [path_info(PathInfo),prefix(true)|Options]) :- sub_atom(Path, _, After, 0, PathInfo). eval_condition(Options) :- ( memberchk(condition(Cond), Options) -> catch(Cond, E, (print_message(warning, E), fail)) ; true ). %! supports_method(+Request, +Options) is det. % % Verify that the asked http method is supported by the handler. % If not, raise an error that will be mapped to a 405 page by the % http wrapper. % % @error permission_error(http_method, Method, Location). supports_method(Request, Options) :- ( option(methods(Methods), Options) -> ( Methods == '*' -> true ; memberchk(method(Method), Request), memberchk(Method, Methods) ) ; true ), !. supports_method(Request, _Options) :- memberchk(path(Location), Request), memberchk(method(Method), Request), permission_error(http_method, Method, Location). %! action(+Action, +Request, +Options) is det. % % Execute the action found. Here we take care of the options % =time_limit=, =chunked= and =spawn=. % % @error goal_failed(Goal) action(Action, Request, Options) :- memberchk(chunked, Options), !, format('Transfer-encoding: chunked~n'), spawn_action(Action, Request, Options). action(Action, Request, Options) :- spawn_action(Action, Request, Options). spawn_action(Action, Request, Options) :- option(spawn(Spawn), Options), !, spawn_options(Spawn, SpawnOption), http_spawn(time_limit_action(Action, Request, Options), SpawnOption). spawn_action(Action, Request, Options) :- time_limit_action(Action, Request, Options). spawn_options([], []) :- !. spawn_options(Pool, Options) :- atom(Pool), !, Options = [pool(Pool)]. spawn_options(List, List). time_limit_action(Action, Request, Options) :- ( option(time_limit(TimeLimit), Options), TimeLimit \== default -> true ; setting(http:time_limit, TimeLimit) ), number(TimeLimit), TimeLimit > 0, !, call_with_time_limit(TimeLimit, call_action(Action, Request, Options)). time_limit_action(Action, Request, Options) :- call_action(Action, Request, Options). %! call_action(+Action, +Request, +Options) % % @tbd reply_file is normal call? call_action(reply_file(File, FileOptions), Request, _Options) :- !, http_reply_file(File, FileOptions, Request). call_action(Pred, Request, Options) :- memberchk(path_info(PathInfo), Options), !, call_action(Pred, [path_info(PathInfo)|Request]). call_action(Pred, Request, _Options) :- call_action(Pred, Request). call_action(Pred, Request) :- ( call(Pred, Request) -> true ; extend(Pred, [Request], Goal), throw(error(goal_failed(Goal), _)) ). extend(Var, _, Var) :- var(Var), !. extend(M:G0, Extra, M:G) :- extend(G0, Extra, G). extend(G0, Extra, G) :- G0 =.. List, append(List, Extra, List2), G =.. List2. %! http_reply_file(+FileSpec, +Options, +Request) is det. % % Options is a list of % % * cache(+Boolean) % If =true= (default), handle If-modified-since and send % modification time. % % * mime_type(+Type) % Overrule mime-type guessing from the filename as % provided by file_mime_type/2. % % * static_gzip(+Boolean) % If true (default =false=) and, in addition to the plain % file, there is a =|.gz|= file that is not older than the % plain file and the client acceps =gzip= encoding, send % the compressed file with =|Transfer-encoding: gzip|=. % % * unsafe(+Boolean) % If =false= (default), validate that FileSpec does not % contain references to parent directories. E.g., % specifications such as =|www('../../etc/passwd')|= are % not allowed. % % * headers(+List) % Provides additional reply-header fields, encoded as a % list of _|Field(Value)|_. % % If caching is not disabled, it processes the request headers % =|If-modified-since|= and =Range=. % % @throws http_reply(not_modified) % @throws http_reply(file(MimeType, Path)) http_reply_file(File, Options, Request) :- http_safe_file(File, Options), absolute_file_name(File, Path, [ access(read) ]), ( option(cache(true), Options, true) -> ( memberchk(if_modified_since(Since), Request), time_file(Path, Time), catch(http_timestamp(Time, Since), _, fail) -> throw(http_reply(not_modified)) ; true ), ( memberchk(range(Range), Request) -> Reply = file(Type, Path, Range) ; option(static_gzip(true), Options), accepts_encoding(Request, gzip), file_name_extension(Path, gz, PathGZ), access_file(PathGZ, read), time_file(PathGZ, TimeGZ), time_file(Path, Time), TimeGZ >= Time -> Reply = gzip_file(Type, PathGZ) ; Reply = file(Type, Path) ) ; Reply = tmp_file(Type, Path) ), ( option(mime_type(Type), Options) -> true ; file_mime_type(Path, Type) -> true ; Type = text/plain % fallback type ), option(headers(Headers), Options, []), throw(http_reply(Reply, Headers)). accepts_encoding(Request, Enc) :- memberchk(accept_encoding(Accept), Request), split_string(Accept, ",", " ", Parts), member(Part, Parts), split_string(Part, ";", " ", [EncS|_]), atom_string(Enc, EncS). %! http_safe_file(+FileSpec, +Options) is det. % % True if FileSpec is considered _safe_. If it is an atom, it % cannot be absolute and cannot have references to parent % directories. If it is of the form alias(Sub), than Sub cannot % have references to parent directories. % % @error instantiation_error % @error permission_error(read, file, FileSpec) http_safe_file(File, _) :- var(File), !, instantiation_error(File). http_safe_file(_, Options) :- option(unsafe(true), Options, false), !. http_safe_file(File, _) :- http_safe_file(File). http_safe_file(File) :- compound(File), functor(File, _, 1), !, arg(1, File, Name), safe_name(Name, File). http_safe_file(Name) :- ( is_absolute_file_name(Name) -> permission_error(read, file, Name) ; true ), safe_name(Name, Name). safe_name(Name, _) :- must_be(atom, Name), prolog_to_os_filename(FileName, Name), \+ unsafe_name(FileName), !. safe_name(_, Spec) :- permission_error(read, file, Spec). unsafe_name(Name) :- Name == '..'. unsafe_name(Name) :- sub_atom(Name, 0, _, _, '../'). unsafe_name(Name) :- sub_atom(Name, _, _, _, '/../'). unsafe_name(Name) :- sub_atom(Name, _, _, 0, '/..'). %! http_redirect(+How, +To, +Request) is det. % % Redirect to a new location. The argument order, using the % Request as last argument, allows for calling this directly from % the handler declaration: % % == % :- http_handler(root(.), % http_redirect(moved, myapp('index.html')), % []). % == % % @param How is one of =moved=, =moved_temporary= or =see_other= % @param To is an atom, a aliased path as defined by % http_absolute_location/3. or a term location_by_id(Id). If To is % not absolute, it is resolved relative to the current location. http_redirect(How, To, Request) :- ( To = location_by_id(Id) -> http_location_by_id(Id, URL) ; memberchk(path(Base), Request), http_absolute_location(To, URL, [relative_to(Base)]) ), must_be(oneof([moved, moved_temporary, see_other]), How), Term =.. [How,URL], throw(http_reply(Term)). %! http_404(+Options, +Request) is det. % % Reply using an "HTTP 404 not found" page. This handler is % intended as fallback handler for _prefix_ handlers. Options % processed are: % % * index(Location) % If there is no path-info, redirect the request to % Location using http_redirect/3. % % @error http_reply(not_found(Path)) http_404(Options, Request) :- option(index(Index), Options), \+ ( option(path_info(PathInfo), Request), PathInfo \== '' ), !, http_redirect(moved, Index, Request). http_404(_Options, Request) :- option(path(Path), Request), !, throw(http_reply(not_found(Path))). http_404(_Options, Request) :- domain_error(http_request, Request). %! http_switch_protocol(:Goal, +Options) % % Send an =|"HTTP 101 Switching Protocols"|= reply. After sending % the reply, the HTTP library calls call(Goal, InStream, % OutStream), where InStream and OutStream are the raw streams to % the HTTP client. This allows the communication to continue using % an an alternative protocol. % % If Goal fails or throws an exception, the streams are closed by % the server. Otherwise Goal is responsible for closing the % streams. Note that Goal runs in the HTTP handler thread. % Typically, the handler should be registered using the =spawn= % option if http_handler/3 or Goal must call thread_create/3 to % allow the HTTP worker to return to the worker pool. % % The streams use binary (octet) encoding and have their I/O % timeout set to the server timeout (default 60 seconds). The % predicate set_stream/2 can be used to change the encoding, % change or cancel the timeout. % % This predicate interacts with the server library by throwing an % exception. % % The following options are supported: % % - header(+Headers) % Backward compatible. Use headers(+Headers). % - headers(+Headers) % Additional headers send with the reply. Each header takes the % form Name(Value). % @throws http_reply(switch_protocol(Goal, Options)) http_switch_protocol(Goal, Options) :- throw(http_reply(switching_protocols(Goal, Options))). /******************************* * PATH COMPILATION * *******************************/ %! path_tree(-Tree) is det. % % Compile paths into a tree. The treee is multi-rooted and % represented as a list of nodes, where each node has the form: % % node(PathOrPrefix, Action, Options, Children) % % The tree is a potentially complicated structure. It is cached in % a global variable. Note that this cache is per-thread, so each % worker thread holds a copy of the tree. If handler facts are % changed the _generation_ is incremented using next_generation/0 % and each worker thread will re-compute the tree on the next % ocasion. path_tree(Tree) :- current_generation(G), nb_current(http_dispatch_tree, G-Tree), !. % Avoid existence error path_tree(Tree) :- path_tree_nocache(Tree), current_generation(G), nb_setval(http_dispatch_tree, G-Tree). path_tree_nocache(Tree) :- findall(Prefix, prefix_handler(Prefix, _, _), Prefixes0), sort(Prefixes0, Prefixes), prefix_tree(Prefixes, [], PTree), prefix_options(PTree, [], OPTree), add_paths_tree(OPTree, Tree). prefix_handler(Prefix, Action, Options) :- handler(Spec, Action, true, Options), Error = error(existence_error(http_alias,_),_), catch(http_absolute_location(Spec, Prefix, []), Error, ( print_message(warning, Error), fail )). %! prefix_tree(PrefixList, +Tree0, -Tree) % % @param Tree list(Prefix-list(Children)) prefix_tree([], Tree, Tree). prefix_tree([H|T], Tree0, Tree) :- insert_prefix(H, Tree0, Tree1), prefix_tree(T, Tree1, Tree). insert_prefix(Prefix, Tree0, Tree) :- select(P-T, Tree0, Tree1), sub_atom(Prefix, 0, _, _, P), !, insert_prefix(Prefix, T, T1), Tree = [P-T1|Tree1]. insert_prefix(Prefix, Tree, [Prefix-[]|Tree]). %! prefix_options(+PrefixTree, +DefOptions, -OptionTree) % % Generate the option-tree for all prefix declarations. % % @tbd What to do if there are more? prefix_options([], _, []). prefix_options([P-C|T0], DefOptions, [node(prefix(P), Action, Options, Children)|T]) :- once(prefix_handler(P, Action, Options0)), merge_options(Options0, DefOptions, Options), delete(Options, id(_), InheritOpts), prefix_options(C, InheritOpts, Children), prefix_options(T0, DefOptions, T). %! add_paths_tree(+OPTree, -Tree) is det. % % Add the plain paths. add_paths_tree(OPTree, Tree) :- findall(path(Path, Action, Options), plain_path(Path, Action, Options), Triples), add_paths_tree(Triples, OPTree, Tree). add_paths_tree([], Tree, Tree). add_paths_tree([path(Path, Action, Options)|T], Tree0, Tree) :- add_path_tree(Path, Action, Options, [], Tree0, Tree1), add_paths_tree(T, Tree1, Tree). %! plain_path(-Path, -Action, -Options) is nondet. % % True if {Path,Action,Options} is registered and Path is a plain % (i.e. not _prefix_) location. plain_path(Path, Action, Options) :- handler(Spec, Action, false, Options), catch(http_absolute_location(Spec, Path, []), E, (print_message(error, E), fail)). %! add_path_tree(+Path, +Action, +Options, +Tree0, -Tree) is det. % % Add a path to a tree. If a handler for the same path is already % defined, the one with the highest priority or the latest takes % precedence. add_path_tree(Path, Action, Options0, DefOptions, [], [node(Path, Action, Options, [])]) :- !, merge_options(Options0, DefOptions, Options). add_path_tree(Path, Action, Options, _, [node(prefix(Prefix), PA, DefOptions, Children0)|RestTree], [node(prefix(Prefix), PA, DefOptions, Children)|RestTree]) :- sub_atom(Path, 0, _, _, Prefix), !, delete(DefOptions, id(_), InheritOpts), add_path_tree(Path, Action, Options, InheritOpts, Children0, Children). add_path_tree(Path, Action, Options1, DefOptions, [H0|T], [H|T]) :- H0 = node(Path, _, Options2, _), option(priority(P1), Options1, 0), option(priority(P2), Options2, 0), P1 >= P2, !, merge_options(Options1, DefOptions, Options), H = node(Path, Action, Options, []). add_path_tree(Path, Action, Options, DefOptions, [H|T0], [H|T]) :- add_path_tree(Path, Action, Options, DefOptions, T0, T). /******************************* * MESSAGES * *******************************/ :- multifile prolog:message/3. prolog:message(http_dispatch(ambiguous_id(ID, _List, Selected))) --> [ 'HTTP dispatch: ambiguous handler ID ~q (selected ~q)'-[ID, Selected] ]. /******************************* * XREF * *******************************/ :- multifile prolog:meta_goal/2. :- dynamic prolog:meta_goal/2. prolog:meta_goal(http_handler(_, G, _), [G+1]). prolog:meta_goal(http_current_handler(_, G), [G+1]). /******************************* * EDIT * *******************************/ % Allow edit(Location) to edit the implementation for an HTTP location. :- multifile prolog_edit:locate/3. prolog_edit:locate(Path, Spec, Location) :- atom(Path), sub_atom(Path, 0, _, _, /), Pred = _M:_H, catch(http_current_handler(Path, Pred), _, fail), closure_name_arity(Pred, 1, PI), prolog_edit:locate(PI, Spec, Location). closure_name_arity(M:Term, Extra, M:Name/Arity) :- !, callable(Term), functor(Term, Name, Arity0), Arity is Arity0 + Extra. closure_name_arity(Term, Extra, Name/Arity) :- callable(Term), functor(Term, Name, Arity0), Arity is Arity0 + Extra. /******************************* * CACHE CLEANUP * *******************************/ :- listen(settings(changed(http:prefix, _, _)), next_generation). :- multifile user:message_hook/3. :- dynamic user:message_hook/3. user:message_hook(make(done(Reload)), _Level, _Lines) :- Reload \== [], next_generation, fail.